Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 644 Extremely evil

Chapter 644 Extremely evil

The golden light in the eyes of the old monk Long Yin slowly converged inward, revealing golden pupils. His skin also showed a rich golden color, as if the surface of his body was plated with gold, revealing an indestructible and tyrannical power.

"After waiting for so long, your whereabouts are finally revealed. Let's see where you can run..."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Long Yin's mouth. Thirty years ago, he saw a bloody light rising into the sky, as if a divine weapon was born, but it turned out to be a step too late.

He had a feeling that that person was within the jurisdiction of Xiaoleiyin Temple. Therefore, he asked many Nascent Souls under his disciples to keep an eye on various Lingbao Towers and report any abnormalities immediately.

Quan Huili is just a little golden elixir and very greedy. He asked his disciple Yuan Zhen to get in touch with Quan Huili. In the past few decades, Yuan Zhen had helped Quan Huili kill many people. Of course, Yuan Zhen also gained a lot of benefits.

The Dragon Seal does not depend on these things. He rebelled from the Dragon Elephant Palace and did not care about these Buddhist precepts. As long as the disciples respect their teachers, the rest is trivial.

Just now Yuan Zhen sent a messenger, saying that he had found traces of suspicious characters.

Longyin is almost certain that this person is the mysterious cultivator thirty years ago.

The Yuanling Earth Fetus Stone is a top-grade fifth-level divine object. As far as he knew, only the Dragon Elephant Palace had a few Yuanling earth stones. Even though the Lingbao Tower is big, I'm afraid it won't be able to produce such a miraculous treasure.

Ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators would never know about this kind of treasure. Nascent Soul cultivators who know this kind of treasure will not go to Wuyou City to buy this thing.

Long Yin ignored Quan Huili and asked Yuan Zhen, the thick and muscular monk beside him, "Where are the people?"

The dragon seal urged Tianzu to leave Wuyou City. He found the scent traces left by the vulture incense in the void.

Even if the other party is not the mysterious cultivator, Dragon Seal will not let him go. True Lord Yuanying should die if he enters Wuyou City without permission!

Dragon Seal took a step forward, and golden runes shone in the void to outline a light door. Dragon Seal passed through the door, and the next moment he had arrived at the quiet room on the fourth floor of Lingbao Tower.

Longyin nodded with satisfaction. The other party didn't understand that the scent of the spirit vulture was magical, and there was no way to get rid of the scent in a short period of time.

In a big place like Wuliang City, there might be a few Nascent Soul casual cultivators. How could a place like Wuyou City tolerate a Nascent Soul cultivator wandering around inside.

Lingjiu incense is a special kind of incense refined by Xiaoleiyin Temple. It has wonderful functions such as clearing the mind, calming the mind and dispelling evil spirits. The aroma of this incense can connect with spiritual consciousness and magic power, penetrate deeply into the body of the practitioner, and will not dissipate within three days.

Quan Huili, the shopkeeper of Lingbao Tower, was telling Yuan Zhen about the characteristics of the guest when she saw the old monk Long Seal appear in front of him out of thin air. She couldn't help being surprised. When she saw the black dragon mark between the old monk's eyebrows, she immediately knew the other person's identity: the powerful dragon seal of the god!

The powerful man who transformed into gods exuded invisible power. Even just a glance made Quan Huili feel as if she was being burned. She was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder split apart and she couldn't help but kneel down. She suppressed the fear in her heart and said with a trembling voice: "I welcome you here." Dao Lord."

Longyin said, taking a step forward and reaching the front of the black-clothed cultivator.

"This was done well."

"Fellow Taoist in front of me, I didn't even greet you when I came and went. I don't understand etiquette."

"Hahahaha..." Yuan Zhen couldn't help laughing. He carried Quan Huili to the next room, "Let me help you take a look!"

This aroma can enhance spiritual consciousness and cleanse the soul, and is also of great benefit to cultivation. Even Yuanying Zhenjun like Yuan Zhen only has a few of such high-level spiritual vulture incense. This time, in order to catch the mysterious Nascent Soul cultivator, Yuan Zhen took out a stick of vulture incense.

She gently hugged Yuan Zhen's thick neck and said pitifully: "The ancestor is so powerful that I was so scared that I almost peed my pants..."

"It's okay. You have made a meritorious service this time. Maybe there will be a reward when the Patriarch comes back..."

Yuan Zhen responded respectfully, but when he looked up again he found that the Patriarch Long Yin had disappeared. He looked at Quan Huili, who was kneeling beside her and shivering, and couldn't help but feel a little amused and stretched out her hand to take her into his arms.

The cultivator in black was the Taixuan Divine Appearance controlled by Gao Xian. He knew something was wrong and left Wuyou City immediately after coming out of Lingbao Tower.

He told Yuan Zhen: "You should keep an eye here, maybe this person has accomplices..."

Yuan Zhen bowed his head and clasped his hands together: "Grandmaster, that man was very vigilant and left the city after leaving Lingbao Tower. Fortunately, he was dyed with the incense of the vulture and couldn't run far."

