Chapter 613 Doomed

"If we meet again, let's say goodbye to each other."

This desperate poem was left behind by Yun Qiushui when he left. Hearing this sentence again after more than two hundred years, it was still uttered from the mouth of a nine-year-old girl, and Gao Xian was filled with emotion.

Such a chic and generous posture and that confident demeanor are exactly the same as Yun Qiushui.

Gao Xian sighed softly: "Brother Yun, do you still remember what the first sentence of "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra" is?"

There was a trace of hesitation on the little girl's face, and she sighed deeply: "I was reincarnated, but I don't remember many things.

“The world of mortals is a sea of ​​bitterness, the cold moon and warm sun suffocate one’s life, the wind, frost, rain and snow sharpen one’s spirit. There are always many things that cannot be remembered, and there are always many things that cannot be forgotten..."

"Great insights, I admire you."

Gao Xian's voice became lower and lower, and his tone became more cold and solemn: "I am actually willing to talk to you more. It's just that you are doing it in the name of Brother Yun, which makes me very unhappy.

"The evil heretics also want to destroy my Daoist heart. I should be punished!"

This swordsmanship is of extremely high level and is one of the foundations of Qingyun Sect's inheritance. Yun Qiushui and Qingqing both had profound knowledge in this Sword Classic. Gao Xian was very familiar with some of the changes in this Sword Classic, but he did not know the original text of the Sword Classic.

The evil spirits in the world are powerful, and the higher the cultivation level, the easier it is for the mind to be polluted by filth, and give rise to demonic calamities.

It has been almost two years since he came to this mortal world, and he has not encountered any evil spirits, which is abnormal in itself.

Shui Mingxia avoided talking about it, which made Gao Xian even more convinced that the other party was an external demon!

Even if the Pure Yang Divine Spear is only at the entry level, it is still a fifth-level secret skill. Even if there is a lack of spiritual energy in the mortal world, it is enough to destroy the souls of thousands of people instantly.

Gao Xian was 100% sure that everything in front of him was caused by evil spirits, just for insurance. He also asked what the first sentence of "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra" was.

Ordinary people would be in a daze after sleeping for more than ten hours, and they would not be able to relax for a while. Not to mention such earth-shaking changes as reincarnation.

Gao Xian, however, did not hesitate at all. The most fearful thing about such an invasion by external demons was the instability of the Taoist mind. Any hesitation and doubt would make the external demons grow stronger and produce endless changes.

Only by being decisive and firm, and having a strong heart without any flaws, can we destroy the external demons!

If the other party is really the reincarnation of Yun Qiushui and awakens, he will definitely die if he takes this Pure Yang Divine Spear.

The Pure Yang Divine Spear turned into an invisible golden light spear and penetrated Shui Mingxia's eyebrows, penetrating the opponent's soul and spirit. Shui Mingxia screamed and fell to the ground. Her bright eyes were full of confusion, sadness and sorrow, as if she didn't understand why Gao Xian would do something to him.

Such is the sect's inheritance. Yun Qiushui and Qingqing are so close to him, so they will not pass on the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra" to him.

As the little girl disappeared, everything in front of her collapsed silently. Gao Xian opened his eyes and saw that the room was quiet, the moonlight outside the window was like water, and the breeze was cool.

Gao Xian did not hesitate to activate the Pure Yang Divine Spear again, and the invisible golden light spear penetrated the pitiful Shui Mingxia's eyebrows again.

The other party turned into the reincarnation of Yun Qiushui, which made him even more disgusted and even angry.

The invasion of external demons is connected to the mind of the cultivator. If the external demon is known by the cultivator, it can take advantage of the situation to cause changes. If the cultivator is not aware of it, it will be difficult for the external demon to give a reasonable explanation.

Especially for peerless swordsmanship such as "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra", Gao Xian did not know the original text of this swordsmanship, but his experience and knowledge were enough to make an accurate judgment on Shui Mingxia's answer.

As Gao Xian spoke, the red gold divine light in his eyes shone like a spear, and he activated the Pure Yang Divine Spear to mercilessly stab Shui Mingxia on the other side of the window.

The little girl couldn't hold on any longer this time, and she screamed sharply and turned into black smoke that dissipated...

Suddenly awakening to the wisdom of the past life, even if the memory is really restored, it will be shocked and confused, and it will be difficult for you for a while.

"Evil heretics..."

