Chapter 624 Rumors

The five-color rainbow streaked across the sky, extinguishing all sound, light and shadow, and the deep and dark void seemed to be torn apart by the five-color rainbow.

Ye Zangjian, who raised his sword to kill, burst out with sword energy all over his body, and his power was unparalleled. But under the five-color rainbow, the sword was instantly annihilated. When he raised the sword, Ye Zangjian had no time to perform any changes, so it was actinized and annihilated in the five-color divine light.

Including the throne behind Ye Zangjian and the ruined hall, they were all instantly annihilated in the five-color rainbow.

When the five-color divine light slowly dissipated, a huge roar came from the heaven and earth. The loud and vibrating sound completely destroyed the ancient and dilapidated palace complex. The walls and columns collapsed one after another, stirring up smoke and dust all over the sky.

The dark golden halo shone through the heavy smoke and dust. Gao Xian reached out and grabbed the golden sword that was spinning and flying in the void.

Although the Great Five Elements Divine Light is powerful, it cannot instantly destroy this level of artifact.

If Ye Zangjian was a powerful person who transformed into gods, he would never be killed by the five elements divine light with his powerful magical swordsmanship. But he is just an evil spirit who borrowed Ye Zangjian's body, that's all.

In a battle of this level, one mistake can lead to death.

The golden long sword that had been destroyed by the divine light of the Five Elements made the golden light on the sword even more pure and pure.

As soon as Gao Xian got the sword, he knew it was a good thing. It's just that it has been held in the hands of evil spirits for thousands of years, and it has long been infiltrated by evil spirits. This thing still needs to be re-refined using secret techniques before it can be used.

"She's fine, she's just infected by evil spirits. She needs to rest." Gao Xian explained, otherwise Lord Shouping would have thought that he had killed Wan Qingxia.

Zhenjun Shouping breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out that I have been possessed by an evil spirit. I have a fourth-order nine-turn Jade Clear Pill, which can purify evil spirits..."

There might be some good things in this abandoned palace, but Gao Xian didn't want to take any chances. He wouldn't be able to hold on if another powerful evil spirit came out.

Gao Xian rested for a few hours and returned to normal before leaving the Sword Hidden Cave.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, there's no need for that. I also have Yuqing Pill."

Gao Xian and Zhenjun Shouping exchanged some polite words, and Zhenjun Shouping also very wisely took the initiative to ask Gao Xian to rest first.

When Zhenjun Shouping saw Gao Xian alone, he couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Wan Zhenjun?"

There must be some good things in such a big sword hiding cave. These can be left to the Xuanming Sect to explore slowly. If he already has what he wants, he doesn't need to be so greedy, and he doesn't need to look so ugly when he eats it.

"They are all working for the sect, as they should."

Back in the room, Gao Xian briefly explained the situation of the sword cave inside. He finally said: "My fellow Taoist Wan and I worked together to kill a fifth-level evil spirit. I guess there shouldn't be any danger inside..."

Zhenjun Shouping hurriedly praised: "My Taoist friend, with his immeasurable magical power, easily wiped out many evil spirits, and also clearly investigated the situation in the cave. I will definitely report this matter to the superiors, and I will never let my Taoist friend's work go in vain."

He said and handed Gao Xian a jade bottle, which looked like it should contain ten or twenty pills.

He has now consumed nearly 90% of his mana and is in his weakest state. There is no danger in Hidden Sword Cave, so just take a breath here.

Gao Xian was now weak and was afraid of being infected by evil spirits. He took a quick look and put the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword into his possession.

Gao Xian rejected Zhenjun Shouping's kindness. Although he got it in vain, there was no need to take advantage of it. Wan Qingxia's situation is more complicated, and the effect of this low-level elixir is not very good.

Arriving near the entrance, Gao Xian was in no hurry to go out.

Not to mention that trust cannot be guaranteed, but the key is that there may be other dangers hidden outside, such as magic masters hiding in the dark, evil spirits that suddenly appear, etc...

The magic circle arranged at the entrance of the Hidden Sword Cave sealed off the inside and outside, and there was a real Jindan who was watching specially. Gao Xiancai came out, and Zhenjun Shouping had already come to greet him.

