Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 619 Ten thousand swords return to the clan

Chapter 619 Ten thousand swords return to the clan

"The Hidden Sword Cave is quite dangerous, fellow Taoists must be careful..."

The old Taoist Shou'an said with a concerned look on his face: "The sect has already lost two Nascent Souls inside, and an errand has been sent to our Yaoguang Palace, but I can't do anything about it.

"In the whole palace, only Taoist friends are highly cultivated and have immeasurable magical powers."

Shou'an sighed repeatedly as he spoke: "My vitality is declining, and I am most afraid of evil and filth. Otherwise, I will go alone..."

Gao Xian smiled slightly: "Senior brother takes such good care of me, so I should share his worries."

He paused and then said: "I also have some knowledge of swordsmanship. Since the Hidden Sword Cave is a cave left by the ancient sect Hidden Sword Mansion, I am also quite interested.

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank my senior brother for giving me this opportunity."

Shou'an's old face also showed a smile, Gao Xian was still good at talking. It was clear that he was going to work for his life, but this man said it as if it was a good thing and he wanted to accept his favor.

He also lamented in his heart that even though Gao Xian was only 300 years old, he was better behaved than most 3,000-year-old guys.

This has nothing to do with wisdom, it is entirely determined by one's origin and character. Most of the Yuan Yings in the sect are from aristocratic families. They already have a very high starting point when they are born, and their cultivation has been smooth sailing. It is inevitable for such people to have their eyes above their heads.

Most of the people who are as thorough and sophisticated as Gao Xian are from casual cultivating backgrounds. Because of this, these casual cultivators can often stand out from the competition among their peers and occupy high positions.

Shou'an naturally praised Gao Xian greatly and promised to let Gao Xian rest for decades after the matter was over.

Gao Xian smiled and was polite, and after leaving Yaoguang Palace, he drove the escape light to Yumei Peak.

The mountain is covered with exotic plum trees. The plum blossoms are as bright as jade and remain undefeated all year round. Hence the name Yumeifeng. There are several small buildings on Yumei Peak, with quaint and simple styles, which are particularly elegant among the mountains full of white plums, as white as jade.

Several small buildings have names, such as Meixiang Tower, Xuemei Tower and so on.

Tai Ning lives here, thousands of miles away from his Tianhong Garden. The main reason is that the Xuanming Sect is too big, and moreover, the location of Yumei Peak is also a bit remote.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy in this place is full and soft, but it is more suitable for cultivation than Tianhong Garden. This is also the treatment that the Xuanming Sect’s true disciples deserve. There is no way he can be compared to an outsider.

Gao Xian had used Xuan Ming Ling to contact Tai Ning beforehand and knew that Tai Ning was available. When he arrived at Yumei Peak, he saw Tai Ning, dressed in a lake-blue Taoist robe, standing in the open space in front of the small building, quietly admiring an unexpected plum blossom sticking out diagonally.

Tai Ning sensed the movement of light in the sky. She looked up at Gao Xian in the sky with a bright smile on his face, and even waved to Gao Xian intimately.

Gao Xian pressed down and the light fell right next to Tai Ning. He looked around casually and praised: "The jade plum blossoms here are as fragrant as snow. It's such a good place."

"We haven't seen each other for a few years. I'm glad that my senior brother has made great progress..." Tai Ning looked up and down at Gao Xian. After more than ten years of separation, he looked more handsome, his eyes were brighter and deeper, and he looked clearer.

The nine-pointed star between the eyebrows is condensed and restrained. It looks a little less overbearing and more in line with Gao Xian's gentle and elegant demeanor.

She couldn't see the depth of Gao Xian's cultivation, but she could see that these subtle changes were displayed from the inside out. Especially the Pojun Divine Urn, which is said to be a fifth-level Divine Urn. It must have been refined by Gao Xian that it no longer had the overwhelming brilliance of the past.

Taining was also a little surprised. In the past ten years, she had initially refined the Tianyinjian of the True King of Ten Directions, but she was still far from being able to control it as she wished.