No matter how strong Yun Qiushui's will is, he will never be so calm and composed, and come to exchange secret signals with him. What's more, Yun Qiushui is a proud and undisciplined young man. Besides, even if Shui Mingxia's body was a thousand times more powerful, it would be impossible to find his location through the window.

Gao Xian silently watched everything in front of him, and he sneered in his heart. After experiencing several inner demons, he was already familiar with the tricks of these external demons.


Yongzhen in the next room felt a violent mana shock, and she hurried over and asked in a low voice.


Gao Xian thought for a moment and explained: "The world is full of filth. Take a jade clear pill every seven days to cleanse your body and mind. Don't forget it."

"Yes, Xingjun."

Yong Zhen responded in a low voice outside the door. She was a little disappointed. She had followed Xing Jun for almost two years, but she had not had much chance to get along with Xing Jun in private.

Something unexpected happened tonight. She thought it was an opportunity, but she still failed to enter Xingjun's bedroom.

Back in the room, Yongzhen couldn't help but feel a little frustrated and a little unwilling. Xingjun is so close but seems so far away that he cannot be touched.

Xingjun is obviously a romantic and lustful person, how come he becomes a gentleman in the mortal world? Do you dislike her?

After thinking about it, Yongzhen couldn't help but feel a little resentful. Is she so unbearable?

Gao Xian, who is next door, can actually sense Yongzhen's subtle emotional changes. He is indeed very discerning. In addition, Yongzhen is a junior, so there is a huge gap between him and him in all aspects.

Even if I fall asleep, I have nothing to say. At this stage of his life, he would no longer be swayed by such low-level desires and insist on having something happen with Yongzhen.

On the other hand, Gao Xian also deeply realized the power of filth in the world.

Yongzhen is nothing in Xuanming Sect, but in fact, he can be regarded as a first-rate talent in Wanfeng Sect. If he comes to Qingyun Sect, he will be a top genius.

When he came to the mortal world, Yongqing, whose body and soul were both pure and pure, was even more unique among the billions of people. To say that her cultivation qualifications are a hundred times better than Shui Mingxia’s!

Now I feel resentful because nothing happened. This seemingly trivial matter may continue to take root in her heart and become her demonic obstacle.

Gao Xian knew this, but he couldn't say anything to remind him. It was a huge blow to her to reveal Yongzhen's thoughts. Besides, if you enter the mortal world and follow him to experience, you must have the awareness to face demonic obstacles. The practitioners of the Xuanming Sect all have a problem: they have never experienced real suffering and danger. This is not a good thing for a cultivator.

This demonic barrier is actually nothing. As long as Yongzhen can wake up to the fact that these are the changes in the seven emotions caused by external demons, he can easily break the demonic barrier. It will be of great benefit to her practice.

Gao Xian came to the yard and stared at the crescent moon in the sky for a long time. After being tortured by the demon, he couldn't help but think of many things.

Early the next morning, Shui Mingxia came respectfully with her sword to greet Gao Xian.

Shui Mingxia, who is only nine years old, already has some rules for her every move, while retaining the unique innocence and vitality of a child.

Gao Xian took Shui Mingxia to have breakfast together, which was a little bit of fun for the child. The level of the spiritual objects in his hand were too high, and they were not suitable for Shui Mingxia.

The world is filthy, and if Shui Mingxia absorbs a lot of spiritual energy, it will be a big bad thing for her. Once evil spirits invade his consciousness, he has no good solution.

The main reason is that Shui Mingxia is too small and weak, and can neither withstand the power of the external demon nor his magic power.

After two years of exploration, Gao Xian discovered that some basic spiritual objects could be used to help Shui Mingxia adjust her physical condition and strengthen her muscles, bones, and blood.

Starting from the basics, the results are slow but very easy to use. It is also a suitable method for Shui Mingxia. Of course, you also need to control your measurements and improve a little bit every day.

In ten years, Shui Mingxia will surely be able to lay a solid foundation. If she had some talent or opportunity, it would be enough to make her angry.

The first step of a cultivator's aura sounds like it's not that good, but in the mortal world he is a top warrior who can control the innate energy.

Of course, after cultivating the innate true energy, it is easy to attract evil spirits. Especially warriors who rely on their abilities to kill people will basically die violently within two or three years.

For this reason, most of the warriors who have perfected their innate energy are very low-key, and there are very few people who rely on their martial arts to act violently.

Anyway, you must have a good sense of proportion.

