Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 641: 9th life marriage?

Chapter 641: Ninth Life Marriage?

The Xiyi Sword is shadowless and formless, and combined with Taichu's Invisible Sword Technique, under Taichu's control, it truly becomes invisible and qualityless, close to nothingness.

The fierce and sharp Zangyue sword light cut a deep sword mark in the void, but Taichu, who was wielding the sword, disappeared without a trace when the sword lights intersected.

Gao Xian's powerful spiritual consciousness and the flower-appraising mirror were unable to capture the traces of Taichu. The fifth-level physical body tempered by Dragon Elephant King Vajra gave him five levels of six senses, and he could keenly sense the traces of Taichu, which was a shadow hidden deep in the void.

In this state of Taichu, there is something mysterious about the beginning of Taichu's vitality and the essence of Hunyuan.

No matter how powerful the Waning Moon sword light is, it is not on the same level as Taichu, so it cannot threaten Taichu.

If the closed space of Tianwu Terrace can be viewed as a painting, Taichu could instantly reach the outside of the painting with the help of Xiyi Sword and Taichu Invisible Sword Technique.

Gao Xian could sense Taichu's position in the void, but the sword in his hand could not reach him. The main reason is that the Xiyi Sword is too superb and is born with the magical power to transform into the void. This is incomparable to the Five Elements Swordsman.

In this state, others could not touch her, and she could not touch others either. That's it, it can also be called a magical skill.

Compared with his Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes and Huiyue Zangkong, they are even better. If the Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes were raised to the level of master perfection, it would not be as good as the Xiyi Sword!

Not to mention True Monarch Nascent Soul, even the several Taoist Transformation Monarchs who were watching the battle couldn't help but be moved.

These secret techniques have all reached the fifth level, and are enough threats to the gods. Although Taichu's invisible sword is wonderful, it has not yet reached the fifth level. He can forcefully break it through these secret techniques.

In fact, he still has several methods to break Taichu's invisible sword, such as the Great Five Elements Divine Light, the Anti-Five Elements Extermination Divine Sword, and the Army-Breaking Star Sword.

A group of Nascent Soul Lords could all see it clearly, especially swordsmen like Wan Qingxia and Taiyuan who were greatly shocked.

Gao Xian's sword was in her hand, whether it was being used or withdrawn, it was perfect, at least she couldn't see any flaws or gaps.

Taichu's invisible sword has no problem hiding, but if you want to attack, it will definitely show its traces. If he could maintain his formless and qualityless state, he would be almost invincible under his divine form.

Its sound is clear and clear, and its meaning is mysterious.

Gao Xian's swordsmanship is truly demonstrated by the swordsmanship of one shot and one draw.

The transformation between drawing out and putting back the sword is natural and smooth, without any reluctance.

The Invisible Sword of Taichu is not good at long-term battles. If it is delayed, Gao Xian will win.

After discovering this, the two Shinto Lords, Zhenyi and Zhenye, were also speechless. With just this sword technique, the Invisible Sword of Taichu could not defeat Gao Xian no matter how much it changed.

Several sword cultivators were deeply shocked, and their faces turned pale.

Gao Xian likes to sneak up on enemies in secret, but when he encounters an opponent who is better at hiding his tracks than him, he finds it very interesting.

Gao Xian defeated True Monarch Shu Heng with one blow, relying on his tyrannical physical training skills and fierce determination to defeat the law with force. It was a good win, but it was a bit of a fluke.

Gao Xian stood motionless in the void, only the four-foot-four-inch sword in his hand kept making clear sword sounds, like the wind singing the pines and the waves, like the tide passing over the chaotic reefs.

Gao Xian's slashing sword failed to hurt Taichu. He turned the Five Elements sword in his hand and the light of the waning moon sword disappeared.

It was just a sword fight between the two sides, so there was no need for him to show off all his special skills.

To be honest, most of Taichu's transformation into the Invisible Sword relied on the power of the Xiyi Sword. Although they were envious of it, they didn't care too much. The swordsmanship displayed by Gao Xian has reached a miraculous level, and his swordsmanship is far superior to that of several swordsmen.

There are many Nascent Soul Sword Lords in the Xuanming Sect, but in terms of swordsmanship, no one can compare with Gao Xian.

Taichu, who fought against Gao Xian, had a deeper understanding of Gao Xian's swordsmanship. When Gao Xian put away his sword, she wanted to take the opportunity to draw his sword, but she couldn't find any chance.

Practitioners at the level of building foundations and golden elixirs cannot understand the swordsmanship involved. They only feel that Gao Xian's sword is freehand and elegant, and the sword that turns into a bright moon is indescribably clever and elegant.

The sound of the sword swept across all directions, and the sound of the sword penetrated even more pervasively, constantly interacting with the sword energy around Taichu's body.

