Chapter 626 Epiphany

The Order of the Return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Clan is an artifact from almost ten thousand years ago, and the inheritance of the sword spirit condensed in it is almost ten thousand years ago.

After Gao Xian got the sword, he was thinking about how to obtain the sword's inheritance. The biggest trouble was the endless evil energy condensed in it.

The inheritance of sword intention is all passed down with spiritual consciousness. If he uses divine consciousness to sense it, he will inevitably be infected by evil spirits. The consequences of this kind of active infusion of evil spirits are very terrible.

Even though he has magical powers such as Qinghua Divine Light, Pure Yang Divine Spear, Dragon Elephant King Vajra and so on, which are specially designed to ward off evil and avoid evil, he does not dare to take risks.

Taixuan Shenxiang, Taiyuan Shenxiang, and Taiji Shenxiang all have the ability to take the place of death, but he only has one soul.

The risk of the soul being contaminated by evil spirits is too great.

Why risk your life for a risk that can be solved with money?

Gao Xian is now more advanced and rich, and he has become more cherishing his life.

The evil spirit of the Wan Jian Guizong Order has been completely refined. Well, it is like a clean beauty, just waiting for him to explore.

His spiritual consciousness penetrated deeply into the center of the Wanjian Guizong Order, and Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness found the inheritance of thousands of sword intentions condensed in it.

These inheritances all have powerful sword intentions. Gao Xian, that is, a person with strong spiritual consciousness can comprehend a sword intention inheritance in about ten days.

To do this, we must first break down the complete sword intention inheritance restrictions. This is a very troublesome job. Thousands of sword intentions are intertwined into complex restrictions in an orderly manner, and the changes are wonderful.

These sword inheritances are exquisitely woven together to form an extremely complex and wonderful mana center restriction, which becomes the core of this sword.

The second sword classic "Shura Killing Sword", the third sword classic "Shaoyang Demon Killing Sword", the fourth sword classic "Yuanyang Yiqi Sword"...

Over the past ten thousand years, sword skills and sword intentions have become more and more refined, and they are indeed much better than the sword techniques of ten thousand years ago. Just like the Qingfeng Sword Sutra he first learned, except that it was not high enough in terms of level, it was actually better than Qianjiang Yingyue Sword in every aspect.

Gao Xian was proficient in both the Moon Phase Sword and the Water Element Secret Technique, as well as the Water Element Divine Light. They confirmed each other and soon truly mastered this sword inheritance.

Qianjiang Yingyue Sword is a sword inheritance that directly points to the level of deity transformation. It can be regarded as a inheritance of superb swordsmanship.

Gao Xian was too far away from Chunyang at the level. He could vaguely understand Hidden Sword Taoist Master's methods, but it was difficult to understand his true intentions.

Without the restriction of evil energy, Gao Xian could see the restricted changes in the center of the sword. Only then did he understand that the hidden sword Taoist had deliberately made the sword in this way in order to enhance the sword's power.

Just like finding the thread in a tangled mess, the first step is the most troublesome. It took Gao Xian more than a month to unlock the first sword inheritance.

There are both the majesty of thousands of rivers rushing across the land, and the wonder and boundlessness of the bright moon shining on the river.

He is now a master of swordsmanship and has made no progress in the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Classic. At this time, you need to understand other sword techniques to confirm each other and learn from each other's strengths.

After unlocking the first link, the rest started to get on the right track.

It is one thing to understand the inheritance of sword intention, and it is another thing to truly integrate it. On average, it takes more than a month to digest a sword technique.

If you want to decompose it, you must understand the basic operating rules of the ban, and then use powerful spiritual consciousness to decompose it one by one.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to understand, he just needs to learn the inheritance of sword intention.

"The Sword of Thousand Rivers Reflecting the Moon", this sword's meaning is the various changes of water and moon reflection. The sword skill is rough, but the sword's intention is very wonderful.

The vicious and murderous intent in the sword can in turn drive the sword's center to restrict operation, giving the sword powerful power.

Fortunately, Gao Xian is not in a hurry, so he can learn new swordsmanship every day, which makes his life very fulfilling.

Some of the complicated and exquisite sword inheritance will take longer.

If he obtains this swordsmanship at the Golden Core level, there will be no benefit. At that time, he was still in a pure state, and learning other sword techniques would affect his cultivation.

