Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 629: Working hard

Chapter 629: Working hard

"Mingye attacked first, and Shui Mingxia was forced to fight back. What happened is clear and the evidence is complete..."

Zhenjun Shouren questioned several witnesses one by one, confirmed that Shui Mingxia's words were true, and immediately declared Shui Mingxia innocent.

It's one thing that he doesn't like Gao Xian, but there is no need to offend Gao Xian. Using Gao Xian's young apprentice to embarrass him will not hurt Gao Xian at all, but it will make him a mortal enemy. Meaningless.

Furthermore, Shui Mingxia was indeed right about this matter. The whole thing is very simple and clear. Mingye is a foul-mouthed person who insists on saying that Gao Xian writes romance novels and is a greedy and lustful person.

You can say this casually in front of Gao Xian's disciples, and that's provocation. No matter how Gao Xian is the True Monarch of Nascent Soul and the elder of the sect, how can he get a small Foundation Establishment disciple to discuss right and wrong?

Even if he invites Tao Zun out, Ming Ye is seeking his own death and cannot rely on Shui Mingxia.

When Zhenjun Shouren made the announcement, he glanced at Shouxin. Shouxin was furious. She knew that her disciple was in the wrong, but she could not accept the result.

Just as Shouxin was about to protest loudly, an invisible sword intent fell down. Shouxin felt her brows tighten, as if an invisible sword with unparalleled sharpness had pierced her spirit.

The sword intent was strong, fierce and overbearing, directly suppressing Shouxin Yuanying to death, even suppressing her magic aura.

Shouxin, who wanted to be aggressive, suddenly suffered a loss. She wanted to gather her magic power to fight back, but she couldn't break free from the suppression of the opponent's sword.

Gao Xian also withdrew his sword intention, and the two true monarchs he could talk to were speechless. Either they had great words, or Shouxin and Shouren, who relied on their spiritual consciousness to forcefully suppress them, did not dare to say a word.

If not, she would not be able to secure her position as the Palace Master of Tianji Palace. Such a master of the late Nascent Soul who had practiced for more than two thousand years was completely crushed against the three hundred-year-old Gao Xian. No matter how hard he struggled, he had no power to fight back.

After all, it was Nascent Soul True Lord who realized the huge gap between her and Gao Xian. She knew that no matter how hard she struggled, she could not defeat Gao Xian. Continuing would only be humiliating herself.

This kind of invisible confrontation in spiritual consciousness does not use real magic power, so it is not considered a move.

The key is not a bright karma, let alone building a foundation, even if a golden elixir dies, it doesn't matter. But Shouxin was disgraced in public and suppressed by him.

This made Zhenjun Shouren feel very uncomfortable. Shouxin was like a long snake with its head nailed to the ground. No matter how he moved his body, it was in vain.

He also knew in his heart that this time he offended Shouxin severely and formed a deadly feud.

"For a person like Mingye, who is disrespectful and vicious, the higher his cultivation level, the greater the disaster. The so-called laziness of a teacher who is not strict in teaching is not only due to the vicious nature of the person, but also the teacher's failure to fulfill his duties.

Zhenjun Shouren's big purple face showed no expression, but he still nodded in cooperation: "What fellow Taoist said is..."

True Lord Shouxin quickly realized the huge gap between the two sides, and the rage in her green eyes quickly dissipated, leaving only a deep calm in the end.

Gao Xian shook his head and sighed to Zhenjun Shouren: "Good words are hard to hear. Sir, I also have good intentions. I just hope that Taoist Taoist monks will not be angry about this..."

It's better to let Gao Xian suppress this woman and settle the matter. As for what happens next, it has nothing to do with him.

If it were him, suffering such humiliation would be an unending revenge. This is especially true for someone who is so extreme and irritable.

Gao Xian said enthusiastically: "Your Majesty, are you free today? I'll treat you to a drink. For no other reason than to get closer to you."

But it's not easy to stop him. Because this is not really hands-on. Besides, if Shoushi gets into trouble, everyone will look ugly.

Gao Xian did not want to reconcile, he said to the True Monarch Shouxin: "Fellow Taoist, teaching disciples magic skills is secondary. The key is to teach disciples how to behave.

