Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 612 The world of suffering

Chapter 612 The world of suffering

"Everyone, please do not let anyone know about my recruitment of disciples."

Gao Xian said, flicking his long sleeves, "Everyone, please step aside."

Yao Qinglin, the housekeeper and others bowed down and all outsiders, including Yongqing, exited the courtyard.

Shui Tiancheng hesitated and said in a low voice: "Master Immortal, I'll go see him off in the same year."

Gao Xian ignored Shui Tiancheng, and Yongzhen nodded slightly: "Go ahead."

Shui Tiancheng hurriedly saluted and hurried out of the gate. He took Yao Qinglin's hand and said, "Yucheng, you stay here for two days, and I'll treat you to a couple of drinks."

Yao Qinglin shook his head quickly: "This is not appropriate because I have official duties. I want to send Immortal Master Yongqing to Yunyang Mansion. It is an exception to stop by to see Brother Shui. How can I delay the Immortal Master's schedule?"


Shui Tiancheng was a little surprised. Yao Qinglin brought the immortal master to accept his daughter as his apprentice. This was a great opportunity for him. No matter what, he wanted to accept Yao Qinglin's favor.

Why did Yao Qinglin change his tone as soon as he opened his mouth? A smart person like him shouldn't be like this.

Thinking of this, Shui Tiancheng quickened his pace and returned to the backyard, where he saw Master Gao Xian, who was dressed in white and snowy, talking to his daughter.

Shui Tiancheng realized that something was wrong this time. He was shocked and confused. He didn't know whether the old housekeeper and Yao Qinglin were suffering from some illness, or was he hallucinating?

The so-called Immortal Master was just a figment of his hysterical imagination?

The old housekeeper comforted Shui Tiancheng in turn: "Master, don't worry if things don't work out. Don't ruin your relationship with Master Yao."

However, the mortal world is a sea of ​​suffering, and so is the world of cultivators. Even if you ascend to immortality, you will still be unable to escape from sorrow, love, and hatred...

A small misunderstanding caused resentment in Yao Qinglin's heart. This resentment is like a seed, it will continue to grow under the circumstances, and I don’t know what the final result will be.

Yao Qinglin was unhappy. He had already sent the immortal master to the Shui family. Since the immortal master didn't like him, he had nothing to say. Why is Shui Tiancheng so ignorant?

Of course, most of this also stems from human nature. It's just that the filth in the world is strong, and hundreds of millions of sentient beings are resentful and tormenting each other, making this world so filthy.

Shui Tiancheng hesitated and said, "What about my daughter?"

The Buddhists call the mortal world the sea of ​​suffering in this mortal world, which is precisely why it comes from this. Practicing in the mortal world is really like overcoming a tribulation.

Shui Tiancheng was also puzzled. This Master Gao Xian was obviously here. Everyone had just seen with their own eyes that Master Gao Xian was going to take Ming Xia as his disciple. How could they forget all this in the blink of an eye?

He suddenly thought of what Master Gao Xian had told them before, telling them not to tell anyone about this matter. Could it be that with such a sentence, others would forget everything that just happened? !

To be honest, even though Yongzhen is a foundation-building cultivator, he has no idea how Gao Xian did this. Others can see them, remember their identities, and communicate with them normally, but they will immediately forget their existence as soon as they leave this backyard.

Yao Qinglin snorted as he boarded the car, feeling very uncomfortable. He sent people here with good intentions, and it was normal that things didn't work out. Shui Tiancheng was really ignorant to rely on him...

Yongqing, who was sitting opposite, saw the flash of gloom on Yao Qinglin's face, and sighed in his heart. Yao Qinglin and everyone else had their memories erased by Gao Xingjun's words, so Yao Qinglin and Shui Tiancheng had a misunderstanding.

His expression immediately became cold: "Since we don't have this fairy fate, we can't force it. Brother Shui, let's say goodbye."

When Shui Tiancheng returned to the courtyard, he couldn't help but mutter to the old housekeeper beside him: "Why did Yao Qinglin suddenly become confused?"

This made Shui Tiancheng even more surprised. Why did Yao Qinglin look like this and what he said was wrong! What went wrong?

