Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 623 5 Colors of Divine Light

Chapter 623 Five Colors Divine Light

Wan Qingxia didn't realize her gaffe, and she continued to encourage: "If we can solve Ye Zangjian, the Wanjian will belong to us if we return it to the sect. If we go back and call for help, this artifact will only return to the sect." …”

She looked into Gao Xian's eyes and said seriously: "Senior brother, the most precious thing about the Order of Return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Clan is not the artifact itself, but the thousands of sword inheritances condensed within it.

"Even though most of these sword intention inheritances are not of high level, they bring together thousands of sword cultivation methods. Our sword cultivation path is narrow, and it will be of great benefit to us to understand these sword cultivation inheritances."

Gao Xian looked at Wan Qingxia silently. This woman had been infected by evil spirits at some point, and she could no longer control her greed.

For a Nascent Soul, controlling one's own instinctive desires is the most basic ability.

For the sake of Wan Jian's return to the clan, Wan Qingxia had obviously lost her composure and actually ordered him to fight the evil thing. A normal Wan Qingxia would never be so presumptuous.

Even if Wan Qingxia had slept with him, she was not qualified to say such things. This is fighting a fifth-level evil sword cultivator, which is no small matter.

Wan Qingxia thought Gao Xian was considering the pros and cons, so she added: "I got the artifact, senior brother, I only need to lend it to me for three years."

Before Wan Qingxia finished speaking, she saw platinum light shining in Gao Xian's eyes, and she suddenly realized something was wrong.

The problem is that the two sides are too close, and Wan Qingxia did not expect Gao Xian to take action. By the time she reacted, she was already a step too late.

Gao Xian's palm not only possesses the divine thunder method, but also has the peerless power of the Dragon Elephant King Vajra. One blow penetrated all of Wan Qingxia's defenses, and finally triggered Wan Qingxia's thunder and lightning from the sky, which made her want to die.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade.

Gao Xian held Wan Qingxia in his arms and muttered with a smile. The way Wan Qingxia was shaking and trembling just now was like a scene from a banned movie. It was quite exaggerated and even a little funny.

Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves and put Wan Qingxia away first. The White Emperor's Qiankun Transformation Sword can form a world of its own, so of course it's no problem to take someone in it.

Just when Wan Qingxia was about to draw her sword, Gao Xian had already pressed a hand on Wan Qingxia's chest. His fingertips sparkled with lightning from the divine sky, penetrating Wan Qingxia's whole body and penetrating her yin spirit.

The platinum divine light had penetrated her protective aura and went straight into the Yin Shen. This electric light was extremely weird, making her body numb and weak, and the Yin Shen had difficulty in using her magic power.

It would be great if the sect could send a powerful person to solve the problem. Anyway, a Ten Thousand Swords Return Order is not worth his efforts.

Shenxiao's thunder method completely cut off the connection between Wan Qingxia and her natal sword Qingxia Sword, and also

The Nascent Soul Sword Master's body and soul were paralyzed by the lightning. She couldn't hold it in anymore, her eyes turned white, her legs went weak, and she fainted completely.

Wan Qingxia reminded him that the Order of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan itself may not be that important, but this strange sword contains thousands of sword inheritances.

At the critical moment, Wan Qingxia's natal sword Qingxia Sword vibrated and made a long sword cry.

Normally, a Nascent Soul Master like Wan Qingxia shouldn't be so easily tricked. It was probably because he saw Wan Jian returning to his clan that he became greedy and aroused the external demons.

No matter what the situation is, Wan Qingxia is not deeply possessed by the devil. Use some secret techniques to help her expel external demons and eliminate evil spirits.

Perhaps the evil object Ye Zangjian was too powerful, and Wan Qingxia was unknowingly infected by the evil spirit after watching it from a distance.

Naturally, Gao Xian would not actually kill Wan Qingxia. This woman was obviously infected by evil spirits and had unknowingly affected her mind, which made Wan Qingxia do such a stupid thing.

In an instant, thousands of blue and white thunder lights erupted from Wan Qingxia's body both inside and outside her body. Wan Qingxia's whole body trembled with electricity, and her hair exploded.