"The first law enforcement agency is fair and strict. I really admire it."

Zhenjun Shouren saw clearly from the side, and he was also wary. He was not good at keeping his word, but he was really capable.

"We are teachers, and we must do our best and not let our disciples get in the way. Otherwise, we will bring endless disaster, and we will be sorry for our disciples and our sect..."

Shouxin couldn't help it after listening to half of it. She couldn't beat Gao Xian and could only turn around and leave.

Gao Xian spoke in a long and unceremonious manner, pointing at Shouxin's nose and giving him a lesson.

"No, no." Zhenjun Shouren refused hastily. He was afraid of Gao Xian. This guy was strong and talkative, and his constant chatter made his head hurt.

Furthermore, if he goes out to drink with Gao Xian, Shouxin will definitely think that he and Gao Xian are in the same group.

Gao Xian was just polite and polite, but Zhenjun Shouren and him were not from the same group, had no common interests, and were even more incompatible with each other. There's no need to make do with one piece.

Gao Xian asked Shui Mingxia to thank Zhenjun Shouren. The young apprentice was very sensible, bowed his head deeply and saluted, and couldn't stop thanking him.

Unlike the teacher, Shui Mingxia's words of thanks were simple but very sincere. In addition, Shui Mingxia looks beautiful and heroic, which is pleasing to the eye. Zhenjun Shouren thinks this little girl is very good, but unfortunately after following Gao Xian, he is afraid that she will become like Gao Xian in the future...

Back at Tianhong Garden, before Gao Xian could say anything, Shui Mingxia knelt down and said, "This disciple was impulsive and caused trouble for the teacher..."

She choked up in excitement and couldn't say anything else.

Shui Mingxia is a smart person and has been in the Xuanming Sect for more than ten years. Of course she understands the sect's rules. A small matter between her and Ming Ye caused a confrontation between the three Nascent Soul Lords in court, which shows how serious this matter is.

The teacher won, but he offended both Shouxin and Shouren. In the final analysis, it was because she was not cautious enough and killed Mingye with one sword that she caused a lot of trouble.

Gao Xian helped Shui Mingxia up with his own hands: "Good boy, we masters and disciples don't cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble either. That boy dared to scold me, he deserves to die. He also launched a sneak attack, well done!"

He smiled and took out a storage bag and handed it to Shui Mingxia: "This is all a reward for you. In the past few years, you should not go out and practice hard in the sect."

Shouxin is a narrow-minded person and might take action against Shui Mingxia. It would be too easy for a Nascent Soul Lord to calculate foundation building.

It is impossible for Gao Xian to guard his apprentice all day long. If something like this happens, the best thing to do is to stay at home. When Shouxin dies or Shui Mingxia advances to Jindan, she can go out. Shui Mingxia was moved to tears. At the critical moment, she realized how good the teacher was. But he didn't know what to say, so he knelt down and kowtowed again and again.

Gao Xian actually didn't like others to kneel down and kowtow, but Shui Mingxia was sincere and couldn't be stopped. Seeing that Shui Mingxia was still a little excited, he asked Qingqing to take her down to rest first.

The apprentice has also grown up, and no matter how good the relationship between master and apprentice is, it is not too close.

Yongzhen looked on with extraordinary envy. Xingjun was very generous to them and always gave them some valuable elixirs and spiritual objects. I will also give them guidance on how to practice when I have time.

However, they were much worse than Shui Mingxia. Shui Mingxia's cultivation qualifications were far inferior to hers and Yonghe's, but she was able to advance by leaps and bounds in cultivation. This was because Gao Xian had given her ten times and a hundred times more training resources to push her forward.

The key is Gao Xian's support for Shui Mingxia. For this reason, he did not hesitate to confront the true masters in the sect such as Shouren and Shouxin, and suppressed the two high-ranking true masters.

It is impossible for Xingjun not to know the consequences of this matter, but he did it without hesitation, which shows the love Xingjun has for his disciples.

Gao Xian noticed Yongzhen's subtle and complicated expression. He smiled slightly and gave Yongzhen a jade box: "You have worked hard too. These pills will be of some benefit to your practice. Take them."

