Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 550 Wind Tribulation Refining God

The sun is high and the wind is howling.

Nine thousand miles above the ground, there is only the blazing sun and strong wind. Occasionally, there are streaks of colorful lights passing by like swimming fish.

At this height, the wind is so strong that the clouds cannot gather and form. The spiritual energy here turned into violent winds. Gao Xian stayed here for a while and felt a little overwhelmed.

From his point of view, Xuanling Mountain is not a closed secret realm, at least not completely closed. The situation at an altitude of nine thousand miles is no different from the outside world.

Any secret realm must have its own space limitations, which is hugely different from the endless vast world.

Just like a huge secret realm like Ziyun Valley, he could clearly feel the differences in its spiritual energy laws.

Gao Xian flew to such a high place not to verify whether Xuanling Mountain was a closed secret realm. It doesn't matter to him.

He came here mainly to survey the situation of Gangfeng and see if he could survive the wind disaster here. It seems completely fine now.

Yue Shenxiu discussed with him that he should overcome the wind disaster as soon as possible, which would greatly strengthen Yin Shen and improve his cultivation.

Gao Xian thought this was a good idea. Ordinary Nascent Souls were unwilling to survive the tribulation because they were not sure they could withstand the wind tribulation. He and Yue Shenxiu had pure Yang Baoguang to protect the Yin God, and it was easy to overcome the disaster.

For this reason, the two of them also prepared the Jiuding Dingshen Pill, the best spiritual elixir for crossing the wind. Jiuding is a metaphor for its heavy and solid nature, which can protect the Yin God from wind disasters.

A Jiuding Calming Pill is worth hundreds of top-quality spiritual stones. The price is extremely high. Even the Wanfeng Sect cannot refine such a special elixir. Need to purchase through Wanbao Building.

To say that Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu both have pure Yang Baoguang, there is no need for such a magic pill. But for safety reasons, the two bought four.

That is to say, if Gao Xian is rich, after removing the four hundred top-grade spiritual stones, there are still more than 2,800 top-grade spiritual stones left. It can be called a huge wealth! Therefore, I feel confident spending money.

To be honest, Gao Xian still felt sorry for the money, but it was related to the important matter of overcoming the tribulation, so he really couldn't take risks just to save money.

Besides, elixirs such as Jiuding Dingshen Pill also have an excellent nourishing effect on the Yinshen, and are very good tonics. However, Yin Shen needs the help of wind tribulation to digest the power of the medicine. Normally it has no effect.

Precisely because this elixir has a specific direction, its range of use is very small, and it is extremely difficult to refine, the price of this elixir is high.

Gao Xian was supposed to buy six pills, but he decided to try two pills first. Mainly because I bought too much and it’s hard to explain. It’s too late to buy again if it’s really bad. It's not about saving money...

After a fight with the six-tailed sky fox, Gao Xian found that he was still a little weak in condensing the Yin God. Facing the six-tailed sky fox's pupil technique, he was almost restrained by the opponent.

Even if these fifth-level monsters have not practiced spells seriously, their power is beyond the reach of ordinary Nascent Souls.

After all, Yin Shen is still too weak after all. In this case, let's go through the wind tribulation first to strengthen the Yin Shen and increase the magic power, and then come to the six-tailed sky fox to compete.

The first wind tribulation of the Nascent Soul is the Heavenly Wind tribulation. The True Lord of the Nascent Soul can actively choose to use Yin Shen to welcome the Gangfeng's purification. If you were in a large sect, you would definitely call on three or five friends to protect you during such a tribulation to ensure safety.

When the Nascent Soul is going through the tribulation, the Yin God is being tempered, and no one is guarding its true body. If you are attacked at this time, you will be unable to resist.

Gao Xian didn't have such worries. He had three Yin gods, one Yin God to overcome the tribulation, and two Yin gods to protect him, which was enough.

Even in a place like Xuanling Mountain, he dared to overcome the disaster.

After confirming that there was nothing going on around him, Gao Xian first differentiated the Taixuan divine form. The cultivation of Taixuan Shenxiang is the blood nerve of the magic method, which also makes Taixuan Shenxiang the most resistant to torment.

As long as there is a trace of the broken Yin God left, it can be restored to its original state with the help of the Blood God Banner.

