Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 552 Invisible and Formless Infinity Sword

The Blood-Transforming Divine Sword of Heavenly Evil is a fifth-level artifact. The most vicious thing about this artifact is that the energy of Heavenly Evil can corrode the essence and blood of the soul.

If you are a strong human being who can transform into gods, you will naturally know the benefits and harms of the evil spirit. If you really want to be tricked, you will definitely try your best to protect your soul.

If the body is infiltrated by the evil spirit, it must be discarded directly. If the soul is dyed, the dyed part can be cut. This is also the best way to deal with the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword.

The second step is to use secret methods and elixirs to seal the evil spirit, and then find ways to slowly eliminate it. Such a conservative approach can easily involve yourself.

Taixuan Shenxiang was refined into Nascent Soul, which is the Son of Blood God in the Blood Nerve, and its magical power is in line with the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword. Coupled with the blessing of the other two Nascent Souls, this sword is quite a threat to the powerful gods.

The six-tailed sky fox had never seen this kind of technique before, and it immediately became furious after being struck by a sword. This kind of angry emotion has become the best nourishment for Tiansha's bloody sword.

It's like the person who was on fire poured a bucket of oil on himself. The sinister sword energy of the evil spirit turned into blood went straight into the depths of the six-tailed fox's soul, infiltrating its soul center.

At this time, if the six-tailed sky fox can make up its mind to cut off the impregnated soul, although it will be severely injured, it will still have a chance to escape.

However, not everyone can cut off a strong man's wrist.

One hesitation and the six-tailed sky fox would not have much time left. Because its anger became more and more manic under the influence of Tiansha's bloody sword.

As a wild and powerful monster, it has never suffered such a loss and has no experience in dealing with similar means.

The six-tailed sky fox instinctively felt that something was wrong. Before it could figure it out, Gao Xian had already charged towards him with his sword again.

The Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Magic Sword is very useful for backstabbing. In head-on combat, you still need to look at Taiyuan Shenxiang.

Gao Xian is dressed in white and wields a sword. The four-foot-long sword in his hand is as sharp as any. The sword light is as fast as lightning, as violent as thunder, as blazing as the sun, as round and waning as the moon, and as agile as the wind...

The Wuji Celestial Sword Sutra's various celestial swords transformed into the sun, moon, thunder, lightning, wind and rain, surrounding the six-tailed celestial fox soul and slashing and stabbing violently.

The six-tailed celestial fox couldn't stand it after taking two swords. The sharp sword Qi could not only cut the soul, but the strong and powerful sword intent in it was directed at the core of the soul. The six-tailed sky fox can only activate the supernatural power Gangqi and Gao Xian to fight together.

The six-tailed sky fox, letting go of its scruples, frantically activated the silver moon aura. Balls of silver aura flew vertically and horizontally, leaving traces of silver aura light between the sky and the earth.

Gao Xian did not give in, urging Jian Qi and the Six-Tailed Sky Fox to fight together. Although he couldn't take on the Silver Moon Gang Qi head-on, he could fight against the six-tailed celestial fox by combining his body and sword. Once the opponent relaxes, he will activate his sword and strike at him.

After struggling for a while, Gao Xian's mana had been consumed by 70% to 80%. The six-tailed fox soul opposite him was already a red color, including its body, which exuded an evil bloody aura.

The six-tailed sky fox has realized that the situation is not good, but the soul has been soaked by the blood sword energy of the evil spirit, but now it is too late to do anything.

The huge crimson primordial spirit stayed in the air and kept twisting. The original silver moon-like eyes of the primordial spirit were also dyed crimson, leaving only a little silver light shining continuously. This was the six-tailed sky fox's remaining consciousness that was still struggling.

At this time, all the six-tailed sky fox's energy was used to suppress the blood-turning sword energy of the evil spirits, and he had no time to pay attention to Gao Xian.

Gao Xian also knew that at this point, he could just wait quietly. In less than a day or two, the six-tailed sky fox will be corroded and corrupted by the swords of the evil spirits, and both body and soul will be destroyed.

However, it would be a pity to kill the soul like this. He really wanted to try the feeling of killing a soul with a sword!

