Chapter 601 Game

True Lord Shouren looked at Gao Xian quietly, waiting for the reply from the Pojun Star Lord.

Gao Xian sighed inwardly, this old boy looked tough, but he was not a good person. The Xuanming Sect is a large organization that has been inherited for thousands of years, and has long formed various rules and orders.

Not to mention him as an outsider, even a member of the Xuanming Sect would never be able to snatch the palace master's position by force based on his high cultivation level.

If this is the case, what is the difference between the Xuanming Sect and the den of thieves?

Shouren seemed to give him a choice, but in fact he dug a big hole for him. He wanted to nod in agreement. No matter what the outcome of this battle was, his reputation in the Xuanming Sect would be ruined.

To be honest, Gao Xian doesn't really care about this. He doesn't want to have any big development in Xuanming Sect, and his reputation is not very important.

It's just that the other party dug a hole, and there was no need for him to step into it with a glare. That's a little too stupid, too.

"It was just a joke, fellow Taoist, don't be surprised."

Shouren laughed and said, "I have heard for a long time that Lord Pojun Xing is good at fighting and has unparalleled killing power. I am also a little worried, for fear that my fellow Taoists will not adapt to this place and may cause various troubles.

"Looking at it this way, I think I'm worrying too much."

Gao Xian was a little funny, but Qingqing couldn't help but roll her eyes at Gao Xian. If her father hadn't had a bad reputation, the two little girls wouldn't have been so scared.

Shou'an immediately called two foundation-building disciples, Yonghe and Yongzhen, "From now on, you will follow the two elders..."

If Gao Xian really takes a fancy to him, that would be a good thing. Gao Xian is really lustful, but he is quite generous to women. It has an excellent reputation in this area.

Gao Xian bowed his head: "Thank you very much, sir."

Building a foundation in his twenties is actually not considered a genius within the Xuanming Sect. Of course, these two people practiced with Shou'an in Yaoguang Palace, so they were considered direct relatives and had a high status.

He arranged this mainly because he knew that Gao Xian and Gao Qinghe were both outsiders, but they were both powerful Nascent Soul Lords.

Yonghe and Yongzhen are both female cultivators in their twenties. Yonghe has a delicate appearance, while Yongzhen has big eyes and a round face. They are both beautiful.

The name of Grandmaster Gao Xian Fengyue is also very resounding.

If it were any other Nascent Soul True Monarch, surrounded by a large group of disciples and disciples, there would be no chance for two little ones to show their courtesy. It can only be said that Yonghe and Yongzhen are too young to understand the joints, and they are still a little reluctant.

This guy actually made his words clear, but I don't know if he is really bold or if he is very scheming. Anyway, Gao Xian didn't like this guy very much. Of course, there was no need to get angry with him over trivial matters.

Even the True Lord Nascent Soul cannot resist the aging of his life form at the end of his life. Shou'an is really like a dead old tree, with a rotten and dry smell all over his body.

If you follow Gao Xian, an outsider, you will probably become a servant and maid, or even become Gao Xian's furnace.

This time Shouren quickly took out the law and re-identified Gao Xian and Qingqing. They also sent someone to take Gao Xian and Qingqing to Yaoguang Palace.

There are no tricks this time. The master of Yaoguang Palace, Shou'an, is a white-haired old man. Most of his hair has fallen out. Even if he wears a bun, he can see his bald scalp.

Shou'an knew that Gao Xian had a reputation for being lecherous, but given what kind of person Gao Xian was and how charming he was, even if he was lecherous, he would not set his sights on the two little Zhujis.

Shou'an in such a state has a very good temper and is thoughtful.

Shou'an is such a person, he naturally knows what the two little girls are thinking. He said with a smile: "It is your blessing to be able to follow these two Nascent Soul Sovereigns, don't say anything more, just go ahead."

This is the opportunity for Yonghe and Yongzhen to perform. As long as they can be appreciated by the two True Lords, it will be an opportunity for them to soar to the sky.

This would be suddenly given to an outsider. Both Yongzhen and Yonghe looked at a loss, and there was still some resistance in their hearts. He practiced with his ancestor and was very respected and popular in the palace.

Yonghe and Yongzhen didn't dare to really disobey the order, so they could only accept the order bravely.

He paused and then said: "The master of Yaoguang Palace, Shou'an, is almost three thousand years old. He is a kind and kind big brother. The two Taoist friends went to Yaoguang Palace to serve as elders, and they can also help the master of Palace Shou'an solve his problems..."

Several people rode the light to Tianhong Garden. This building is located on Tianhong Peak. It has three courtyards, all of which are wooden buildings with a simple and natural style.