Shui Tiancheng didn't know how to explain it, so he could only bow his hands and send this person of the same year off to the train. He also knew in his heart that this small misunderstanding had offended Yao Qinglin.

Yongzhen saw Shui Tiancheng's doubts, and she said softly to Shui Tiancheng: "There is a difference between immortals and mortals. Xingjun doesn't like others to disturb you. Except for you and Shui Mingxia, no one else in this family can remember Xingjun and me... …”

The old man paused and then said: "Young lady is so young, it doesn't matter if you don't practice Taoism, I can still watch you every day..."

This person of the same age is not big-minded, but has deep thoughts. If someone says something bad about him, he will hold the grudge for ten years. Shui Tiancheng could only sigh in his heart, what do you mean...

If the filth in the world is strong, the human heart will be easily contaminated by the filth, causing the three poisons of anger, ignorance, and anger.

Shui Mingxia always spoke little to outsiders, but somehow she chatted happily with Master Gao Xian, as if she had known her for a long time.

It can only be said that Xingjun has immeasurable magical powers and is not restricted in the mortal world.

Although Shui Tiancheng had some guesses, he was still shocked when he heard Yongzhen's explanation. He hesitated and said, "Wouldn't it be very inconvenient for others if they don't remember the two immortal masters?"

"These don't matter. I will take care of Xingjun's food, clothing, housing and transportation."

Yongzhen explained to Shuitian very seriously: "I am just a follower of Xingjun, and I cannot be called an immortal master. You can call Xingjun Zhenjun, and you can call me Taoist Master."

Shui Tiancheng hurriedly handed over his hand: "Thank you, Taoist Master, for your guidance. If the True Lord needs anything, Taoist Master will just give you instructions."

Yongzhen smiled slightly but said nothing.

Xingjun has told him to keep everything simple in the mortal world. In order to avoid being infected by the filth of the mortal world, it is not easy to use top-notch spiritual objects. Even so, Xingjun's various expenses for food, clothing, housing and transportation are not something Shui Tiancheng can afford.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Shui family could not even afford the cup of tea Xingjun drank. There's just no need to tell Shui Tiancheng this.

Gao Xian ignored Shui Tiancheng behind him and asked Shui Mingxia softly: "My child, are you willing to become my teacher?"

Shui Mingxia hesitated for a moment, and looked at her father behind her for help. Even though she was young, she knew that becoming a disciple was a big deal and she couldn't agree to it casually. The few female warriors who taught her swordsmanship could only be regarded as teaching.

Shui Tiancheng kept listening with his ears pricked up. He nodded hurriedly to Shui Mingxia, signaling his daughter to agree quickly.

With her father's permission, Shui Mingxia said seriously: "I do."

"Good boy."

Gao Xian touched Shui Mingxia's little head and said that the law is not taught lightly, and there must be a formal reason for teaching swordsmanship.

As for Shui Mingxia's identity, he actually made some guesses.

Bai Yujing is a tool spirit, and logically speaking, he should not have any relatives or descendants. What's more, this person is at least over 10,000 years old.

After more than 10,000 years of inheritance, any bloodline has long become extremely thin, and it is not worth caring about at all.

Therefore, this little girl might be related to him. Bai Yujing wanted to take this opportunity to tease him and give him a favor.

Since Gao Xian started practicing Taoism, there are not many people who can have a close relationship with him. He naturally thought of Yun Qiushui.

It's just that more than two hundred years have passed, and Yun Qiushui's true spirit has been reincarnated several times, and the memory and spirituality of his previous life have long been erased. Even if this little girl is really Yun Qiushui, she has nothing to do with Yun Qiushui.

Of course, this little girl might be Yun Zaitian!

He has only lived for three hundred years, and he has no idea how a weapon spirit that is over ten thousand years old will have fun!

Gao Xian didn't have the ability to identify the little girl's true nature. In fact, he had always been dubious about the reincarnation of the true spirit.

The serious sect books he had read all said that the reincarnation of true spirits was mysterious and unpredictable. The so-called reincarnation of most powerful people is actually the reincarnation of Yin Shen or Yuan Shen.

