Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 632 Divine Star Crystal

Chapter 632 Divine Star Crystal

The green light falling from the dome of the crypt made Gao Xian's smile look eerie and strange.

The fat man was so frightened that he almost peed. The intense fear made him sweat profusely. His face, which was frozen by the cold air, turned purple. The sweat beads rolled down uncontrollably, and the fat on his cheeks trembled. non-stop.

Gao Xian was a little funny. He had killed so many golden elixirs, and the fat man in front of him should be the most afraid of death. Shivering and sweating profusely, he looked embarrassed and a little comical.

After arriving at Qixing Mountain for more than a month, Gao Xian silently watched the fat man jumping up and down. This fat man really thought that he didn't care about anything and just deceived the two little girls into running around.

It can't be said that they are cheating, they just leave all kinds of complicated matters to Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen.

Hundreds of thousands of people gathered together, equivalent to the size of a small city. These are all cultivators! You can imagine how troublesome it is to manage these people.

Not to mention that the two little girls had little experience, even veterans would have difficulty handling these trivial matters effectively.

The source still thought he had a trick, but he didn't know that Gao Xian used his spiritual consciousness to see clearly what he was doing. The reason why Gao Xian doesn't care about the source is that there is no need.

Such a little guy has countless calculations and strategies. He can kill him with just one little finger, so why bother telling the other party about rules and tricks.

Yuan has lived for six hundred years, but rarely fights with others. He is better at intrigues. At this moment, he realized that Gao Xian brought him to the cave specifically to deal with him.

As Yuan Yuan spent more than a month, he was busy with all kinds of trivial matters. Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen were also very angry. If the source falls into their hands, how can they be polite?

Gao Xian, deep underground, has been observing the source with his spiritual consciousness. In fact, he just used some sword energy and left a deep imprint on the origin of the golden elixir. This person has no guts to fight with him!

Seeing that the effect was really good, Gao Xian was relieved.

"I'm not interested in your dirty business, but I can't tolerate being teased and coaxed by you, let alone take the blame for you guys.

Fortunately, Yuan Yuan came to his senses quickly. He raised his head and said hurriedly: "From now on, I will be a dog under Xingjun's family. I will do whatever Xingjun wants me to do, without any hesitation."

For him, the most important thing is to complete the sacrifice of the Pojun Divine Ruan in Qixing Mountain.

These are all trivial things. He just didn't want to tolerate a bunch of idiots playing tricks on him.

"You must truthfully explain the various holes and problems in Qixing Mountain."

Facing two weak foundation-building monks, Yuan Yuan felt confident.

He was underground just now, and he had no choice but to kneel down and beg for mercy. Already back at the Star Gathering Hall, Gao Xian still dares to mess around? Besides, it’s not like he doesn’t have teachers, relatives and friends!

Yuan Yuan was thinking about how to regret it, but for some reason he suddenly thought of Gao Xian and Gao Xian's indifferent smile, and the anger he felt in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Gao Xian remained silent, this fat man was a bit stupid.

In a few breaths, the source had returned to the backyard of Juxing Palace, where Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen were waiting for him.

"Not stupid enough."

The source was completely disheartened. He followed Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen into the quiet room dejectedly, and honestly explained all his falsified accounts and other money-defrauding methods...

Gao Xian was too lazy to talk nonsense with such a dirty villain. He flicked his sleeves and a dark golden halo flashed upwards with the source.

It took him a while to regain his composure. He suddenly knelt down and kowtowed deeply: "Xingjun, have mercy on me, Xingjun, have mercy on me."

Gao Xian said slowly: "You don't have to be my dog, as long as you can figure out the affairs of Qixing Mountain.

Shui Mingxia waved to the source: "Master, please help us clear up our doubts..."

The panic and fear rising deep in his heart made it impossible for him to control his emotions or his expression.

Gao Xian nodded: "I'll give you one chance. Remember, it's only once. If you try to be clever, no one can save you."

During this period of time, he was making sacrifices to the God of Pojun every day, and the progress was quite smooth. According to his observation, the star power of Qixing Mountain is constantly settling downward.

"Yes, yes, I listen to Mr. Xing. I will do whatever you tell me." Yuan Yuan only wants to survive and doesn't care about anything else.

The effect should be better if you practice deep underground. Of course, there are many powerful evil spirits here, so don’t be careless.

Gao Xian did not hide his aura. The underground tunnels crisscrossed each other, forming a complex underground maze deep underground in Qixing Mountain.

The strong earth energy and concentrated star power will cause great interference to the spiritual consciousness. The best way is to let evil spirits come to him.

Things like evil spirits have little intelligence and are most easily attracted to the powerful breath of life.