The Xiyi Sword is invisible and silent, but under the pressure of Gao Xian's sword, it inevitably shows its whereabouts. Taichu could only keep wandering in all directions, avoiding the sound of the sword through changes in position and subtle changes in sword energy.

None of the spectators could see Taichu, they could only see Gao Xian holding the four-foot Zhanran sword, urging the Qingyue sword to ring. Across the Tianwu Platform, the roar of swords made people's blood boil and they couldn't help themselves.

Most of the hundreds of thousands of cultivators watching the battle were triggered by the sound of the sword, causing the mana around them to boil and vibrate. Each and every one of them screamed in surprise as their mana aura flashed randomly.

The black circle of cultivators surrounding the Tianwu Platform retreated almost simultaneously, causing the black circle to suddenly expand.

Zhenye, who was watching the excitement, shook his head, these cultivators from the sect were really too weak.

The Tianwutai magic circle has isolated all changes in mana, and the sound of Qingyue's sword that is transmitted is just a sound. It's just that there is a subtle change in the sword's intention. Even without the blessing of magic power, it will still resonate with the practitioner's magic power.

However, cultivators can suppress it as long as they use their magic power consciously. As a result, most cultivators were frightened and retreated in panic.

Shinichi said calmly: "That's good. It also allows these guys to see the true power of Nascent Soul Lord."

"Your sect is destined to lose. There is no chance..." Zhenye couldn't help but sigh. He felt that Gao Xian was not bad, but in his heart he must have been towards his own disciples.

"No wonder the Patriarch wants to take Gao Xian to the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly. Maybe he can really get the title of Du Sheng Zhenjun."

Shinichi was very calm at this moment. After all, Gao Xian was also a cultivator of our sect. If he could make a splash at the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, it would also greatly enhance the reputation of the Xuanming Sect.

"These alone are not enough..." Zhenye has been to the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly and has seen the power of the other eight major sects.

Especially the Great Luo Sect of Central Continent, which has been the lord of the Nine Continents for thousands of years, and no sect has ever been able to shake the status of the Great Luo Sect.

Even though Gao Xian is so powerful here, he is only above average in the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly.

On the Tianwu stage, Taichu realized that there was no point in wandering. Gao Xian's prompting of the sword cry did not consume much mana. Instead, she needed to find the gap between the sword cry, which consumed more mental energy.

Taichu knew that he didn't have much chance of winning. If he delayed like this, he might be able to get a tie, but that would be meaningless. With such a good sword-sharpening stone in front of her, it was her opportunity to hone her sword skills.

The invisible Xiyi Sword suddenly burst out with a ray of lightning-like light under Taichu's urging, and at the same time let out a sharp sword roar.

The Qingyue Jianming that Gao Xian urged was changing its natural rhythm. This fierce sword whistle interrupted the rhythm of the Qingyue Jianming, and the Qingyue Jianming stopped abruptly. Only the fierce sword roar was surging in the air.

Many cultivators watching the battle outside felt a sudden chill in their hearts, as if an extremely sharp invisible sword had been pierced into their hearts. Suddenly, countless cultivators changed their expressions in shock.

Wan Qingxia, Taiyuan and other Nascent Soul Sword Cultivators also had slightly changed expressions. Taichu's sword was both accurate and ruthless. It was a level lower than Gao Xian's natural skill, but it was better than Gao Xian's because of its sharpness and sharpness. The determination to break through everything has an unshakable purity.

In terms of momentum and sword intent, Taichu suppressed Gao Xian this time.

Qingqing couldn't help but frown at this moment. She was not worried about her father's safety, but she was a little unhappy when she discovered that Taichu's sword intent was several levels higher than hers.

Gao Xian on the Tianwu Platform was also a little surprised that Taichu actually had the courage to fight him with swords, which also made him respect Taichu even more.

This bright sword cultivator at least has the determination and sharpness of a sword cultivator, which is actually the most important thing for a sword cultivator.

Gao Xian took the time to turn around, and the four-foot sword in his hand once again turned into a round of sword light that was as perfect as the moon, encircling the lightning that was struck by the rapid stabbing.

The focus of Jiutian Mingyue's sword technique is to be perfect. It can be used to attack the enemy as well as to protect it. A sword is perfect inside and outside a circle.

Unless Tai Chu could far surpass him in cultivation, this sword would be enough to suppress all her changes.

The sword light formed by the union of Taichu's body and sword was suppressed, and most of the originally sharp and unparalleled sword power was suppressed. The perfect sword light in Gao Xian's hand was turned, and he was about to activate the bright moon of the Nine Heavens to strangle Taichu within the sword light.

As the perfect moon sword light circulated, Taichu turned into a sharp electric light but divided into thousands of electric light. The perfect moon sword light suddenly became powerful, suppressing all the thousands of electric light.

At this moment, an invisible sword light slashed horizontally towards Gao Xian's throat.

