Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 614 Cause and Effect

Chapter 614 Cause and Effect

The mortal world is filthy, and the more agile your spiritual consciousness is, the easier it is to be polluted by filth. If not necessary, Gao Xian would restrain his Qi and keep his six senses at a very low level.

Gao Xian didn't realize anything was wrong until he arrived in front of Shui's house. Looking again with the flower appreciating mirror, I found that the Shui family had changed its owner.

Obviously something big happened to the Shui family, otherwise, the ancestral home should not be given to others.

He traveled all over the world with Shui Mingxia and rarely contacted the Shui family. The main reason is that the communication methods in the mortal world are very backward. They can send letters to the Shui family through the post station, but it is difficult for the Shui family to contact them.

Gao Xian took Shui Mingxia away from the Shui family for the good of the Shui family. Otherwise, if one evil spirit cannot be controlled, the Shui family will be completely ruined.

As for wearing amulets to ward off evil spirits, that is not suitable either. Powerful talismans will attract evil spirits. Just like the light of a fire attracts mosquitoes.

The stronger the magical power he uses, the greater the consequences the Shui family will bear.

All in all, it is never a good thing for mortals to stay with powerful cultivators like them. The best way is to let nature take its course. Furthermore, he came to teach his disciples, not his ancestors.

He also gave some life-prolonging medicines to the Shui family. Anyway, only the Shui family owed him, and he didn't owe the Shui family.

Now it seems that the Shui family has suffered a great disaster. Gao Xian has seen too many lives and deaths, and Yun Ying Zhenjun like Yun Zaitian will die at will, let alone a mortal.

Life and death are unpredictable, misfortunes and blessings come and go, this is how life is.

Following Gao Xian in the martial arts world for five years, Shui Mingxia went through many hardships, killing people, slaying demons, breaking evil spirits, and saving people.

Shui Mingxia said softly: "Old man, I want to ask something. Where has the Shui family, the original owner of this family, gone?"

The old man bowed his head in a decent manner and asked very politely.

Shui Mingxia stepped forward and tapped the door knocker. It was early spring and April, and the room where the concierge was located was dark and cold. The old concierge was staying in the yard to bask in the sun.

The old concierge pulled on his cloth shoes and slowly opened the side door. He glanced at the three people in front of the door. He didn't care at first, but now he saw that the three of them were Taoist priests and their abilities were extraordinary. The old man was also surprised.

Gao Xian only hopes that his apprentice can calm down, ask the matter clearly, and then make a decision.

This Fang family may not have any direct relationship with the Shui family.

"Three Taoist priests, what's wrong?"

"Teacher, I know how to do it."

The old man lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "It is said that it is involved in a major conspiracy, which is a major crime that will destroy the nine tribes. That Mr. Shui seems to be a peaceful person, but I didn't expect him to be so bold..."

Shui Mingxia felt cold when she heard this. She naturally knew that the so-called imperial guards could not go so far to arrest people. Only the iron-clad guards in the capital had the power to supervise all officials.

Shui Mingxia took a deep breath and quickly calmed down. If she were alone, she might be angry, sad, or even panicked. However, she has teachers and senior sister Yongqing by her side.

When someone called the door, the old concierge responded impatiently: "Here he comes."

From the emperor to the bottom, many people in Wei State believed in the Xuanming Sect. When you see a Taoist priest, you must first respect him no matter what.

"Shui family, this family was taken away by the Ouchi guards from the capital."

There was no feminine aura about her, and she looked like a particularly handsome young Taoist priest standing there with a calm and peaceful temperament.

"That's it. Thank you, old man."

Such complicated experiences have allowed her to grow up and become a swordsman with rich experience.

Seventeen-year-old Shui Mingxia has a slender figure, wearing a green Taoist robe, a Yunshui sword on her waist, and a Taoist bun on her head. She has long eyebrows and big eyes, very heroic, and her skin is as smooth as jade.

Gao Xian nodded: "Go ahead."

Her father was an honest man. He knew the dangers of officialdom at an early age and retired early. With her father's temperament, he would never have the guts to participate in a so-called conspiracy case.

I don’t know who he offended to be implicated. I don’t know how long it has been since this happened. Is the family alive or dead?

The old concierge was very enthusiastic: "Since the three Taoist priests are here, please come in and have a cup of hot tea. My master is a great believer in Yuqing Heavenly Lord and respects Taoist priests the most..."

"Thank you. We still have things to do, so it won't be a problem."

Shui Mingxia responded with a few words skillfully, and the old concierge could only watch the three Taoists go away with some regret. He had never seen such an outstanding person in his life, and he couldn't help but feel a little pity for it.

Gao Xian took Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen to a teahouse. After sitting down, he said to Shui Mingxia, "Don't be anxious. I'll find someone to ask first."

He paused and then said: "The old emperor passed away only last year, and the new emperor only ascended the throne for only half a year. The so-called conspiracy should be related to the new emperor's accession to the throne."

"Based on this calculation, the Shui family may not be dead."

Conspiracy is a serious crime, and because of this, he will definitely have to be formally interrogated in court, or even go to Dali Temple. Approval of the death penalty also requires a process.

It is impossible to say that if you are convicted today, you will be beheaded tomorrow. Normally, executions are carried out in the fall. It's still early days.

Gao Xian took out a communication talisman and flicked it with his finger. In the flash of spiritual light, the communication talisman turned into a stream of light and flew away.

There is too much filth in the world, and communication is quite troublesome. Fortunately, Yongqing has a powerful magical weapon, and Gao Xian is able to lock Yongqing with his powerful spiritual consciousness.

This person is considered a small national master in the Wei State and has a high status. You should be able to clarify the situation by asking.

