Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 618 Pay attention to people

Chapter 618 Pay attention to people

Taiyuan Shenxiang can very finely control the intensity of the thunder with just one sword in his hand.

Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu is too strong, and Taixuan Shenxiang can only barely control it. Only when Taixuan Shenxiang truly attains Taoism and becomes a god can we truly control this peerless artifact.

The changes in the wooden power of the Dongji Qinghua Shenhong Sword also partly match the changes in the thunder method.

In fact, most of the lightning techniques are transformed by the power of wood element. Only a handful of the most superior thunder techniques can transform the power of yin and yang's birth and death.

Gao Xian had tried it with Taixuan Shenxiang before, and already had some experience on how to introduce thunder light to temper the Nascent Soul. Coupled with the abnormal fit of the smelted Five Elements Sword, it became even easier to guide the thunder light to temper the Nascent Soul.

The Taiyuan Shenxiang Yuanying is much stronger than the Taixuan Shenxiang, and even better than Gao Xian's original cultivation of the Great Five Elements Yuanying. Because of all the secret techniques, only the sword technique was mastered by him through hard work.

Taiyuan Shenxiang uses the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword as his natal sword. The body and sword are integrated into one body, and the divine sword is integrated into one. The Yuan Ying is also of the highest quality and most powerful.

Although the Five Elements Sword Weapon has not been successfully smelted, the power of the sword has been greatly improved.

Ten years of continuous smelting have also allowed the Five Elements Sword to be successfully transformed into the Taiyuan Shenxiang natal sword. At this moment, Gao Xian was guiding the power of thunder from the sky with a sword in his hand, and he was actually quite calm and effortless.

As long as he can block it, he can transfer his soul and he will never be killed by thunder.

According to the plan, Gao Xian originally refined the Taiyuan Shenxiang and then the Five Elements Nascent Soul.

The tempering of Taiyuan Shenxiang is actually not very effective. The power of thunder melted the Taiyuan Shenxiang Yuanying, but it did not remove many impurities.

Gao Xian saw that Taiyuan Shenxiang had reached its limit, and further tempering would only cause damage to Yuanying, but would not improve it.

Fortunately, in the process of guiding Thunder, Gao Xian gained a deeper understanding of the changes in Thunder between heaven and earth, which allowed him to improve the Lei Xiangjian.

At this point, Gao Xian truly realized the power of sword cultivation. Although there is only one sword that lacks changes, it is really capable of resisting and hitting. In this aspect, he is far better than ordinary cultivators.

Nascent Soul is actually just a stable mana structure condensed by divine consciousness, which is fundamentally different from the divine soul. Only when one reaches the level of the Yuanshen, the soul will be tempered by the heavenly fire and merged with the Yuanying.

Even though the Great Five Elements Nascent Soul is his major Yin Shen, in fact, his foundation is not deep enough.

Taiyuan Shenxiang's divine sword was united into one, but it was stronger and stronger than he expected. Although the lightning was powerful, it was unable to truly destroy the Taiyuan Shenxiang Yuanying.

In fact, the Taixuan Shenxiang who can actually benefit the most from this thunder tempering training is, after all, practicing the magic sect technique, and it is a quick success. Although it seems to be the most powerful, it has the weakest foundation.

The Great Five Elements Yuanying is far less solid than the Taiyuan Shenxiang. In addition, his original soul is still hidden in it. Gao Xian is even more cautious in guiding Lei Guang.

The swords in Gao Xian's hands were covered with a layer of lightning, which also allowed his body to withstand part of the power of thunder.

After experiencing the Thunder Tribulation, the filth and scum in the Yuanying were washed away, the Yuanying was truly purified, and the Yuanying was raised to a great level.

As the power of thunder became stronger and stronger, Taiyuan Shenxiang began to gradually melt into a translucent shape under the refinement of thunder and light. However, Yuanying was so tyrannical that it actually managed to hold on to the thunder without collapsing.

Gao Xian used the Taiyuan Shenxiang Yujian to guide the thunder, which was directly used to refine the Great Five Elements Nascent Soul. In the process, he also tried to use his soul to fuse with the Great Five Elements Nascent Soul to bear the power of thunder together.

The Grandmaster level Dragon Elephant King Vajra has withstood the test. The scattered lightning did not cause any real damage to the body. It's just that the skin on the body is inevitably burnt by the lightning.

He immediately transformed into the Great Five Elements Nascent Soul. This Nascent Soul actually borrowed the power of Sister Lan, and added a little bit of the Small Five Elements Divine Light, which saved him countless time and energy.

As the lightning continued to intensify, Gao Xian's soul continued to tremble and twist in the lightning.

Unfortunately, Mortal Thunder is ultimately lacking in spiritual energy and its changes are too simple. He couldn't let his sword skills complete the breakthrough.

Only now did Gao Xian realize that the divine soul was very weak in nature, which was probably the fundamental reason why the powerful ones who transformed themselves into gods could not survive the thunder tribulation.

He was also cautious, fearing that he would be struck by thunder and be completely destroyed. Fortunately, we still have Sister Lan as the final layer of insurance, so if something unexpected happens, we can always hold on.

