Chapter 640 Xiyi

"Access." Gao Xian bowed his hands to the True Monarch of Conservation outside the Tianwu Platform.

"Xingjun is so powerful that I am far inferior to him. I admire him very much."

True Lord Shuhengheng reacted quickly. He suppressed the embarrassment, frustration and other emotions in his heart and returned the gift politely.

It was a bit inexplicable to lose this battle, but if you lose, you lose, and there is no reason to explain it.

No matter how uncomfortable the True Lord Shuhengheng felt, he would not show it. It doesn’t matter if you are not as skilled as others, but you can’t lose your face as well.

Gao Xian smiled, this True Lord of Conservation is really magnanimous and graceful, he is someone who can afford to lose. No matter how uncomfortable I feel, I can still pretend to be it. He is also a wealthy man.

To be valued by the Xuanming Sect, Shuangheng is indeed a talent.

This person is also unlucky. When he encounters his Dragon Elephant King Vajra, he reaches the extreme state. Facing the eight complicated spells, he directly used the brute force of the Dragon Elephant King Vajra to smash it into pieces.

This move uses simplicity to control complexity and strength to defeat skills. It is most suitable for dealing with opponents like the True Lord of Conservation. The most important thing is that he is powerful enough to crush conservation, so that he can defeat the enemy with one blow.

Before the Dragon Elephant King Vajra attained great perfection, it would not have been so easy for him to blow away the conservation in one blow.

Shui Qinghong, Wan Qingxia and other Nascent Soul Lords were already in awe of Gao Xian. With such powerful and pure power, Gao Xian is really a Nascent Soul?

Thirty years ago they were inferior to Gao Xian. Thirty years later, they practiced hard day and night, but they could no longer understand Gao Xian's power.

Zhen Daojun said with some sigh: "This person is indeed extraordinary. I am afraid that no one can win him at the Yuanying level. No wonder he dares to boast to Dao Zun..."

"If he dares to show it, then it's okay." Zhenye didn't care, Dao Zun was on top, there was no way he could hide it from Dao Zun.

Zhenyi Moran, indeed, if Gao Xian wants to achieve enlightenment and become a god, it will also have a great impact on them.

Gao Xian also saw the reaction of outsiders, and he was very satisfied with it. Dragon Elephant Vajra Ming Wang Chu Dacheng finally had a chance to show off.

"He is a person." Zhenye also sighed: "If this person does not die, he will be able to attain enlightenment and become a god within five hundred years. At that time, we will have a headache."

Outside the Tianwu Platform, Tai Ning said to Qing Le: "Senior Brother, I don't give him any face. But he seems to be stronger!"

If Gao Xian hadn't wanted to show off to Tao Zun, he wouldn't have been so disrespectful.

Such a strong man was knocked out of the Tianwu Platform by Gao Xian's move, which had an extremely huge impact on him!

He also felt a strong sense of frustration in his heart. Pojun Xingjun and he were not at the same level at all. He was completely humiliating himself by trying to compete with him...

Taiyuan was originally full of hostility towards Gao Xian, but now he was only filled with horror. He knew very well how powerful the True Lord of Conservation was. Although his swordsmanship was strong, he would never be able to withstand a hundred moves in front of this person.

The other party has profound cultivation, superb spells, and a fifth-level artifact to protect his body. He is indeed an extremely powerful Nascent Soul.

Shouxin was as shocked and painful as Taiyuan. She originally wanted to see Gao Xian's joke, but now it seems that she is the joke. This time he not only offended Gao Xian, but also offended True Lord Shouheng. She felt very regretful. If she had known earlier, she should have listened to the ancestor's words...

He raised his hands to Taichu Yi outside the Tianwu Platform: "Fellow Taoist, please."

Shinichi looked a little solemn: "Which body training technique is this?"

The battle just now was so shocking that it really shocked everyone in the Xuanming Sect.

Besides, Gao Xian has no scruples at all, which proves that there is no question about the origin of his body refining skills.

Such a huge gap makes many arrogant geniuses very frustrated.

Seeing Gao Xian's unparalleled power and defeating the enemy with one blow, she couldn't help but be happy for Gao Xian: "Senior brother's cultivation has made great progress again. This move uses force to break the law and completely defeat the conservation. Try it again, he can't catch ten trick……"

Qing Le's expression was a little complicated. The handsome and majestic man was originally hers, but was snatched away by Tai Ning, a shameless man.

Everyone in Tianbao Hall's Zhenye was amazed: "This guy is so domineering in body refining. It's useless even if you are prepared, there's a lot of difference between the two sides."

She was reluctant to leave Gao Xian, but she was not so shameless as to compete with Tai Ning for a man.

A flash of spiritual light flashed in Taichu's extremely clear eyes. The black and yellow robe on her body moved without any wind, but the energy of the sword that swelled around her suddenly turned invisible. From the outside, there is no trace of her running the sword.

