Qing Le Zhenren, Gao Xian met her in Tianhong City two hundred years ago.

At that time, he went to Tianhong City to participate in the auction in order to buy the infant spiritual objects Earth Spirit Liquid and Jade God Ointment. Yuan Bin also led Lu Changan and Yuan Zian to chase him.

In the middle of the journey, Master Qing Le came to the door. This woman was a literary young man, and she enthusiastically discussed "Journey to the West" and other works with him. The two chatted happily and hit it off immediately.

If Gao Xian hadn't been in a hurry, he would have stayed and had an in-depth exchange with Master Qing Le. When he left, Qingle also gave him a Xuanming Order.

Gao Xian was deeply impressed by this beautiful woman whom he met by chance. After all, the conversation was so good, but we almost didn't succeed. Of course, we couldn't forget it.

It was really fate to meet again in Xuanming City after two hundred years. Of course, it's not too accidental.

Qingle is the direct descendant of Tianhong City Lord Zhenhong Daojun. In two hundred years, she will be transformed into an infant.

Not all the Nascent Soul Lords of the thirty-six sects of Mingzhou are willing to take the Taoist examination. Accepting the canonization of the Xuanming Sect's divine canon means acquiring the status of the Xuanming Sect. Although this has advantages, it also has great disadvantages.

Sect inheritance will definitely give priority to the direct descendants of the sect. A true king who carries the sacred authority of the Xuanming Sect will be treated as an outsider at this time. Of course, the sects that truly belong to the Xuanming Sect have no such concerns.

As Qingle is the successor of Zhenhong Daojun and the true successor of Xuanming Sect, she must take the Dao exam.

Gao Xian was also very happy about this chance encounter. He also noticed that the male cultivators around Qing Le were looking at him, and their eyes were not very friendly.

These few people are all Nascent Soul Lord and can naturally control their emotions. They just don't want to hide their emotions. Some of them liked Qing Yue and some were from Qing Yue's family. No matter for whatever reason, they all felt that it was inappropriate for Qing Yue to be so intimate with an outsider.

Qingle didn't care about the reactions of her companions. Her main attention was on Gao Xian. They had a very happy conversation two hundred years ago, but since then, she has never met anyone she can talk to.

Not to mention someone as handsome and graceful as Gao Xian. Although other cultivators have their own magnanimity, they always fall short.

She couldn't explain how she felt, but she was really happy when she saw Gao Xian. As the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, she doesn't have so many worries now, and she just keeps in touch with the people she likes.

As for the beauty in green next to Gao Xian, she didn't pay much attention. Judging from the subtle expressions and emotions of the two of them, their relationship is not that of a Taoist couple, but more of a master-disciple relationship.

It doesn't matter that he is a Taoist couple, it does not affect her love for Gao Xian. Such an outstanding cultivator must be liked by everyone.

Qing Le took the initiative to invite: "A few fellow Taoists and I are going out for a drink, why don't we come together?"

"I just came to Lingyin Academy, so I won't go."

Gao Xian said: "I am in Lanfangzhai, and Taoist friend Youxia came over to be a guest. I invited you to drink."

Qing Le thought this was fine, but it was not convenient to chat with Gao Xian and reminisce about old times with a few friends from the same school. She said: "The Xuanming order I gave to fellow Taoist can contact me in the city. I will take the first step. I will come to visit fellow Taoist tomorrow..."

Gao Xian smiled and watched Qing Le and others leave. The male cultivators around Qing Le were all Yuanying True Monarchs. Needless to say, they all took the Taoist examination.

Judging from the popularity of everyone, they are all very powerful Nascent Soul Lords. There is no threat to him. Qingqing will have to put in some effort to win against these guys.

Qingqing saw that her father was smiling a little wantonly, and she really wanted to remind her that her aunt and Uncle Yue were still waiting for him at Wanfeng Sect. Then I thought about it, dad was like this, it was useless to remind him. Since he likes it, let him do it... As a girl, she better not talk nonsense.

After coming out of Lingyin Academy, Taicheng couldn't help but ask: "Junior sister, who is that person? Such a handsome man is really rare..."

Tai Cheng is tall, with a thick beard, and wears a black Taoist robe. His Taoist robe is black and red, and you can faintly see the red dragon pattern, which is very gorgeous. Coupled with Tai Cheng's strong facial features, he is very imposing.

Taicheng is also the oldest among the group, over five hundred years old, and has the highest cultivation level. In terms of status, it is also the highest.

He didn't have any affection between men and women for Qing Le. He just looked at Gao Xian from a distance. This man in white clothes and snowflakes was as elegant as clouds. He looked handsome, but the key was his calm and elegant demeanor, which made him feel faint. disturbed.

