Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 633: 1 Sword Killing God

Chapter 633: Kill God with One Sword

Above the huge cave, Gao Xian stood silently and motionless. All the aura and consciousness around him were covered and obscured by the Tai Chi Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Clothes.

Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes has reached the fifth level. At a distance of twenty miles, even a powerful person who transforms into gods would find it difficult to detect his presence.

Gao Xian has killed countless fifth-level evil creatures and has rich experience.

The biggest problem with fifth-level evil objects is that they have no brains. Without wisdom, it is all based on instinct. As long as the difference in strength between the two parties is not too great, it can be easily restrained.

For example, the fifth-level dragon-shaped monster, Ye Zangjian, etc. Especially Ye Zangjian, which inherited some of the swordsmanship from the original body, is very powerful. However, if there is not enough wisdom to make precise judgments on complex battles, fatal flaws will be revealed.

Gao Xian was not sure whether the fifth-level black snake in front of him was an evil spirit or a powerful monster. There was still a huge difference between the two.

Xie Sui has no brain, but monsters have wisdom that is not inferior to humans.

The only problem with monsters is that they don't have enough knowledge. This has nothing to do with its level of intelligence.

Gao Xian silently observed it through the flower appreciating mirror for most of the day. From his point of view, the black snake was in a deep sleep.

The power of the soul of the fifth-level monster was completely released at this time. The huge spiritual consciousness naturally controls the spiritual energy within a hundred miles, forming an invisible legal domain.

The operation mode of the Flower Appreciating Mirror is very special. Even if his consciousness and mana are suppressed, it will not affect the Flower Appreciating Mirror.

For Black Snake, this power comes from deep within the blood. When it grows up, it will naturally be able to master such powerful power.

Gao Xian was already prepared for this. A flash of green light shone in the depths of his eyes, and he observed the various changes in the black snake through the flower-appraising mirror.

The power of the soul released by the black snake also fully revealed its soul.

Gao Xian was sure that the black snake was sleeping, so he moved forward another ten miles, only ten miles away from the sleeping black snake.

The sword, combined with his superb swordsmanship, is most suitable for quick battles.

Even though the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Phaseless Divine Clothes were magical, Gao Xian did not dare to go any further. This distance is close enough, whether it is swordsmanship or magic, it can be done instantly.

Although Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness was strong, it was several times inferior compared to this black snake.

He thought about it and decided to use the Five Elements Sword.

Regardless of whether the opponent is an evil thing or a monster, one sword strike can kill the core of the opponent's soul!

The black snake's powerful soul mobilized mana to condense dark blue energy around its body, completely wrapping its huge body.

A four-foot five-element sword stretched out silently from Gao Xian's long sleeves. The next moment he activated the black and yellow divine light and shot towards the black snake below.

The Grandmaster's perfect Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra is undoubtedly the most powerful killing method he has mastered. The Five Elements Sword Weapon has also been upgraded to the fifth-level high-grade divine sword level.

For beings at the fifth level, this distance has exceeded the lowest safe distance.

Immersed in the power of Mercury, the black snake sensed violent mana fluctuations, and its soul immediately woke up from its slumber.

The rich star power is enough to meet the black snake's natural need for star power.

On the one hand, the monster beast is huge in size, and its magic power and spiritual consciousness are far superior to those of the same level of cultivators. On the other hand, Black Snake condensed into a soul, and its spiritual consciousness level was far superior to him. This result is very reasonable.

Black Snake's powerful spiritual consciousness easily suppressed Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness, which limited Gao Xian's ability to sense the outside world and limited his efficiency in operating spiritual energy.

The black snake opened its huge green vertical eyes, and the dark golden halo shooting from above was deeply imprinted into its eyes. To it, it's just a small thing, and it doesn't matter what it is.

"This is a good opportunity to take action!"

"It's a monster that's just been infiltrated by evil spirits. It's one level stronger than the Six-Tailed Sky Fox."

The flower appreciating mirror can reflect the essence of the black snake's soul, and Gao Xian knows that this is an evil beast. It is very dangerous for this fifth-level monster to be infiltrated by evil spirits, especially its soul, which has been obviously infected with a large amount of black filth.

It was because of the complexity of the Black Snake situation that Gao Xian was unable to make an accurate judgment until now.

The fifth-level monsters that have fallen into evil spirits are more dangerous, because they will become crazy and more bellicose. There is no fear of death in normal life.

