Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 551: God Killed by Heavenly Evil

After surviving a wind disaster, the power of Gao Xian's three Yin gods greatly increased, which also doubled his confidence.

When he fought with the Six-tailed Sky Fox before, he was far behind in spiritual consciousness, and all kinds of secret sword techniques were suppressed by the Six-tailed Sky Fox's soul.

Especially the pupil technique that the Six-tailed Sky Fox finally performed. Although this magical power is powerful, its root lies in the tyranny of the Six-tailed Sky Fox's Yuan Shen, which completely suppresses his three Yin gods. Even if he has thousands of magical powers, he can't use them.

The three Yin gods now have a bit of pure Yang aura. It's not as good as the six-tailed sky fox's soul, but it's almost the same.

The power of Yin Shen also improved his cultivation. The most important thing is to further enhance the power of the artifact.

No matter how powerful the six-tailed sky fox is, it is still a monster. It cannot refine weapons and does not have any magical weapons suitable for its cultivation. This is actually very normal.

The world is so vast, and there are countless powerful monsters in all directions. Even sixth level monsters are not uncommon. These powerful monsters will probably never encounter humans in their entire lives.

Even if you encounter a weak human race occasionally, you won't care. Few monsters feel that they need to learn from humans.

On the other hand, the more powerful the monster's talent is, the harder it is to learn other spells. The human race is naturally weak, so it has many cultivation methods.

One gain and one loss, this is a natural balance.

Gao Xian has been practicing Taoism for more than two hundred years, has read thousands of classics and notes, and has extensive experience in dealing with monsters and strange beasts. Although the six-tailed celestial fox is strong, it is still a monster after all.

After two battles, the opponent's base has been almost wiped out.

If it were other cultivators, even if they were 70 or 80% sure, they would never take the risk. After all, at this level, you simply can’t afford to lose.

The benefits of killing the six-tailed sky fox are not very high, at least not worth risking your life for. Gao Xian has three clones, but he is not afraid of risking his life. This is also his greatest confidence.

In fact, the safer way is to survive the second storm and come back again. By then, you should be sure of victory.

It can't be connected just to overcome the tribulation. Even if the Yin God has pure Yang Baoguang, it still needs time to recuperate and repair. This is also the reason why other Nascent Souls have to wait at least three to five hundred years to transcend tribulations.

Although Gao Xian doesn't need such a long interval, he still needs to cultivate for twenty or thirty years. He didn't want to wait any longer. He would have to go to the Taimingling Realm in thirty years.

He came to get the six-tailed sky fox, firstly for Qingqing and Yan Feiyin, but more importantly, for himself.

Last time, he sensed a strange aura on the six-tailed fox. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that the six-tailed fox had the treasure he needed.

Before entering the Taiming Spiritual Realm, you must make every effort to improve your cultivation. The Six-Tailed Sky Fox is one of his upgrade channels.

After Gao Xian adjusted his condition, he used the black and yellow divine light to come to the Fantasy Moon Tree.

It was noon and the sun was shining brightly, with no clouds in the sky.

The Fantasy Moon Tree is like a silver full moon, emitting a cold, clear silver light, covering a thousand-foot radius. The strong sunlight was blocked by the clear silver light.

The six-tailed sky fox lay quietly in the tree hole, surrounded by its six tails, and it seemed that it was sleeping.

Sensing Gao Xian's unabashed sharp sword energy, the six-tailed sky fox suddenly opened its silver eyes. It was extremely angry. The little thing opposite was really desperate and kept provoking him again and again.

The huge silver soul of the six-tailed sky fox emerged, and without hesitation stretched out its claws to grab Gao Xian.

Seeing the familiar moves of the six-tailed sky fox, Gao Xian couldn't help but think of the idiom "a donkey in Guizhou has no skills". This fifth-level transformation god is really shabby to say the least, with just a few moves coming and going.

Of course, any ordinary changes triggered by the soul are infinitely powerful. Just like the six-tailed celestial fox prompting the explosive energy bomb, it is definitely not difficult to kill a Nascent Soul with one shot.

