Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 628: Turning against guests

Chapter 628: Turning against guests

"Truth-keeping Lord, you are always good."

Gao Xian knew this woman with a strange description. She was the Lord of the Tianji Palace, the True Monarch. She cultivated the Tianji Star Nerve, and her whole body was infected by the star power. Therefore, she had blue hair and blue eyes, which made her very recognizable.

This woman is more than two thousand years old and has cultivated in the late Nascent Soul stage. Maybe there is something wrong with his cultivation, and his temper is quite extreme. He has a cold face towards everyone and gets angry easily.

There are thirty-five palace masters in the North Pole Palace. As the master of the upper seventh palace, this one has the worst temper and the worst popularity. He is also recognized as the most difficult person to offend in the Arctic Palace.

Gao Xian has been in the Arctic Hall for more than 20 years and has participated in several festivals and conferences. He has no friendship with the Nascent Souls in the Arctic Hall, but he has met them all and is considered an acquaintance.

When Gao Xian saw True Lord Shouxin running in with murderous intent, he felt a little troubled.

Don't look at Ren Zhenjun's arrogant and arrogant appearance. He is a truly smart man. Otherwise, you won't be able to secure this top position.

In other words, arrogance is just his protective color. This person can definitely tell the real pros and cons.

As long as any matter is discussed, Zhenjun Shouren will become reasonable. But that's not the case with the True Monarch who is trustworthy. This woman is too extreme and violent.

It's easy to do it. Not to mention his mastery of swordsmanship, even if he takes a step back, it doesn't take ten moves to kill this woman.

Realizing that Gao Xian's swordsmanship was extremely powerful, Zhen Zhenjun also calmed down a lot. She's not really crazy, she's just used to treating people like this.

The destruction from the inside out also left Zhenxin Zhenjun with no time to speak. She instinctively tightened her Nascent Soul to activate her magic power to resist the sword cry.

She snorted coldly: "It's not because you want to rely on your power to protect your apprentice!"

Gao Xian doesn't think there's anything wrong with following the rules. As long as everyone follows the rules, there's no problem. The problem is that some people benefit from not following the rules, but asking everyone else to follow the rules is not a rule.

The sound of Qing Yue's sword went straight into the sea of ​​consciousness of True Monarch Zhi Xin, and penetrated deep into the center of her eyebrows, where the Yuanying Yin Shen was preparing to attack. The sound of the sword sounded with mysterious sword intent, destroying the flow of spiritual consciousness of the True Monarch Nascent Soul, destroying her perfect form and spirit, and also destroying the flow of her mana.

"Gao Xian, others are afraid of you, Lord Po Junxing, but I'm not afraid!"

She held the hilt of the Tianji sword in her hand, her eyes shining brightly, and her voice as cold as ice, "This is the Xuanming Sect, it's not your turn to let go yet."

"Hey, fellow Taoist, please don't say this nonsense."

Gao Xian said seriously: "I have no intention of favoring my apprentice. However, I cannot let my apprentice suffer injustice. I must ask the matter clearly."

When True Lord Zhixin gathered his strength, he found that the sound of the sword had completely dissipated. She couldn't help but her expression changed.

After all, it was his disciple who killed someone, and it was not easy for Gao Xian to quarrel with the True Monarch before he figured out the situation.

In the Xuanming Sect, of course one has to follow the rules. There are dozens of transformed gods staring at it, as well as Chunyang Taoist Master.

He said politely: "Fellow Taoist, I was telling the leader just now that murder must be paid with life, and debts must be paid with money. This is the rule since ancient times."

Lord Shouxin said with a gloomy face: "Your apprentice killed my disciple. The matter is very clear. Is there anything to investigate?!"

On the other hand, if this woman had a good brain, she wouldn't be so aggressive. I really thought he was a vegetarian...

Before the Lord of Trustworthiness even uttered the unbridled word "四", there was a sound of Qingyue sword in his ears, like the sound of a piano, like the whistling of the breeze, like the roar of cranes in the empty valley...

The sound of Qingyue's sword came and went with a subtle sound. There is no trace between coming and going.

If you keep your word and have a bad temper, you will be full of anger. Being provoked by Gao Xian's words, his anger surged even more and was difficult to contain.

When Gao Xian heard Shouxin say this, he was not angry, but felt a little funny. This woman has a bad mind! This is also a good thing.

Although a manic person is unpleasant, few people are willing to mess with him. If you use this face to do things, you will almost never suffer a loss.