"He is Gaoxian of Wanfeng Sect. Some people call him Lord Pojunxing. He is quite famous in Wanfeng County..." Qingle did not hide anything and briefly introduced Gaoxian's identity.

Morality leads to profound tranquility, and truth always maintains Taiqing. This is the seniority order of Xuanming Cult.

Taicheng is her junior uncle according to seniority, so calling her junior sister is just polite. She couldn't fool the other party when he asked so seriously.

"Lord Pojunxing?"

Taiyuan, who was in flowing white clothes, smiled slightly and said, "Isn't he the Liu Sanbian who likes to write romance painting books?"

Qing Le glanced at Tai Yuan. This uncle was about the same age as her. He was handsome and a swordsman. There was a sharpness in his eyebrows that was unique to swordsmen.

Among the male cultivators she knew, Tai Yuan was indeed a very attractive one, but she didn't like him very much.

This man is too thoughtful, just like the "Yunlong Sword Sutra" he practiced, he can't see clearly in the clouds and fog. Gao Xian is also thoughtful, but he is fun and interesting!

Moreover, Gao Xian also has a free and easy-going side, and he has no calculations under normal circumstances. Unlike Taiyuan, when you say a word, he has to think about it a hundred times before taking it apart and crushing it to think...

She felt tired talking to Taiyuan anyway. In fact, this is not necessary.

Taiyuan didn't know what Qing Le thought of him. He said: "Actually, this man's romance painting book is quite ingenious, but unfortunately, it is too vulgar, so he inevitably falls behind..."

"I've also seen Liu Sanbian."

Chu Qianjiang nodded slightly and said, "I didn't expect that he was actually a Nascent Soul Lord."

Chu Qianjiang has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He is the most handsome among all the people, but his temperament is gloomy and his eyes are deep. Qing Le dislikes this temperament very much and feels a little depressed when she sees him.

She also knew that Chu Qianjiang was interested in her. This guy obviously didn't like to talk, but now he wanted to start a fight. One was to express himself, and the other was to step on Gao Xian.

Qingle sighed inwardly, but she also knew that wherever there were people, there would be all kinds of conflicts. She regretted going out with these people.

She said: "I like Gao Daoyou's books very much. The great road is hidden in the subtle details. It can be said to be wonderful..."

When they heard Qing Le praising Gao Xian, Tai Yuan and Chu Qianjiang found it hard to refute.

Taicheng felt that it was not appropriate to discuss Fengyue Painting Book with Qing Le, so he said instead: "I have heard of the name of Lord Po Junxing for a long time. It is said that this person once killed Yuanying in reverse in the realm of golden elixir, and even killed him consecutively. Three Nascent Souls.

"Now that he has advanced to Nascent Soul, I don't know how powerful he is. In this Dao test, I'm afraid not many people can compete with him."

Speaking of Tao Kao, Tai Yuan also suppressed his smile, and Chu Qianjiang's eyes were deep, not knowing what he was thinking. The golden elixir kills the Nascent Soul in reverse, which is rare in thousands of years. This is not an adjective. There is no relevant record in the thousands of years of history recorded by various major sects.

Gao Xian used his golden elixir to kill three Nascent Souls, which was indeed a shocking feat. Two hundred years ago, it caused a sensation in Mingzhou.

Taiyuan and Chu Qianjiang both heard their teacher talk about this incident and used it to teach them to practice hard. They were actually very unconvinced by the name Gao Xian.

This time when they met Gao Xian in Daokao, both of them were a little surprised. To be honest, if they had a choice, they really didn't want to meet Gao Xian.

The road test is not life-threatening, but the ranking in the road test is very important. First place, second place, and third place are divided into three separate grades. Not to mention the later ones, they are too different to compare.

Taiyuan and Chu Qianjiang are both arrogant and have the goal of being in the top three. If there is one more Gao Xian, there will be one more powerful enemy.

Taiyuan was silent for a while and said: "I have heard for a long time that this person is good at swordsmanship. This Taoist test is about to teach him his peerless swordsmanship..."

Qing Le smiled and said, "Master Taiyuan's Yunlong Sword Scripture is a secret of the sect, and few people have perfected it for thousands of years. This Tao test is just a chance to see Master's sword skills."

Taiyuan was silent. Qingle seemed to be flattering him, and the relationship between the two was completely cut off with just one sentence.

The Xuanming Sect is so big that even if they are the true disciples of the same Taoist Lord, their seniority will not be clearly distinguished. It's just that Qing Le took the initiative to become a junior, and it would be meaningless for him, a junior uncle, to persist in his pursuit.

There are so many female cultivators in the world, so it won't be difficult to find a suitable Nascent Soul Taoist companion based on his conditions. There is no need to hang yourself from the Qingle tree.

