Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 625: Fighting against the True Lord

Chapter 625: Fighting against the True Lord

"Junior sister, who do you think should be suitable for this thing?"

Gao Xian took out the Order of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan from the clothes nearby. Tai Ning, who was lying in Gao Xian's arms, looked up lazily. She was so weak and weak at the moment that she had no interest in talking about this.

However, when Tai Ning took one look at the golden sword, his eyes immediately changed. This thing was at least a fifth-level artifact! The evil energy above was strong and strong, making her feel strongly uneasy.

"Is this the order for Wan Jian to return to the clan?"

Tai Ning quickly realized that Gao Xian had just returned from the Hidden Sword Cave. This sword should be the legendary artifact of the Hidden Sword Mansion!

She sat up and took the golden sword, while using her Gang Qi to carefully protect herself and avoid direct contact with the sword.

He flicked the sword with his fingers, and the blade made a low vibration. The golden light on the blade circulated and escaped with traces of black energy.

Tai Ning returned the sword to Gao Xian: "Put it away first, this thing is so evil."

She said that she pinched the seal with her hands and cast the Yuqing Exorcism Seal. The warm and warm aura of white jade swept over her body and overflowed like water. In an instant, the entire bedroom was submerged in the aura of Yuqing.

It lasted for ten breaths before the jade aura slowly dissipated.

Tai Ning lightly patted Gao Xian's chest and said coquettishly: "Senior brother, don't take out such a powerful evil thing at will. It has infected my bedroom with evil..."

Speaking of this, Tai Ning's face was full of envy, "Successful victory over Zhenjun is not only a great name, but also has great benefits. The rewards of the Dharma Fighting Conference are all given by the Taoist masters, and the worst is a fifth-level artifact. There are even sixth-grade divine objects and so on.

Gao Xian knew very well that Tai Ning's character was extremely smart and calculating, and she was not a woman who could get along with her. Because of this, Tai Ning was even more charming.

Dual Cultivation often says that life is free and harmonious, and this should be the state.

Gao Xian is not afraid of leaking secrets. He was able to obtain the Order of Wanjian Returning to the Clan all by his own ability. Even if the sect knew about it, they wouldn't be able to ask for it from him.


As for other women, there are even better ways to compare. Of course, I’m just talking about the effect of dual cultivation.

Tai Ning sighed as he spoke: "It seems that the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference will be held in a hundred years, but the situation in Jiuzhou is not good now, and I don't know if the conference will continue to be held."

"No. Junior sister, you know it. If you hadn't taken the initiative, we wouldn't be like this. I'm not such a casual person!"

Gao Xian can completely cover her in terms of consciousness, soul, body, etc., allowing her to fully realize all her potential and endure it. It's hard to get a perfect fit with her.

Although she had only practiced dual cultivation with Gao Xian, she knew that this state was very rare. Even if she has the body of a virgin, it is very, very difficult to reach this state.

After the clouds and rain dissipated, Gao Xian was still lying there reminiscing. I have to say that the virgin body was really amazing. As far as dual cultivation is concerned, it is much more advanced and happier than Shenxiu's Qiankun Yin Yang Creation Cauldron.

Tai Ning didn't know what Gao Xian was thinking. Anyway, she was still savoring the long aftertaste after double cultivation. Compared with the intense stimulation just now, this kind of physical and mental comfort and complete relaxation is another feeling. It is more comfortable and longer. Her soul, consciousness, and emotions are all in harmony and unity...

Gao Xian hugged Tai Ning's delicate body: "It's my fault, I'll make it up to my junior sister..."

She spoke eloquently and made the origin of this statement very clear.

In fact, people are like this. No matter where the love comes from, it is all feelings. This is true even if the love comes from pure dual cultivation.

The Hidden Sword Cave was so dangerous, and it was natural for him to risk his life to explore it and get some benefits. This is also a benefit given by the sect.

"If you get first place in the Fighting Tournament, you will be honored as the True Lord of Fighting. This title is extremely loud and will spread throughout the nine continents..."

Before they finished speaking, the two rolled into a ball again.

Gao Xianyi stated his position sternly. He had never touched this before and could not take the blame.

He had no friendship with Tai Ming, so he felt it was inappropriate if the other party helped him without asking for money. There is nothing better than the other party liking spiritual stones, and he currently has many spiritual stones.

Gao Xian was a little puzzled. Wan Qingxia said this, and Tai Ning said it again. He thought there was some reason for it. But can this be connected with the death of Hidden Sword Taoist Master?

He asked: "Does this statement have any origin?"

"Senior brother, have you and Wan Qingxia also practiced dual cultivation?" Tai Ning suddenly asked quietly.

Tai Ning felt that she liked Gao Xian more and more. More importantly, she saw Gao Xian's ability and was more optimistic about Gao Xian's future.

Tai Ning is a true descendant of the official sect. He has read various important classics and articles since he was a child, and knows many important events in Jiuzhou. He has a profound knowledge in this regard.

Gao Xian was far behind in this aspect. He also read a lot of books, but most of them were miscellaneous books. Such important classics are simply not available on the market. He had never seen it in the library of Wanfeng Sect.