The height of nine thousand miles is actually far beyond the height required to overcome the wind tribulation. Generally speaking, an altitude of three thousand miles is enough. Gao Xian also wanted to temper himself, and he was protected by pure Yang Baoguang and various artifacts. If he really went wrong, it would be no problem to return.

As soon as Taixuan Shen Xiang Yin Shen appeared, Gao Xian felt that the sharp sword was facing the strong wind, and Yin Shen seemed to be penetrated by thousands of holes in an instant.

Of course, this is just his feeling.

The Taixuan Shenxiang stood in the hunting gang wind holding the Blood God Banner in his hand. The Yin Shen pulled out strips of virtual blood behind him under the impact of the invisible wind. Fortunately, the Taixuan Shenxiang Yin Shen was still solid and did not really Deformation.

It's just that Yin Shen inevitably has some fragile spiritual consciousness and mana, which is rapidly dissipating under the impact of the strong wind. It is precisely this kind of practice that can detect the problem of Yinshen.

On the other hand, the blazing divine light of the blazing sun above the nine heavens has become extremely fierce and unbearable. The Yin God bathing in the sunlight feels as if it is being burned by fire and the pain is unbearable.

Gao Xian originally thought that with the protection of pure Yang Baoguang, it would be easy to survive the wind disaster.

Only then did Gao Xian realize that he had taken it for granted when he really faced the Nine Heavens Gangfeng with Yin Shen. Pure Yang Baoguang can indeed protect the Yin God, but he still has to endure the suffering of wind disaster.

The strong wind is like a sword, and the blazing sun is like fire. This pain goes straight into my soul.

Although Gao Xian prided himself on being strong, the pain was a little unbearable. Several times he couldn't help but want to swallow the Jiuding Dingshen Pill, but when he thought that there were still two Yin gods to overcome the tribulation, two pills were not enough, so he could only hold back.

At this moment, he felt a little regretful. He didn't have any money, so why should he suffer this!

Along the way, he has suffered so much. He should be tempered like a diamond. This little pain is nothing!

When Gao Xian thought about it carefully, he discovered that the most painful thing he had actually suffered was that he didn't have enough to eat or sleep well when he first traveled through time. After he learned how to make elixirs, he never suffered any more.

It was dangerous a few times, but it was just dangerous and exciting, not hard.

All this time, he has actually lived like an uncle... eating, drinking, having fun, and communicating in depth with beautiful women all day long. Cultivation is daily homework, and everything else is added. Damn it, thinking about it, his life is quite corrupt.

Gao Xian thought back to his more than two hundred years in this world. Apart from the boredom of the Eternal Sword Cave, there were no hardships worth mentioning.

No wonder I can't stand it anymore. I haven't suffered much after being in trouble for a long time.

Gao Xiancai realized that he was overestimating himself, but when he thought of the Jiuding Dingshen Pill and one hundred top-quality spiritual stones, the pain did not seem unbearable.

After suffering like this for a long time, Gao Xian thought he could adapt, but as time went on, Yin Shen became more and more painful.

"It doesn't hurt once you're used to it. It's all a lie..."

Whenever Gao Xian wants to take medicine, he reminds himself that this is one hundred top-quality spiritual stones. Isn't it just a little pain? This is the best training for the Yin God. It will pass if you endure it!

With the support of strong faith, Taixuan Shen Xiangyin Shen endured the strong wind for two days and completed the first wind disaster.

Gao Xian found a place to rest for a few days, and Taixuan Shen Xiangyin Shen recovered quickly. This is also because there is pure Yang Baoguang in the Yin God. After the Yin God is damaged, the power of pure Yang Baoguang is stimulated.

After this wind disaster, the power of Taixuan Shen Xiangyin Shen increased by almost 50%. This wind disaster also made Gao Xian deeply understand the fragility of Yin Shen.

He thought about it for a few days, and then went to the Nine Heavens to escape the tribulation.

This time it was Tai Yuan Shen Xiang Yin Shen who was going through the tribulation. Gao Xian did not activate the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword. It would be too easy for the swordsman to use his natal sword to overcome the tribulation.

It's just that it's easy to overcome the tribulation, and there is one less tempering experience. If it were other Nascent Souls, they would try their best to protect Yin Shen. After all, Yin Shen does not have unlimited potential.

If that were the case, Nascent Soul wouldn't have to worry about overcoming the tribulation. Gao Xian was blessed by the pure Yang Baoguang, and he conducted an experiment through the Taixuan Divine Form, and found that the Wind Tribulation Pair could deepen the fusion of the Pure Yang Baoguang and the Yin God. Only then do you dare to take risks.