The reincarnation of Yin Shen or Yuan Shen is equivalent to the strong man seizing the fetus. Basically there will be no mystery in the womb. Even if you lose your memory temporarily, you will wake up naturally when you reach a certain age.

This is completely different from true spirit reincarnation.

No matter who Shui Mingxia was in her previous life, she is Shui Mingxia in this life, and she has nothing to do with her in the previous life. Unless she can awaken Su Hui.

Gao Xian thought the little girl was pretty good, and her physical aptitude was considered to be above average among mortals. It's not worth mentioning in the world of cultivators. His body is still at the first level of Qi training at the age of twenty-four. Even so, his cultivation aptitude is much better than that of the little girl.

The so-called cultivation qualification actually depends on the affinity between the person and the spiritual energy. Some practitioners with poor qualifications can also achieve Taoism and become gods.

Bai Yujing asked him to teach swordsmanship in the mortal world for ten years. He would wait until after these ten years to discuss any plans.

Shui Tiancheng attaches great importance to his apprenticeship, especially after seeing Gao Xian's unfathomable magical powers, he is in awe of Gao Xian.

He wanted to make a grand ceremony, but Gao Xian stopped him.

"Being a disciple is in my heart but not in my body. Just kowtow and there is no need to worry about anything else." Gao Xian said.

Shui Mingxia kowtowed three times and bowed nine times under Yongzhen's guidance. Gao Xian gave Shui Mingxia a long sword with a smile. The sword weighed seven kilograms and was three and a half feet long. It was named Yunshui.

This was also forged by Gao Xian himself. He was not very good at refining weapons, but it was very easy to refining such an ordinary sword. The sword itself is also very special. It is smelted from platinum extracted from Yunguang Jade Crystal and Tianshui. The most important thing is that you are not afraid of being polluted by filth, and you can still exert some or two of your power in the mortal world.

Shui Mingxia was very strong and could still hold the sword with both hands. She felt particularly fond of such a heavy sword, but she couldn't explain why.

Because Shui Mingxia was too young, Gao Xian couldn't take her out, so he stayed at Shui's house for the time being.

Gao Xian occupied this backyard and taught Shui Mingxia swordsmanship for two hours a day. During the rest of the time, Yongzhen taught Shui Mingxia how to read and write.

Gao Xian used a secret method to cut off mortals' memories of him and Yongzhen. Therefore, no one knew that Shui Mingxia had become a disciple of the Xuanming Sect's immortal master, and no one knew that the Shui family had two more immortal masters in charge.

After more than a year of this, one night, Gao Xian was sitting in his room meditating. Take a breath here to see the filth in the world. Nine-nine percent of it is filth, and the remaining bit is spiritual energy.

In the mortal world, cultivators try their best not to practice and rely on taking pills to survive. In this way, you can avoid being corroded by foul smell as much as possible.

Gao Xian stayed in the mortal world for more than a year, but he felt that practicing here was quite beneficial to him. His cultivation was too strong and he entered the realm too quickly. Breathing and practicing in such a harsh environment would help refine his magic power.

Over the past year, his cultivation has not improved, but he has gained a deeper understanding of the Five Elements Kung Fu. At this moment, he suddenly felt something and quietly came to Shui Mingxia's window.

Through the window, Gao Xian could also see Shui Mingxia's eyebrows shining with a spiritual light, silently resonating with the Yunshui sword beside her, and there was a faint sword energy flowing back and forth.

Gao Xian was a little surprised. He awakened his innate spirituality? If not, how could it be possible with Shui Mingxia's qualifications to generate a sense of anger and inspire the sword energy of Yunshui Sword!

"Is it really Qiu Shui?"

Shui Mingxia suddenly sat up. She flicked the Yunshui Sword beside her and jumped to the window with her bare feet.

Through the thick window paper, Shui Mingxia sighed softly: "If we meet again one day, let's talk about the fleeting years...Brother Gao, where is my peach blossom wine?"

(It’s February and I’m looking for a guaranteed monthly pass~)

(End of this chapter)

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