The True King of the Ten Directions Tianyin Jianben is the most important artifact in her practice of secret techniques. The refining process has greatly improved her cultivation. At this rate, it won't take more than three hundred years to have a chance to attain enlightenment and become a god.

She was quite proud of this. When she saw Gao Xian again, she found that the man's cultivation had actually improved, and his cultivation speed was far faster than hers.

What puzzled her even more was that Gao Xian still had a trace of mysterious pure yang energy in his body. She didn't know if he had eaten something divine or obtained some divine weapon!

Taining had always been very optimistic about Gao Xian, so he was willing to practice dual cultivation with Gao Xian. Just seeing Gao Xian's great progress in cultivation, she couldn't help but feel envious and jealous.

She immediately suppressed these useless emotions. Everyone in the sect knew that she had a close relationship with Gao Xian, which indeed had a very bad influence on her in a short period of time. However, as long as Gao Xian can first realize the Tao and become a god, these criticisms will not matter.

A powerful person who transforms into gods has a decisive position even in the Xuanming Sect, which has many powerful people. When she advances to become a god, she will be able to occupy an important position in the sect together with Gao Xian.

She was going to catch such a man!

Thinking of this, Tai Ning took the initiative to hold Gao Xian's hand and walked towards the small building. She chuckled and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you, senior brother. I have some cultivation problems that I want to ask him for advice..."

Gao Xian was a little surprised that Tai Ning was so proactive and enthusiastic. But it's okay, he hasn't been with women in more than ten years, and he just happened to have a good discussion with Tai Ning.

After the clouds and rain cleared, Gao Xian and Tai Ning hugged each other and talked sweetly. The estrangement between them, which had not been seen for more than ten years, completely disappeared after many in-depth exchanges.

The Jade Body of a Plain Girl is an extremely superb method of dual cultivation. During the dual cultivation, the two people will have a subtle resonance at the level of their souls. This kind of resonance is equivalent to meeting a soulmate. Naturally, they will be in tune with each other in all aspects, and they can also naturally deepen their relationship.

This dual cultivation is beneficial to both parties, harmonizing the yin and yang of water and fire. Gao Xian felt refreshed and refreshed, but it was even more satisfying and comfortable than being washed away by lightning.

Gao Xian knew that Tai Ning had many things on his mind, and he was not of the same mind. Tai Ning is very different from his other women in this regard.

However, the virgin body is really fragrant. His body is given to him to enjoy, and it doesn't matter if others keep their hearts to themselves.

"Junior sister, do you know about the Hidden Sword Cave?" Gao Xian came to Tai Ning to rekindle old friendships and to inquire about the situation of the Hidden Sword Cave.

It's not that he doesn't trust Shou'an, it's just that he doesn't trust Shou'an's abilities.

As a Yuanying whose life is not long, Shou'an will naturally be excluded from the center of power. The information obtained by Shou An must be incomplete. As a direct descendant of the sect, Tai Ning has a bright future and is particularly close to Daojun Zhenying. She must have more channels for information.

"Hidden Sword Cave, I heard it said. It is said to be a cave left by the Hidden Sword Mansion thousands of years ago."

Tai Ning said: "It is said that the founder of the Cangjian Mansion was also a Chunyang Taoist, but he fell in the great catastrophe ten thousand years ago. The Cangjian Mansion has been passed down for thousands of years, and unexpectedly the sect leader Ye Zangjian was possessed by evil spirits. , destroyed his own sect...

"It is said that the Hidden Sword Mansion likes to collect divine swords. When they see a good sword, they will find ways to get it. I don't know how many people have been offended for this. Everyone is happy that the Hidden Sword Mansion is destroyed.

"The cave left by this sect is full of evil. There is also a terrifying evil spirit at the level of a god in it. The two Nascent Souls of the sect were plotted by this evil spirit, and that's why they died..."

Tai Ning asked: "Brother, why are you asking this? Are you going to search the Hidden Sword Cave?"

"The sect has a destiny and we have to follow it."

Gao Xian actually wanted to see the Hidden Sword Cave, but he couldn't say that in front of Tai Ning.

"Senior brother, you must be careful. None of the Shen Dao Lords are willing to go. Even though the evil atmosphere is strong inside, no one can tell what else is hidden. A small hidden sword cave is actually not worth the risk!"