"What is the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly?" he asked curiously.

"The Dharma Conference for the exchange of cultivators from the Nine Continents is held once every thousand years. Almost all Chunyang Taoist Masters will attend. During this period, there will be a Dharma Fighting Meeting, where cultivators from the Nine Continents gather together to fight. Of course, the Transformation God cannot end.

If not, who would be willing to venture into the cave.

Tai Ning was not blaming him, but more flirting with Gao Xian.

Dual cultivation is a matter of two people. No matter how brilliant one person is, he still needs the cooperation of the other person.


Tai Ning said: "Senior brother Taiming will definitely be very interested in such a high-level artifact. It's just that senior brother Taiming likes spiritual stones..."

Tai Ning snorted softly. She actually mentioned this because she wanted to be coquettish with Gao Xian, but Gao Xian spoke so directly, which made her a little uneasy.

"Getting the Du Sheng Zhenjun will bring great honor to the sect. The Taoist Master will give you a heavy reward after returning to the sect!"

She is a smart person, so naturally she will not be really angry, let alone compete with Gao Xian. She changed the topic and said: "To remove the evil spirit from the artifact, we need to find Senior Brother Taiming."

"The Order of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan has an ominous name. It is said that all Taoist Hidden Sword Masters died because of it..."

Whether it was based on rational judgment or a mysterious sense of the future, she was willing to follow Gao Xian.

Tai Ning reminded Gao Xian: "It's best not to keep this thing in your hands."

Tai Ning raised her eyebrows and glanced at Gao Xian with a mixture of joy and anger, and said softly: "How to compensate?"

"It is said that at the sixth Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly, several Chunyang Taoist Masters chatted casually and all believed that Zangjian Taoist Master died because of this. This statement was recorded in the "Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly Records"."

Gao Xian smiled: "I understand, the wages will be sufficient."

Gao Xian was confused. Is the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference so popular? Where did Dou Sheng Zhenjun come from? Why had he never heard of it?

He asked: "How come I haven't heard of it?"

Tai Ning smiled: "The Jiuzhou Dharma Conference is actually a gathering of the nine major sects that govern Jiuzhou. No matter how powerful it is, it is only for the nine major sects. Other ordinary sects have no chance to participate, let alone know about this..."

As soon as Tai Ning explained, Gao Xian immediately understood the reason.

Indeed, the standards of the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference are too high, and sects such as Wanfeng Sect are not qualified to participate. With such a long distance, it is actually difficult to spread the information about the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference to the outside world.

Once it spreads, it will be forgotten in a few years. After all, the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, which can only be held once every thousand years, is too far away for 99% of cultivators, and the interval is too long.

"If the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference is held, can I go?" Gao Xian asked. Tai Ning saw Gao Xian's expression of excitement and anticipation, and she immediately understood what Gao Xian was thinking. This man was interested in the title of Du Sheng Zhenjun, and also in the generous reward for being the first in the fighting technique.

She pondered for a moment and said: "I heard that Tao Zun always brought some true teachings to the Dharma gathering..."

The Xuanming Sect is so big that there are thousands of Nascent Soul Lords. For such an important conference as the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, it stands to reason that it is unlikely that Dao Zun would bring an outsider with him.

Gao Xian couldn't help but sigh. He also understood this truth, but he couldn't help but have some expectations.

If he can participate in the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, he will definitely come out on top and make the Xuanming Sect famous. For him, prizes are secondary. What he values ​​​​is this opportunity to become famous in Jiuzhou.

Even if the reputation is limited to the nine major sects, it is enough to cover tens of billions and hundreds of billions of cultivators. Taking advantage of this opportunity to sell his "Ode to the Joy of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang", what would it be like?

Even the most difficult to cultivate the Five Elements of Divine Light, it must be possible to refine it in hundreds of years!

It's not that he is arrogant, it's just that the Xuan Ming Sect's Nascent Soul Lords are just like that.

Taining, Taiyuan, and Qingle are still young, but they are already outstanding. They are much stronger than the old Nascent Soul Lords like Shou An.

Gao Xian is not arrogant. Without using any clones of Yuanying, Taining and Qingle tied together are not enough for him to play alone. This is his strength.

The top Nascent Soul of the Xuanming Sect is just like this, and the other eight major sects cannot be too strong! As long as he participates in the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, the title of Fighting the True Lord will only belong to him.

What a pity, what a pity...

"These can only be decided by Dao Zun..."

Tai Ning shook her head. She really hoped that Gao Xian could participate in the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference.

Everyone in the sect knew that she had a close relationship with Gao Xian. The fact that Gao Xian was well-known throughout the world also proved her vision. It will be of great benefit to her in the future.

Tai Ning thought for a moment and said, "If I have a chance to see Tao Zun, I can help senior brother to ask."

"Good junior sister!" Although Gao Xian knew that there was little hope, he was still very happy that Tai Ning could help him in this way, and immediately rewarded Tai Ning greatly with practical actions.

After several rounds of dual cultivation, Tai Ning took Gao Xian to Ziyun Peak to find Tai Ming, the master of weapon refining.

