Chapter 622 Sword God

Wan Qingxia calmed down quickly. She glanced at Gao Xian beside her. With him here, Wan Jian's return order could not reach her.

Realizing this, Wan Qingxia couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

After getting along with him for more than twenty days, she quite liked Gao Xian. The main reason is that Gao Xian's cultivation is far better than hers, and he is also extremely powerful in combat.

Killing the fourth-level evil spirits is like cutting melons and vegetables. The fact that the two of them were able to get all the way here was all thanks to Gao Xian.

Wan Qingxia knew this very well, and it wasn't too difficult for her to kill a few evil spirits. The problem is that these evil spirits will take action upon hearing the news and will not give her a chance to defeat them one by one.

On the other hand, the stench in the Hidden Sword Cave was too strong. Even if she brought some elixirs and talismans to dispel the stench, she couldn't sustain it for long.

Gao Xian's Qinghua Divine Light completely solved the problem of foul air infection. This is also the fundamental guarantee that the two of them can keep moving forward.

Without this magical power, the two of them would have to exit the Hidden Sword Cave for repairs every time they advanced a certain distance.

It was precisely because of these convenient conditions that she was able to see the return order of Wan Jian.

Wan Qingxia understood these truths, but she still couldn't control her strong desire for Wan Jian to return to the clan.

There is also a powerful fifth-level evil spirit sitting here, which should not be underestimated.

"Is this person Ye Zangjian?"

She is considered Gao Xian’s friend, so it’s not impossible for Gao Xian to give her the Order of Returning Ten Thousand Swords to the Clan, right?

"With senior brother's peerless magical power, I have to give it a try!"

Wan Qingxia saw Gao Xian silent and thought he was afraid. She hurriedly said: "Although Ye Zangjian was powerful during his lifetime, after his death, he turned into an evil spirit and lost his intelligence. He may not be able to use the sword anymore.

Wan Qingxia wanted to suppress her greed, but her heart became more and more excited when she thought of this. Yes, everyone said that Gao Xian was greedy for money and lustful, but Gao Xian also always took care of his companions and friends.

However, this kind of thing is hard to say.

She didn't take it for nothing, she exchanged it for spiritual stones and spiritual objects. If that doesn't work out, she can still accompany Gao Xian to practice dual cultivation. She is a dignified Nascent Soul Sword Master, but she has never practiced dual cultivation with a man. Calculating this, Gao Xian doesn’t suffer much...

Gao Xian didn't know much about Zangjian Mansion, so he only knew the name.

"It's just that Gao Xian is so powerful. If he wants this artifact, it won't be of much use. He might as well give it to her..."

Even if the evil spirit transformed by Ye Zangjian only has one point of swordsmanship left, she can't deal with it. Even if she didn't have any swordsmanship left, she couldn't handle the fifth-level pressure alone.

The Cangjian Mansion has been destroyed for thousands of years, and there is only one name left in the records about Ye Zangjian. Maybe there are some older god-transformation experts in the Xuanming Sect who know Ye Zangjian, but it is difficult for him to get in touch with these god-transformation experts.

According to legend, the Ten Thousand Swords were tempered by tens of thousands of swords and were known as the Supreme among Swords. The most important thing is that this is a divine object passed down by Chunyang Taoist Master. It must be at the sixth level at worst, right? !

There is another very important reason. Wanxiang Daojun, the founder of Wanxiang Sect, was the sword cultivator of Cangjian Mansion. However, he left Cangjian Mansion for various reasons and went to establish Wanxiang Sect elsewhere.

She then emphasized: "Brother, in Ye Zangjian's hand must be the Order of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan. This thing is made by condensing the essence of tens of thousands of swords in the world. It is said that it also contains the inheritance of thousands of sword techniques, which is very superb. .Senior brother is good at using swords, this thing will be quite useful to you..."

Gao Xian and Wan Qingxia can only be regarded as acquaintances, not to the point where they can speak freely without any scruples. He thought for a moment and reminded: "Fellow Taoist, this evil spirit is very strong. Please pay attention to mental protection. Don't get into trouble if you are infected with the evil spirit."

Wan Qingxia nodded and said: "Fellow Taoist, this evil spirit should be Ye Zangjian, the last sect leader of Zangjian Mansion. It is said that this person's swordsmanship is superb and unparalleled. But I don't know which strong man he offended. After his death, They can't live in peace and become evil spirits..."