Gao Xian has a black and yellow divine light, and he can move freely underground without any hindrance. He is neither restricted by tunnels nor restricted by any external objects.

After wandering like this for a while, a fourth-level evil spirit was soon attracted. Gao Xian fired a thunderbolt from far away, but failed to completely kill the opponent. He added another shot from the Pure Yang Divine Spear, which completely wiped out the evil spirit. The secret technique of Chunyang Divine Spear has also reached the fifth level. It is particularly effective in killing evil spirits, even better than thunder methods.

There's just one problem. There's some conflict between the Pure Yang Divine Spear and the Dragon Elephant Ming King Vajra.

The Dragon Elephant Ming King Vajra emphasizes the unity of form and spirit, making it extremely strong. The Pure Yang Divine Spear condenses the soul and consciousness into a spear. Although it does not involve body refining, it has a great conflict with the Dragon Elephant Ming King Vajra in terms of the unity of the soul.

If the Pure Yang Divine Spear is upgraded, it is likely to affect the Dragon Elephant King Vajra.

In twelve years, he accumulated three billion humane auras. This is also thanks to the fact that he spent a lot of money to promote spiritual stones.

"Ode to the Joy of the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth" has withstood the test of time.

The story may become outdated, and it may become boring after reading it a few times. The secret method of dual cultivation recorded in "Ode to the Joy of the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth" points directly to the great road.

Not to mention Qi practitioners, even foundation-building practitioners from sects would find it difficult to learn the secret method of dual cultivation that is more advanced than this method.

More than ten years of cultivating the market has also allowed "The Great Joy of the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth" to penetrate deeply into the lower-level practitioners and become their favorite dual cultivation method. Moreover, they will pass it on to future generations.

In the past few years, the accumulation of humane aura has been accelerating. This is also what surprises Gao Xian the most.

There are still many evil spirits hidden deep underground. Out of caution, Gao Xian decided to use part of the humane aura first.

Gao Xian weighed it up and used 1.6 billion human auras to upgrade the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra, directly rising to the master level.

When you reach the master level, your understanding of the secret method is already outstanding. Even if you use humane aura to take advantage of it, the effect will be the same.

The various mysterious essences of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra emerged in Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness, allowing him to master this powerful thunder method to a higher level.

After a while, the sparkle in Gao Xian's eyes gradually dimmed, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his face. The thunder method has reached the master level, and with the addition of Shenxiao Tianshu's demon-subduing golden whip, it is not easy to sweep away the evil spirits here.

Gao Xian wandered around the tunnels for several days and cleared out nearly a hundred evil spirits. Most of these evil spirits are of the second or third level. There are only a few level four evil spirits.

With the powerful thunder method, these evil spirits will be blasted into ashes as soon as they show up. Gao Xian also harvested several star crystals left by Xie Sui.

Star crystals transformed from evil spirits are of higher quality. Unfortunately, the level was too low and it did not help him much in his cultivation.

After dealing with these ordinary evil spirits, Gao Xian continued deep underground.

The rich star power accumulated underground not only condensed many star crystals, but also nurtured many evil spirits.

Gao Xian went all the way down, and found a huge natural cave nearly ten thousand miles underground.

The cave is like a huge funnel. The upper entrance is dozens of miles in diameter, but the bottom entrance is only a few feet in diameter.

The concentrated star power condensed into star-blue water in the depths of the cave. In the middle of the water was a polygonal star crystal the size of a fist.

"Is it possible for a fifth-level divine star crystal to even reach the sixth level?"

Gao Xian was surprised and happy. It was not surprising that Qixing Mountain had accumulated hundreds of millions of years of star power to condense such a magical object.

The key is that there is a scaly black snake coiled next to the divine spiritual crystal. It seems to be about ten feet long, and its whole body is soaked in a strong force like mercury.

The black snake has a strong evil aura and a bit of strange vitality.

Gao Xian was not sure for a moment whether this was an evil thing or a powerful monster? He didn't think too much. It was absolutely impossible for a sixth-level creature to appear in a place like Qixing Mountain!

Are you kidding? What is the concept of a sixth-level evil object? It can destroy Qixing Mountain with just one thought. How can I stay here so honestly?

No matter what this black snake is, it must be only level five.

After obtaining this fifth-level divine spiritual crystal, three to five years would be enough to refine the Army-Breaking Divine Barrier. This was something he was determined to obtain!

"Ye Zangjian killed everyone, let alone a black snake!"

Gao Xian felt that this black snake was just a buy-one-get-one-free deal.

(Updated on time on the second day of the new year~please vote~)

(End of this chapter)

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