Zhenjun Shouping hesitated for a moment, but still did not ask Wan Qingxia. Since it was in Gao Xian's hands, there was no way Gao Xian could kill Wan Qingxia.

As for what the man and woman have in private, that is their private matter.

Back in his room, Gao Xian ignored Wan Qingxia. He first took out the Wan Jian Guizong Order and studied it. This sword has a strong evil aura. After holding it and looking at it for a while, I felt uncomfortable all over. The artifact left behind by Xie Sui really hurt his hand. You have to find a specialized master to refine the evil spirit.

Gao Xian put away Wan Jian and returned to the clan, and then released Wan Qingxia.

After being exposed to enough spiritual energy, Wan Qingxia's Yin Shen immediately woke up, and her whole body's mana flowed rapidly. Through the induction of her spiritual sense, Wan Qingxia knew that Gao Xian was beside her, and her heart tightened.

This man didn't say a word, he just took action when he came up and captured her when they met her.

Wan Qingxia had seen how powerful Gao Xian was, but it was still hard for her to accept that he could take her down with just one move. On the other hand, Wan Qingxia felt a little angry and resentful.

She felt that Gao Xian wanted to monopolize the Wan Jian Guizong Order, so he suddenly plotted against her. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she couldn't help but open her eyes and look straight at Gao Xian.

Gao Xian sighed inwardly, this woman was originally quite smart, but after being infiltrated by evil spirits, her mind was no longer clear, and she was completely controlled by greed, and now she dared to show her teeth to him.

He said slowly: "Fellow Taoist, it may hurt a little, please bear with it."

Wan Qingxia sneered and was about to speak when the golden light in Gao Xian's eyes activated the Pure Yang Divine Spear. Wan Qingxia felt her eyebrows heat up, as if an invisible blazing spear penetrated deeply into the sea of ​​consciousness, penetrating her Nascent Soul.

The indescribable severe pain made Wan Qingxia scream and she fainted instantly.

However, Gao Xian could see a wisp of black energy dissipating silently between Wan Qingxia's eyebrows, proving that the Pure Yang Divine Spear had indeed achieved its effect.

Compared with using pills, the Pure Yang Divine Spear that has reached the fifth level is undoubtedly more effective, but the Pure Yang Divine Spear is a bit overbearing and will inevitably hurt Wan Qingxia Yuanying and the soul.

This is also something that can't be helped.

If the evil spirit and Wan Qingxia's greed fuse together without using the Pure Yang Divine Spear, it will be difficult to completely eliminate the evil spirit by other methods. It was Wan Qingxia's lack of cultivation and selfish motives that caused the invasion of external evil spirits.

This incident also taught her a lesson.

After a long time, Wan Qingxia woke up. This time her eyes were dim but very clean, and she no longer had that hateful look filled with greed.

Wan Qingxia held her head and was silent for a while. Although she was possessed, she had a clear memory of the whole incident. Thinking of the stupid things she said and did, she felt a little embarrassed to face Gao Xian.

"My fellow Taoist has been tainted by evil spirits, and my methods are a bit overbearing. My fellow Taoist should return to the sect and cultivate himself well..."

Gao Xian said: "The matter here is over, I want to return to the sect."

Wan Qingxia thought for a moment and stood up to formally salute Gao Xian: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for helping me dispel the evil spirit. If fellow Taoist had not helped me, the consequences would have been disastrous."

She was just greedy and evil, which twisted her mind and almost made a big mistake. If Gao Xian hadn't helped her, she would have gradually been eroded by evil spirits and eventually turned into evil spirits.

"We are all fellow Taoists, and we should help each other."

Gao Xian returned the gift with his hand, and said with a smile: "These are all trivial matters, and fellow Taoists don't need to pay too much attention."

Wan Qingxia smiled bitterly and shook her head slightly. This is no small matter.

She did not dwell on this topic and instead said: "I heard that in order to forge the Order of Ten Thousand Swords to Return to the Clan, Taoist Hidden Swordsman killed many sword cultivators.

"This caused the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Order to gather a lot of resentment. It is said that every strong man holding the Ten Thousand Swords Returning Order had no good results..."

Wan Qingxia said seriously to Gao Xian: "Although the rumors may not be true, fellow Taoist please be careful..."

(End of this chapter)

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