Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 631 Thunder Sweeping Points

Chapter 631 Thunder Sweeping Points

Qixing Mountain, Juxing Hall.

The Hall of Stars is called the main hall. It is actually a wide open hall. The furnishings inside are all made of logs. The furniture such as tables and chairs are simple and rough, with a primitive and ancient style.

Chang Hezhenjun and several Jindan deacons were polite to Gao Xian.

"I heard that the True Lord is coming. I have prepared all the accounts. I just need to wait for the True Lord to check and confirm that they are correct, and then I can stamp and accept them..."

Changhe Zhenjun is very old, with gray beard and hair, and an old face. But his thin eyebrows and narrow eyes look a bit like a fairy, he speaks in a soft voice, and seems to have a good temper.

Gao Xian had a few polite words with this true king, and had a good impression of him. The main reason is that this person is gentle in speech and seems to be mature and considerate in his work.

He also inquired with Tai Ning before coming, but unfortunately, Tai Ning also knew nothing about the situation in Qixing Mountain.

The Xuanming Sect is so big that just the North Bei Palace has tens of thousands of cultivators under its jurisdiction. It is divided into thirty-five halls, with many factions and intricate relationships with each other.

Tai Ning is an outsider to Beiji Palace. It's good to know the general situation of the North Pole Palace, but there is no way to know more specific things.

Gao Xian was not popular in Beiji Palace and was not familiar with anyone. There is no way to inquire about the situation of Qixing Mountain.

Chang Hezhenjun said to a short, fat middle-aged man standing next to him: "Yuan, please accompany two young Taoists for a walk."

The real person is a woman, with a cold and hard look on her face and eyes. She has a cold air when she stands there, and she is also very silent.

"it is good."

This Fu'an is very capable and very familiar with the situation in Qixing Mountain. Through Fu'an's brief introduction, Gao Xian also had a general understanding of Qixing Mountain.

Fu'an hugged Gao Xian and said in a deep voice: "Qixing Mountain is under the jurisdiction of Beiji Palace, and as usual is under the direct control of Tianshu Palace..."

Refining alchemy is just for making money. Facts have proved that as long as you have high cultivation level, it is very easy to make money.

Fu'an Zhenren is not tall but very strong and strong. He has a square face with sharp edges and an air of fierceness between his eyebrows and eyes. At first glance, it seems that he is good at fighting and is a master.

There are hundreds of thousands of cultivators in Qixing Mountain, and their basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation include the distribution of spiritual stones, elixirs, etc., and various account books are piled up in a room.

Gao Xian's impression of this fat man was not very good. He had a slippery smile and hid his emotions deeply. He was not a good person.

Chang He went to see it several times but failed to kill the evil spirits. Instead, it was contaminated with evil spirits. There is no other way but to seal off the bottom area.

If you listen to the correct method number, you will know that it is another sect's true golden elixir. Judging from his age, he was between five and six hundred years old, already showing an obvious aging state.

He said very understandingly: "There are too many accounts, and there is nothing we can do about it. Fortunately, we all have time."

Chang He Zhenjun said: "Fellow Taoist Fu'an, please introduce the situation of Qixing Mountain to Lord Xing..."

The source ran inside and took out a large stack of ledgers, "You two check the ledgers first. If there is no problem, we can go to the warehouse..."

Yongzhen and Shui Mingxia had no choice but to open their account books. Calculating numbers is not difficult for foundation builders. The difficulty is that the ledger records have special words and special formats, and it is even more difficult for the two of them to look at the ledger.

Gao Xian said modestly: "Fellow Taoist, I'm so honored. I don't deserve it. I can only do my best..."

It is precisely because the underground tunnels are so dangerous that they are equipped with many golden elixir masters.

Even so, the evil spirits in the tunnel are becoming more and more powerful. Nowadays, people are in panic, and the lower-level people are not willing to go mining.

Having money can buy better elixirs to sustain life, and it can also lay the foundation for the continuation of the family. However, this guy is actually easier to deal with.

Shui Mingxia asked in confusion: "The teacher asked us to take inventory, should we check these first?"

In his last life, Gao Xian hated these specific financial tasks, which were very cumbersome and full of pitfalls.

Gao Xian will miss Qiniang a little now. I have to say that Qiniang is really capable and the best at handling these specific matters. It's a pity that he only has two young foundation-building monks, Yongzhen and Mingxia, by his side now.

In such a large Qixing Mountain, there are nearly 300,000 low-level miners working underground.

With Fengyue Baojian added, he can actually make tricks in alchemy. However, refining alchemy still requires a lot of energy and time. If you don't have this time, you might as well practice hard.

Chang Hena introduced to Gao Xian enthusiastically, "This is Master Fu'an, this is Master Zhenxiang, and together with Master Yuan, these three are the three affairs managers of Qixing Mountain. In addition, there are more than a dozen Jindan Responsible for specific management..."

However, such a mine that steadily produces a large amount of spiritual crystals will inevitably lead to a lot of corruption. There is no doubt about this.

In this life, he rarely managed specific affairs. There is absolutely no need for this.

