Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 600: The Lord of Fluking Light Palace

Chapter 600: The Lord of Fluking Light Palace

Arctic Palace, Tianxuan Palace.

A beautiful female Taoist priest led the way, followed by Gao Xian and Qingqing.

Both of them were arranged to go to the North Pole Hall. It was already March. The first thing Gao Xian did when he came out of seclusion was to bring Qingqing to pay a visit to Chang Ning, the master of the North Pole Hall.

Morality leads to profound tranquility, and truth always maintains Taiqing.

This Chang Ning is two generations lower than the real generation, but this is also the Taoist Lord of Transformation, and it is said that he is only three thousand years old. For Huashen, this age is truly young.

Gao Xian will be stationed in the North Pole Palace in the future, so he will naturally have to have a good relationship with his immediate boss. Within a large organization, handling interpersonal relationships well is a basic ability.

If you can't handle interpersonal relationships well, it's difficult to get along in the organization.

For Gao Xian, doing things is technology, and being a person is also technology. It’s just that the focus of technology is different. In fact, he is not good at both, that is, he is mediocre. Fortunately, his cultivation level was high enough. Although he had no backers in the Xuanming Sect, he also had no enemies.

He inquired with Qing Le and found out that Chang Ning was said to have a gentle personality, liked to practice quietly and didn't care much about things. The first Lord Shouren who is really in charge of the North Pole Palace.

The first one has a high status, but after all, he is only the Nascent Soul Lord. Gao Xian couldn't bear to hug his colleague's lap now. The main reason is that he realizes that his cultivation is superior to the Yuanying realm, and he doesn't think highly of his peers.

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel happy, thinking of his days in Xuandu Mountain, where he had beautiful women, confidants, and friends of all kinds. His life was relaxed, leisurely, comfortable, and comfortable.

After half a year, the Pojun Star King finally arrived.

Destiny is unpredictable, and it is precisely because of this that everything is full of charm.

Rumor has it that Gao Xian is extremely handsome, has a noble bearing, and is a first-class romantic figure. When I saw him today, he certainly lived up to his reputation.

Calculating that it has been more than two hundred years, I don't know if Yun Qiushui's true spirit has been reincarnated... I don't know what happened to Yun Qingxuan and the others.

Tianxuan Palace is very large. The female Taoist priest in front led Gao Xian and others through several major halls and came to a quiet courtyard in the back.

"The peach blossoms at Xuandu Peak should have faded..." Gao Xian said in a low voice.

There will definitely be the treatment you deserve. Without great power, there will be no corresponding responsibility. Even if something happens, I can run away with peace of mind.

In the early spring of March, the peach blossoms on several peach trees in the yard were in bloom, and the trees were full of bright red and pink. The fresh spring breeze blew gently, and the flowers and leaves shook the spring color of the mountain and the bright spring light of the sky.

Gao Xian actually has no interest in these. He wants to sell more books and gain more power. When he attains enlightenment and becomes a god, it doesn't matter whether he is in the center of power or not.

Daojun Chang Ning, who was sitting in the quiet room, was looking at Gao Xian in the yard through the window.

Gao Xian felt a little sad. He might be old, so when he saw peach blossoms, he would think of the past and old friends.

She was silent for a moment and then whispered: "Dad, I miss Master a little."

Besides, as an outsider, it is almost impossible for him to enter the power center of Xuanming Sect. Just like him in Wanfeng Sect, even if his cultivation level is only below Yue Wanfeng, he is still the leader of Yaoguang Palace.

He had just become a golden elixir at that time, but it was the most comfortable decades in his life. Unfortunately, the Qingyun Sect has disappeared, and only that beautiful period remains in his memory.

Qingqing was startled for a moment before she realized that Qingyun Sect Xuandu Mountain her father was talking about was the place where she grew up and she had deep feelings for it.

Chang Ning has also heard of this heaven-ordained Pojun Star Lord for a long time. Since Gao Xian is Lord Pojunxing, it is natural for him to be assigned to the North Pole Palace.

In fact, he tried not to think about these things. Not to mention that he was just a Yuanying, even if he was Chunyang Taoist Master, he could not change the past, and it was difficult to say that he could control the future.

Although his status is quite high, he is actually excluded from the power center of Wanfeng Sect.

"Me too."