Not to mention that the Sky Splitting Claw it activates is extremely powerful and has the ability to penetrate the void. As long as it is within the sensing range of its soul, it will be hit, and there is almost no possibility of evasion.

The Sky Splitting Claw also has changes such as penetrating magic protection, so even a strong person who transforms into a god will not feel comfortable if he is hit by a claw.

Precisely because the six-tailed sky fox's fighting skills are very simple, it also has super attainments in these secret arts. The only problem is that the battle mode is too easy. When encountering a strong human race of the same level, it is easy to be restrained.

Gao Xian already had a complete battle plan. He flicked his long sleeves, and a four-foot Octavia sword appeared in his right hand.

In a killing battle, swordsmanship is stronger. Facing the powerful soul of the six-tailed sky fox, only the body and sword of the Taiyuan Shenxiang can harm the opponent.

After being tempered by the wind tribulation, the power of Taiyuan Shenxiang greatly increased, and he even realized the great improvement of Tianxiang swordsmanship during the wind tribulation. At this time, the magic power of the Great Five Elements Nascent Soul and the Taixuan Shenxiang will be blessed on the Taiyuan Shenxiang.

The power of Taiyuan Shenxiang's consciousness has tripled. Although it is not as powerful as the six-tailed sky fox's soul, plus the divine sword Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword, it is enough to fight the six-tailed sky fox.

Gao Xian stood calmly with the four-foot cold blade in his hand. When the huge silver claw fell in front of his eyes, he activated his body and sword to form a sword light that rose into the sky and pierced the huge head of the six-tailed sky fox.

The Six-Tailed Sky Fox had seen Gao Xian's body and sword merge into one, so he was not surprised by this. The silver moonlight in its eyes suddenly bloomed, and the void in front of it suddenly condensed with silver eyes that were not phantom gods.

A ray of silver sword light solidified in the void, and the sword light condensed with it.

The eyes of the six-tailed sky fox Yuan Shen's silver moon turned, and the solidified void suddenly twisted. At this moment, the solidified sword light buzzed and vibrated, emitting a clear sword cry, and the sword light suddenly flourished, emitting an unparalleled sharp edge. A crack was cut into the solid void by the sword light, and the sword light instantly escaped along the crack. The originally solidified void twisted and shattered, making a loud noise.

The six-tailed sky fox's eyes showed a look of shock. Only a few days later, the opponent actually improved greatly and used sword light to forcefully break open its phantom god's silver pupils.

It makes it feel bad.

It had done everything it could to deal with this little thing. If Illusion God Silver Eyes can't kill the opponent, I'll be in trouble!

The sharp sword light that escaped far away circled in the sky and slashed at the six-tailed sky fox again. The sword light was too fast and too powerful, and the six-tailed sky fox could only activate the Phantom God Silver Eyes again.

The void condensed, and the sword light that was coming straight was also condensed. The six-tailed sky fox did not dare to make any mistakes this time. It screamed and activated the ecstasy sound, and at the same time activated its hollow claws to grab at the sword light.

It uses its three magical powers at the same time, so it must completely defeat the opponent.

The sharp sword light emitted a sword cry again, breaking through the solidified void in the same way, and escaped dozens of miles away when the Sky Splitting Claw fell.

The six-tailed sky fox was very helpless. It had tried its best, but the opponent's sword light was too strong, and its soul could not suppress the opponent. It was unable to do anything to this little thing for a while.

The six-tailed sky fox hesitated for a moment and urged its soul to chase after the sword light, but it didn't believe it. The opponent was obviously one level lower than it, but it could really go on with it.

The soul is tangible and intangible, flying in the air as fast as lightning. Coupled with the magical power of the Sky Splitting Claw, the six-tailed sky fox spirit can even penetrate the void.

When Gao Xian saw the six-tailed sky fox Yuanshen catching up, he smiled instead. Riding the sword light to roam the sky, the six-tailed sky fox's silver spirit is chasing after him, but he always misses it by the slightest bit.