As a true swordsman of the Wanxiang Sect, the "Tianhong Sword Sutra" practiced by Wan Qingxia is derived from the Tianxia Sword of the Cangjian Palace. Facing the order of Wan Jian returning to the clan, she was completely unable to resist this temptation!

Cangjian Mansion and Wanxiang Sect actually have a inheritance relationship.

The stench here is too strong, even with the divine light of Qinghua, it may not be able to remove it. Furthermore, the Hidden Sword Cave is also very strange and cannot be explained by common sense.

Wan Qingxia also knew that she should not be greedy. Without Gao Xian, she would not have been able to see Wan Jian's return to the clan. Even if Gao Xian doesn't rob him, how can she deal with this fifth-level evil spirit!

If I read it correctly, this should be Ye Zangjian, the last sect leader of Zangjian Mansion. Black clothes, golden crown, and white hair hanging down to the ground are the characteristics of Ye Zangjian, which is very easy to identify.

Gao Xian sensed that the mood swings of the woman next to him were a bit violent. He glanced at Wan Qingxia calmly. Her eyes looked bright and full of magic, and she did not seem to be infected by evil spirits.

Gao Xian saw Wan Qingxia's eager look, and he was also a little confused. Wan Qingxia's proud and conceited temperament meant that even if she wanted Wan Jian to return to the clan, she wouldn't be so eager to work hard.

There's something wrong with this woman!

Gao Xian was a little wary, but on the surface he nodded slightly: "What Taoist fellow Taoist said is that you have already reached this point, you have to try the depth."

Even if Wan Qingxia had some problems, she couldn't capture her directly. This kind of evil influence cannot be detected for a while.

Rather than taking action now, it would be better to wait for Wan Qingxia to jump out on her own initiative. It's only natural to deal with her when the time comes.

Gao Xian didn't care much about Wan Qingxia. Not to mention that he was wary, even if he was unprepared, Wan Qingxia wouldn't be able to touch him.

This woman is considered a top expert at the Nascent Soul level, but she is still far behind him. First of all, there is a huge gap between the two sides in terms of spiritual consciousness. His spiritual consciousness is at least twice as strong as Wan Qingxia's.

Even Wan Qingxia's best swordsmanship is two realms behind him, not to mention the gap in other secret arts and magical powers.

After traveling together for more than twenty days, he saw through all the changes in the Rainbow Sword Sutra. Now he only needs one shot of the Five Elements Anti-Extermination Divine Sword to kill Wan Qingxia. Gao Xian was very wary of the Ye Zangjian in front of him. He was a fifth-level evil sword cultivator, but he still had some of the power of a powerful deity cultivator.

Fifth-level evil spirits such as heavenly ghosts have no power, wisdom, and no skills. It is completely an evil thing bred by the special environment of the Heavenly Ghost Prison. It only has the fifth level of mana power, and other aspects are not worth mentioning.

Even so, the Heavenly Ghost can also crush ordinary Yuanying with its powerful power. The fifth-level dragon-shaped monsters in the Taiming Spiritual Realm are even better. Mainly, they still have some fighting instincts and can control some corresponding magical powers.

In comparison, the six-tailed sky fox is stronger than the sky ghost and dragon-shaped monster. The main reason is that it has wisdom, but it has not learned the appropriate spells, let alone refined powerful magic weapons. Only then will he be killed.

The Taishi Temple can manifest the six-tailed celestial fox, which has also become a target for him to practice magic and swordsmanship. Therefore, Gao Xian has long been accustomed to fighting against ordinary souls.

He still has great confidence that he can win against these fifth-level people who have no intelligence.

"You stay away, I'll try this guy's skills..."

Gao Xian told Wan Qingxia, and he drove the black and yellow divine light to the top of the central hall.

Most of the main hall collapsed. Huge black ashlar stones were scattered everywhere. Only a few pillars supported the dome at the throne position of the main hall.

Ye Zangjian was sitting on a huge throne made of black jade. He lowered his head and held his sword as if he was thinking about something, and he seemed to be repenting and apologizing. There was a strong sense of sadness.

Gao Xian is not interested in Ye Zangjian's past. No matter what kind of hero he was at the beginning or what tragic and painful experiences he had, he has turned into an evil thing.