It blends well with the surrounding mountains, forests, flowers and trees, the scenery is pleasant and full of spiritual energy.

Given their status as Gao Xian and Qing Qing, they should have a mountain cave abode each. Of course it would be convenient for them to live together, so Gao Xian chose this Tianhong Garden.

Mainly because of the quietness here. In fact, he would rather live in Xuanming City. The big city is bustling and lively, and it is convenient to eat, drink and have fun. It's just that there are some hidden dangers in terms of safety, and it's not suitable for practice.

Gao Xian arranged Qingqing in the main room, and he lived alone in the backyard. It was located on the top of the mountain, with a large plum forest behind it.

In fact, normal people should live in as open a place as possible, so that they can at least see the sun, moon and stars, and sense rain, snow, wind and frost. It is actually very abnormal to live in a cave in the dark, without wind or rain. Very contrary to human nature.

There were some servants in Tianhongyuan. Gao Xian chose a few good-looking ones to stay and sent the others away.

There are still a lot of messy things to do next, such as going to the Yaoguang Palace to collect salary, elixirs and other items, re-establishing the magic circle, rearranging the residence, etc.

Fortunately, both Yonghe and Yongzhen have good abilities and are familiar with Yaoguang Palace. Having two people helping out saves a lot of trouble.

Even so, it took me a few days to get everything sorted.

Gao Xian was in a good mood, so he took Qingqing, Yonghe and Yongzhen to Xuanming City and had a big meal at a big restaurant.

After drinking two small cups of the centuries-old wine prepared for Lord Nascent Soul, both Yonghe and Yongzhen blushed, their necks became red, and their eyes were a bit drunk.

Gao Xian didn't have any feelings at all, but it was quite fun to see the two little girls, so he showed mercy and gave them three days off.

Practitioners also have relatives and friends, especially those who come from the Xuanming Sect, so they naturally have various interpersonal relationships.

From now on, when these two little girls practice with him, it will be difficult for them to hang out again.

When Gao Xian and Qingqing left, Yongzhen and Yonghe also let out a sigh of relief. Although both Gao Xian and Qing Qing have no airs, they are very easy-going and kind to them. After all, there is a huge gap in their cultivation status. They have been working hard these days and dare not be careless.

"Are you leaving?"

Yonghe looked out the window, unsure.

Gao Xian and Qing Qing joined the Xuanming Sect and received the duties of Yaoguang Palace, so they were naturally qualified to control the escape light in Xuanming City. While they were talking, the two of them had already disappeared without a trace.

Yongzhen gently tapped Yonghe on the head and pulled her back, "Don't be so cunning and make people laugh." Yongzhen is actually the younger of the two, but she is more mature than Yonghe and is more meticulous in her work. Yonghe has a cheerful temperament and lacks caution in doing things.

Yonghe picked up the jug and filled it with wine for Yongzhen and herself. She said excitedly: "This is Millennium Red. It is brewed with Millennium Vermillion Fruit and then sealed for a thousand years. This pot of wine is worth more than one hundred high-grade spiritual stones.

"If the two true monarchs don't take us away, we have to drink more..."

"You're stupid. Since the True Lord doesn't take it away, it's just given to us. Just stay here and drink it slowly!"

Yongzhen knocked Yonghe on the head again, and she reminded: "This wine is too strong. If we drink too much, it will hurt our bodies and minds."

As he said this, Yongzhen took out a gourd and poured all the wine into the gourd. She said happily: "The two of us drink it slowly. Once the spiritual energy in it is digested, it will be enough to improve our cultivation by two levels."

Even if they were practicing with Lord Shou'an, they would not be able to afford such precious spiritual wine. With this money, they would just buy elixirs. How could they buy spiritual wine which was much less effective.

"Xingjun is really extravagant..."

Yonghe sighed in admiration. She followed Gao Xian for a few days, helping to rearrange his residence. She saw Gao Xian casually take out an item, which was a top-notch spiritual item. She had sold her whole family and couldn't buy even one!

She was knowledgeable enough to follow Zhenjun Shou'an, but Gao Xian's extravagance still shocked her.

Yongzhen nodded in agreement: "Xingjun is indeed a luxury."

She turned around and whispered: "I heard that Mr. Xing has robbed several large sects and is extremely rich."

"so smart!"

Yonghe stared at her big round eyes, her little round face full of envy. She secretly used her spiritual consciousness to send a message to Yongzhen: "If Xingjun wants us, can we lie down and become golden elixirs..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Yongzhen's face was already very red, and now he was so embarrassed that his delicate little face was so red that it looked like it was bleeding.

She couldn't help but hit Yonghe on the head again, "How can a person like Xingjun do such a thing."

