Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 611 Immortal Fate

Chapter 611 Immortal Fate

Wei State, Pingyang City.

Pingyang City is not big, with a population of 50,000 to 60,000. Pingyang City is located on a huge plain, surrounded by farmland.

There is a big river in the north of Pingyang City called Baishui River. The river water is particularly clear and even a little sweet, making it very suitable for drinking.

The Baishui River turns into a large bay in the north of Pingyang City, so the water flow here calms down, and all kinds of ships like to dock here. As time passed, Pingyang City gradually became lively.

Perhaps because it is close to the Baishui River, there are many families with the surname Bai and Shui in Pingyang City. There are many wealthy families among them.

The most famous wealthy family is the family of Mr. Shuitian Chengshui. This man was a Jinshi in his early years and served as the head of a government. However, the officialdom was changing, and he resigned and returned to his hometown Pingyang when he was middle-aged.

Shui Tiancheng has been out for more than 20 years, accumulated a lot of contacts, and supported his family's big business. When he returned to the small town of Pingyang, he naturally became a first-class figure.

Life is simple but comfortable and leisurely. Especially when my concubine gave birth to a daughter a few years ago, the sky was filled with five-colored rays of light, shining brightly into the room.

Shui Tiancheng thought this was a vision from heaven, so he loved his little daughter very much and named her Shui Mingxia.

Thanks to the Shui family's deliberate publicity, almost everyone in Pingyang City knew that Shui Tiancheng had a baby daughter who had an extraordinary aura from heaven when she was born.

He also knew that there were some experts in the Taoist sect who were said to be able to soar into the clouds, ride on the mist, refine elixirs and become immortals. He has never seen it, but he knows that the imperial court respects the Xuanming Sect very much. The first thing that emperors of all dynasties did when they ascended the throne was to canonize the real people of the Xuanming Sect.

Hearing that Immortal Master Yongqing was aloof and indifferent, the emperor invited the Immortal Master to teach the Dharma in the capital, but he was refused several times. Yao Qinglin, who is the same year as him, is now the prefect of Dong'an Prefecture, and he can pay him a visit during the new year.

He had no choice but to specially invite martial arts women to teach him swordsmanship. Shui Mingxia also seems to be quite talented in this area. At a young age, she can practice holding a wooden sword with style, and even has some heroic spirit. In this regard, she is far better than children of the same age.

Sometimes Shui Tiancheng also thinks that it is a good thing for him to become an official in middle age. Only then can I have such a lovely daughter and such a relaxed life.

In fact, this is also Shui Tiancheng's intention. No matter ordinary people, emperor or me, there is no one who does not believe in God. With such a daughter who had a vision from heaven, others would not only look up to him, but also avoid many troubles.

Eight-year-old Shui Mingxia has a delicate and fair face, big black eyes and lively eyes. She wears a tailor-made white sword jacket that is very close to her body and wears black short boots. She looks capable and agile at a young age.

My daughter cannot study to become an official, so it would be good for her to learn some martial arts to strengthen her body. If you have the chance, it would be great to join the Xuanming Sect.

With the recommendation of this magistrate, it will be no problem to meet Immortal Master Yongqing... If Mingxia has this immortal fate, not only will she be able to reach the sky in one step, but the entire clan will also benefit.

There is a Taoist temple in the lower courtyard of the Xuanming Sect in Dong'an Prefecture. There lives an immortal master named Yongqing who is a direct descendant of the Xuanming Sect. His title of Immortal Master Jinque was also canonized by the emperor.

The Shui family has a large house in the south area of ​​the city. It has five entrances to the front and two courtyards to the left and right, and has a population of several hundred.

There is no more power to respond to everyone's call, but there are also countless intrigues and intrigues.

Shui Tiancheng originally liked his son, but since the birth of his daughter, he has become particularly fond of her. He doesn't know why.

Shui Tiancheng knew some warriors and knew that warriors were quite capable. A powerful warrior could even run amok in a state with one person, and could defeat hundreds of people.