The strange peach blossoms of Xuandu Mountain, which violate the seasons, occupy an important position in her memory. For some reason, Qingqing suddenly felt sad, and she whispered: "Yes, that peach blossom is weird. It falls when other flowers bloom."

At this moment, Gao Xian's eyes were far-away, with a kind of sad but unsentimental desperation, but it became more and more charming.

At this level of cultivation, Chang Ning no longer had much love between men and women, but she had to admit that she had some appreciation for Gao Xian at this moment.

This has nothing to do with men and women, it is just a natural liking for beauty.

At her level of cultivation, sometimes she pays more attention to her eyesight when looking at people. When she first saw Gao Xian, she felt that he was not as frivolous as the rumors said. Instead, he had a timeless temperament and elegant demeanor, and he was truly like a heavenly being.

"Invite the two true monarchs in." Chang Ning casually ordered.

The female Taoist priest exited and quickly brought Gao Xian and Qingqing into the room.

The quiet room where Chang Ning is located is not big, only a few feet in length and width. There is only a couch in the room and nothing else.

Gao Xian glanced at Chang Ning. This female deity had a dignified and beautiful appearance. She looked like a woman in her thirties, with eyes as clear as water and a calm and gentle expression. You can faintly see the golden stars in the dark blue Taoist robe on his body, which is very sublime.

From the first impression, Gao Xian felt that Chang Ning was the kind of ascetic woman who looked gentle and peaceful but not very interested in anything.

After all, he is the Taoist Transformation Lord, so Gao Xian is not good at looking at him. He bowed his head and saluted: "Gao Xian has met Mr. Tao."

Qingqing followed suit and followed suit.

"You two true gentlemen, you don't have to be polite."

Chang Ning nodded slightly, and said softly: "Sorry, this place is simple and there is nothing to entertain you two."

"Master Dao, your words are serious."

Gao Xian was a little surprised. This Taoist Chang Ning was very polite and seemed to be a very talkative person.

After a few polite words, Chang Ning said: "The daily affairs of this palace are handled by the first Lord Shouren, and the duties of the two of them are also arranged by True Lord Shouren.

"You two can go directly to Tianshu Palace to find True Lord Shouren."

Chang Ning finally said: "If there are any important matters that the two true monarchs cannot resolve, you can come to me." Gao Xian's heart moved. Did Lord Chang Ning open a channel for him and allow him to complain? Still have a crush on him?

In fact, Chang Ning is quite good-looking, and his ascetic style has a unique flavor. Although he is a bit older, he is actually a young man.

Although he is more than three hundred years old, he is only ten years old! So it seems that the other person is a bit old. However, he is willing to maintain a good personal relationship with Chang Ning.

Gao Xian actually just thought about whether he was coquettish or coquettish. The two were completely different. Neither Chang Ning nor Tai Ning were ordinary women. They would never fall in love at the sight of a handsome man! So does he.

He likes beautiful women and all kinds of beauty, but that doesn't mean he wants to do anything.

Coming out of Tianxuan Palace, the beautiful female Taoist led Gao Xian and Qingqing straight to Tianshu Palace.

The North Pole Palace is called the Palace, but it is actually a very large organization. Occupying thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, although it is not as good as the Wanfeng Sect, it is still dozens of times larger than the Qingyun Sect.

Several people flew hundreds of miles before arriving at Tianshu Palace.

Tianshu Palace is much more lively, with escaping lights shining vertically and horizontally from above. People are coming and going in Tianshu Palace, and traces of people can be seen everywhere.

People can be seen everywhere on the mountain, not just Tianshu Palace. There are also various airships taking off and landing, and it is as bustling and lively as a big city.

Qingqing was dazzled by what she saw. She didn't expect there to be such a lively place in the mountain. She sighed: "There are so many people here!"

"True Lord, the Tianshu Palace is responsible for the affairs of the North Pole Palace. There are millions of cultivators affiliated with this palace. There are various matters to be dealt with every day, so there are more people here..."

The beautiful female Taoist priest knew that Qing Qing's identity was different from the ordinary, and the palace master seemed to attach great importance to Gao Xian, so she did not dare to show any slights, and carefully explained to Qing Qing.

Qingqing nodded, and asked curiously: "I wonder what Zhenjun Shouren's temperament is like?"

The female Taoist priest was a little embarrassed. It was taboo to talk about the leader of Tianshu behind his back. She thought for a moment and said: "The leader is upright and decisive, handles matters fairly, and obeys everyone above and below."