Gao Xian's sword was so superb that she didn't know how to deal with it. Although it was Gao Xian who made the first move, she was completely defeated by this move.

Until he met Gao Xian, he was taught a lesson by his sword.

Lord Shouxin was actually angrier, but she was able to control her emotions, but her whole temperament became more sinister.

Gao Xian said slowly: "It's okay for Taoist fellow Taoist to say that I show favoritism, but the leader is fair and strict, and this is obvious to all. The leader is here, and I just want to show favoritism and why not."

"What you said is a complete distrust of the leader! What's more, there are Daojun Chang Ning, Shinichi and other adults in charge. Why should I show favoritism?"

Gao Xian said with some displeasure: "Not to mention the old man Dao Zun is watching from above. What do you mean by this?"

He turned around and said earnestly: "Fellow Taoist is the true successor of the sect and the master of Tianji Palace. Isn't it ridiculous to say that I, an outsider, would show favoritism!"

"You're not young anymore, so you still have to be careful when speaking. There are some things you really shouldn't say carelessly."

Gao Xian changed the subject and said: "Of course, I can understand the anger of fellow Taoist, after all, my disciple is dead. However, we must believe in the leader and the sect, and we will definitely find out the matter.

"Don't let a bad person go, and don't wrong a good person!"

Gao Xian learned a lot of talking skills from the Internet in his previous life. He used his sword to forcefully block the words of True Lord Honesty, and he continued to speak wildly.

Lord Shouxin was furious, but she was used to acting arrogant, and her best ability was suppressed by Gao Xian, so bickering was really out of the question.

The key is that Gao Xian brought out Chunyang Taoist Master. She said the wrong thing again before, mainly because her words were not rigorous enough, and Gao Xian seized the opportunity.

True Lord Shouxin was silent for a while and said to True Lord Shouren: "First Sir, we have known each other for two thousand years. You know me. I never meant that."

"I see."

Zhenjun Shouren was also a little speechless. Shouxin obviously had the truth, but Gao Xian insisted that he was wrong. This woman was really a waste.

This time he also saw how powerful Gao Xian was.

It was said that Gao Xian was capable of fighting and killing, so Lord Shouren was naturally a little disdainful of this. To become the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, even if you have family support, you have to step on countless people's heads to get to this point. No matter how strong Gao Xian is, he is still a Nascent Soul Lord. How much better can he be?

It is precisely because of this idea that Zhenjun Shouren has never taken Gao Xian too seriously. Of course, there are also complex emotions such as envy and jealousy. But he sincerely believed that he was no worse than Gao Xian.

Until just now, Gao Xian activated the clear sound of the sword, not only keeping his word and being restrained, but also his Nascent Soul was penetrated by the sound of the sword. At that moment, he was extremely angry and frightened.

Zhenjun Shouren immediately controlled his emotions. He knew that Gao Xian was protesting against him and Shouxin. The key is that neither he nor Shouxin stood in the way.

This sword is equivalent to a scratch on the face, which is extremely harmful and extremely insulting.

Although Gao Xian was caught off guard, the problem is that everyone is Nascent Soul True Lord, so there is no saying that he should be on guard or not. If the enemy wants to take action, will he tell you in advance?

To be controlled by the sword's will is to lose a move, and it is meaningless to say anything else.

True Lord Shouren realized that Gao Xian was far more powerful than he expected. Although he was angry and angry, he was more fearful and respectful of Gao Xian.

On the other hand, Gao Xian also showed that he had a good enough brain and took the opportunity to hold him and Chang Ning up high and use them to suppress Shouxin. Shoushi was silenced and even more useless.

Gao Xian's cultivation is extremely good and he has a good mind. Even if he is an outsider, he can still stand in the sect. Given time, this person should be able to attain enlightenment and become a god.

It is too stupid to offend a future Taoist Lord who has no grievances or grudges.

Shouren didn't like to keep his word, but the two of them had been from the same sect for thousands of years, so they had a certain friendship. In addition, he didn't like Gao Xian and wanted to take the opportunity to help Shouxin step on Gao Xian, but now he changed his mind.

"Two fellow Taoists, why should you hurt your harmony over the matter of this junior?"

Zhenjun Shouren said seriously: "We have a mirror to see everything. We can call all the participants over and ask them once to know what is right and wrong."

"Shui Mingxia killed someone first, why should we be tried?!" Shouxin immediately objected vehemently.

Gao Xian said calmly: "Why, fellow Taoist disciples can't trust the leader? Or can't they trust the rules within the sect?"