This weapon refining master is wearing a water-blue Taoist robe. The rich and pure water spiritual power on the Taoist robe flows like a spiritual spring, blocking out the ubiquitous smoke and smoke from Ziyun Peak, which also keeps Tai Ming's whole body warm. state of clarity.

"A fifth-level artifact Taoist robe!"

Gao Xian muttered to himself, those who make weapons are just to make money. Tai Ming can have everything he wants without leaving home, and his life is so free and easy.

Tai Ming couldn't help but frown when he saw the order for Wan Jian's return to the clan. This thing was so evil and even tinged with deep resentment.

He thought for a moment and said: "The evil spirit of the Ten Thousand Swords Guizong Order can be eliminated at the cost of two thousand top-grade spiritual stones. However, the resentment hidden deep in the sword cannot be removed."

"Two thousand top quality spiritual stones..."

Gao Xian pondered for a moment. The price itself was very high. Even though he didn't lack spiritual stones, there was no need to act too rich.

"This sword is said to have been refined by the Tibetan Sword Taoist himself. The original level should be a sixth-level divine sword. However, it has been continuously infiltrated by evil spirits for thousands of years, and its spirituality has long been infected by evil spirits. The grade of this sword has also been lost. A large order.

"Because of this, it is very troublesome and laborious to get rid of the evil spirit of this sword."

Tai Ming looked at Gao Xian and advised, "Besides, this sword is ominous, so senior brother should think twice."

From his point of view, spending two thousand top-quality spiritual stones to refine the evil spirit of this sword was not worth it. Because dispelling evil spirits also dispels the spiritual energy condensed by this sword.

At the same time, this sword has strong resentment. It will bring great misfortune to the sword owner.

This is not some metaphysics. The resentment in the sword will gradually affect the sword owner's mind and attract evil spirits. It's hard to avoid being unlucky with this divine sword.

The main reason is that the resentment is formed by the sword itself, not external evil. Only by destroying this sword can the resentment be dispelled.

Gao Xian weighed it for a while and said: "Is this sword of great use to me, or should I ask fellow Taoist Taiming to help me dispel the evil spirit."

Even though everyone is from the same sect, this is a big deal and certainly not something to be trifled with. Gao Xian first paid a deposit of one thousand top-quality spiritual stones.

Tai Ming didn't try to persuade him any more. Gao Xian wasn't afraid of spending money, so he had nothing to say. Furthermore, he had also heard about Gao Xian's deeds.

In order to promote his name, this man took out thousands of top-quality spiritual stones and asked Wanbaolou to help sell books. This matter has been spread throughout the Xuanming Sect and is classified as a strange story.

Spending two thousand top-grade spiritual stones to refine the evil spirit of the Ten Thousand Swords Guizong Order is a luxury, but it is considered a serious matter. It's not an exaggeration in comparison.

Gao Xian didn't leave, he didn't want anything unexpected to happen, let alone test Tai Ming's character. This sword contains many swordsmanship inheritances.

Tai Ming has refined the evil spirit. What if he prostitutes his inheritance for nothing? It's not that he is stingy, it's Tai Ming who is settling accounts with him, so naturally he can't suffer.

Gao Xian didn't know much about refining weapons. Looking at Tai Ming's fanfare, it seemed that refining evil spirits was really troublesome.

In order to refine swords, Tai Ming even ordered everyone in Ziyun Peak to stop refining weapons. Some were refining weapons and had to stop.

The entire Ziyun Peak was busy working on this sword.

Gao Xian watched from the side as the Wanjian Guizong Order was thrown into the huge furnace, followed by the blazing unparalleled true fire rising from below.

Through the flower appreciating mirror, he could see that the entire Ziyun Peak was actually a huge copper furnace. At this moment, the real fire in the copper furnace was concentrated on the Order of Wanjian Returning to the Clan.

Even so, it took three days of sacrificial refining to refine all the evil spirits in the Wanjian Guizong Order.

When the sword was handed over to Gao Xian's hand, the long sword turned into a dark blue long sword, and all the golden light on it disappeared.

"Fellow Taoist, the golden light of this sword is the change of yin to yang. The main reason is that the evil spirit is too strong..."

Tai Ming said seriously: "Without the sixth-level Red Sun True Fire Dragon Refining Furnace, which can release the top level Red Sun True Fire, it would be difficult for me to refine the evil spirit in this sword."

"Thank you for your hard work, fellow Taoist."

Gao Xian took the sword and inspected it carefully. After confirming that there was no evil spirit, he put the sword away.

After handing the remaining one thousand top-quality spiritual stones to Tai Ming, Gao Xian returned to Tianhong Garden with the sword.

He spent so many spiritual stones mainly for the inheritance of swordsmanship in the Order of Return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Clan. As long as it can help him achieve a breakthrough in swordsmanship, the money will be well spent!

Entering the quiet room, Gao Xian activated the magic circle to seal off the inside and outside. He sat cross-legged and meditated, holding a dark blue sword in his hand, flicking the sword with his left hand.

The powerful spiritual consciousness quickly resonated with the sword, triggering the powerful sword inheritance hidden deep inside...

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(End of this chapter)

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