Bai Yujing asked him to practice swordsmanship with Shui Mingxia for ten years in the mortal world, which was indeed a test for him.

After Gao Xian had breakfast with Shui Mingxia, he asked Yongzhen to take Shui Mingxia to read and read. An hour and a half later, he took his young apprentice to practice Iron Dragon Hands.

This body-refining secret technique learned from Qiniang is still a secret passed down from Qiniang's family. Qiniang thought of her as a treasure at first. Looking back now, this body-refining secret method is quite simple, but fortunately it is simple and easy to use, and the method from the outside to the inside is not easy to make mistakes.

He is now so powerful in body refining skills, and he has dabbled in many body refining methods such as Hunyuan Divine Power Sutra and Taiyi Golden Body. According to Shui Mingxia's specific physical condition and mortal aura state, a set of Iron Dragon Hands was tailor-made for Shui Mingxia.

The same ten movements can temper Shui Mingxia's muscles, bones, and internal organs from the outside to the inside, and can also temper the mind and strengthen the soul.

Shui Mingxia is not close to Reiki, but she has strong self-control. Whatever is taught to her, she can practice it carefully and never mess up.

"Yes, the muscles here need to contract and exert force..."

Gao Xian held a ruler in his hand and drew an invisible line along the little girl's arm. It was this muscle that went to the point where strength was exerted.

Gao Xian is so powerful now that all the martial arts masters in the world combined are not as strong as a little finger of his. With Shui Mingxia guided by his cultivation, he was able to perfect all the details without making any mistakes.

Shui Mingxia actually likes to practice with her teacher. In two years, Gao Xian's status in her heart has far surpassed that of Shui Tiancheng, her mother, and everyone else.

The teacher is always so kind and gentle, the teacher is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and the teacher has great swordsmanship and boundless supernatural powers. In Shui Mingxia's little mind, Gao Xian, the teacher, was perfect.

She practices swordplay with her teacher and seems to be making significant progress every day. This kind of progress also makes her very happy and feels a sense of accomplishment.

For a little girl, the world is different every day, and every day is so fresh and worth remembering.

Therefore, the childhood and youth of mortals have the deepest memories and the most emotions.

Once a person reaches adulthood and has a relatively stable understanding of the world, he or she loses that kind of curiosity and that rich and full emotion.

Gao Xian still has a strong curiosity, but he has witnessed Wan Yingying's growth, witnessed Qingqing's growth, and watched Shui Mingxia grow up day by day, he has become accustomed to it.

In this regard, although he is still very, very young, he is still far, far behind than a real child.

The days passed peacefully. When Shui Mingxia was eleven years old, Yongzhen attracted evil spirits. She used a secret method to kill the evil spirit, but the spread of evil caused dozens of people in the surrounding neighbors to die.

Yongzhen is too powerful for the mortal world, and the evil spirits she provokes are too dangerous for ordinary people. After experiencing this evil incident, Gao Xian decided to take Shui Mingxia on a wandering trip.

On the one hand, it is to avoid bringing disaster to the Shui family; on the other hand, practitioners must travel thousands of miles to broaden their horizons.

A twelve-year-old girl is already sensible enough to take care of herself. Her body is also far better than that of ordinary warriors, and she should be able to reach the level of a first-class warrior in the world.

Plus, with Yongzhen taking care of him, there won't be any problems.

Gao Xian talked to Shui Tiancheng. Although the middle-aged man was reluctant, he did not dare to object. In this way, Gao Xian and Shui Mingxia began to wander around the world.

The vast desert with yellow sand, the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, the endless mountains and forests in the north, the vast East China Sea...

In five years, Gao Xian took Shui Mingxia to travel throughout the Wei Kingdom and even to other countries, seeing countless wonders in the world.

Shui Mingxia also changed from a girl to a seventeen-year-old girl.

On this day, Gao Xian decided to take Shui Mingxia home to have a look. The ten-year period was coming soon, and it was time to talk with Shui Tiancheng about Shui Mingxia's future.

The three of them returned to Pingyang City. Five years later, there was no change in Pingyang City. But when they arrived at the front door of the Shui family, they found that the word "Shuifu" on the door had changed to "Fangfu".

Shui Mingxia couldn't help but look at Gao Xian. Gao Xian had already seen the situation in the yard clearly. He sighed softly. This was really doomed!

He said softly to Shui Mingxia: "Mingxia, something happened in your family, don't get excited..."

(Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~ Bow)

(End of this chapter)

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