"You're shaking quite rhythmically..."

After hundreds of years of practicing day and night, Wan Qingxia instinctively grasped the hilt of the sword with her right hand and established a resonance with the sword. The sword energy in her body suddenly surged.

He felt that this was a bit unseemly, so he reprimanded with a righteous look on his face: "The evil heretic wants to destroy my righteous way! He deserves to be killed!"

Under the suppression of the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword, Wan Qingxia was unable to wake up in a short period of time. If there is no evil thing to attract the external demon, Wan Qingxia will be fine for a while.

After fighting against the evil creature Ye Zangjian, Gao Xian realized how powerful Ye Zangjian was and was not interested in fighting with Ye Zangjian. He originally wanted to take Wan Qingxia and leave first.

Gao Xian's swordsmanship almost reached the state of master perfection, but he couldn't pass this level no matter what. Fengyue Baojian seems to have no effect at this time.

He originally wanted to wait for the Five Elements Swords to be unified into one. As Taiyuan's natal sword, Taiyuan's divine aspect would naturally improve along with the natal sword, breaking through the bottleneck of the Wuji Celestial Sword Scripture.

At this point, Gao Xian already knew enough about the transformation of gods.

If you want to advance to the level of becoming a god, you must practice the secret technique to reach the state of master perfection. There is no way forward. Only in this way can we lay a solid foundation and create a perfect soul.

Of course, Yuanshen is also divided into different levels.

Only the highest and most perfect souls are qualified to realize Chunyang.

Gao Xian's goal is big, but Chunyang is just a small goal for him. Mahayana and Earth Immortal above Pure Yang, that is his real goal.

The Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu obtained by Taixuan Shenxiang not only has a protective artifact, but also has a peerless secret method that leads directly to the Chunyang Avenue.

His body has the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra and the Great Five Elements Divine Light, which is enough to achieve the highest and most perfect soul.

Now, the Taiyuan Shenxiang foundation of practicing the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Scripture is slightly poor, and can only count on the integration of the Five Elements Swords and Weapons. The problem is that even if the Five Elements Sword Weapons are combined into a divine sword, it is not the same as the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra. The only solution is for him to practice this sword art to the state of master perfection, and then seek a breakthrough and modify the sword art to match the five elements sword weapon.

The problem arises here. His swordsmanship is stuck at the master level. If he cannot reach the master level, he will not be able to switch to other swordsmanship.

Of course, there won't be much of a problem if you forcefully switch to cultivation, but it will just make your foundation a little unstable. This is not a problem at all at the level of becoming a god. When he realizes Pure Yang, this small problem will probably turn him into ashes in the thunder tribulation.

After ten years of training in the mortal world, he has made progress in all aspects, but there has been no progress in swordsmanship. The Order of Wanjian's Return to the Clan is right in front of him. This is a very good opportunity.

Gao Xian weighed the pros and cons and decided to give it a try.

The evil objects transformed by Ye Zangjian are indeed powerful, and he even retains extremely high swordsmanship. However, evil things are not humans after all and do not have human spirituality.

This is his chance!

Facing a fifth-level evil object like Ye Zangjian, Shenxiao Thunder and Tianshu Electric Light are almost useless, and they are not powerful enough to kill Ye Zangjian immediately. With the endless filth here, Ye Zangjian can quickly return to his original state as long as he doesn't die.

The same is true for the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu and Po Jun Shen Ru. They are powerful, but not strong enough. It doesn't have the power to instantly wipe out Ye Zangjian.

Only the Great Five Elements Divine Light, as long as it can hit Ye Zangjian, has a chance to make this evil thing evaporate instantly.

There are more than 600 million Taoist auras in Fengyue Baojian, and the great sages have added them to Taishi Idol, raising this peerless secret method to a mastery level.

The Taishi Idol's two-level upgrade also increased his consciousness by 50%, and the sensing radius of his consciousness increased to 2,000 miles.

This huge improvement made his consciousness level stronger than many in the early stages of becoming a god.