Gao Xian was experienced in this area and quickly assessed the Black Snake's condition.

He caused Taiyuan's divine form to resonate with the Five Elements sword in his hand, and in an instant the sword merged into one and turned into a clear sword light that pierced the black snake.

The extremely sharp sword light made the black snake soul feel threatened. Its soul from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly emerged and spat out a mouthful of dark blue starlight at the sword light.

The extremely rich star power condensed into billions of dark blue stars and spat out towards the sword light. The spewing star power was like a volcano erupting, making an earth-shattering roar.

Billions of shining stars cut through the darkness, leaving sharp traces of light.

Gao Xian, who turned into a sword light, activated Huiyue Zangkong, and the clear sword light disappeared without a trace in an instant. Both the man and the sword are hidden in the depths of the void, leaving no trace behind.

No matter how powerful the star power spewed by the black snake is, it cannot tear the void apart. Black Snake immediately realized that the opponent had disappeared, but its powerful soul was unable to locate the opponent.

For tens of thousands of years, the black snake has never encountered this situation. It knows that the other party is hiding, but it doesn't know where.

This made him very frightened and angry, and he did not hesitate to use his soul again to activate the star power that he had cultivated for tens of thousands of years.

The majestic and endless starlight burst out in a ring with its body as the center, leaving behind a series of gorgeous and bright dark blue star rings in the void.

The loophole-shaped cave could not withstand such a powerful burst of star power, and the four circular walls of the cave instantly collapsed and shattered. The violent star power is still releasing its power outward through the soil layer.

The vibrating mana was transmitted all the way to the surface, and the entire Seven Star Mountain was shaking and shaking.

Fortunately, there are many evil spirits underground. Where are they from? Being frightened by Gao Xian again, he has been cooperating with Yongzhen and Shui Mingxia in checking accounts these days, and the tunnel is temporarily closed.

Although the earthquake in Qixing Mountain was strong, it caused no real damage. The distance is really too far, and the star power of the powerful god-transformer can no longer pose a real threat when it reaches here.

If it weren't for the soil layer transmitting the magic power shock, it wouldn't have such great power.

Just like that, the cultivators in Qixing Mountain were also shocked. They could all sense the huge aura of star power coming from deep within the ground. It was obvious that this was not a natural earthquake.

Sitting in the room explaining the source of the problem, I was also shocked. But he suddenly realized that this might be Gao Xian fighting evil spirits! Such a tyrannical power can actually shake the entire Seven Star Mountain. This Lord Po Junxing is too tyrannical!

Thinking of this, the source's face became paler. The stronger Gao Xian is, the worse he will be!

Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen knew Gao Xian better and knew that this crazy way of outward bursting of power was definitely not the teacher's style.

Both of them have experienced Gao Xian's magical powers and have full confidence in him. It’s not that I’m worried about Gao Xian’s safety…

Gao Xian was not relaxed at this moment. The black snake's burst of star power was too violent. In terms of pure mana, none of the Taoist Masters he had seen could compare with this black snake. Including the evil thing called Ye Zangjian.

Fortunately, Black Snake was unable to lock his position with his soul, and 99% of the powerful mana released was wasted.

Relying on the mystery of Huiyue Hidden Sky, Gao Xian condensed himself into a little sword light and hid it in the void. The indiscriminate full-range star power impact will indeed impact him, but it is not enough to destroy his Huiyue Zangkong.

No matter how strong the Black Snake's star power is, it still needs to adjust its mana and consciousness after continuous and unlimited bursts of star power. After the explosion of numerous star rings, it naturally began to converge its star power.

The same is true for any power to control life. It cannot be continuously enhanced without limit. There must be a process of adjustment and control.

The reason why the Taoist Transformation Lords are powerful is that they can completely control this change and will never be taken advantage of by outsiders.

The black snake obviously did not have such awareness, and it unabashedly re-absorbed star power to adjust its spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian emerged from the void and transformed into a clear sword light that stabbed directly at the head of the black snake. This sword strike was mysterious and swift.

The sword had arrived in a flash.

The black snake's huge body had no time to react, so it could only activate the black soul to swallow the laser and shoot out the sword light.

The clear sword light also split into billions of white lights like rain, which silently disappeared into the Black Snake Yuan Shen.