True Lord Shouheng has quietly returned to Taichu. He used his spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice to Taichu and said: "Gao Xian has a powerful body-refining technique, and his magical power and spiritual consciousness are also extremely powerful. Be careful..."


Taichu responded softly, without any special mood swings. She was a little surprised to see Shu Heng defeated by Gao Xian with one move, but this emotion was fleeting. If she were the first to go up, she might not be able to withstand this move. She knew how to deal with it after having been personally demonstrated once by Shu Shouheng.

I never looked down on Gao Xian in the beginning, but I don't have any fear of Gao Xian now. She has a pure mind and spends her whole life practicing swordsmanship, and doesn't think too much about other things.

Everything is in the sword. If there is a problem that the sword cannot solve, it only means that her sword is not strong enough.

It is also a good experience to be able to fight against a strong person like Gao Xian. This world, all sentient beings, and all things are her sharpening stone, that's all.

Seeing Taichu enter the Tianwu Terrace gracefully, the eyes of the cultivators watching the battle widened. They had figured out what was going on in the battle just now, and the battle was over.

This time everyone learned their lesson and no one dared to blink.

Most of the people's eyes were focused on Taichu. The Xuanhuang Taoist robe was a very dark color. Taichu was tall, his eyes were extremely clear, and his skin was as bright as snow. Wearing a large and elegant Xuanhuang Taoist robe, the beauty is as beautiful as jade and the eyes are as bright as a sword.

Opposite him, Gao Xian was wearing white clothes and his eyes were as bright as stars. The two of them were facing each other from a distance, and they actually seemed to match each other very well.

Tai Ning looked a little awkward, and she murmured: "Senior Brother, why don't you take action? Are you interested in Taichu?"

Qing Le smiled and said nothing, Gao Xian just liked beautiful women, everyone knew this. Taichu's pure and unique temperament also gives her a wonderful charm. It's normal for Gao Xian to be attracted.

She is very willing to do this. Anyway, she can't monopolize it, and she can't get it too cheap!

Gao Xian had no such charming thoughts at all. He simply appreciated that Taichu was indeed a born swordsman, purer than any swordsman he had ever seen.

This is a cultivator who only knows swords!

Gao Xian was also a little curious, what kind of swordsmanship could such a pure swordsman practice?



Taichu responded softly, his voice was like washed jade, cold, transparent and warm.

A movement of Taichu's long sleeves had triggered the Xiyi Sword, and the next moment, she and her sword completely disappeared without a trace.

Gao Xian was stunned. Even with his powerful spiritual consciousness, he could not detect traces of Taichu, nor could he see Taining in the Flower Appraisal Mirror.

This hand is really beautiful, even better than his Tai Chi Xuan Guang Wuxiang Divine Clothes and Hui Yue Hidden Sky. More probably, it borrowed the power of the sword.

The so-called turning a blind eye is not famous, and listening is not famous.

The Xiyi Sword is a magical sword that is invisible and silent. In addition, the Invisible Sword of Taichu emphasizes the sword becoming invisible. The combination of the two produces such a magical change.

However, Gao Xian didn't believe that the other party could really disappear without a trace.

He summoned the Five Elements Sword, and the sword's blade shook slightly to emit the sound of Qing Yue's sword. The sound of the sword radiating from all directions still carries the sword intent that penetrates all, which is exactly a change of the Fengxiang Sword.

Taichu's body and sword merged into one body and became invisible, not really hiding in the depths of the void, but using the sword to cut off Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness and six senses.

Being swept away by Qingyue's sword, Taichu inevitably had to adjust accordingly.

Gao Xian's body has now reached the fifth level, and his six senses are so sharp. The subtle changes in Taichu's sword were immediately caught by him, and his flower-appraising mirror also saw Taichu's vague figure.

The five-element sword in his hand made a false cut, and the sword blade turned into a perfect and flawless divine moon. The bright and clear water sword light suddenly covered all directions.

This move of Nine Heavens Bright Moon, the sword power is strong and perfect, completely covering the small Tianwu platform.

Taichu's body was naturally swept away by the sword light of Perfection. She could only activate the Xiyi Sword to swipe, cutting out a deep crack in the clear water-like sword light. She used her sword to avoid the strong sword light through the gap.

However, at this moment, Gao Xian converged the sword light that filled the sky and turned it into a wisp of razor-sharp crescent moon, slashing at Taichu.

The natural changes in sword intent from the full moon to the waning moon push the sharpness of this waning moon style to the extreme. The sword light like the waning moon was deeply imprinted into Taichu's bright and pure eyes, imprinted into her sea of ​​​​consciousness, and pointed directly at her sword-wielding Nascent Soul.

At this moment, Taichu felt the bone-chilling chill and the deep and endless death energy.

At the critical moment, Taichu's eyes were still as clear as water, without any emotional changes. She once again transformed the Xiyi sword in her hand into an invisible and silent sword light, and pierced towards the waning moon sword light...

(End of this chapter)

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