It’s true that the six-tailed sky fox has no brains, but it’s also true that the soul is stupid!

Gao Xian used the Wuji Celestial Sword again and again, but failed to cause much damage to the six-tailed celestial fox. Now the enemy can't fight back, he wants to try the strongest Wuji Sword.

The Wuji Celestial Sword Sutra transforms the sun, moon, wind, and thunder into sword intent, creating a majestic and sublime atmosphere. However, the highest sword intention of this sword scripture is to control all the heavenly aspects with Wuji.

Infinite, formless, without beginning or end, boundless and endless.

The sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and all other celestial phenomena are all within Wuji, which are the various manifestations of Wuji’s manifestation. In the final analysis, heaven and earth, all things, all living beings, everything is within Wuji, and they are all manifestations of Wuji.

Gao Xian practiced swordsmanship in the Changsheng Sword Cave for two hundred years. When the Taiyuan God transformed into an infant, he understood the meaning of the Wuji Sword. Of course, his Wuji Sword Intent is not that grand and profound, it just combines all nine celestial sword intensions into one sword.

The Wuji Sword is also the most powerful and magical sword technique he has mastered. Now, let's use this fifth-level six-tailed celestial fox to try his Wuji Sword.

The sun, moon, stars, wind, thunder and lightning, clouds, rain and snow, the nine celestial sword intentions condensed into one and turned into the Infinity Sword. The originally bright and sharp four-foot long sword also turned into something as clear as water, almost invisible.

The Wuji Sword is not an invisible sword, but it can be transformed into any sword form that he can master.

Gao Xian's understanding is that Wuji should be like this, formless and formless, endless, covering all dharmas. It's just that his cultivation level is not yet high enough, and his shuriken weapon cannot really reach that level.

The six-tailed sky fox sensed the threat. Although its consciousness was a little confused, its mind was still clear when faced with the threat of death. The six-tailed sky fox raised its two huge blood-red claws and clawed hard at Gao Xian.

Gao Xian's sword merged into one and turned into a water-colored sword light that was as clear as the sky and stabbed straight at the huge claw.

The powerful soul urged the two claws to intersect with the sword light as the center. The explosive force from the two claws exploded layers of transparent ripples in the air. The force spread to the ground and left a deep pit with a diameter of several thousand feet.

Gangqi was too strong and did not even raise any dust or debris. It's just that the huge and unparalleled magic power spreads outward along the deep pit, leaving deep vertical and horizontal cracks on the ground.

Almost everything on the ground was destroyed, and countless branches and roots of the Fantasy Moon Tree were exploded, leaving only half of the bare trunk standing there. Although the six-tailed sky fox was soaked by the blood sword energy of the evil spirit, this blow still showed the terrifying power of the fifth-level soul.

However, this blow did not stop Gao Xian. Gao Xian used the divine transformation in the sword to activate the Wuji Sword, which turned into an invisible and formless sword and penetrated the sky with two claws.

While the violent energy of the six-tailed sky fox was still raging, the almost invisible and formless sword light had penetrated into the lower jaw of the six-tailed sky fox's bloody soul.

The invisible and formless sword light was extremely sharp, and it instantly penetrated the huge head of the six-tailed sky fox, and the sword light shone and shot out from the top of the head.

At this moment, the huge soul of the six-tailed sky fox was stunned for a moment. It slowly raised its head and looked at the sky where Gao Xian appeared.

Gao Xiansheng's snow-white clothes also left two tiny white spots in its red eyes.

The six-tailed sky fox shook its head. The red color in its eyes suddenly faded away for some reason, revealing its beautiful silver eyes.

At this moment, its eyes were very complicated, including anger, shock, confusion, and fear. This powerful fifth-level monster has already felt the breath of death. It is very unfamiliar with this, but it is instinctively afraid...

After hesitating for a moment, the six-tailed sky fox was unwilling to die like this. It opened its big mouth and let out a scream. However, its soul center was cut through by the Wuji Sword, and was soaked by the Qi of the Heavenly Evil Blood Blade. It could barely use all its strength to activate the soul-enchanting sound, and it also consumed its last bit of energy.