Occasionally, Tai Ning would come over to share what he had learned and adjust his body and mind. It also allowed him to truly calm down.

Gao Xian sometimes thinks that Qing Le, this beauty, seems to be a little angry. She has not been seen since he was with Tai Ning.

Sometimes I think about it, Gao Xian also thinks Qing Le is too stingy. But he then felt that there was something wrong with this idea. He guessed that the resentment of Wan Jian's return to the clan might have been affected, and people became a bit extreme and narrow-minded.

He was quite wary of this. There was indeed something wrong with the sword. He can be affected without leaving home! Once he completes his breakthrough in swordsmanship, he will have to find a way to properly dispose of this sword.

A peaceful life is like running water. Spring passes and autumn comes, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

At this age, Gao Xian lacks sensitivity to time and lives a peaceful life. He does not deliberately calculate time. However, there is also a disciple Shui Mingxia beside him.

Shui Mingxia went to the mountain to practice cultivation at the age of seventeen, and it was only this year that she completed the foundation building. Calculated, he is already twenty-four years old.

For the Lianyun Sect, Shui Mingxia was certainly a great genius. However, Yun Qingxuan has already formed elixirs at this age.

Yueshenxiu formed the elixir at a younger age, and the one he formed was a first-grade golden elixir. What's more, he invested a lot of spiritual elixirs in Shui Mingxia and personally taught her how to practice the Wuji Celestial Sword Sutra.

If it were Yongzhen and Yonghe, they would be able to form elixirs with this foundation.

From this comparison, it can be seen that Shui Mingxia's cultivation qualifications can only be regarded as middle-class qualifications. Fortunately, this child has Qiniang's perseverance and focus, as well as Yun Qingxuan's majesty and Qiu Shui's freedom and ease.

With this kind of character, it will not be difficult to become a Nascent Soul with his support. Gao Xian has been practicing for hundreds of years, and Shui Mingxia is his only direct disciple. This is different from Qingqing.

For this reason, Gao Xian held a small celebration banquet for Shui Mingxia. Of course, he did not invite anyone else. Not even Tai Ning was invited. The foundation-building apprentice really couldn't do anything, so he was very happy...

If you succeed in building the foundation, you are truly qualified to be called a cultivator. Yunshui Sword is no longer worthy of Shui Mingxia at the foundation level.

Gao Xian had many stolen swords in his hands, including several fourth-level spiritual swords. It's just that Shui Mingxia's cultivation level is too low, and the stronger the sword, the harder it is to control it.

For the sake of this apprentice, Gao Xian chose a few natural spiritual crystals and asked Shui Mingxia to use them to refine the Yunshui Sword.

There are thousands of weapon refiners in Ziyun Peak, just find one. Gao Xian asked Yongzhen to accompany Shui Mingxia on a trip to refine the natal sword. It would be best to do it yourself.

Yongzhen is just a follower here, but when he goes out, he is a true disciple of the sect and has a high status. No one dares not to give face when doing such a trivial matter.

It took half a year for Shui Mingxia to resmelt the Yunshui Sword. As soon as the sword was completed, Shui Mingxia came to see her teacher Gao Xian. She wanted to go out and practice.

Gao Xian also agreed. Other cultivators can practice behind closed doors, but sword cultivators cannot. Just like Yun Qiushui, a noble young master, when he was building a foundation, he had to travel around to increase his knowledge and find people everywhere to learn and fight.

Shui Mingxia is also in her twenties and is a smart and decisive person. He also believed that this apprentice could handle his own affairs well.

The Xuanming Sect is such a large sect, with jurisdiction over hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers, so naturally there is a special place for foundation-building cultivators to gain experience.

Gao Xian asked Yong Zhen to help watch, but he didn't pay much attention.

If Shui Mingxia wants to achieve success in sword cultivation, she must find her own way. This is also the biggest difference between Shui Mingxia and Qingqing.

After all, Qingqing is his natal pet and is closely related to him. Qingqing is destined to follow him all her life. So Qingqing can have various shortcomings, she just needs to perfect her sword skills.

In fact, as a sword cultivator, Qingqing was taken care of very well by him and grew up very smoothly. This is definitely not a good thing for a swordsman.