Tai Ning didn't care much about the Hidden Sword Cave. Jiuzhou was the center of human cultivators, and countless sects had been inherited in Jiuzhou throughout the ages.

The various ruins and caves left by these ancient sects are countless. Most of these ruins and caves are actually of little value.

After all, it was an ancient sect, and whether it was spells, elixirs, magical weapons, etc., they were all relatively crude and backward. The most valuable ones are some spiritual objects left from ancient times.

Over a long period of time, these spiritual objects have become hard-to-find divine objects with high value. For this reason, even if these ancient caves are dangerous, they must always be explored and searched.

Xuanming Sect is such a large sect, so naturally there are people who are responsible for this kind of thing. But something went wrong and two Nascent Soul Lords died. The sect's senior officials also paid more attention to this sword-hiding cave.

The God-Transforming Dao Lords each have their own important matters, and besides, this level of cave is not worth their efforts. For various reasons, the job finally fell to Shou'an.

In fact, it was clear that this matter was to be handed over to Gao Xian, and Shouan was just a messenger.

Gao Xian also knew this very well, and he actually couldn't refuse this matter.

"By the way, I heard that there is a peerless artifact in the Cangjian Mansion, the Order of the Return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Clan. It is said to be a fusion of thousands of swords and the sharpness of the Jiuzhou Divine Sword. It is very magical. The whereabouts of this object are unknown. Maybe it is hidden in the Cangjian Cave. It’s also unknown.”

Tai Ning said: "Since senior brother is proficient in swordsmanship, it should be helpful if he can get this object."

She reminded her seriously, "Senior brother, evil spirits are weird and unpredictable, and the most difficult to deal with. You must be careful and don't show off your strength..."

Tai Ning knew that Gao Xian's cultivation level was tyrannical, but exploring the cave was very dangerous. High cultivation level did not mean that he could run unimpeded.

There is an unknown cave that even the Taoist Master of Transformation God is not willing to enter easily. If it really encounters the annihilation of Dongtian, Chunyang Taoist Master may not be able to hold on.

The world is vast and endless, and even Tianzun cannot claim to be able to ignore all dangers.

Although the rumored Wanjian Return Order is wonderful, it is not worth the risk.

Gao Xian nodded in agreement, naturally he would not be careless.

Tai Ning used his spiritual consciousness to send a message to Gao Xian again: "Brother, I went to ask the Five Qi Cave Heaven. They all said that the cave here is extremely dangerous. It is better for us not to take risks for the time being."

"There's no rush for Wuqi Cave Heaven. You should practice well first."

Gao Xian ran to Wuqi Cave to take a look around. He didn't want to take any risks for the time being. The main thing is that his path to becoming a god is still very smooth, so there is no need to mess around.

Once the matter of the Hidden Sword Cave is resolved, it should be able to stop for decades. When the time comes, let Taixuan God prove the Tao Transformation God first. There is just one difficulty. When forming a soul, the vision of heaven and earth will attract powerful people from all sides, which is another big trouble.

It is for this reason that aliens like Wanshou must seek refuge in the Xuanming Sect. If you want to achieve something on the road, you will inevitably face various disasters.

Overcoming the catastrophe is already extremely difficult, and there is no way to spare the effort to protect yourself. So you need to find someone to protect you. Fortunately, there is still time, so there is no need to rush.

Back at Tianhong Garden, Gao Xian made arrangements for his family.

When the appointed time came, I arrived at the teleportation formation, only to find that Wan Qingxia was also there. This woman joined the Xuanming Sect and also changed into a purple-red Taoist robe. She didn't look as gorgeous as before, but she had a more moving charm.

Wan Qingxia was a little surprised when she saw Gao Xian: "Fellow Taoist Gao also went to the Hidden Sword Cave?"

Gao Xian smiled and nodded: "Exactly."

Wan Qingxia smiled sweetly: "The Hidden Sword Cave is dangerous, please take care of my little sister..."

(Thank you very much for your monthly votes~ I bow to you all)

(End of this chapter)

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