Gao Xian was filled with joy when he saw Qing Le, who was as beautiful as a peach blossom.

Love between a man and a woman doesn't have to be so complicated.

When a beautiful woman suddenly likes you, ordinary people must have various concerns and wonder if there is something wrong with it.

For Nascent Soul Lord, there are no more worries. At this level, they can enjoy their own lives and enjoy the beauty and joy in life.

Even if you meet someone who is not a good person, it doesn't matter.

Qingyue shined with beautiful light, making this moment brilliant and leaving an indelible mark on Gao Xian's heart. It is precisely because of all the beauty that this world is worth and a long life meaningful.

Of course Nascent Soul Lord is shy, but she can use Yin Shen to control her energy, blood, and emotions. This display of emotion is the answer.

Although Gao Xian is not a master of Fengyue, he has accumulated rich experience. Of course he understands what Qing Le means.

Needless to say at this time, Gao Xian took Qing Lesu's hand into the bedroom.

Among his girlfriends, Li Feihuang has the best looks, Yun Qingxuan has the best temperament and the most talented Yueshenxiu, Yan Feiyin is the most charming, Xiao Hongye is the most considerate and gentle, Qiniang is the most stoic, and Wei Shuangshuang is the most charming. Both mature and naive, with a unique style. Yuling is different from other women and cannot be compared.

Qing Le is a rare woman with a free and easy temper, and Gao Xian likes her very much. When everyone met honestly, it became clear that Qing Le was a master of physical training and had a graceful and almost perfect figure. Qiniang's body refining skills are very strong, but after all they are just golden elixirs, and she practices the Hunyuan Shenli Sutra, which makes her body muscles stronger.

Qing Le didn't know what kind of physical training he had practiced. His body was strong but not strong, and full of beauty.

Of course, compared to his master-level Dragon Elephant King Vajra, it is still far behind. In this discussion and exchange, he still won a great victory.

The two people have the same spirit and spirit, and the yin and yang are in harmony, and they have both reached an extremely mysterious and beautiful state of life.

After the incident, Gao Xian and Qing Le hugged each other. After an in-depth exchange, Qing Le let go and looked curiously at Gao Xian's side face. From this angle, the man's side face had clear lines, a high forehead, deep eyes, and a nose. Tall and tall, the more you look at it, the better it looks.

Gao Xian is not only good-looking, he is very strong physically and spiritually, and his dual cultivation method is also superb.

Qingle was very satisfied with this. It took her more than two hundred years to choose such a man, and it was indeed very worthwhile.

She didn't feel that she had suffered anything. She and Gao Xian were in love, and they both gained great happiness from each other. This was an extremely beautiful thing for both parties.

The so-called suffering is actually putting yourself in a weak position. In this regard, both sides are actually very equal.

On the contrary, she gained physical and mental satisfaction from this exchange. On the contrary, I like Gao Xian even more.

Gao Xian noticed Qing Le's sweet gaze, and he couldn't help but ask a question that men especially like to ask: "Am I powerful?"


Qingle blinked her bright eyes and thought for a moment before saying, "Although I don't have the experience to make a comparison, I still think you are very powerful."


Gao Xian was very happy. He didn't actually need an answer, he just wanted to tease Qingle.

Qing Le is an interesting person, physically strong and resistant, and I get along well with him. At this moment, Qing Le's face no longer looked shy, but her bright eyes were full of spring, making her even more alluring.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and took out a bright red plum blossom from his side pocket. This five-petal plum blossom was only the size of a small fingernail. Its color was bright and transparent, its petals were delicate and elegant in shape, and it was as light and thin as a cicada's wings. It was very beautiful.

It is just such a small plum blossom, but it is a fourth-level mid-grade spiritual weapon called Qianyang Plum Blossom Mirror.

This thing contains the Qi of Qian Yang, which can protect the mind and get rid of evil spirits and filth. Using secret methods to activate this substance, it also has the wonderful effect of illuminating yin and yang.

Such a spiritual weapon can be said to be extremely delicate and of high quality. If you want to control this thing, you need all aspects of mana and spiritual consciousness to be in harmony.

Yueshenxiu and Qingqing are not suitable. Especially Qingqing, her combination of body and sword requires extremely high requirements for magic weapons, and most magic weapons and spiritual weapons cannot be worn and used. Only by matching her own sword energy can she be completely integrated into one body and sword.

As for Qiniang and others, their magic power is incompatible with this thing. Moreover, they are only golden elixirs and cannot control this thing.

Gao Xian didn't feel he owed Qing Le, but he was very happy to be with Qing Le. It was easy to get things from him, and in this situation, these things made him more interesting.

He placed the Qianyang plum blossom mirror between Qingle's eyebrows, like a beautiful flower.

Qing Le's skin is as white as snow, with a delicate plum blossom between her eyebrows. A touch of red makes her face fairer and softer, giving her a more charming and bright look.

"Is this a fourth-level spiritual weapon?"

Qing Le's spiritual consciousness was so powerful that she could see the plum blossoms between her eyebrows without a mirror by scanning it with her spiritual consciousness. Her first reaction was that this spiritual weapon was of a very high level, with many restrictions inside, very complex and very clever.

"Qianyang Plum Blossom Mirror."

Gao Xian gently lifted Qing Le's chin and nodded with satisfaction: "It matches you very well."

For him, the most important thing about this thing is that it looks good when attached, and other uses are irrelevant.

Qing Le stretched out her hand to draw a water mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. She also felt that the delicate plum blossom was just the right decoration, and it perfectly complemented her charming and joyful mood at the moment.

She smiled brightly at Gao Xian: "I like this gift so much, how can I thank you."

"To say thank you for our friendship is too superficial."