He had grabbed so many spiritual elixirs, most of which were of very low level and had no effect on him. For foundation-building cultivators, they are the top cultivation resources.

He was in a good mood today, so he gave some to Yongzhen.

Yongzhen didn't expect such benefits, and his face was full of surprise, and even a little shy.

Gao Xian didn't want to sleep with Yongzhen. Originally, everyone had a clear distinction between public and private affairs, so it would be easy to get entangled if they slept together, which was quite troublesome.

After sending Yongzhen away, Gao Xian used the Xuanming Order to send a divine consciousness to Taining.

That night, Tai Ning sneaked into Gao Xian's room.

"You and Shouxin have fallen out!"

Tai Ning didn't wait for Gao Xian to speak, she said to herself: "Now the news has spread, and the senior officials of the sect know that you tried hard to keep your promise in Tianshu Palace and fished out your disciple."

"My apprentice was acting in self-defense," Gao Xian corrected.

"It doesn't matter why your apprentice killed someone. What matters is that she killed someone. You bullied Shouxin again."

Tai Ning sighed softly: "The true disciples of the sect think you are too arrogant and tough, which is very detrimental to you."

Gao Xian held Tai Ningsu's hand nonchalantly: "You know, I've always been very tough."

"You are still in the mood to joke!" Tai Ning rolled her eyes at Gao Xian angrily. Everyone in the sect knew that she was close to Gao Xian, and if something happened to Gao Xian, she would also be implicated.

The two of them can't be said to share weal and woe now, but they are still on the same team. Of course she hopes Gao Xian can do better.

"I know you don't care about these Nascent Souls, but the sect still has many powerful gods. It's a big trouble if they don't like you."

Tai Ning said seriously: "The reason why she can still be the master of Tianji Palace with such poor character is because her teacher Zhenyue Daojun is so arrogant."

"This Taoist Transformation Lord has practiced Taoism for more than 4,000 years. He is a very young Divine Transformation Lord. He is now the master of Tianhong Hall. His trustworthy character and temperament are all passed down from this Taoist Lord..."


Gao Xian nodded. He didn't know the origin of Shouxin's apprenticeship, but he was not surprised by what Tai Ning said.

The Xuanming Sect is such a large organization, and it is natural that it should be divided into factions centered on the Shinto Lords. The True Monarch of Nascent Soul who can hold an important position in the sect must have the Monarch of Transformation God and Dao behind him.

When Tai Ning saw Gao Xian being indifferent, she was a little annoyed and raised Gao Xian's hand and took a bite, "You're stupid, that's the Taoist Transformation Lord!"

"It doesn't matter, Tianhong Palace has no control over Beiji Palace."

Gao Xian said slowly: "Besides, I am a person who has been personally given the title of Dharma by the Taoist Master, not just a cat or a dog that I can caress about. What can this Taoist Master who transforms into a god do to me?"

"After hundreds of years, I will become a god, and I don't have to be afraid of her."

"It's not easy to deal with you. The easiest way is to second you there. There is a large area in Tianhong Palace that borders the demon clan. A large number of cultivators die there every day. It is extremely dangerous..."

Tai Ning shook his head, things were not that simple. The biggest problem is that Gao Xian is an outsider and there is no Taoist Transformation Lord above.

The master of the North Pole Palace, Chang Ning Daojun, has nothing to do with the world and has nothing to do with Gao Xian. I'm afraid he won't support Zhen Yue for Gao Xian.

She put her arms around Gao Xian's neck and said with her spiritual consciousness: "Otherwise, you can go and sleep with Taoist Chang Ning..."

Gao Xian said sternly: "If the master of the palace calls you, I will do my best and die!"

"De Xing..." Tai Ning was funny and angry, and she couldn't think of any solution for the moment. I can only sleep with Gao Xian for a few times to relieve the anxiety in my heart.

The next day Gao Xian was sitting in the yard when someone came outside. It was the female Taoist priest he saw at Chang Ning's place last time.

The female Taoist priest bowed her head respectfully and saluted: "Xingjun, Taoist Lord, please come over..."

Gao Xian's heart moved, it's here, it's so fast!

(I’m thirty, I wish you all a happy new year, good health and fortune~ I bow to you all~ Finally, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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