The two sides chased and fled, making several circles within a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Although the six-tailed sky fox's soul is strong, such constant movement in the void consumes a lot of consciousness, and it will inevitably feel tired.

The Six-Tailed Sky Fox was already considering whether to give up. There was little point in continuing the chase. The opponent's sword light was too fast and too strong.

At this moment, the sharp sword light that had been circling suddenly shot towards the Fantasy Moon Tree, and its target was the body of the six-tailed celestial fox in the tree hole.

The six-tailed sky fox was frightened and angry. This little thing was so arrogant and wanted to attack its own body!

There is a close connection between the soul and the physical body. If the six-tailed sky fox dares to come out to hunt Gao Xian, it will naturally be sure of it. With a thought, its soul has returned to its true form.

Facing the incoming sword light, the six-tailed sky fox activated the Phantom God Silver Eyes again. Its pupil technique not only solidifies space, but can also create illusions to confuse sentient beings.

I don’t know what the other party is, but I am not confused by its illusion at all.

The six-tailed celestial fox and Gao Xian went around for a while. It knew that it could not retain the sword light, so it just activated the Silver Moon Gang Qi at will to protect itself, so as not to be taken advantage of by the sword light.

The straight forward sword light suddenly split into thousands of sword lights, each sword light was so smart and sharp. The six-tailed sky fox's eyes were condensed. It could not tell whether each sword light was real or false, so it could only use all its strength to activate the Phantom God's Silver Eyes.

In the void in front of it, thousands of sword lights instantly solidified in the air.

The six-tailed sky fox was about to use its force to destroy all the sword lights. It suddenly became alert and something was wrong. A faint sword light penetrated the solid void at some point and pierced in front of it.

The six-tailed sky fox was horrified, and its two claws of the spirit closed at the same time. He unleashed his unparalleled Qi with all his strength and blasted away the void. The roaring Gangqi exploded countless cracks in the tree holes.

The tall fantasy moon tree suddenly shook, and like a full moon, the moonlight dispersed into millions of silver leaves flying in the sky.

The magic power of this blow was so powerful that even the Fantasy Moon Tree could not withstand the power of this blow. Even so, the six-tailed sky fox still failed to capture that flash of sword light.

When the Gangqi surged, Gao Xian urged Hui Yue to hide in the sky, turning into an almost invisible state to avoid the impact of the Gangqi. Just like that, the void was exploded, and Huiyue had nowhere to hide.

This time Gao Xian was unable to maintain the unity of his body and sword, and his body was exposed.

Seeing the opportunity, the six-tailed sky fox hurriedly encouraged his soul again and activated the phantom god's silver pupils. The silver moon flowed in his eyes, completely distorting the void in front of him.

Gao Xian suddenly shattered into countless flesh and blood in the twisted void...

Before the six-tailed sky fox could be happy, the powerful soul found a bloody figure beside him, and it waved the Gangqi again without hesitation.

The blood shadow held a five-foot-long sword in his hand, and he lunged forward and penetrated the Gangqi. The five-foot-long knife stabbed the soul. The six-tailed celestial fox's soul is a hundred feet tall. To it, this knife is like an elephant being pricked by a needle.

However, this long sword is the Godly Sword that transforms blood into blood, a fifth-level artifact that can especially restrain the soul. With a single stroke of the sword, the sword of the Heavenly Evil Sword had penetrated into the spirit of the Six-Tailed Heavenly Fox.

In the blink of an eye, half of the six-tailed sky fox's silver spirit had been dyed blood red. This fifth-level monster screamed in anger and rage, and its huge soul continued to release its energy outwards, destroying everything around it crazily.

Gao Xian had transformed into sword light and escaped a hundred miles away. He calmly looked at the crazy six-tailed sky fox. This monster was more fragile than he expected.

Being slashed by the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword is actually not fatal. It's just that the six-tailed sky fox can't control his emotions, and his soul will soon be infiltrated by the evil spirit, and then he will really be dead...

(Finally updated on time~ Monthly tickets are still required during the double period~ Please support me~) (End of this chapter)

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