However, the benefits of tempering through thunder tribulation are also great. The first is to gain experience in fighting against thunder, and the second is to refine one's soul through thunder.

The soul is originally a spirit of extreme yin. Taking three pure yang jade clear flowers makes his soul far better than the ordinary Nascent Soul Lord, and even comparable to the Transformation God Dao Lord.

This is also the reason why Gao Xian dares to guide the thunder to temper his soul.

The power of thunder accumulated in the sky was released again and again, and the power of thunder gradually weakened.

Gao Xian was still a little unfinished, as there were too few opportunities to refine his soul. If only it could last a little longer.

It's not bad now. The soul has been tempered by the sky thunder, and the power of pure Yang Baoguang has been stimulated. The soul is obviously much stronger, with two more points of pure Yang energy.

This is a crucial tempering for the soul. It even laid the foundation of true pure Yang.

Of course, Chunyang is still too far away from him, so there is no need to think too much now.

His soul was refined by lightning, greatly strengthening his foundation. In addition, the three Nascent Souls have also been refined by Tianlei. This time, the power of his spiritual consciousness will not be directly improved, but the level of his spiritual consciousness will be greatly improved.

The benefits in other aspects are too many to mention in a short while.

The dark clouds in the sky have not dispersed yet, and the final power of thunder is still accumulating in the clouds.

Gao Xian suddenly had an idea and felt that this was a precious opportunity. He put away the Five Elements Sword and took out the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip.

This spiritual weapon is actually not of a high grade, and it mainly fits his "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra".

As a fourth-level top-grade spiritual weapon, this golden whip has enough spirituality within it, and it only needs an opportunity to transform the spirit into a god. The simplest way is to use his magic power to practice day and night to continuously strengthen his spirituality.

After a hundred and eighty years of such sacrifice, the spirit can be transformed into a god, and the Golden Whip Center Restriction can evolve into a divine weapon as the level increases.

The sky thunder contains the power of birth and death of yin and yang. It not only has the power to destroy everything, but also contains endless spiritual energy and can enlighten all living things.

Gao Xian wanted to try if he could use the golden whip to absorb the thunder and let the spirit in it complete a transformation. Of course, this is also very dangerous.

If one is not good, it is very likely that the spirituality in the golden whip will be completely defeated by the thunder.

Gao Xian had a feeling that he had a great chance of success this time. Because the thunder in the sky did not erupt naturally, but was attracted to him by the foul air.

This kind of harmony between heaven and earth is extremely mysterious. It's a great opportunity. Of course, it doesn't matter if you fail. He does not need to borrow the spiritual power of the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip. With the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Flying Lightning Sutra, he can easily control this whip.

The last ray of lightning fell, and Gao Xian raised his golden whip to greet it.

The majestic thunder that spanned thousands of miles was connected with Shenxiao Tianshu's demon-subduing golden whip, and all of it was poured into the golden whip.

The blue and white lightning of this four-foot long whip kept shining and jumping, and finally slowly fell silent.

Gao Xian flicked the golden whip, and he could feel that the spirit in the golden whip disappeared. However, it is not spiritual collapse. More like falling into a deep sleep.

It may be that the power of the sky thunder is too strong, and the spirituality of the golden whip cannot bear it for a while, so it is necessary to slowly transform the power of the sky thunder in this way.

It should be considered half the success. In a short time, I won’t be able to use this golden whip.

Gao Xian didn't care much about this. Dingtian was promoted to a fourth-level artifact, which was incomparable to the several artifacts in his hand.

After experiencing the thunder tribulation, his soul and Yuanying were also very tired and needed a long time to cultivate. The thunder tribulation also washed away the filth, and the evil tribulation that killed the emperor was resolved.

Gao Xian had no intention of staying here. He activated the Great Universe Shifting Talisman. In order to ensure the stability of the spiritual energy, he also consumed twenty high-grade spiritual stones.

In the mortal environment, the spiritual energy stored in the spiritual stone is consumed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, twenty high-grade spiritual stones turned into countless debris in the filthy gas.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy transformed from the high-grade spiritual stones is enough to support the operation of the talismans and maintain the stability of the space here.

The next moment, Gao Xian had appeared in the teleportation circle in Xuanming City.

After activating the divine light of Qinghua, Gao Xian's skin that was scorched by the lightning immediately shattered into pieces and returned to its original appearance as clear and as pure as jade. He handed over five high-grade spiritual stones and then drove the escape light back to Tianhong Garden.

Ten years have passed, but Tianhong Garden has not changed at all. There is just one more Shui Mingxia.

Yongzhen has good work ability. He has settled the Shui family in a few days and led Shui Mingxia to complete the Xuanming Order.

Gao Xian is a dignified elder of Yuanying. Although his disciples cannot be regarded as true disciples within the sect, they can also directly enjoy the treatment of inner disciples.

Shui Mingxia traveled around the world with Gao Xian, and she was considered to have seen the world. When I arrived at the Xuanming Sect, I was confused. This is the center of Mingzhou, so prosperous and magnificent.