Qingqing nodded, she understood. This leader had a tough temper and was domineering. No one dared to object.

When we arrived at Tianshu Palace, there were many people outside the main hall waiting to see the leader. The female Taoist priest stepped into the main hall, attracting many people's attention.

Gao Xian and Qing Qing, who were waiting aside, aroused everyone's interest again.

Everyone in the Xuanming Sect wears Taoist robes. It is very rare for Gao Xian to wear white clothes. Most people have heard of Gao Xian's name, and their eyes widened when they saw the real person.

No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, they all have to admit that Gao Xian, who is dressed in white and flowing like snow, is indeed extremely graceful. When everyone stood with him, they really became a bunch of chickens.

Gao Xian took a casual look and saw that all the people present were golden elixirs, wearing blue robes with silver star patterns on them. The cultivators in the North Pole Hall seem to be divided into different levels according to the star pattern.

All the cultivators here are at the Golden Core level. No one seems to be over a hundred years old. It can be seen that Xuanming Sect has a profound foundation.

After a while, the female Taoist priest came out and led Gao Xian and Qing Qing straight into the main hall.

Deep in the hall, a man sat behind a long desk, lowering his head and annotating documents. This man has an ancient appearance, with a thick beard and a slightly purple complexion. He is of medium build, sits with a straight back, and the hand holding the pen appears to be very large.

The most eye-catching person has a pair of deep blue eyes, which are a bit tyrannical.

Gao Xian knew that this person was True Lord Shouren, who was awarded the Tianshu Divine Barrier, and was also called True Lord Tianshu, the head of the North Pole Palace. According to Qing Le, many people secretly called this greedy wolf, saying that he was tyrannical, scary and very difficult to get along with.

Judging from this man's posture, he is indeed a bit arrogant. Even though the guests are here, it is actually very rude for you to still comment on the documents.

He is a subordinate in name. After all, he is the Nascent Soul Lord, or two Nascent Soul Lords. This attitude seems very unfriendly.

The female Taoist priest also felt that something was wrong. She said softly: "First seat, the two true monarchs have arrived."

True Lord Shouren didn't even raise his head, "I understand, you can go down."

The female Taoist priest could not speak anymore, so she could only bow her head and bow and leave lightly.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry and just watched quietly. The other party's posture is a bit arrogant, but it's nothing.

Chang Ning's friendly and polite attitude towards him was actually a bit strange. The two parties are not related, and Shouren is the boss, so there is no need to be too polite to him.

People outside, in fact, face is earned by oneself, not given by others. What others give you isn't called face, it's called favor.

After Shouren marked the documents in his hand, he put down his writing brush and looked at Gao Xian and Qing Qing. The look in his blue eyes was strong and direct, very powerful.

Gao Xian smiled and saluted. Although Qingqing didn't like this gesture, she still saluted politely on the surface.

Shouren waved his hand: "We are all Yuanying Taoist friends, so you two don't have to be polite."

He pondered for a moment and said: "There are twenty-eight divisions and nine palaces in this temple. Do you two fellow Taoists find anything you like?"

The North Pole Palace is a very large organization, commanding millions of cultivators. To say that it is not difficult to place two Nascent Soul Lords, Shouren just wanted to see what Gao Xian said.

As the leader, Shouren disliked the powerful foreign Nascent Soul Lord Gao Xian. What kind of god-given trinkets, Taoist priests personally confer dharma titles, this has long been spread in the North Pole Hall.

There was a lot of discussion, and many people even thought that Gao Xian would take his place in the top spot.

Shouren knew that this was all nonsense. Even if the eight first seats were replaced, Gao Xian, an outsider, would not be able to sit in this position. If you have strong ability, you can rise to the top. What do the people in the church think?

Even if Tao Zun admires Gao Xian, he would never destroy the unity of the sect for the sake of an outsider, or destroy the rules that the sect has formed over thousands of years.

Gao Xian smiled: "We are all new to the North Pole Palace and don't know anything. How can we choose? It all depends on the arrangement of the leader."

Shouren was silent for a moment and said: "Since Tao Zun has given you the title Pojunxingjun, you can go to Yaoguang Palace. But Yaoguang Palace already has a palace master. If you want to be the palace master, you have to compete with him." It only takes a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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