The evil thing just borrowed Ye Zangjian's body, and may have inherited some of his memories and sword skills. The more so, the more pathetic it is.

Killing this Ye Zangjian is the greatest respect for this former sword god.

There is no need to talk about any rules with Xie Sui. In fact, Gao Xian never talks about rules in real battles. Fighting is about killing the enemy. Anything that has nothing to do with killing the enemy is meaningless.

Gao Xian led Wan Qingxia to kill Xie Sui. He still had a lot of energy left, so he could pretend to be cool and lead the girl. In a real life-and-death situation, Wan Qingxia was not even qualified to watch.

Anyway, he has already told Wan Qingxia that this woman is at least three hundred years old and not a child. She should be able to understand what she should do.

Gao Xian drove the black and yellow divine light to the right position, and pressed the seal with his hand to activate the anti-Five Elements Extermination Divine Sword. He has rich experience in dealing with fifth-level evil objects, and will never engage in useless interactions with evil objects.

When he came up, he used his strongest magical power. Before the evil thing could react, he had the upper hand, so he couldn't be polite.

The Anti-Five Elements Extermination Divine Sword cannot be cast instantly, but Gao Xian has already silently made preparations in advance, and it only needs to be activated with the magic seal.

A flash of sharp divine light, as clear as water, with a sharp and sharp roar, slashed Ye Zangjian diagonally. He lowered his head and held the sword. Ye Zangjian suddenly raised his head before the divine light fell. The golden sword in his hand blocked the sharp divine light.

The golden long sword vibrated thousands of times in an instant, and the sword energy continued to explode, shattering this sharp divine light.

Gao Xian's heart sank. This guy reacted too quickly and his consciousness was also powerful. It was completely different from those fifth-level evil creatures he encountered.

The most difficult thing is that this evil thing actually possesses powerful sword skills. In terms of swordsmanship, he is by no means inferior to him. Although it can't be compared with a real powerful person who transforms into a god, it is at least sixty-seven points as powerful as a powerful person who transforms into a god.

For such a powerful evil, ordinary spells are almost ineffective. The expert-level Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra can hardly pose a threat to this person.

The Anti-Five Elements Extermination Divine Sword, the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, the Pojun Divine Ruins, and the Great Five Elements Divine Light, there are only four magical weapons and magical powers that have a chance to kill Ye Zangjian.

After all, the Five Elements Sword Weapon failed to fuse and was still one level behind.

Gao Xian is rich in experience. He has already tested the depth of the Ye Zang Sword with only one shot of the Five Elements Anti-Extermination Magic Sword. The black and yellow divine light that he controlled without hesitation shot through the air and escaped far away.

A golden sword light chased Gao Xian and slashed at him. Even with the high speed of the black and yellow divine light, he could not avoid this sword.

In an instant, the dark golden light wheel spinning rapidly behind Gao Xian broke under the sword light. The protective golden light formed by the Tai Chi Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Clothes and the Five Elements Lotus Crown were also easily cut apart by the sword light like tissue paper.

The nine-pointed star on Gao Xian's eyebrows shone brightly, and at the same time, the four-foot-four-inch long sword in his hand turned into seven shining dark blue stars, blocking the golden sword light.

It's just that the golden sword light was too strong and Sheng Gao Xian couldn't resist it. He could only use the Dou Zhuan Xing Shift in the Star Sword and borrow the star power of the Army-Breaking God to push the power of this sword technique to the extreme.

Even so, the passage of time is not enough to turn the sword light back, it can only deflect the sword light away. The golden sword light brushed against Gao Xian's body and roared away, leaving a deep golden sword mark in the air.

Gao Xian took advantage of the situation and once again activated the Black and Yellow Divine Light to escape. This time Ye Zangjian did not pursue him, which made Gao Xian relieved.

Out of caution, Gao Xian drove the black and yellow divine light in a circle before returning to Wan Qingxia. He said to Wan Qingxia: "The evil thing is powerful, let's go back first and then discuss it in the long run."

But Wan Qingxia's bright eyes were shining with blazing light: "Brother, I don't think that evil thing is very strong. Why don't we try it together. You involve the evil thing, and I will find an opportunity to kill it, how about it?"

Gao Xian took a deep look at Wan Qingxia, there was something wrong with this woman...

(End of this chapter)

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