Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 549 Small 5 lines of divine light

The Six-Tailed Sky Fox is extremely intelligent and powerful, and has a photographic memory.

It only took one glance to recognize Gao Xian, the little thing that had been intruding it for decades. To the Six-Tailed Sky Fox, Gao Xian is not dangerous, but very annoying.

Last time I let this little thing get away, it didn't bother to pay attention. I didn’t expect this thing to come here! So close!

The six-tailed sky fox was really a little angry, and it summoned its soul without thinking.

The silver soul emerged and grabbed Gao Xian fiercely. When the huge silver claw fell, it left three long silver traces in the air, seeming to tear the void apart.

This is the six-tailed sky fox's most powerful magical power, the Sky-Splitting Claw, which is indestructible and can break through all means. The six-tailed celestial fox uses this method to compete with all kinds of powerful monsters and beasts, and is invincible.

Gao Xian was deeply impressed by the move of the six-tailed sky fox. Last time, he had to sacrifice his Tai Chi form to escape from the opponent's claws.

This time, it's different.

He didn't know what happened last time, but he was beaten by the six-tailed sky fox and fled in panic. Now he knows the three Nascent Souls in the sea are united, allowing him to reach the peak in all aspects.

In fact, the range of divine consciousness induction reaches a thousand miles, which is the entry-level level of spiritual transformation.

At this point, Gao Xian had already understood the changes in the spirit of the six-tailed sky fox. This huge silver spirit is actually a large-sized Yuanying. However, it has been tempered by fire tribulations. The six-tailed sky fox spirit can exist independently of the physical body and is not afraid of all kinds of wind, thunder, fire and water disasters in the world.

The hundred-foot-tall silver primordial spirit, based on a certain magical power as a framework, was combined layer by layer and finally condensed into such a stable form of primordial spirit.

This form of soul has been magnified countless times, and is obviously not a normal state, so it seems a bit illusory. However, the giant soul can control more spiritual energy and transform it into greater mana.

When the six-tailed sky fox's soul activates its magic power, it naturally triggers spiritual energy within a thousand miles radius. After the transformation of the soul, the spiritual energy turned into a tyrannical mana that tore apart everything.

With his powerful spiritual consciousness, Gao Xian could clearly see the changes in the Six-Tailed Sky Fox's soul, including the process of the soul transforming into spiritual energy, the changes in the activation of mana, and so on.

The six-tailed sky fox's soul is stronger than the superimposed combination of his three souls, mainly because the structure of the soul is more complex and subtle, and the method of controlling mana is more efficient.

However, the problem with the six-tailed sky fox is that it is not proficient in magic. As a naturally powerful monster, all its magical powers come from its blood. Although its soul is strong, its method of controlling power is too crude.

This is like a fierce tiger, which naturally kills ordinary people at will. However, against elite soldiers who are fully armed and well prepared, the situation is not easy to say.

It is not difficult for a powerful monster like the Six-Tailed Sky Fox to transform into a human and sneak into a human clan to learn some spells. You can also join the demon clan. The demon clan also has knowledge inheritance, which has been accumulated over thousands of years. Although it is far inferior to the human clan's magic system, it is also self-contained.

It seems that this six-tailed sky fox has no chance to come into contact with these, so it has always been in a relatively primitive state.

Gao Xian was also secretly grateful. Fortunately, the six-tailed sky fox was not proficient in magic, so he had a chance to win.

He holds the Earth Emperor's Infinite Sword in the center, which emits a dark golden and mysterious light. The dark golden light quickly expanded and suddenly grabbed the huge silver claws.

The two collided together, and the dark golden halo suddenly shattered into a rain of light all over the sky. The mana stirred up and destroyed all the surrounding trees. Only the Fantasy Moon Tree where the six-tailed sky fox was located remained motionless.

The huge silver claws paused and continued to claw downwards. Gao Xian raised his long sleeves to activate the sharp golden divine light. The sharp sword light was like a rainbow, staggering and slashing at the silver claws.

Gao Xian used his sword intention to activate the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword, which was blessed with sharp golden divine light. It was already his most powerful attack method.

Although the six-tailed sky fox's soul was strong, its claws were shattered by the silver light after being struck by the sword, and several deep sword marks appeared. The six-tailed sky fox suffered a small loss and became serious.

The huge silver claws closed slightly, and the sharp sword rainbow was caught and smashed to pieces.

Then Xuan Ming's divine light also shined out, meeting the silver giant claws. The continuous black mysterious light was like a pool of water, completely engulfing the silver giant claw.

The Six-Tailed Sky Fox sensed something was wrong, and the silver light on the silver soul once again increased its mana by 30%.

The black Xuanming divine light took on the shape of a huge claw. After a few breaths of stalemate, the black Xuanming divine light was torn apart, revealing the silver giant claw wrapped in it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gao Xian activated the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword again. The sword light turned into cyan aura to meet him, but he was still defeated by the silver claws. The cyan light exploded into a rain of light again.

The Red Emperor's Lihuo Nine Sun Sword was activated by Gao Xian. The red sun divine light suddenly became powerful, and the sky exploded with green light rain that also burned together. It turned into a blazing red gold sun disk and slashed on the silver claws. .

The Divine Light of the Five Elements is the natal magical power of Gao Xian's original Nascent Soul. Although it is not yet at the level where the Five Elements can return to their origin and undergo endless changes, it can barely achieve the level of the Five Elements' creation and restraint.

The black and yellow divine light that Gao Xian first triggered, then the sharp gold divine light, Xuanming divine light, Qinghua divine light, and finally the red sun divine light, were the complete changes of the five elements.

