Chapter 630 My Rules

The quiet room is elegant and clean. Through the half-open window, you can see the peach blossoms blooming outside, and there is also a natural and elegant floral fragrance filling the quiet room.

Chang Ning sat on the couch, with golden stars shining faintly on the dark blue robe. Chang Ning's appearance is not outstanding, but her eyes are as clear as water and she has a dignified and elegant temperament.

Gao Xian had a good impression of Daojun Chang Ning, mainly because this Daojun had a friendly temperament and was not as aloof and arrogant as other Taoist Transformation Lords. Chang Ning was also kind to him. Although he didn't take care of him deliberately, he wouldn't embarrass him. This is good leadership.

"I've met Mr. Dao." Gao Xian bowed his head and saluted.

Chang Ning smiled slightly. She liked Gao Xian's casual and romantic demeanor very much, but it was much more comfortable than the aggressive and trustworthy one. Gao Xian allowed Shouxin to suffer without breaking the rules. This person's scheming skills were much better than Shouxian's.

If he hadn't been in Xuanming Sect, I don't know how Shouxin died when he met Gao Xian!

She said softly: "Please come over, fellow Taoist, because we have something to discuss."

Gao Xian lowered his eyes slightly to express his respectful listening, waiting for the Taoist Lord to speak. In his heart, he could feel that Daojun Chang Ning was quite close to him, which inevitably reminded him of what Tai Ning said.

This Dao Lord is a thirty-year-old woman, and she is full of charm at this time. If Daojun wants it, he can cooperate with it... With his immediate boss protecting him, he can walk sideways in the North Pole Palace in the future!

Although Chang Ning is the Taoist Transformation Lord, he has no ability to see Gao Xian's thoughts, let alone have any romantic feelings for Gao Xian. Her way of cultivation emphasizes simplicity and truth, and the relationship between men and women is quite an obstacle to her cultivation.

"Fellow Taoist, there have been frequent evil spirits in Qixing Mountain recently, which has greatly affected the mining industry. My Taoist cultivation is profound and mysterious, so I can only entrust you with the important task of subduing demons and demons."

"As a member of the Arctic Palace, I should serve the Arctic Palace and relieve Tao Lord's worries." Although Gao Xian didn't quite understand Chang Ning's intentions, he couldn't refuse at this time, or even show any hesitation. His main goal was to be an obedient person. Cooperate.

Chang Ning couldn't help but laugh again. Gao Xian was indeed a low-level casual cultivator, and he spoke so skillfully. She nodded slightly and said: "Fellow Taoist, Xuanming Sect is a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years and has its own rules.

"Whether it's fellow Taoists, me, or other Taoist masters who transform into gods, they all must follow the rules. People who don't follow the rules can't gain a foothold in the Xuanming Sect.

"That's what Lord Dao taught you."

Seeing Gao Xian's cooperation, Chang Ning felt that he should say a few more words to prevent Pojun Xingjun from thinking too much.

She said: "I heard that fellow Taoist monks and the True Monarch are a little unhappy?"

Gao Xian suddenly knew that Chang Ning was trying to point him out.

Chang Ning was indeed very satisfied with this. She smiled softly and said: "Seven Star Mountain is an important source of star crystals and is very important to my North Pole Palace. I feel relieved to have fellow Taoists to take charge..."

Chang Ning looked at Gao Xian and asked, "What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

"The Taoist Master personally bestowed the Dharma title on the Taoist Fellow and he values ​​the Taoist Fellow very much. The Taoist Master must not belittle oneself and live up to the Taoist Master's expectation of love and care."

Gao Xian apologized and said: "Actually, it's just a small matter. I had a friendly and candid exchange with True Lord Shouxin, and we both agreed with the ruling of the Chief. Lord Honesty and Trustworthy will probably not take Chexu's unhappiness to heart."

"I will do my best to live up to Daojun's trust." Gao Xian doesn't care whether things can be done well or not, but he shows his attitude first when leading.

The meaning of this Taoist Transformation Master is very simple, don't have paranoia of being persecuted. Just because Tao Zun personally gave him the title, no one would do anything to him if he didn't follow the rules.

"Seven Star Mountain is very special. It can naturally produce the power of the Big Dipper stars in the sky, so it can condense natural star crystals deep underground."

Daojun Chang Ning added: "The strong star power in it is quite harmful to ordinary cultivators. Taoist friend possesses the Pojun Divine Treasure, but he is very suitable for practicing in Qixing Mountain. After a few decades, he will be able to truly refine Pojun God's urn. You are in Qixing Mountain, and it is considered a matter of public and private affairs..." Gao Xian bowed his head and saluted: "Thank you, Mr. Dao, for your care."

Back at Tianhong Garden, Gao Xian called Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia over, "I will go to Qixing Mountain tomorrow and may stay for decades. Mingxia and I will go there to practice Qingqing's housekeeping."


Qingqing's bright eyes widened with a look of surprise and confusion. She usually accompanied her father, so why did his father abandon her at home this time.

"The star power of Qixing Mountain is very strong, which is very different from your cultivation path. Your cultivation is at a critical moment, so don't mess up your own aura."

Gao Xian patiently explained to Qingqing that with Qingqing's cultivation level, he could conquer the world. But according to Chang Ning, he will stay in Qixing Mountain for at least several decades.

Qingqing is already in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and is about to purify his sword intention and sword energy to prepare for the next step of becoming a god. A special place like Qixing Mountain was not suitable for her to stay for a long time.

"Okay." Qingqing pouted. She knew her father was doing it for her own good. Even though she was very reluctant to give up, she couldn't go against his wishes.

She turned around and asked: "Junior Sister's cultivation level is so low, wouldn't it be more troublesome to go?"

"Go to Qixing Mountain and have a look. Maybe she is more compatible with Xingli."

Gao Xian felt that Shui Mingxia should try more various sword techniques. Although his Wuji Tianxiang Sword Classic was good, it was too complicated. Ming Xia's qualifications are actually similar to his, but he has Fengyue Baojian, which can save countless efforts. This is something that no magical elixir can do.

From his point of view, it is most suitable for Shui Mingxia to choose a sword technique to practice in the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Classic. If it can match the star power, there are also some of the world's top star power swordsmanship in the North Pole Palace.

The most important thing about these swordsmanship is that they have been passed down in an orderly manner, and have been perfected after being supplemented by countless people throughout the ages. There are also various corresponding cultivation resources, and the path forward is clear. This was a thousand times better than trying to figure it out on her own.

On the other hand, Gao Xian is also worried about his apprentice's safety. He's not at home, and there's no telling what might happen.

Taojun Changning once said that Xuanming teaches rules. That's also relative. It may be placed on him, but no one dares to mess around. A small foundation is dead when it dies. At worst, I'll lose a golden elixir...

There is no need to explain these calculations clearly to Qingqing. Although Qingqing has a lively temper, she can still practice swordsmanship under her temper. No one dares to mess around when she stays in Tianhong Garden.

Gao Xian solemnly told Qingqing that she should not go out and just stay in seclusion for the past few decades. Ignore anyone's orders.

At night, Tai Ning came quietly again.

Hearing that Gao Xian was going to Qixing Mountain, Tai Ning was a little surprised: "Daojun Chang Ning is very kind to you. I found you a private and public job, which can also prevent Zhen Yue from causing trouble."

"I heard that there are many divine star crystals hidden deep in Qixing Mountain, and there are huge benefits here. Over the years, various rules have been formed. You should be careful when you go there, don't be fooled by the people below..."

Gao Xian smiled: "What rules? My rules are the rules..."

(Sorry for being late, there will be an update tonight~)

(End of this chapter)

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