Shui Tiancheng has been out for more than 20 years and has experienced both the ups and downs in the court and the waves in the rivers and lakes. He knew that there were several roads leading upward in this world, among which the Xuanming Sect was the real road to heaven.

Life is comfortable now. The only bad thing is that my daughter is naturally fond of swords. She never lets go of the sword and holds it even when she sleeps.

There was a flat ground made of loess mixed with sand in the backyard, and a little girl was practicing with a wooden sword in a decent manner.

It is precisely with this knowledge that Shui Tiancheng is willing to spend a lot of money to train his daughter. Whether you succeed or not, you have to try.

He tried to correct it several times, but every time the little girl cried heartbrokenly. He really couldn't bear it. When children become sensible, they will become more and more interested in practicing swordsmanship.

In the afternoon of September, the autumn air is crisp and the sunshine is bright.

Shui Tiancheng sat on a chair under the eaves, smiling as he watched the little girl practice her sword.

Therefore, I have to carry it with me all day long, and I don’t have to do anything. I am very happy to see my daughter’s lively figure.

The little girl was very focused and serious in practicing her sword. She didn't look at Shui Tiancheng and just practiced each move carefully.

Shui Tiancheng was also quite pleased with this. The sages have long said that those who achieve great things must not only have extraordinary talents, but also must have perseverance.

You must know that children at this age are very naughty and have undecided temperaments. Mingxia's perseverance and concentration are already a hundred times better than those of ordinary children.


The old housekeeper hurriedly walked in. After saluting, he said anxiously: "We have a guest. He claims to be the same age as the master, and he also brings a team of armored guards. He is very majestic..."

As the old butler handed over the greeting card, Shui Tiancheng was a little surprised when he took it and took a look at it, only to realize that the person coming was actually Yao Qinglin, the prefect of Dong'an.

Pingyang City can be found in Dong'an Prefecture. Yao Qinglin left his territory without authorization and came to Pingyang. This is a serious crime! Yao Qinglin is always cautious and would never make such a mistake.

If you are traveling with an organized army of soldiers, something big will happen.

Shui Tiancheng couldn't sit still anymore and hurriedly got up and took the old housekeeper to the front yard, "Go and open the door. I want to welcome the distinguished guest..."

Shui Tiancheng was usually stable, but this time he had to jog to the second main room. He wiped his sweat and adjusted his breathing before walking to the front yard.

The door was already wide open, and Shui Tiancheng hurried out to greet him. He saw that the door was full of guards in armor, and Yao Qinglin of the same year was standing there in blue casual clothes.

This man of the same age has always been thin, but he has gained a lot of weight after not seeing him for a few years, but his temples are gray. It is not easy to be an official. When Yao Qinglin saw Shui Tiancheng arriving, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said hello.

"Zian, you are here."

Yao Qinglin said politely and hurriedly stepped forward and whispered: "This is Immortal Master Yongqing of Xuanming Sect. He has a master who wants to see you."

"The ancestor of Immortal Master Yongqing?"

Shui Tiancheng was surprised and delighted. What a divine figure this must be, who actually came to see him! He suppressed his excitement and asked in a low voice: "I don't know why?"

Yao Qinglin shook his head: "No matter what, the Immortal Master is equal to a first-class Duke. We must not be rude..."

The two middle-aged men were discussing how to welcome the immortal master when they heard someone behind them say: "Don't bother, I heard that the sailor had a vision of a girl having sex, so I came over to take a look."

Shui Tiancheng heard the voice was clear and gentle, but it didn't sound like the voice of an old man. He turned around and saw a man in white standing there. This man had extremely handsome features and eyes as bright as stars.

He just stood there quietly, but he made the ancient long street feel a little more fairy-like.

Shui Tiancheng was also well-informed, but he had never seen such a peerless person. For a moment, he was dumbfounded and couldn't control himself.

Yao Qinglin gently pulled Shui Tiancheng's sleeve, "Zian, this is Master Gao, I'm not polite."