For a mortal like Shui Mingxia, it is like a fairyland. Fortunately, after a few days, Shui Mingxia has adapted to this place. She made up her mind to kill the emperor in the capital, and at that moment she understood the meaning of the sword and was already angry. It's just not stable yet.

When I arrived at the Xuanming Sect, the spiritual energy was a hundred times better than in the mortal world. After staying here for a few days, she was about to condense her Qi orifices and enter the second level of Qi training. This is why Gao Xian laid a deep foundation for her, and she entered the avenue after feeling angry.

In addition, he has sufficient spiritual energy and can use elixirs to assist his practice, so his practice is rapid.

But she still couldn't see the teacher, and Shui Mingxia was also quite worried about the teacher's safety. When Gao Xian came back, she felt completely relieved.

Gao Xian quite liked this young apprentice. He had seen her swordsmanship and was quite satisfied with her progress. At that moment, many spiritual objects and elixirs were given to Shui Mingxia, and Shui Mingxia was asked to practice with Yongzhen first.

In ten years, he taught enough. When Shui Mingxia is ready to build the foundation, he will give her some guidance.

Gao Xian called Qingqing out again and asked her to recognize Shui Mingxia as her junior sister.

There is a huge difference in age and cultivation between the two, but Qingqing's temperament is relatively pure, just like a girl. On the contrary, Shui Mingxia has a more mature temperament.

Qingqing has never had any playmates, and she is always on the same level as Yongzhen and Yonghe. Suddenly there was a little junior sister, so naturally he was very happy. Shui Mingxia is energetic and handsome, smart, generous and cheerful, and is also very popular with Qingqing.

Gao Xian told Qingqing not to interfere in Shui Mingxia's practice. Although the two were both sword cultivators, their approaches were completely different. Qingqing's cultivation level is very high, so asking her to give Shui Mingxia guidance would cause problems.

After explaining the matter clearly, Gao Xian returned to the quiet room for retreat. He rested for three years this time and took a lot of spiritual elixirs that nourished the Nascent Soul, so that the Nascent Soul and soul that had been cleansed by lightning could return to their original state.

In the past few years, Gao Xian hardly went out. In addition to resting, he read and wrote books every day. Qing Le and Tai Ning didn't come to the door either, wondering what they were busy with. He didn't ask much.

Both beauties are in a period of rapid growth, and they have received magical treasures. They both need time to digest.

Gao Xian had no intention of looking for another woman. After staying in the mortal world for ten years, he had gained quite a lot of insights, and he just took advantage of the opportunity to sort out his gains.

In particular, the Hunyuan Jing of the Five Elements, both positive and negative, has been polished by the filthy mortal world and has become much more pure. There was also a thunder tribulation to cleanse the Nascent Soul, and he made great progress in his cultivation.

When he has nothing to do, he can still teach his disciples and give guidance on the cultivation of Yongzhen and Yonghe.

During this period, he only went out twice, both times to interview Fan Qingyuan, the head shopkeeper of Wanbao Tower, about the "Ode to the Joy of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang".

After more than ten years of promotion, nearly 100 billion copies of "The Odyssey of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang" have been sold.

Fan Qingyuan is very satisfied with this. If Gao Xian is willing to pay, things will be easier to handle. As for how many books are sold, it's not that important. Besides, the direct sales model created by Gao Xian is very unusual. The low-level casual cultivators are selling books everywhere like crazy and developing offline.

This situation, of course, will lead to a large number of invalid sales, but it also allows "The Great Joy of the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth" to truly spread.

Now this book is really everywhere in Mingzhou. I am worthy of Gao Xian.

Gao Xian understands this truth very well and knows that sales data must contain a lot of water. It's just that it's impossible to check the accounts for this kind of thing.

Besides, as long as he can achieve 1% actual sales, he will be satisfied.

In the fourth year after returning from the mortal world, the Golden Whip of Demon Subduing by Shenxiao Tianshu was finally upgraded to a fourth-level low-grade artifact under his cultivation, which was also a gain.

In the early spring of March, Gao Xian went to see the master of Yaoguang Palace, Shou'an, who had been given thirty years' leave. Now that he had nothing to do, he always came to visit, give some gifts to express his gratitude, and keep in touch with him.

Shou An's white hair has become thinner, and he looks much older. Fortunately, his eyes are still bright, and he should live for another hundred and eighty years.

Shou'an was also very happy to see Gao Xian coming: "Fellow Taoist came just in time. I originally wanted to find fellow Taoist..."

He pondered for a moment with a troubled look on his old face: "Fellow Taoist, something from the sect has been assigned to me. I have thought about it for a long time, and only fellow Taoist in this palace can take on this important task!"

Gao Xian smiled. He had gotten some benefits from hanging around in the Xuanming Sect, so he inevitably had to do things for the Xuanming Sect. This is also normal. Old man Shou'an was given a thirty-year holiday, but there was no need to worry about it.

He said: "It is my duty to serve the sect. It doesn't matter, senior brother..."

Shou'an couldn't help but be overjoyed, this Lord Po Junxing was really a fastidious person!

(End of this chapter)

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