"Xingjun said that food, sex, and the harmony of yin and yang are the way of heaven..."

Yonghe chuckled and said: "The picture book written by Xingjun is quite good. You must have read it! Haha..."

Yongzhen couldn't help but laugh, she had actually seen it. The main reason is that I am curious as to why Pojun Xingjun, who is gifted by the gods, is so keen on writing romantic paintings.

Ever since Pojun Lord showed his miracle during the day, everyone in the Xuanming Sect was greatly shocked, and they were naturally full of curiosity about Pojun Lord.

Naturally, ordinary people have no way or ability to approach Gao Xian. Therefore, it has become a trend to read the romance paintings written by Gao Xian. Almost everyone in the Xuanming Sect has a copy.

Yongzhen Yonghe also bought two books at that time. They were both foundation-building monks and had no interest in "The Great Joy of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth". Instead, they were attracted by stories with twists and turns and touching love stories such as "Butterfly Lovers" and "A Chinese Ghost Story". like.

They thought it was quite interesting when they looked at the book of romantic paintings. However, the author Gao Xian was beside them, so this feeling was more complicated and subtle.

The two of them sometimes couldn't help but think too much about what they would do if the things in the picture book really happened...

After all, Xingjun also said in the book that men always like young beauties!

"Why don't we dress up properly? One day Xingjun likes it and wants us!" Yonghe suggested.

Yongzhen didn't say anything, but she was quite moved in her heart.

Three days later, Yongzhen and Yonghe returned to Tianhong Garden. As soon as the two entered the yard, they saw a woman flying into the sky from the backyard.

The woman has a bright and beautiful appearance, and her jade-white Taoist robe is clear and elegant. She floats like a fairy in the wind. She is graceful and has endless charm.

Yongzhen and Yonghe couldn't help but widen their eyes. Where did this fairy-like woman come from? The aura looks like that of a Nascent Soul Lord!

The woman also noticed the two little female Taoist priests below. She knew they were Gao Xian's followers, and they looked really good. She smiled slightly at the two of them, and followed the flying light to rise into the sky.

The clear spirit's escaping light pierced the sky and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Yongzhen and Yonghe stared blankly for a while, and now they truly understood that it must be the True Lord Nascent Soul. Such a beautiful True Lord Nascent Soul, apparently a direct descendant of the sect, did he just sleep with Lord Xing?

The two female cultivators were in very complicated moods. Xingjun’s level as a woman was a bit too high! This made the two of them shocked and a little disappointed.

How could they fall into Xingjun's eyes if they looked like this?

Although the two of them were joking in the restaurant before, they still had some thoughts in mind. It's a shortcut to get into Xingjun's bed. Besides, just because of Xing Jun’s appearance, they are willing to practice dual cultivation with Xing Jun…

At this moment, both of them were hit hard. They looked at each other and saw a bit of bitterness in each other's eyes. This shortcut doesn’t look that easy either!

The two of them went in and returned to Gao Xian. Gao Xian only said that he would be practicing meditation for the past few days. If nothing happened, they didn't need to come over to serve him. He would call them if anything happened.

Yonghe and Yongzhen had just returned to the front yard when they heard someone calling the door. Both of them were a little surprised. Tianhong Garden was so remote, where did the guests come from?

When he opened the door, he saw a beautiful Taoist priest with an unusually exquisite appearance, wearing an exquisite and beautiful lake-blue Taoist robe. The two women felt their eyes light up. It was no exaggeration to say that the sun in the sky seemed to be eclipsed at this moment, and they could only see this stunning woman.

"Please tell Mr. Xing that Tai Ning is here to pay his respects."

Yongzhen and Yonghe were even more surprised. Such a peerless and beautiful woman was actually the sect's most outstanding genius, Zhenjun Taining. She actually used the word "visit", which was a humble wording.

The two of them did not dare to neglect and hurriedly welcomed the Supreme Lord Taining in. Yongzhen hurried to the backyard to communicate with Gao Xian.

"It's so peaceful..."

Gao Xian smiled and said, "Bring her over."

He wanted to see Tai Ning, but if he took the initiative to see Tai Ning, he would lose the initiative. Tai Ning was thinking about Tianyinjian, the True King of Shifang, and she must be even more anxious.

Tai Ning came uninvited and had already handed over the initiative. In this game, Tai Ning has already lost before it even begins.

"Senior brother..."

Tai Ning greeted her softly as she entered the room. There was a bit of resentment and a bit of joy in her voice, with complex meaning but a charming charm.

Yong Zhen, who was behind, couldn't help but blush when she heard the sound. She didn't dare to wait any longer and hurriedly exited the room and closed the door...

(End of this chapter)

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