This style of spring breeze transforms into rain is Gao Xian's best swordsmanship. The Wuji Celestial Sword Sutra has reached the state of master perfection, and his move of Spring Breeze and Rain has reached a miraculous state.

One sword divides hundreds of millions of sword lights, just like spring rain, and it has the wonderful effect of infiltrating all things.

Although Black Snake's soul was strong and solid, it was still full of loopholes under such a delicate sword light. The sword light like rain immersed into the Black Snake Yuan Shen and then gathered again.

Gao Xian activated the thunder and lightning switch in the Lei Xiang Sword.

The master-level Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra not only greatly improved his thunder skills, but also greatly enhanced the power of the Thunder Sword. At the same time, it also allowed his Jian Qi to operate faster and more delicately.

Before the Black Snake Yuanshen had time to react, the sword light had turned into a powerful and unrivaled thunderous light that penetrated the Black Snake Yuanshen.

This fifth-level monster soul is still resisting desperately. It can barely withstand the light of the thunder sword, but it cannot withstand the sharpness of the five elements sword.

When the Five Elements Sword passed by, the center of the Black Snake Yuan Shen was broken by the sword, and then the thunderous sword light erupted, completely smashing the Black Snake Yuan Shen into pieces.

After the soul was destroyed, the black snake soul was also completely destroyed, leaving only a huge body.

Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves and put the black snake's body away. Although this black snake's soul has been polluted by evil spirits, it seems that its body has not been polluted by evil spirits.

The flesh, flesh, scales and skin of such a powerful monster are very valuable. If he can't handle it, he can sell it for money. If it doesn't work, use the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu to purify the essence and blood, which can be regarded as a great supplement to the Taixuan Divine Aspect.

This battle went very smoothly, and also showed the peerless power of the swordsmanship of the Grandmaster's Perfect Realm.

Gao Xian was also very satisfied with this. Before the breakthrough in swordsmanship, even if he could kill this black snake, he would have to do his best. It would never be as easy as now.

This is where the sword cultivator is strong. As long as he is better than one line, he can kill the opponent with his marvelous and unparalleled sword skills.

By killing this black snake, Taishi Temple can be copied. He had another target to practice on.

The star crystal is still shining quietly, with a deep and quiet beauty.

When Black Snake exploded with power, he consciously protected the star crystal beneath him, so the star crystal did not suffer any damage.

Gao Xian looked at it with the flower appreciating mirror for a while and found nothing wrong with the star crystal, so he took the star crystal.

As soon as he took the thing into his hands, Gao Xian felt the rich and pure star power flowing naturally into his body.

"It is indeed a good thing, but there may be some problems..."

Gao Xian put away the star crystal but felt a little bit in his heart. The black snake is so powerful, but its soul is polluted by evil spirits.

He had some suspicions that this star crystal was haunted, but it was in the wrong place and not suitable for research.

Although this battle was short, it also consumed a lot of his energy and mana. Deep underground is a vast world full of dangers.

For safety reasons, Gao Xian still used the Escape Light to return to the Star Gathering Hall.

While explaining the source of the problem in the room, when he saw Gao Xian appeared, he quickly stood up and greeted him with a cautious salute.

Gao Xian said to the source: "The underground evil spirits have almost been cleared away, and there will be no trouble for the time being. Work can start."

He thought for a moment and then explained: "I don't care what you did in the past. From today on, all miners' treatment will be implemented as agreed, without any discount..."

If you want people to mine underground, you must give them good treatment. But to implement it, at least 60 to 70% will be deducted. The low-level casual cultivators are also unable to resist and can only endure silently.

Those who come to mine may not be good people, but those who deduct their income are definitely not good people. Let’s resolve the issue of deductions first, and we’ll talk about how to compensate for it later.

Master Yuan's face was filled with bitterness, but he did not dare to say anything.

Gao Xian exchanged a few words with Shui Mingxia and Yongzhen before returning to the backyard.

After resting for a day, Gao Xian adjusted his condition and then took out the fist-sized star crystal. There was no doubt that it was a fifth-level top-grade divine item.

Holding the star crystal in his hand, Gao Xian looked solemn. There might be evil hidden in it, so he had to be careful.

Gao Xian urged his consciousness into the depths of the star crystal and saw a black nine-pointed star. At this time, the Pojun Divine Rui between his brows spontaneously began to shine with dazzling stars...

(End of this chapter)

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