The source was wearing a dark green robe, with a smile on his chubby face, and looked very amiable. He nodded happily and led Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen out first.

He glanced at Yongzhen and Shui Mingxia: "You guys go and take stock of the warehouse, and you must check it with the accounts. It's important, don't make a mistake."

Chang He said: "I have heard the name of Lord Xing for a long time. If you come here in person, you will be able to slay the evil spirits!"

He didn't want to be an upright official, and he wasn't interested in knowing how much money the Qixingshan group had embezzled. However, since he has taken over Qixing Mountain, he must check the accounts clearly.

Star crystals are hidden deep underground. To collect star crystals, you need to dig deep tunnels. The underground is already filled with gloomy energy, and with so many people gathering there, people often die tragically. Many evil spirits are also born in underground tunnels.

The best investment in this world is investing in yourself, and the best way to improve is to improve yourself. Managing money, personnel and other matters will only distract yourself.

The source just stayed by the side with a smile and said nothing.

Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen were both confused when they saw so many ledgers. Neither of them had any practical experience in handling affairs, so they thought they could just bring over a few account books and compare them. As a result, they didn't know how to get hold of this house of ledgers.

Chang Hezhenjun nodded and said: "The accounts need to be clarified. This is an important income of this palace. It is looked at from top to bottom. If something goes wrong, no one can explain it..."

Otherwise, when problems are discovered, he will be implicated. That's when I really got into trouble because I didn't eat mutton.

In the past few years, I don’t know what was dug in the underground tunnels. Some powerful evil spirits suddenly appeared and killed a large number of miners.

Gao Xian realized this and gave up refining alchemy.

The source said with a smile: "Two fellow Taoists, wherever you want to start investigating, I will fully cooperate."

A golden elixir that is about to die will definitely be crazy about money... This is also human nature.

He has been in Qixing Mountain for almost two hundred years and is very familiar with the affairs here. There have been three real kings in charge, but he can sit firmly in this position because he is the only one who can manage the messy affairs clearly.

Cultivation and management of practical affairs are very conflicting. The higher the cultivation level, the less interested in taking care of these chores. A capable general manager is very important to Zhenjun.

Of course, he must pay due filial piety. Such huge benefits are irresistible to Zhenjun.

Chang He Zhenjun is a very good boss. He doesn't care about anything, as long as he is filial and respectful.

Suddenly a Pojun Xingjun came, and Yuan Yuan felt very awkward. Because this person is an outsider, none of his connections can be used.

He has been doing it for more than two hundred years, and his predecessor also made huge profits. Although Qixing Mountain's accounts are even, they cannot withstand careful inspection. However, Gao Xian also wanted to check the accounts and inventory in a serious manner, which made Yuan Yuan feel even more uncomfortable. He would like to see how the two little women can check the accounts clearly.

Of course, on the surface, he was very cooperative and could not let Gao Xian get the advantage.

If Gao Xian is sensible, then both parties will continue to cooperate. Gao Xian is not sensible, but he wants to see how Gao Xian can run Qixing Mountain alone...

What the source didn't know was that Gao Xian was staring at him with his spiritual consciousness. Although there were many magic formations, they couldn't stop Gao Xian's powerful spiritual consciousness that was comparable to the middle stage of divine transformation.

Although Gao Xian couldn't see what Yuan was thinking, he could see his emotional changes. He thought it was a bit funny, this old boy was quite bad.

But he didn't care. Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen should also experience it. Human relationships may be more complicated than training and fighting.

Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen struggled for a long time, but they really couldn't figure it out, so they could only ask the source for advice. The source is quite cooperative and answers whatever you ask.

After struggling like this for two days, Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen basically checked the accounts, and then went to count the inventory of spiritual stones, spiritual crystals, elixirs, etc., and checked that the numbers were correct, and then approached Gao Xian for a report.

Gao Xian didn't care about these details, signed and stamped the accounts, and officially took over Qixing Mountain and became the general deacon of Qixing Mountain.

After the handover was completed, Chang Hezhenjun was also very happy. The mess was successfully dumped on Gao Xian, and it would have nothing to do with him if any problems arise in the future. He took advantage of the escaping light and left first.

The three managers of the source, the truth, and the rehabilitation team also breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, there were no major problems and the transition was smooth.

The three Jindan masters went to find Gao Xian together and wanted to invite Gao Xian to dinner, but Gao Xian refused. He has no interest in making friends with a few little Jin Danla.

Not to mention a few golden elixirs that he didn't like, even a few Nascent Soul Lords were meaningless. Unless it was Chang Ning who transformed into a Shinto Lord, he would be willing to sleep with him and cooperate.

Gao Xian sent away a few golden elixirs and called his apprentice and Yongzhen over.

"In addition to your daily practice, you two should follow the source first and figure out the basic situation of Qixing Mountain..."

Shui Mingxia looked troubled: "Teacher, the hundreds of thousands of cultivators in Qixing Mountain are divided into more than ten levels of management from top to bottom. I'm afraid we can't do it."

"What are you afraid of? Just watch and listen more. You will understand after a while."