This kind of communication is not troublesome for Gao Xian, but the movement of spiritual consciousness across thousands of miles to contact someone is too big, far beyond the normal state of spiritual energy in the mortal world.

Gao Xiancai summoned his spiritual consciousness and sensed that there were powerful malicious waves entangled in the void. Just the movement of spiritual consciousness attracted a lot of evil spirits and filth. There is nothing we can do about this. In a puddle of sewage, the best thing to do is to hold your breath.

His current behavior is equivalent to opening his mouth in a septic tank, which will naturally attract all kinds of filth.

If it weren't for his disciples, Gao Xian wouldn't go through such trouble. He activated the Qinghua divine light, and the invisible green light flashed, and countless evil spirits that were entangled turned into fly ash on the spot.

Although this move brought peace for a while, it actually tainted more filth and planted hidden dangers.

This is the case in the mortal world. The more you use your magical powers, the more powerful the backlash you will endure.

Shui Mingxia stared at the side with big eyes. She rarely saw the teacher casting spells and was full of curiosity about it.

After a while, a spiritual light talisman fell from the sky in front of Gao Xian, and the spiritual light turned into a golden spiritual talisman.

If you want to send messages over long distances, you can only use high-level talismans.

Yongqing received the summons from Gao Xian, and he did not dare to neglect it.

He knew that the new emperor of Wei had ascended the throne, but he didn't care about such things. The emperor is the center of the country, involving hundreds of millions of lives.

In Buddhist terms, cause and effect are the most important.

Yongqing stayed in Wei just to collect cultivators for his sect, and he didn't care at all about who became the emperor. This kind of imperial power struggle is always so dirty and vicious, and it doesn't make much difference who takes the lead.

With Gao Xian's words, Yongqing took the initiative to ask about the situation. He didn't know what happened to the Shui family, but Shui Tiancheng used to be considered a prince, but he was a bit upright and the prince didn't like it, so he resigned.

Last year, the old emperor suddenly fell seriously ill, and the third prince who had been preparing for it for a long time ascended the throne for some reason. The prince and other officials were severely punished.

Logically speaking, Shui Tiancheng, who resigned, should not be involved, but somehow, Shui Tiancheng and his family were also brought to the capital.

As for the more specific situation, Yongqing doesn’t know.

Gao Xian took the talisman and scanned it with his consciousness, already knowing the general situation. He couldn't help but think of Yao Qinglin nine years ago. This person left with a bit of resentment.

Is it really Yao Qinglin?

Gao Xian shook his head slightly. Although this incident was caused by his spell, Shui Tiancheng was not unaware of the situation. He should repair his relationship with Yao Qinglin. After all, it was just a small matter.

He told Shui Mingxia about the situation and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Shui Mingxia said firmly: "Teacher, I want to go to the capital. If my father and others are still alive, I will try my best to rescue them. If they die, I will avenge them."

"It would be difficult for Ruyun, a master from the capital, to save people and take revenge with your ability." Gao Xian said sternly.

Shui Mingxia stood up, walked to Gao Xian and knelt down in front of Gao Xian. She kowtowed deeply and said, "I am deeply grateful for my teacher's kindness. I am really ashamed that I have not been able to repay you in any way. My parents only gave birth to me and raised me. How could I just sit back and ignore it!"

"Teacher, please forgive me for being so presumptuous. No matter what, I have to go to the capital."

She knew that the teacher had infinite magical powers, but she also knew that the world was filthy and that the teacher did not like to meddle in human affairs. After ten years of getting along, she knew the teacher's temperament very well.

Apart from her, the teacher could not see any mortal in his eyes. Her parents are important to her, but they are just passers-by to the teacher. She received no repayment for the kindness she received from her teacher. How could she ask her teacher to help her and let her fall into mortal disaster for her?

There were some guests drinking tea and chatting in the teahouse, and there was a girl singing in front of them. Shui Mingxia's sudden gift also attracted everyone's attention.

Even the girl singing on the stage couldn't help but pause. She had been looking at this handsome young man. She had never seen such a handsome man in her whole life.

Seeing the other party kneel down and kowtow solemnly, she felt a little sour and uncomfortable for some reason.

Gao Xian gently helped Shui Mingxia up: "It is human nature to be filial. As a teacher, how can I blame you?"

He said: "It's a long way to the capital, so I'll give you a ride."

Gao Xian said with a stroke, and a water mirror appeared out of thin air. The light and shadow on the water mirror changed and soon a majestic ancient city appeared.

Through the water mirror, you can see the huge gate of the ancient city and the endless flow of pedestrians on the long street. Through the water mirror, you can even hear the noisy and complicated sounds inside, and the unique speaking accent of the people in the capital...

The surrounding guests could see Shui Jing, and they all looked at it with wide eyes. Even the girl who sang the song stopped singing, and she also stared blankly at Shui Jing.

Although Shui Mingxia knew that the teacher had unlimited magical powers, she was a little surprised when she saw this. She came to her senses immediately, nodded vigorously to the teacher, held her sword and walked into the water mirror.

The water light rippled on the mirror, and the next moment Shui Mingxia appeared in the water mirror and among the people flowing in the river.

Everyone around them couldn't help but exclaimed loudly when they saw this...

Shui Mingxia, who was in the capital, looked up and saw two big characters on the inner city in the distance: Xuanwu.

Shui Mingxia was surprised and happy that she actually arrived in the capital in the blink of an eye. The teacher was indeed amazing.

"I remember that my father had a close friend named Cheng Wanli. When I was a child, the two families had close contact, so they still wanted to arrange a marriage. Cheng Wanli stayed in the capital to serve as an official, so the matter was never mentioned again..."

Shui Mingxia was very experienced now, and she decided to ask the matter clearly first. If her father and the others died, she would kill them all and avenge her parents!

(Please give me a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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