Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 643 Windfall from Heaven

Chapter 643 Windfall from Heaven

Taichu had wanted to come to Gao Xian for a long time, but Gao Xian took over as the master of Yaoguang Palace, and she knew there were countless complicated matters involved.

After waiting for more than a month, I heard that Gao Xian had gone to Jingxing Palace as a storekeeper, and Taichu came to visit.

"Fellow Taoist, please sit down."

Gao Xian asked Taichu to sit down and poured a cup of tea for this cool beauty, "Autumn is perfect, let's drink tea first."

Taichu could tell that this was a top-quality spiritual tea. It was steeped just right and the spiritual energy was stimulated. The fragrance of the tea was quiet and long, but not too strong to overwhelm the nose and tongue.

She nodded slightly but did not drink tea. This was a habit she had developed since she was a child. She would never touch anything from outsiders. No matter what kind of elixir, spiritual object, or magic weapon or talisman, it would do her no good, and it would easily lead to trouble.

"By the way, congratulations to fellow Taoist for being promoted to the Lord of Yaoguang Palace." Taichu didn't like boring politeness, but it wasn't that he didn't understand etiquette.

When this wise man comes to ask for advice, he always says a few words of congratulations.

"I'm ashamed, I'm not a person who can handle things. It's just that the Taoist Lord issued a decree, so I can only do my best."

Gao Xian is really not humble. He really has no interest in the position of the Lord of Yaoguang Palace.

Taichu's way of practicing swordsmanship was obviously Xinxing Liu, which was completely different from his.

It was not until the last step that I encountered difficulties. I learned many swordsmanship inheritances through the Order of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan, and relied on the accumulation of swordsmanship to master the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra.

Also thanks to the blessing of Fengyue Baojian, he practiced swordsmanship smoothly in the past, from Qingfeng Sword Technique to Fengyun Sword Sutra, and then to Wuji Tianxiang Sword.

Taichu said a few words about her sword-wielding experience, and she looked deeply at Gao Xian with her cold and pure eyes: "My Taoist friend's sword-wielding doesn't seem to be the case?"

The difference is that Yun Qingxuan has a deeper mind, while Taichu is more pure. It is precisely because of this difference that Yun Qingxuan can take charge, while Taichu can only be a pure sword cultivator.

There are more than ten Nascent Soul Lords in Yaoguang Palace, with hundreds of thousands of cultivators under their jurisdiction. Mainly responsible for external patrols. So if there is a problem in the Hidden Sword Cave, he will be sent there. This is actually the responsibility of Yaoguang Palace.

After discussing swords like this for several days, Taichu also had a lot of sincere respect for Gao Xian.

"Swordsmanship can be developed step by step. The way of swordsmanship is supreme, wonderful and mysterious."

He wasn't that familiar with Taichu, so Gao Xian naturally didn't say too much. After a few polite words, he got to the main topic: the way of the sword.

Gao Xian shook his head slightly: "I practice swordsmanship in an orderly and methodical way. My mind is mysterious and unpredictable, so it cannot be used as the foundation for practicing swordsmanship."

At this point, Taichu and Yun Qingxuan are very similar.

Although Taichu disagreed with Gao Xian, he was willing to have in-depth exchanges with Gao Xian. The way of swordsmanship ultimately depends on whose sword is stronger. Gao Xian is better than her, so this is worth learning from.

However, she didn't have any romantic feelings for Gao Xian, she just felt that Gao Xian was a man of great knowledge and good conversation. This was the first time in five hundred years that she had spoken so many words to one person.

With such a foundation, Gao Xian has a bright future...

"The sword is only driven by the spirit, and the sword is controlled by the heart. All laws and sword changes are within the mind..."

At the beginning of Taichu's cultivation, it is also necessary to practice practice, but when you reach the realm of Sword Lord, in addition to daily practice, the most important thing is your mental understanding of the way of swordsmanship.

When communicating with Taichu, he can hold up the scene with his extensive knowledge.

"I am a real cultivator."

He admired Taichu's beauty and his pure character. Taichu's coldness is actually his purity towards the sword, so he seems indifferent and cold towards other people or things.

Gao Xian did learn a lot of things about swordsmanship and swordsmanship. However, Taichu's biggest problem is that he cannot defeat Gao Xian.

The reason why she was defeated by Gao Xian's sword was because of her insufficient cultivation, but during the sword discussion, she could see that Gao Xian was extremely intelligent, knowledgeable and had his own unique and superb understanding of the way of the sword.

The sun rises and sets, the clouds gather and disperse.

Taichu lived for five hundred years, with only the sword in his heart. She had neither friends nor relatives, and she only had respect and love for her teacher. For the first time, she felt that someone was sympathetic to her.

Discussing swords with Taichu was also quite fruitful. She is beautiful and eye-catching, and her personality is actually very pure. She is very easy to get along with and has no calculations.

Starting from Qingfeng Sword Technique, his sword practice was to move forward step by step.

This function is similar to the Yaoguang Palace in Wanfeng County. To be precise, the organizational structure of Wanfeng Sect is all learned from Xuanming Sect.

After sending Taichu away, Gao Xian also fell into deep thought.