Although the four divine lights in front were broken, they were transformed layer by layer until the Red Emperor Lihuo Nine Yang Sword spurred out the red sun divine light. The four divine lights in front were all transformed into the blazing unparalleled sun phase sword.

This sword is in the sky, and it is the most majestic.

Although the six-tailed sky fox's sky-splitting claws were powerful, their power was reduced by rays of divine light, and their power was now less than 50%.

Gao Xian urged the big sun to be in the sky, but he absorbed and transformed all the four divine lights in front of him. One of them was exhausted again and again, and the other was gathering all the momentum. The huge silver claws could not withstand such power, and they suddenly broke in the sun disk. The bright sun disk could not hold up, and collapsed together with the silver claws.

Silver light and red gold divine light burst out in all directions at the same time, extremely brilliant.

Gao Xian stood still in the light and rain, only his clothes were flying gently with the stirring magic power, as if he was about to ride away in the wind.

The six-tailed sky fox staying in the tree hole also had its hair stand on end under the agitation of mana, and its six tails were raised high.

The six-tailed sky fox's beautiful silver eyes showed a strange color, this little thing has become powerful! But it didn't pay much attention to the fact that based on its experience, the opponent's level was obviously one level lower than it, and no matter how many tricks it had, it couldn't defeat it.

The frustrated six-tailed sky fox also became serious.

Its huge soul let out a low roar and stretched out its silver claws again. Its soul was injured just now, but it re-formed new claws in an instant.

The fifth-level soul cannot be harmed by ordinary power.

The whistle of the six-tailed sky fox is clear and sweet, with a faint rhythm and a wonderful charm that makes people intoxicated.

However, Gao Xian felt something was wrong. The whistling sound caused his consciousness to fluctuate together, and the whole world also rippled along with it.

It's like a stone was thrown into a calm lake, and the sky and earth reflected on the lake rippled and flowed with the water.

All his senses are distorted, including his spiritual consciousness, which is fluctuating uncontrollably, and his control of mana is also distorted. The three Nascent Souls in the sea of ​​consciousness were all slightly distorted by the roar.

The roar of the six-tailed celestial fox was directed at the Yin God, possessing an irresistible magical power.

Gao Xian tried several methods one after another to transform into the Blood God Son, but to no avail. Using the Great Five Elements Nascent Soul of the body as the basis to condense the Pure Yang Spear to protect the soul, it is effective, but the effect is not very good.

In the end, the Taiyuan spirit form was used as the main force to unite the body and the sword, and the man and the sword turned into a sword light. In this state, the three Yuanyings were transformed into the tyrannical pure sword intent.

All external attacks were blocked by the pure sword intention and the divine sword. Gao Xian took the opportunity to turn into a sword light and stab the six-tailed sky fox soul.

The body of the six-tailed celestial fox is easier to deal with, but killing the body of the six-tailed celestial fox is of little significance. Even if the opponent does not have a physical body, he can still exist independently by relying on his soul.

It's just that without the physical body, it will lose its foundation, and it will be difficult to make progress in cultivation in the future. There are also a series of other problems.

The six-tailed sky fox's silver soul's eyes condensed, and two silver moon discs appeared in its huge eyes, which were its innate magical powers and the phantom god's silver eyes.

The lasing Octavia sword light kept slowing down in its silver eyes. It didn't understand the integration of body and sword, but it could forcibly seal off some areas of space through its powerful silver eyes, completely suppressing all kinds of messy spell changes.

When it reaches this level, it will naturally involve some spatial changes.

The sword light formed by Gao Xian, whose body and sword were integrated into one, was instantly suppressed by the Phantom God's Silver Eyes, and the sharp sword light that shot was completely frozen in the air.

Gao Xian, who was suppressed by the huge and unparalleled power of the soul, could not maintain the state of uniting his body and sword, and his body also emerged.

There was a touch of sarcasm in the eyes of the six-tailed celestial fox, which was like a silver moon, and then it turned like a silver moon.

The void suddenly became distorted. Gao Xian felt something bad and hurriedly transformed into a blood shadow, transforming into divine light, and his whole body turned into a red blood shadow.

This is the magical power of the blood nerve. In this state, it can resist almost all kinds of magic weapons. He is just afraid of thunder and other powerful spells.

The twisted void twisted Gao Xian's blood shadow into a twist, but Gao Xian was unharmed. Blood Shadow's Divine Light is best at dealing with such tyrannical power.

The six-tailed sky fox also sensed something was wrong. It opened its claws and tore the twisted blood shadow into several pieces.

The broken blood shadow condensed into a ball again and turned into a human figure again. The six-tailed sky fox was a little angry. It pulled out a long sharp claw, and a bit of silver light suddenly hit the blood shadow.

In an instant, a violent and unparalleled silver moon energy erupted, blasting the blood shadow to pieces...

When the Gangqi impact slowly dissipated, the six-tailed sky fox looked forward with some confusion. The bloody light was shattered by it, but the little thing did not die, but escaped while the Gangqi exploded.

The six-tailed sky fox's consciousness swept across all directions, but could not find any trace of the opponent. It is not willing to control the soul to travel around, but still finds nothing...

The six-tailed celestial fox never imagined that Gao Xian could teleport thousands of miles away with his Taiyuan divine form, far beyond the sensing range of the six-tailed celestial fox. With such a long distance and the other party unable to locate his location, it would be too difficult to find him.

Gao Xian was frustrated in this battle, but he was very happy. This battle has tested the limits of the six-tailed sky fox, but that's all! He already has a way to win...

(On the first day of the new year, everyone has a happy holiday~ The humble author is asking for monthly votes online~ First update stably, and then ask for three updates~ Double monthly votes for these three days, please support me~) (End of this chapter)

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