Gao Xian said proudly: "To tell you the truth, I am rich and a small spiritual weapon is nothing." "That won't work, I still have to thank you."

Qing Le said seriously: "Otherwise, I will give you a spiritual weapon, but I won't let you suffer."


When Gao Xian saw Qing Le being so serious, he thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you imitate a puppy and bark a few times?"

"Huh?" Qing Le's eyes widened, not understanding what this meant.

She hesitated for a moment and said awkwardly "Woof woof..." "That's it?"

"You can't just bark, you have to lie down and behave like a puppy...hehehe..."

"You are so bad!"

Qing Le realized that this was just a small game, but she thought it was quite fun. She threw her teeth and claws at Gao Xian. She bared her white teeth and chuckled: "I'll bite you to death, you bad guy!"


For Nascent Soul, it is especially important to experience the freshness of life. Gao Xian and Qing Le had a good experience together, and they got tired of staying together for more than ten days.

The advantage of Yuanying is that you don’t have to worry about personal hygiene problems. You can just take the magic pill when you are really tired.

Qingqing didn't see Gao Xian for a few days, so she knew that her father must have found another woman. She was quite used to this. I just practice swordplay quietly in my room every day.

Until young Zhang Hai ran over and said that the Wanbao Tower auction was about to begin. Qingqing then went to call the door.

Gao Xian and Qing Le walked out hand in hand. Gao Xian smiled and said to Qing Qing: "This is Qing Le Zhenjun. You can just call me Uncle."

Qingqing was already very familiar with this routine, and she bowed her head politely: "Junior, I pay my respects to my uncle."

Qing Le Zhenjun returned the gift with a smile. She took out a box of pills from her sleeve and handed it to Qing Qing, "This box of Qian Yuan Heart Refining Pills is a gift from my uncle."

"Thank you, uncle." Qingqing was not polite and took the elixir with both hands with a smile.

The Qianyuan Heart Refining Pill is a fourth-level elixir that is specially used to refine the heart, concentrate the mind, and eliminate filth. This elixir is an urgent need for Yuanying Zhenjun.

Gao Xian was also very happy about this. Qingqing had grown up and was the Nascent Soul Sword Master again, no longer a child. She was able to handle the relationship with Qing Le well and saved him countless troubles.

Zhang Hai led the way, and Gao Xian and others quickly arrived at Wanbao Tower.

At this time, a large number of cultivators gathered in front of the entrance of Wanbao Tower. At a glance, there were tens of thousands of people in the crowd, and it was very lively.

Gao Xian and the others were both Nascent Soul True Monarchs and the Jinque Order had booked the rooms in advance, so naturally there were dedicated people to receive them. Put your name on the poster, and soon a middle-aged woman dressed in simple and elegant clothes appeared. She was quite beautiful and spoke and behaved very elegantly.

This woman calls herself Yuxia and is the deacon of Wanbao Tower, who is responsible for receiving all Nascent Soul Lords.

Yuxia led Gao Xian and others through a separate passage to the box on the top floor. Below was the auction hall. The hall is brightly lit and very grand.

The auction table in the middle is protected by a separate magic circle, and large water mirrors more than ten feet square are hung on all four sides, magnifying the magic weapons on the auction table countless times.

As long as you are within the hall, you can see various details of the auction items through the water mirror.

The hall has four to five thousand seats, and there are two to three hundred boxes on three floors above.

Gao Xian looked around and found that the layout of this place was the same as that of Tianhong City and Wanbao Tower in Wanfeng City, except that it was larger and more imposing. In other words, Wanbao Buildings in various places are built according to a unified form, which is very consistent with the chain operation mentality.

The box given by the other party was in the top row, No. 17, Grade A, diagonally facing the central high platform below, which was a very good location.

After all, this is the center of Mingzhou, and it is not uncommon for Taoist masters to transform into gods. As a Nascent Soul, he can sit in this position, so there is nothing wrong with him.

Qing Le was also surprised by this. When the Yuxia deacon left, she smiled and said to Gao Xian: "It can be seen that Wanbao Tower attaches great importance to you. They must treat you as a big fat sheep!"

"Oh, what do you say?" Gao Xian was a little surprised. He is a dignified Nascent Soul Lord. There is nothing unworthy of him sitting here, right?

"There are many Shen Dao Lords in Xuanming City, and the factions are complex. You, a foreign Nascent Soul, are not qualified to sit in the A-shaped box..."

Qing Le is different from Gao Xian. As a direct descendant of Xuan Ming Sect, she still knows a little about the situation in Xuan Ming City.

Let alone Gao Xian, an outsider. Even with her status, she is not qualified to sit in the A-shaped box. Unless you come here with Patriarch Zhenhong.

Qing Le said sternly: "I heard that Wanbao Tower is going to auction the Great Five Elements Extermination Divine Sword this time. It is said to be a fourth-level top-notch artifact. This is specially prepared for you."

At this point, she switched to divine voice transmission: "The big shopkeeper of Wanbao Tower is Lord Fanzhen Yingdao, but the person in charge of the main building is the younger generation of her family, Master Fan Qingyuan. This person is very powerful, especially good at calculations." .

"I guess she has to ask someone to raise the price with you, but you have to be careful not to get ripped off..."

Gao Xian nodded, it was the most normal operation for the auctioneer to ask for help. However, he may really have to take this loss.

The Great Five Elements Exterminating Magic Sword, I don’t know what it is used for, but the name sounds very majestic. It doesn’t matter whether the Great Five Elements Sect’s artifact is useful or not, just get it first.

As for spending more money, it actually doesn’t matter. His current cultivation level is not good enough, and he is far from being the Taoist Transformation Master. But compared to his wallet, he doesn't take it lightly as a Shinto Lord... He's so arrogant! (End of chapter)

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