Just as the screams started, the six-tailed sky fox's huge bloody soul exploded into a bloody light that filled the sky.

Gao Xian switched to the form of Taixuan God, and shook the Blood God Flag in his hand, dispersing all the spirit spirits into the flag. The Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword is very useful, but this artifact cannot improve your cultivation level.

The Blood God Banner is closely related to the Taixuan God. It is the fundamental artifact for him to cultivate the blood nerve. If there is a good thing, the Blood God Banner must come first.

The fifth-level soul is a great supplement to the Blood God Banner. Taking it back and slowly refining its essence and spirit can elevate the Blood God Banner to the fourth high-grade level.

The six-tailed sky fox's soul exploded, but a silver round spiritual crystal was left behind. This is the spiritual crystal that was naturally condensed and formed under the power of the laws of heaven and earth after its soul was destroyed.

Gao Xian stretched out his hand to hold the spiritual crystal, and felt a cool air penetrate the sea of ​​consciousness, refreshing him.

Although he seemed to kill the six-tailed sky fox effortlessly, in fact, he had exhausted all his magic weapons and bullied the six-tailed sky fox with no knowledge, so he used the blood-transforming sword to destroy the opponent's soul.

If this were not the case, no matter how powerful his Wuji Sword was, he would not be able to break the opponent's spirit.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Sister Lan emerged silently, with a happy face, and her aura had a subtle resonance with this Yuanshen crystal.

Gao Xian was also very happy. It turned out that Sister Lan needed this thing, so that was perfect. Sister Lan is very important to him. Even with his current level of cultivation, he needs Sister Lan to help him control the mana and consciousness most of the time.

Only when the body and sword are united are there no need for Sister Lan.

Tai Su Ou Shen has reached Grandmaster Consummation, and he is worried about how to break through the bottleneck. It seems that this spiritual crystal is the key to Sister Lan's breakthrough.

Gao Xian put away the spiritual crystal, and used the Blood God Banner to collect the body of the six-tailed sky fox and refine it into blood essence, leaving only the heavenly elixir inside.

The six-tailed sky fox's physical body is also very powerful, but the soul is dead, and its physical body is only an empty shell. No matter how powerful the essence and blood are, it is meaningless.

According to Gao Xian's understanding, the Yuan Shen condenses the soul and the Yin Shen into one body, no longer distinguishing between inside and outside. The souls of the living beings whose souls were destroyed also died together.

Fortunately, it does not affect the quality of Tiandan, and it should be of great benefit to Yan Feiyin.

Gao Xian found another silver tree heart as big as a fist in the Fantasy Moon Tree. He didn't know what it was used for. The reason why the six-tailed sky fox stayed here was probably because of this Fantasy Moon Tree.

This beautiful silver giant tree has lived for who knows how many thousands of years. Although it looks miserable now, its root system goes deep into the ground for tens of thousands of miles. Given time, one can be reborn by absorbing spiritual energy.

However, without Shuxin, death is certain. Obviously, this giant tree is more useful when it is alive. Taking away the heart of the tree is like killing the goose that lays the goose that lays the egg.

It’s just that such a big tree is impossible to carry with you. In this troubled world, everyone is in a hurry and eager for quick success and quick gain is the norm.

I got everything I wanted, and experienced the experience of killing a fifth-level soul. This trip was a complete success.

Gao Xian returned to the ancient teleportation array to urge the All Souls Order, and with the aura of the array shining brightly, he returned to the All Souls Sect.

Qing Qing and Yan Feiyin, who were guarding outside the magic circle, were full of joy. Zhenjun Tiehe, who was sitting quietly in the room, also stood up when he heard the movement.

Gao Xian cupped his hands to True Lord Tiehe from afar and said, "True Lord, you are fortunate to have lived up to your destiny."

Lord Tiehe's face was full of surprise. In just a few dozen days, Gao Xian killed a fifth-level monster? ! To be honest, he was a little unbelievable...

(The second update is here~ Ask for monthly votes in a low voice~ Thanks to hnjfs for the 50,000 reward~ We are also old friends, so touched~) (End of this chapter)

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