Gao Xian sent out a touch of his long sword, blocking the invisible and qualityless sword light. The clash of the two swords stirred up thousands of electric lights, and even people with swords appeared in Taichu.

Taichu's sword didn't wait for success and she didn't retreat. She circled Gao Xian with her sword and struck out in succession.

The shadowless and invisible Xiyi sword turned into lightning that filled the sky. The swift sword light was like thunder and lightning, leaving sharp sword marks in the void.

Gao Xian greeted him with his sword. No matter how fierce and fierce Taichu's offensive was, the four-foot sword in his hand changed flexibly and freely, and there was even a bit of leisure in his calmness.

When the two swords clashed, tens of millions of lightning flashes spread out in all directions.

Among them are Gao Xian and Taichu, one is as erratic as the wind and as fast as lightning, and the other is as steady as a mountain and as elegant as a cloud. A man and a woman move and remain still, presenting a mysterious beauty of yin and yang.

Tai Ning couldn't help but pouted. This woman was obviously no match, but she still stalked Gao Xian. It was really, really despicable...

That's what Tai Ning thought. Everyone else could feel Taichu's strong and high fighting spirit, as well as the powerful power of the swift and unparalleled sword.

It's a pity that when I met Gao Xian, a peerless swordsman like Tai Chu had no chance of winning.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with flashes of lightning that dimmed and disappeared at the same time. Both Gao Xian and Tai Chu seemed to disappear without a trace in an instant. The cultivators around Tianwu Tai didn't know what happened.

Even all the Nascent Souls were shocked. They couldn't see what happened. They could only confirm that it was Taichu who activated the invisible sword again.

This time the invisible sword was very overbearing and had interfered with their consciousness and memory. So much so that they didn't even know what had just happened.

When they woke up, they saw that Taichu had arrived outside Tianwu Terrace.

Taichu stood there silently in a daze for a while, then slowly reached out and touched the center of his eyebrows. It was smooth, tight and soft, without any sword marks.

She sighed softly in her heart, her skills were indeed inferior to others. The magic of this sword is unfathomable, it has reached the ultimate level of swordsmanship...

A flash of confusion flashed in Taichu's extremely clear eyes, and then they returned to pure brightness. She bowed to the wise man on the Tianwu Platform and said, "My fellow Taoist swordsmanship is superb, but I lost."

Gao Xianyi raised his hand and said, "I accept."

Taichu thought for a moment and said: "Fellow Taoist, I have a presumptuous request. I want to learn swordsmanship from you. I wonder if you are willing to give me some advice?"

Gao Xian smiled: "Welcome fellow Taoists to discuss and exchange ideas. We can learn from each other and make progress together. We can't talk about learning swordsmanship, let alone giving advice..."

"it is good."

Taichu cupped his hands and said, "It's not convenient today. I'll go visit you tomorrow."

The two communicated without avoiding others, and could almost be heard by many cultivators present.

This made many cultivators present widen their eyes. Their peerless swordsman actually wanted to learn swordsmanship from Gao Xian! The emotions of many cultivators are extremely complicated...

The eyes of True Monarch Shou Heng also changed. He weighed the situation and still remained silent. Taichu has a pure temperament and will never change her decision. If he tried to dissuade her, he would only be asking for trouble.

All the Nascent Soul Lords also had different expressions. None of them would have thought that Taichu, who was so proud, would do this. On the other hand, they felt that this was very consistent with Taichu's character, which was pure, simple and direct.

Tai Ning didn't think so. She cursed in her heart. This stinky woman is so shameless. She wants to steal her man!

But Zhen Daojun in Tianbao Hall nodded: "Learning swordsmanship with Gao Xian is a very good move!"

Zhenye couldn't help but sneered: "Aren't you afraid that Gao Xian will kidnap someone?!"

"If Taichu would be trapped by the love between a man and a woman, then that's it for her, and it's not worth caring about..." Shinichi is still very open about this. Sword cultivators must hone themselves with the world's emotions before they can achieve the supreme swordsmanship.

If you can't pass this level, it's just a vulgar thing, so what's there to say?

On Zhongyang Mountain, Xuanyang Taoist Master was shaking his head. He said to the pure white Bai Yujing beside him: "Did you give Taichu some ecstasy?"

Bai Yujing said coldly: "She has been reincarnated for nine lives, and only a little bit of innate spirituality is left. Even if she becomes the Sword Master, it will be difficult to recover the memory of her previous life. In fact, she has nothing to do with that person.

"She's not even worth my waste of energy..."

"Such a peerless and powerful person will be trapped in the sea of ​​misery in the world of mortals after reincarnation, unable to escape..." Taoist Master Xuanyang also sighed leisurely.

(I’ve been in my thirties now, and I keep updating every day~ It’s not too much to ask for a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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