Shouxin was so angry that she pointed at Gao Xian and cursed: "What kind of ability do you have to be so arrogant!"

Gao Xian said calmly: "Fellow Taoist is several thousand years old. Be more prudent. If you have something to say and reason, what's the use of shouting.

"You don't care about me. Why do you think you are the leader by shouting about me?"

Shouxin was really angry now, but he didn't know how to refute Gao Xian for a moment, and his expression was changing.

"Don't be impatient, you two. Let's ask the matter clearly today."

Shouren said in a deep voice: "I can make my own decision about right and wrong, and so can you. No need to say more."

Gao Xian bowed his head and said: "The chief enforces the law impartially, strictly and impartially. This matter will be handled by the chief, and I will have no objections."

Whether it was true or false, these words were beautifully said and made Shouren feel very comfortable. Looking at the letter again, he looked gloomy as a dead mother, and Shouren was even more speechless.

Zhenjun Shouren gave an order, and soon everyone involved was sent to the main hall.

Among a group of low-level Taoist priests, Shui Mingxia in Tsing Yi was holding a silver rope full of runes in her hands and looking a little haggard. Fortunately, her eyes were bright, her breathing was even, and she was obviously not injured or suffered anything.

After all, they are from a famous sect, and their methods are not that despicable and sinister. Of course, it might also be because of his reputation.

Shui Mingxia couldn't help but brighten her eyes when she saw Gao Xian, but her expression turned gloomy immediately. This time she was a little impulsive and let down the teacher's cultivation of her.

Gao Xian said softly to his apprentice: "Teacher is here, no one can bully you. If you have any grievances, just speak out... There will be justice for you, don't be afraid..."

True Lord Shouren was speechless. As soon as Gao Xian opened his mouth, he concluded that his apprentice had been wronged and wanted to take him with him. It was as if he and Gao Xian were on the same team.

Sure enough, Shouxin had a suspicious look on his face and his green eyes kept looking at him, as if he really had some collusion with Gao Xian!

True Lord Shouren didn't want to explain. He flicked his long sleeves and released a huge bronze mirror. It was a fifth-level artifact that could reflect people's hearts.

Gao Xian wanted to laugh when he saw this mirror. When he was in Lianyung City, the sect leader Yun Taihao used the magic mirror to identify people. Turns out he was fine, but found a traitor. More than three hundred years have passed, and I think Yun Taihao must be dead...

"You must answer truthfully. Those who lie will be severely punished." Zhenjun Shouren released a bit of Nascent Soul's power, which suppressed the seven young foundation-building monks present and shivered.

Only Shui Mingxia stood upright and looked calm. True Lord Shouren also secretly praised him, he was worthy of being a direct descendant of Gao Xian, his strong character was extraordinary.

Gao Xian on the side suddenly said: "Your Majesty, let me ask a few questions first."

Gao Xian did not wait for True Lord Shouren to agree. He raised his voice and asked: "Mingxia, why did you kill Mingye? Don't be afraid. I will explain your reasons clearly. Everyone can distinguish right from wrong and will never wrong you."

Gao Xian asked with obvious partiality, which also made Shui Mingxia feel relieved.

True Lord Shouren was okay, but the key was that the murderous aura in True Lord Shouxin's green eyes was as strong as the actual murderous aura pressing on her head like an invisible mountain, making her breathless.

As soon as the teacher opened his mouth, the murderous aura was naturally broken. Shui Mingxia calmed down and said seriously: "Mingye insulted the teacher. I argued with him, but he suddenly made a sneak attack. I could only fight back, and I accidentally killed him."

The spiritual light on Shui Mingxia's body on the huge bronze mirror of the God of Light was clear and stable, without any shaking or change. It was obvious that she was telling the truth. When Zhenjun Shouren saw this, he understood that Shui Mingxia at least did not accept the blame.

Gao Xian shook his head: "This man insulted the elders of the sect and had no respect for his elders. He attacked a fellow sect secretly and was sinister and vicious. You killed him to eliminate harm for the sect. How can you say it was a mistake!"

Gao Xian looked at Zhenjun Shouren and said solemnly: "This matter is very clear. My disciple speaks up and upholds the laws of the sect, and should be rewarded heavily!"

True Lord Shouren was speechless and thought to himself: "Gao Xian, don't go too far!"

The loyal Lord on the side was so angry that his face turned green!

(I’m thirty, wishing everyone a happy new year~ Please vote for a monthly ticket for stable updates~ It’s not too much~)

(End of this chapter)

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