The Taiyuan Shenxiang is not protected by the natal sword, and is actually far less powerful than the Taixuan Shenxiang. The Yin God made by Taixuan Shenxiang using blood nerves has all the magical powers of the Blood God's immortality. The most resistant! The most resistant!

Taiyuan Shenxiang is the number one in killing, but he is not able to resist the wind tribulation, especially without the protection of his natal sword.

After holding on for a long time, Taiyuan Shenxiang couldn't hold it any longer.

Gao Xian originally wanted to give Taiyuan Shenxiang a Jiuding Calming Pill, but then he thought about it, he still had the will to sword without a sword.

The blazing sun and the strong wind are all changes in the heavenly phase, and they can correspond to the Wuji Heavenly Phase Sword Sutra and the Heavenly Phase Sword Intent. Confronting the power of the two heavens with Yin Shen gave him a deeper understanding of the two heavens.

The Taiyuan Shenxiang activates the Wuji Celestial Sword Intent, uses the Wind Sword to resist the wind calamity, and uses the Sun Sword to resolve the blazing sun light. In this way, the pressure is greatly reduced.

Gao Xian knew very well that he was able to do this because of Chunyang Baoguang. Without the protection of pure Yang Baoguang, he would definitely die if he wasted such a squandering of Yin Shen energy.

It's not that other Nascent Souls are stupid, he actually has too many advantages. Iron can be tempered into steel, but wood can only be turned into ashes.

Two days later, Taiyuan Shenxiang survived the first wind tribulation safely. As a result, Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra has made great progress, and is only one step away from the master level.

After resting for a few days, and waiting for Tai Yuan's spirit to return to its original state, Gao Xian's body and spirit began to overcome the tribulation.

With the experience of the last two times, Gao Xian chose the height of twelve thousand miles this time. The strong wind here is stronger and the divine light of the sun is stronger.

The two Nascent Souls, Taiyuan and Taixuan, each have their own special features, but in the end, his original Nascent Soul is the strongest, there is no doubt about it.

The main body Yuanying can also control the five elements of divine light, well, let's call it the small five elements of divine light. If you want to train the Yinshen, you will naturally have to face a more powerful wind calamity.

Twelve thousand miles high in the sky, one can already faintly see the magnetic light flowing above. Tianci Yuanguang is the outermost protective layer that protects the sky in this world. It is said to be one hundred and eight thousand miles thick.

If you can pass through the Tianmai Yuanguang, you may be able to enter the heaven. Of course, just maybe...

Gao Xian had no idea about this. Not to mention his mere three Yin gods, even the eighth-level Earth Immortal could not pass through the Heavenly Magnetic Yuan Light without the guidance of heaven.

His body Nascent Soul stood firmly in the void for most of the day before the master-level Dragon Elephant King Vajra was broken, allowing the Yin God to face the fierce wind and the fierce sun.

After holding on until the next day, Gao Xian activated the Small Five Elements Divine Light, which was the Nascent Soul's natal magical power, and it was extremely satisfying to control.

Through the small five-element divine light, Gao Xian endured the strong wind for four days before the Yin God reached its limit.

After taking back the Yin God, Gao Xian rested for more than ten days. The original Yin God has turned into pure gold. Countless golden lights are flowing in the Yin God, as bright as the Yang, and there is already three-thirds of Yang Qi faintly.

The two gods Taiyuan and Taixuan also show two points of Yang Qi.

The three Yin gods stand in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, with golden light shining on their bodies, like gods.

After experiencing the wind tribulation, the power of the three Yin gods has been significantly improved. The most direct reaction is that the range of divine consciousness sensing reaches 1,200 miles.

Opening the Feng Yue Baojian, I found that my lifespan had also increased to 3,300 years. Generally speaking, people in the late Nascent Soul stage can live to be three thousand years old. Of course, there are also some powerful Nascent Souls that can live longer. Gao Xian's cultivation level is so powerful that it has already exceeded the late Nascent Soul stage, so his longevity has also exceeded the normal Nascent Soul limit.

Others, such as the Great Five Elements Skills, Blood Nerves, and Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra, have all made great progress.

Gao Xian felt that the biggest gain was that he had tempered his will. When he looked back, he saw the six-tailed fox, a powerful but ignorant idiot!

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