Gao Xian said: "You have also reached the stage where you should enter the world and practice. Cultivators not only fight against heaven and earth, but also fight against people. Entering into the world to refine your heart and temper your nature is a level that every cultivator must face."

Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen both bowed their heads and accepted the instruction.

Gao Xian glanced at Yongzhen's fair and slender neck, then quickly looked away, just look at it!

After sending away the two young Foundation-Building monks, Gao Xian began to enjoy his leisurely life in the backyard of Juxing Palace.

The backyard is several miles away from the front office hall. It is located on the top of the mountain. The house is made of huge logs and is tall and wide. Although it is a bit rough, it is very elegant.

There are more than a dozen maids in the courtyard, all of them beautiful and young, responsible for laundry, cooking and other chores.

The food used is all high-quality, which is considered a luxury for Yuanying Zhenjun. This is also the rule of Qixing Mountain. All the general deacon's food, clothing, housing and transportation expenses are clearly stipulated.

Yuan Yuan and other golden elixirs were wary of Gao Xian, but they did not dare to play tricks on Gao Xian. They were all very happy whether Gao Xian was doing anything.

Gao Xian is quite satisfied with Qixing Mountain. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are not important. The key is that this mountain is very special. For some unknown reason, it can naturally gather the power of stars in the sky.

From his perspective, Seven Star Mountain is like a huge invisible whirlpool, capable of absorbing star power. The intensity of this breath of star power is much stronger than that of the Transformation God.

The gathered star power will continue to penetrate downward like water, combining with the earth's energy to condense into pieces of star crystals.

It takes who knows how many thousands of years to form such a special environment. You can imagine how many star crystals condensed underground. The so-called star crystal is actually the crystallization of star power, which is of great benefit to practitioners who practice star power.

Gao Xian used his spiritual consciousness to see that there were a large number of high-level star crystals hidden deep underground in Qixing Mountain. Even if the Xuanming Sect has been digging for thousands of years, they have only mined 1% of the amount.

Of course, it's not easy to mine star crystals deep underground. Unless the Nascent Soul Lord is willing to work as a coolie, the star crystals hidden thousands of miles underground can be unearthed.

To Gao Xian, these star crystals are not important. What is important is the special star power environment here, which is of great benefit to him in refining the Army-Breaking God's Ribbon.

The Army-Breaking Divine Treasure can be regarded as a powerful fifth-level artifact. If it can be completely refined, it will be of great benefit to him.

More than a month passed in a flash, and on this day Shui Mingxia came over with Master Yuanyuan.

The chubby source master looked troubled: "Xingjun, there is an evil spirit in the tunnel again, and many people died. Xingjun, do you see it?"

"Okay, take me to see it."

Gao Xian said as he flicked his long sleeves and soared into the sky with his chubby figure. In the blink of an eye, he suddenly fell to the ground again.

When Yuan Yuan saw the rapidly expanding ground, he was also panicking. He never went into the tunnel, and this time he only came to ask Gao Xian to take action, but he never thought about coming with him.

But Gao Xian didn't allow him to say anything more. It was too late to say anything more now.

The black and yellow divine light is transformed from the earth element divine light. It is best at escaping through mountains and escaping from the ground. As the dark golden light circulated, Gao Xian had taken the source hundreds of miles underground and arrived at an open natural cave.

This should be a temporary resting place for those who are working on the mines. There are many simple wooden houses with some clothes hanging on the wooden shelves outside. The yard was now filled with black, mangled corpses.

There are naturally luminous green stones above the grotto, and the green light makes these corpses look even more terrifying.

The source didn't pay attention to the corpses. His eyes were focused on the black evil spirit in the center of the grotto. This evil spirit was about ten feet tall, with a figure as black as iron. He stood with piercing green eyes and a strong cold air exuding from his whole body.

The source just looked at Xie Sui, and the golden elixir between his brows suddenly became cold, and all his mana and consciousness were frozen by the cold air. A layer of frost appeared on his forehead.

In an instant, the source was frozen by the cold air caused by evil spirits.

"It's a fourth-level evil spirit!"

The source was liver and gallbladder splitting, and the whole person was almost scared to death.

Gao Xian looked at Xie Sui with great interest. Although this thing had no intelligence, the evil aura was very strong. However, there is no way to compare with those fifth-level evil objects.

Gao Xian's starlike eyes shone with blue and white lightning, and before the evil spirits hundreds of feet away could react, thousands of blue and white lightnings erupted all over his body.

Amidst the roar of thunder, the evil spirits were blown into black ash all over the sky.

The source saw with his own eyes that the evil spirits turned into fly ash instantly, which shocked him so much that he didn't know what to say for a moment.

He stayed for a while and then praised loudly: "The Star Lord is extremely powerful, extremely powerful!"

Gao Xian smiled at the source: "For such a powerful fourth-level evil spirit, it is reasonable for you to die at its hands..."

The source's smile suddenly froze, and the whole person was stunned.

(New Year greetings to everyone on the first day of the Lunar New Year~Thank you for your support~Happy New Year~)

(End of this chapter)

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