"Oh..." Shui Tiancheng Ru Mengfang Xing hurriedly bowed his head and saluted, "I'm going to Shui Tiancheng to pay my respects to Master Gao."


This Master Gao Xian is naturally Gao Xian. He has already come to Shui's house to look around and is sure that Shui Mingxia is the little girl he is looking for.

It is not easy for a young man to be a teacher for little girls. Not to mention that the Shui family is considered powerful.

Gao Xian didn't want to bother, so he called over the Xuanming Cult disciple who was responsible for managing this place. With this endorsement, it will be easy to recruit a disciple.

Gao Xian did not exchange greetings with Shui Tiancheng, there was no need. He flicked his long sleeves and led Yongzhen straight into Shui's house.

Only now did Shui Tiancheng notice Yongzhen. Yongzhen was beautiful and elegant in his green Taoist robe, especially his body had an otherworldly and refreshing aura. The big sleeves of his blue Taoist robe were fluttering, making him look like a fairy.

Shui Tiancheng was even more surprised. He hadn't seen such a stunning fairy just now. Master Gao was really too dazzling.

Not only that, there was a white-haired old man next to Yongzhen, with a pale face and a skinny figure, holding a fly whisk in his hand, and he also had a somewhat immortal air. Just standing behind Master Gao is like a follower.

Yao Qinglin winked at Shui Tiancheng, signaling him to stop standing there. The top priority is to entertain the immortal masters.

Shui Tiancheng hurriedly followed him. He was already trotting. The few people in front were walking leisurely, but he fell further and further behind.

When he ran to the backyard out of breath, he saw the three Master Gao Xian standing quietly at the door of the backyard, all three of them looking at Shui Mingxia who was practicing sword practice.

This also makes Shui Tiancheng very nervous. Whether his daughter can reach the sky in one step depends on this time!

Yao Qinglin also followed up, breathing heavily. He didn't dare to speak when no one spoke, and he didn't even dare to breathe loudly. But a pair of eyes couldn't help but move around.

A little girl of seven or eight years old deserves an immortal master traveling thousands of miles to come here? But he couldn't see anything strange about it.

The white-haired Yongqing also frowned. He was responsible for selecting good seedlings in the mortal world. A truly talented cultivator will definitely be able to show his unrivaled talent and generate energy before the age of twelve.

For mortals, by generating a sense of Qi, they can control the innate energy, and have great power in their every move. Such a person cannot be hidden no matter what.

Although the little girl in front of me is good, she is only compared to ordinary people. From his point of view, he is not qualified to be a cultivator.

The little girl finished practicing a set of sword skills, and then she noticed that there were so many people in the yard. Her big black eyes naturally locked onto Gao Xian who was standing at the front.

She had never seen such a good-looking person before, and she felt that this person was particularly close to her. She couldn't help but stare at him, with curiosity and sincere joy on his little face.

Gao Xian looked at the cute little girl with a rather complicated look in his eyes.

No one behind him knew what the immortal master was thinking, and no one dared to disturb him.

Yongzhen was very surprised. She had been following this Xingjun for a while. It was the first time she saw Xingjun's complicated eyes. He seemed a little sad and a little happy. She couldn't explain it at all.

She was also particularly curious about the origin of this little girl, which made her worthy of Xingjun personally coming to the mortal world.

Gao Xian didn't care about the people around him, he just thought about many past events.

He quickly adjusted his mood and smiled at the little girl, and the girl couldn't help but smile.

Gao Xian turned his head and said to Shui Tiancheng, "This girl is destined to be my disciple. What do you think?"

Shui Tiancheng was overjoyed. The surge of energy and blood made him feel dizzy and a little confused. Even though he nodded repeatedly, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say...

The white-haired Yongqing's eyes showed some confusion, but he did not dare to say anything. This is the True Lord of Nascent Soul, who was given the title Lord Pojunxing by Tao Zun himself. How could this person be so humble as to get his turn?

(End of this chapter)

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