But Gao Xian found it boring. He still had more than 200,000 top-grade spiritual stones, various top-grade spiritual objects, artifacts, etc. in his hands. He was extremely wealthy at the level of the Taoist Transformation God.

"If you can't explain it clearly, you still haven't fully grasped and understood it."

Being the master of this palace brings great power, but also great responsibilities. For him, it is better to be idle and have nothing to do.

Until she left, Taichu still felt that her excitement was not exhausted, but she understood the truth that no matter whether she was doing things or using her sword, she could not use her full strength.

Under the purple-gold osmanthus tree, Gao Xian and Tai Chu sat and discussed swords. Although the two approaches were different, they complemented each other.

His practice of swordsmanship does not focus on sudden enlightenment, nor does he have any mysterious and empty requirements such as character. Of course, one needs to have understanding and a flash of inspiration, but these are not fundamental.

Gao Xian doesn't like the mysterious flow of mind very much, but it is safe to practice practice. If you can't understand this kind of xinxing flow, you won't be able to make progress in your life. That's ridiculous...

The Yaoguang Palace is mainly responsible for combat functions, and its affairs are numerous and dangerous. Of course, the treatment is also relatively more generous. As the palace master, he can receive five top-quality spiritual stones every month.

Including some rewards at the end of the year, you can earn almost 100 top-quality spiritual stones a year. He also holds great power and can actually make money in all aspects. If he is willing, there is no problem in getting two to three hundred top-quality spiritual stones a year.

No matter how good the art of swordsmanship and swordsmanship is, it is just talk on paper, but it is much less effective in practice. Gao Xian has mastered the various swordsmanship inheritances in the Order of Return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Clan, and his swordsmanship can be said to be extensive.

Taichu was naturally unconvinced by this and argued with Gao Xian for a long time. She has a solid foundation. She was taught swordsmanship by a powerful person who transformed into gods when she was very young. To say that her knowledge is superb, she is actually better than a wise person.

On the other hand, Taichu’s foundation in the sect is very deep. He should be valued very much by Tao Zun. Having such a friend would be of great benefit to him in gaining a foothold in the Xuanming Sect.

The communication is shallow and deep cannot be said.

Shui Mingxia and Qingqing can benefit greatly from it, including Yonghe and Yongzhen. It is no exaggeration to say that they can follow him to the sky.

For Nascent Soul Lord, this is already extremely rich. Not to mention that being a palace lord also provides various hidden benefits, such as reallocating various resources.

Tai Ning is actually not bad, but it is obviously a level lower than Tai Chu.

Just as Gao Xian was thinking about it, he saw Tai Ning walking in from the outside. Tai Ning circled around him twice and looked Gao Xian up and down.

"You and Taichu had a very good talk?!" Taining was a little jealous and a little aggrieved. She had been watching outside for a whole day. Gao Xian and Taichu had been talking about something. They looked very close and casual, which made her Very tasty.

"In the beginning, we came here to discuss swords. No amount of speculation can compare to our close relationship..."

Gao Xian put his arm around Tai Ning's shoulders and led her towards the bedroom. Tai Ning was still a little reluctant, she muttered: "You just want to practice dual cultivation with me!"

"We are the best in the world, how can other women compare with you, be good..."

Gao Xian knew that Tai Ning was willing, but he was a little embarrassed, so it was enough to give him a small step up. Sure enough, Tai Ning turned from anger to joy. She grabbed Gao Xian's hand and asked seriously: "Are we really the best in the world?"

"I can still lie to you..." Gao Xian hugged Tai Ning and rolled together, and there was no need to say anything else...

Tai Ning had been staying with Gao Xian for more than half a month. When Tai Chu came back, she saw Tai Ning coming out with Gao Xian, but she didn't pay attention.

The name of Master Gao Xian Fengyue has long been spread, and the senior officials of the sect also know that he has a close relationship with Tai Ning.

Taichu had known this for a long time, but she didn't care. This has nothing to do with kendo. She was polite to Tai Ning and asked Gao Xian for swordsmanship.

Seeing Taichu's unconcerned look, Taining breathed a sigh of relief but was a little angry at the same time. Is this woman pretending to be stupid? ! She sat next to him and stayed with him for two days.

She was actually very accomplished in swordsmanship, but she could barely understand what Gao Xian and Taichu were discussing. Fortunately, Taichu seems to be really a swordsman, and there is no male-female relationship with Gao Xian.

This also made Taining feel relieved. On the other hand, she unconsciously treats Gao Xian better. We are also more cooperative and responsible in various aspects.

Gao Xian enjoyed this very much. He was satisfied both mentally and physically. He was as happy as a god...

On the other hand, Taixuan Shenxiang also came to Wuyou City.

The so-called Wuyou City is actually a main city under the jurisdiction of Xiaoleiyin Temple. The scale of Wuyou City is naturally far smaller than that of Xuanming City, but it is larger than Wanfeng City and has more cultivators gathered.

Sansouci has a good name but the city management is a bit chaotic and most places are very messy. There are only a few long streets in the central area dedicated to business, which are relatively neat.