Without experiencing real setbacks and failures, you cannot truly understand your own nature. This is actually also a problem for most of the top leaders of the Xuanming Sect. Including Taining and Qingle, this is actually the case.

Shui Mingxia has mediocre qualifications, but is very intelligent. However, she hasn't really been polished either. Furthermore, everyone has their own life. This is also the biggest difference between Shui Mingxia and Qingqing.

Gao Xian didn't worry about Shui Mingxia. The most important thing for him every day was to comprehend the swordsmanship in the Order of the Return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect. He often just sat with his sword for a whole day, doing nothing.

Every night when he was resting, his consciousness would enter the Taishi Temple to compete with Ye Zangjian in swordsmanship. After this powerful evil spirit was obliterated by the Great Five Elements Divine Light, the Taishi Temple was able to completely simulate the Ye Zangjian.

It is one thing to obliterate Ye Zangjian with the Great Five Elements Divine Light, but it is another thing to fight with Ye Zangjian.

Ye Zangjian's swordsmanship of transforming evil objects is very strong, far superior to him. The newly learned swordsmanship can be verified through Ye Zangjian.

The battle in Taishi Temple is fierce, but there is no danger. For Gao Xian, it is equivalent to playing games, stress-free and even relaxing.

Three more years passed like this, and Gao Xian learned all the swordsmanship inheritance in the Wan Jian Guizong Order.

There are thousands of swordsmanship inheritances. When you first learn them, you are still very slow, but later you learn them faster. Because thousands of sword techniques can be divided into dozens of categories, the inheritance of sword techniques is mostly the same.

Only the thirteen swordsmanships are so advanced that they are worth learning, and they can also have some influence on his swordsmanship.

As for other sword skills, I also used them to make up the numbers and increase my knowledge. These sword techniques may not be brilliant enough, but the condensed sword intent is very strong, at least at the Nascent Soul level, and there are more than a hundred powerful gods among them.

Gao Xian's understanding of the sword intent in these inheritances is equivalent to having discussed and exchanged ideas with thousands of sword cultivators.

It is said that after observing a thousand swords, one can recognize the weapon.

Gao Xian has experienced so many kinds of swordsmanship, and he feels that he has made great progress in swordsmanship, but he can't push the "Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra" to the level of master perfection.

This left him confused as to what went wrong.

The spring breeze in April morning was fresh and the sun was bright. Gao Xian lay in the spacious backyard and basked in the sun, squinting his eyes in silence.

Qingqing was beside him and actively worked hard to circulate the sword energy to hone the restrictions in the robe. This imitation of Shenxiao Qingyun Immortal Clothes has been in her hands for decades. She has only just begun to refine it, and it is still far from Ruyi's control.

When she had nothing to do, she used her sword power to warm up and refine the fairy clothes.

The father and daughter were enjoying the leisurely spring time here. Yongzhen hurried in. She bowed her head from a distance and saluted and said: "Xingjun, Mingxia killed a fellow disciple. He was detained by Zhenjun Shouren!"

Gao Xian raised his eyebrows. True Lord Shouren was the head of the North Pole Palace. He followed the rules and had nothing to say. It's just that Lord Shouren should tell him directly about this kind of thing.

Everyone in the North Pole Palace is the Nascent Soul Lord. There is also human kindness without friendship. True Lord Shouren didn't say anything, but asked Yongzhen to report the news. What did this guy mean?

Is it possible that after he has been in the Xuanming Sect for twenty years, others really think he is easy to bully? !

Gao Xian felt two points of anger in his heart, and something invisible seemed to be broken in his trance. Thousands of kendo essences surged out like an erupting mountain torrent, but his central Taiyuan divine form shone with unparalleled divine light. It can easily resist the impact of various sword intentions, and channel these flash floods of sword intentions in an orderly manner.

All the changes in swordsmanship became extremely clear, direct and clear at this moment.

At this moment, he seemed to understand the essence of thousands of sword techniques in the world!

"I see……"

Gao Xian suddenly understood that he had actually accumulated enough swordsmanship, but his life was too comfortable and he lacked the most important murderous spirit. Swords are used for killing and fighting. If he practices in thin air, he will naturally be unable to break through.

This will suddenly make you angry, and you will naturally break through the bottleneck and push the Wuji Celestial Sword Sutra to the state of master perfection!

(End of this chapter)

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