However, he still felt very unhappy. They were all from the same sect, so he couldn't do anything to Qing Le. I can only feel cruel in my heart. When Daokao meets Gao Xian, he will deal with it severely and let Qingle know how powerful he is!

Taicheng noticed that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and he sighed inwardly. It was boring to be jealous of the Nascent Soul Master.

He said: "There are many powerful people coming to this Taoist examination. They are all unique talents that will not be born for thousands of years."

"Ding Zangzhen of the Spring and Autumn Sect is said to have understood the essence of the Four Seasons Sword Sutra, and her sword skills are astonishing. Wan Qingxia of the Wanxiang Sect, this woman transformed the changes in all phenomena into sword intent, and killed seven fifth-order dragon-shaped monsters by one person, which is amazing Extremely.

"The waters of the Tianyi Sect are clear and flowing, and the Binghe Sutra is superb. The Xuanwei Sect is Bai Feihong, and his spells are mysterious, subtle, and ever-changing..."

"These guys all have a chance to seize the Dao Kao leader, and together with Gao Xian, it can be said that they are all strong enemies."

When Taicheng said this, he felt proud, and he said loudly: "This gathering of heroes in the Dao Examination is also an opportunity for us to show our talents..."

It is more meaningful to step on a group of strong men to seize the leader. Such leader is worthy of the name.

Taiyuan and Chu Qianjiang were both silent. They did not have such heroic temperaments, and they did not agree with Taicheng's statement.

Qing Le, on the other hand, clapped his hands and praised: "Uncle Master is so heroic, that's what practitioners of our generation should be like. I will try my best to win this Tao test. When the two Uncle Masters and fellow Taoist Chu meet me, please don't be polite..."

Everyone laughed, but Taiyuan and Chu Qianjiang still didn't speak. Taicheng said seriously: "If I meet my junior sister, I will do my best and will never be negligent."

The next morning, Qing Le came to visit Gao Xian.

Gao Xian is making tea in the yard. The Lanfangzhai where he lives is very elegant. There are many orchids planted in the yard, and the fragrance is quiet.

There is a verandah in front of the main house, which is shaded and ventilated, and has a tea table. The sun was shining brightly in the morning, and the wind still carried a bit of coolness and a faint fragrance of flowers. The aroma of pine wood emitted by the tea under boiling water is even longer.

It is quite pleasant to sit on the verandah, sipping tea, reading a book, and looking at orchids. Qingqing was a little less elegant, but she was practicing swordplay in her room on a nice day.

At this time, Qingle arrived, and the fragrance on the beauty's body became clearer and seemed to be absent. It was completely the natural body fragrance exuded by the body that had been trained to be extremely clean and free of filth.

It can be seen that Qing Le is also quite accomplished in body refining techniques. This clear and cheerful beauty has a very high level of cultivation.

Among the beauties Gao Xian knew, Qingle was the most generous and free-spirited, somewhat masculine, but with a subtle sense of proportion that would not make people think she was wanton.

It is this kind of temperament that makes people like to be friends with her. Gao Xian had only chatted with this person once, and was deeply impressed by her, and he was very sympathetic to her.

The two of them were like old friends. They naturally sat together drinking tea and chatting in a relaxed atmosphere.

Qingle briefly talked about yesterday's situation, and also told Gao Xian about some powerful people who took part in the Taoist exam this time.

"So many masters..."

Gao Xian was unfamiliar with these names, mainly because information was blocked in various places. No matter how famous you are in your own sect, it is difficult to spread it to other sects. Just listening to Qing Le's description, Chu Qianjiang and Bai Feihong are very powerful.

Qing Le said with a smile: "Now people are saying that you are here for the Great Five Elements Divine Light, and you will definitely win the Dao Championship."

"Haha, it turns out everyone knows."

Gao Xian also laughed, there was nothing he could do, the Great Five Elements Divine Light was placed in Bai Yujing, and everyone who was qualified to take the Taoist examination knew about it. It is no secret that he practices the Great Five Elements Kung Fu.

"There are many divine objects on the thirty-sixth floor of Bai Yujing. Getting one is enough to change your luck."

Qing Le sighed softly: "Who wouldn't want such a great opportunity..."


Gao Xian nodded in agreement, "If you meet me, fellow Taoist, please don't let me go."

"Haha, I will fight with all my strength. We all rely on our abilities."

Qing Le said seriously: "I have practiced with Dao Lord for two hundred years, and I have made some achievements. Fellow Taoist, please don't underestimate me."

Gao Xian looked at Qing Le's bright eyes. He held Fang Su's hand lightly and said, "Fellow Taoist, why don't we discuss and learn from each other first..."

The breeze blowing through the courtyard was somewhat hot for some reason.

Qing Le's bright eyes were slightly lowered, a faint blush appeared on her white jade face, and her original elegant temperament suddenly became more delicate. (End of chapter)

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