Taixuan Shenxiang rented a small courtyard here and lived there for almost two months. Basically understand the situation of Wuyou City.

Xiaoleiyin Temple is located on Nagarjuna Mountain a hundred miles away. Gao Xian has visited it twice. With the Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes, he can get in and out of Xiaoleiyin Temple without any hindrance.

Gao Xian didn't see the dragon seal, but he could faintly sense that the dragon seal's aura was hidden deep in the Dragon Tree Mountain, not in the Xiaoleiyin Temple.

He didn't want to provoke Long Yin, he just wanted to check the situation in advance to avoid the old man suddenly coming to trouble him.

A place like Wuyou City is definitely a big trap for outsiders. Only those cultivators with status and organization can gain enough respect. No one cares about a casual cultivator.

Even if he reveals his identity as the True Lord of Nascent Soul, others may not be afraid, but may inspire greed in them.

This is not just the case in Wuyou City, in fact, it is the case in most big cities.

Gao Xian put on the black Xuanming Yinlong robe again that day, briefly changed his appearance and came to Lingbao Tower.

Lingbao Building, like Wanbao Building, is a shop opened by the Wuliang Sect, the main sect of Yuanzhou. Gao Xian had asked about Yuan Ling's earth fetus some time ago, but the shopkeeper asked him to wait a few days before coming back.

When the clerk at Lingbao Tower saw Gao Xian coming in, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile: "Master Dao, please come upstairs. My shopkeeper said that when you come, you can go directly to the fourth floor..."

Gao Xian didn't say anything, and followed the diligent waiter to a quiet room on the fourth floor.

The quiet room was decorated simply and cleanly, with a beast-headed and three-legged incense burner placed in the corner, emitting a stream of incense.

The aroma is like the fresh smell of grass and trees, which makes people relax naturally. Even the noise outside the window becomes ethereal and distant...

Such high-grade incense made Gao Xian a little disgusted. This aroma not only stains clothes, it can even infect the level of mana and consciousness.

It is indeed not poisonous, but it will leave a scent mark. Very convenient for tracking enemies.

The same was true last time in Yunzhou. It was very difficult for casual cultivators to buy or sell valuable things.

"Fellow Taoist is here, but I couldn't welcome you from far away. I apologize..."

The shopkeeper walked in slowly and greeted her with a sweet smile: "Fellow Taoist, please take a seat."

The shopkeeper has a plump figure in his attire, with his hair in a pony bun and a gold hairpin stuck at an angle. The purple robe is very close to the body and outlines the curves of his figure. she

Walking with three swaying steps, it is very charming.

Every time Gao Xian saw this shopkeeper, he felt as if he was in a romantic place.

He nodded and said, "Shopkeeper Quan, how's the matter I entrusted you with?"

Shopkeeper Quan's narrow and bright eyes turned around, filled with a rich and charming look. She smiled and said: "Of course I will try my best to deal with fellow Taoist matters."

She paused and said: "The Yuanling Earth Fetus Stone is actually a fifth-level top-grade divine object. This is the first time I have heard of it..."

That day the black-clothed Taoist said he wanted to buy the Yuanling Earth Fetus. She didn't know what it was, so she went to check it out and found out how precious it was.

This also made her a little greedy. If the Taoist in black wants to buy Yuanling's fetal stone, he must be rich. Judging from this person's appearance, he should be a casual cultivator.

If he really came from a big sect, there would be no reason to go to someone else's territory to buy such a valuable divine item. Even if there is any special reason, when such a person goes to Wuyou City, it will cause trouble.

Quan Huizhen smiled even more charmingly when she thought of this: "Fellow Taoist, for such a precious divine object, you have to pay half of the deposit first."

"Do you really have Yuanling's fetal stone?"

Gao Xian pondered for a moment and said: "How can you give half of the deposit if you haven't seen the thing? It doesn't make sense."

"There's nothing we can do about it."

Quan Huizhen sighed and said, "If there is no deposit, fellow Taoist monks have no choice but to go to Wuliang City by themselves."

"How much does Yuanling's fetal stone cost?" Gao Xian asked.

"Fellow Taoist sincerely wants 20,000 top-quality spiritual stones."

Quan Huizhen said: "This is already the lowest price, we can't bargain."

"too expensive."

Gao Xian shook his head: "I can't afford this."

He came here just to inquire about the situation. If Wuliang City really has Yuanling's fetal stone, it would be worth a trip. However, what this woman said may not be the truth. He couldn't see what Quan Huizhen was thinking, but he could sense that something was wrong with her emotional changes.

"If you have any other needs, fellow Taoist, just tell me, we have everything in Lingbao Tower..." Quan Huizhen started selling hard.

Gao Xian didn't talk nonsense to her and left Lingbao Tower with his hands in his hands.

After Gao Xian left, Quan Huizhen took out a magic talisman from her sleeve and urged it out. How could he let this windfall come to his door and let him run away...

In a secret room deep in Nagarjuna Mountain, the old monk Longyin suddenly opened his eyes, and the dark secret room was illuminated by the golden light shining in his eyes.

There seems to be a flying dragon and an elephant dancing faintly in the golden light, and the scene is extraordinary...

(End of this chapter)

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