He flicked his sleeves and the dragon pattern shone between his brows. He took one step and was a hundred miles away. After walking for dozens of steps, he saw the black-clothed cultivators galloping in the sky.

Quan Huili leaned against Yuan Zhen and strengthened her body, and she gradually calmed down. The main reason is that without the pressure of the Taoist Transformation Lord, her spiritual consciousness and magic power can function normally, and she can naturally control her body.

Unexpectedly, even though they had already run thousands of miles away, Long Yin still caught up with them.

Gao Xian is actually not afraid of the Dragon Seal, but he can't beat the Dragon Seal no matter what, so there is no need to go through that effort with the old monk. The old man was chasing after him, which made Gao Xian a little angry. There is no enmity between the two sides. What does the old man mean?

In fact, his spiritual consciousness was not weaker than the dragon seal. When he realized something was wrong, his true form had quietly arrived, but he was hiding deep in the sky twenty miles away.

In order to prevent being discovered by the Dragon Seal, Gao Xian temporarily added three billion humanistic auras to the Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes, raising this secret technique to the level of mastery. This secret technique that has reached the fifth level is also blessed by Fengyue Baojian. It will naturally greatly increase its power when it reaches the mastery level. His body is still twenty miles away from the Taixuan Divine Form. As long as he does not activate his magic power, he can avoid the Dragon Seal Divine Consciousness.

After making these preparations, Gao Xiancai deliberately slowed down and waited for Long Yin to catch up.

Gao Xian asked: "Master Longyin is chasing after him, and for what reason?"

Long Yin smiled faintly: "Thirty years ago, the blood in the depths of Donglian Mountain was soaring to the sky. It must have been the work of fellow Taoists!"

Gao Xian immediately understood that the old man was thinking about his Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu. He frowned slightly and said, "So what? What does it have to do with Master Longyin?"

"When blood light appears within the territory of our sect, it belongs to our sect. If you don't take it for yourself, you are stealing our sect's sacred object. Damn it!"

As Long Yin spoke, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Gao Xian. The distance between the two sides was actually dozens of miles. As soon as Long Yin stretched out his hand, he penetrated the void and grabbed Gao Xian.

His five fingers are curved like hooks, just like the claws extended by the divine dragon above the nine heavens. He seems to have peerless power to capture the heavens and the earth.

This method is exactly the Heavenly Dragon Exploring Claw among the mighty Heavenly Dragons. It has the ability to control all kinds of magical changes in the void and is extremely domineering. When one claw falls, it actually blocks all directions.

Gao Xian raised his palm like a knife and slashed hard against the dragon's claws, using the blood-transforming magic sword among the Nine Blood River Techniques. Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu also emerged, turning into a protective red robe.

As he slashed out the sword, the long red sleeves shone like fire and exploded, condensing into a red sword light that seemed to split the sky into two pieces.

The golden pupils of the dragon seal reflected a red light. He was not surprised but happy. It was true that he kept thinking about it. It was indeed a peerless artifact!

He dropped his claws and shattered the red palm knife that split the sky. As the Tianlong claws contracted, the red figures on the opposite side exploded into flames that filled the sky.

"Still trying to run!"

Although Longyin has never practiced "Blood Nerve", he has met many masters who practice Blood Nerve, and he knows that these guys are like shadows and voids, and they are best at turning light into distance and escaping.

He held his hands in the form of a Great Perfection Seal, and countless golden runes emerged from the roar of the dragon. They were densely arranged into a huge light group, sealing the void within a hundred miles.

The flying blood light from all directions was sealed in the Perfect Seal. Seeing that the situation was not good, Gao Xian did not hesitate to activate the Blue Blood Sword.

A flash of blue light struck the void, cutting a gap into the golden rune that was as round as a pill. He took advantage of the situation and turned into a blood shadow to flee crazily into the distance.

Dragon Seal was also a little surprised that the other party was able to break through his Great Perfection Seal. However, this kid can't run away!

He urged Tian Zu Tong to follow the blood shadow and chase him.

He looked at the other party and then moved his hands. The dragon's roar had already left a mark of spiritual consciousness on the other party. No matter how the opponent changes, he can't escape!

"Master, why do you have to chase after me so much? Leave a ray of hope in your behavior so that we can meet again in the future!"

"You are a villain, you stole my artifact, and you still dare to argue! You should be killed!" Long Yin has been looking for him for thirty years, but he will not let him go if he finds out his whereabouts today. Even if they chase him to the end of the world, he still has to kill the opponent and seize the artifact!

Gao Xian stopped talking and accelerated his escape method.

The blood shadow is flying faster and faster, and it is still changing its direction. Although Longyin Tianzu is powerful, it can't block the blood shadow.

After running away and chasing him like this, he was gone in the blink of an eye without a trace.

Only the remaining magic power in the void is still vibrating, making an earth-shattering roar...

Gao Xian's body seemed invisible in the agitation of mana, and was not affected by the impact of mana at all. No matter how powerful the magic power is without the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator, it is impossible for him to show his deeds.

"The old boy is very vicious, so don't blame me for being ruthless!" Gao Xian sneered, and he flew towards Wuyou City with his escape light...

(End of this chapter)

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