Of course, the sensing radius of spiritual consciousness is only the simplest standard for measuring the level of spiritual consciousness. There is still a big gap in the level of spiritual consciousness between him and the powerful ones who transform themselves into gods.

A powerful person who transforms into gods uses his soul to control his consciousness. The power of his soul is unmatched by his three Yuan Yings.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry to find Ye Zangjian, he needed time to get familiar with the enhanced consciousness. Because his consciousness skyrocketed instantly by adding points, and there was no training process at all.

This is completely different from other practitioners.

Finding a place near the entrance, Gao Xian set up a magic circle to open the Yunxiao Pavilion and practiced there for three days.

Through training day and night in the Taishi Temple, he was completely adapted to the surge in consciousness. We also made dozens of simulations of the next battle. Although the simulation object was a six-tailed sky fox, it also greatly enhanced his confidence.

If Ye Zangjian cannot be killed in this battle, this evil thing will have to be left to the powerful gods.

Gao Xian was quite open-minded about this. If it wasn't his, there was no need to force it. Besides, since the Order of Returning Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect fell into the hands of the sect, it wouldn’t be too much for him, an explorer, to take it and study it for a few days!

Wan Qingxia has been unconscious for the past few days, mainly because she was restrained and suppressed by the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword. Wan Qingxia Yin Shen could not obtain enough spiritual energy, so she could only maintain a state of suspended animation.

Fortunately, Wan Qingxia has a strong foundation and being in coma for ten and a half months has no effect on her.

Gao Xian, who was ready, came to the desolate and dilapidated hall again. He stopped when he was twenty miles away. Based on his last experience, this distance could guarantee safety.

As long as he doesn't do anything, Ye Zangjian won't notice him, or won't care about him.

Gao Xian stood here silently preparing the Great Five Elements Divine Light.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light is extremely complex and subtle, and he is just getting started in this secret technique. Therefore, it takes a long preparation time to activate this secret technique, about one hundred breaths, which is two hundred seconds.

Such a long forward motion of casting is obviously not suitable for head-on confrontation.

Fortunately, Ye Zangjian is an evil thing after all. It lacks spirituality and only likes to stay in the hall. This passive characteristic destined Ye Zangjian to be easily targeted.

Gao Xian silently circulated the Great Five Elements Divine Light. Feeling that the heat was almost there, he activated the Taixuan Divine Form.

Taixuan Divine Appearance, wearing the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, turned into a bloody rainbow and headed towards Ye Zangjian. This is also the divine light of the Blood Sun among the Nine Blood River Dharma.

This time, the Taixuan divine phase urged the Blood River Heavenly Lord to transform into Yuanshu, and also accelerated the Bloody Yang divine light to the extreme.

The divine light of the Blood Sun is the most blazing secret method among the nine methods of the Blood River. The blood light transformed by Gao Xian has the power to melt all things. At the same time, it is the incarnation of the divine light, which can ignore all kinds of magic weapons and spells.

Ye Zangjian slowly raised his head, a red-gold divine light flashed in his gray eyes, and the golden sword in his hand slashed out.

The overwhelming red divine light split in response to the sword, and the Yin God of Taixuan Shenxiang was almost cut off by the sword. At this time, there could be no hesitation. Gao Xian controlled the incarnation of Taixuan God and the blood light fell directly on Ye Zangjian.

Heavy blood and light are like ribbons and threads, entangling Ye Zangjian. The blazing blood light blessed by Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu was blocked by the invisible sword Qi.

The golden sword in Ye Zangjian's hand buzzed, and the invisible sword vibrated thousands of times at high speed in an instant. The heavy blood light surrounding Ye Zangjian suddenly shattered into billions of bloody light rain.

At this moment, Gao Xian, who was twenty miles away, took action.

The five-color rainbow of white, green, black, yellow and red formed by the divine light of the Five Elements separated the void and swept over Ye Zangjian who was holding the sword...

In an instant, all the sounds and lights in the void disappeared, and only the five-color rainbow shone across the void, shining with unparalleled brilliance...

(Sorry for being late~ I finally updated after trying my best~ I quietly ask for a monthly ticket)

(End of this chapter)

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