Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 646: Return to the old place

Chapter 646 Returning to Hometown

Xuanming Sect, Jingxing Palace.

Gao Xian instantly returned to the depths of Jingxing Palace through Taiyuan Shenxiang's body. It was protected by numerous magic circles and Chunyang Taoist Master was sitting there. No one could peep here.

Besides, Yuanzhou and Mingzhou are hundreds of millions of miles apart. Let alone an incarnation of a god, even the legendary Heavenly Lord and Heavenly Lord would never be able to span such a long distance with their spiritual consciousness.

The only ones who need to be careful are Xuanyang Dao Zun and Bai Yujing.

With Xuanyang Dao Zun's status, it is impossible for him to lower his arrogance and spy on him. That would be too tasteless. The one who really needs to be careful is Bai Yujing.

This woman should have some kind of voyeuristic magical power, and could easily see his Taiyuan divine appearance hidden deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This time the situation was urgent, so Gao Xian could only bring Taixuan Shenxiang back with him.

The Taixuan Divine Appearance is his trump card and cannot be placed in the Xuanming Sect. It is too unsafe. For this reason, Gao Xian found an excuse and went out to send Taixuan Shenxiang away.

It took more than twenty days for Taixuan Shenxiang to arrive at the original territory of Qingyun Sect.

The Qingyun Sect was completely destroyed more than two hundred years ago, and this area has been occupied by the demon clan and demon cultivators from the Eastern Wilderness. Qingyun Sect has not experienced a tragic war, so Qingyun City remains roughly intact.

There were too many Demon Sect cultivators pouring in and there was a lack of effective management. Qingyun City, which was originally extremely clean and orderly, became a mess.

Various temporary dilapidated wooden houses make the extremely neatly planned streets a mess. There are all kinds of garbage, feces, and debris on the ground of the long street. On hot days, there is a rotten smell.

Sitting on both sides were a large number of grey-faced casual cultivators, each of them looking blank and not sure what they were waiting for...

Gao Xian returned to his hometown and felt sad when he saw this scene. Qingyun City is still there, but it has been completely ruined.

After walking around Qingyun City, Gao Xian saw some Yuan Mo Sect cultivators wearing standard black robes. Since Yan Ming of Blood God Sect was killed, everything left behind by Blood God Sect has been accepted by Yuan Mo Sect.

Last time, he killed more than ten Yuan Ying Zhenjun in Yuan Mo Sect. Every Nascent Soul Lord is a strong person in his own right. The death of such a True Lord Yuan Ying would be a very big blow to the Yuan Demon Sect.

Generally speaking, it takes six hundred years to cultivate a Nascent Soul Lord. Even though the Yuan Mo Sect has a strong foundation, it must be stretched thin in terms of employment in a short period of time.

Gao Xian walked around Qingyun City, and with his powerful spiritual consciousness, he discovered that the person in charge of Qingyun City was a golden elixir. Gao Xian had no interest in killing him, as such people would continue to be killed.

If he kills people, it will arouse the vigilance of Yuan Mo Sect.

After coming out of Qingyun City, Gao Xian came to Qingyun Sect. Originally, all thirty-six peaks were occupied by various monster clans. Those splendid palaces were filled with rocks, trees, and overgrown weeds, making them completely unrecognizable from their original appearance.

Gao Xian returned to Xuandu Peak, where the peach trees were still there, but the original Xuandu Palace had been demolished. There are no demon cultivators or demon clans on the mountain, and it looks extremely dilapidated and desolate.

There is no trace of any demon clan within a radius of ten thousand miles. The Qingyun Sect is also too big, and all the demon clans are entrenched in the thirty-six peaks.

The Qingyun Sect's magic circle that had been passed down for thousands of years was destroyed. Peaks like Xuandu Peak on the periphery have been unable to accumulate spiritual energy. The level of spiritual energy has dropped a lot and is incomparable with the Thirty-six Peaks.

It should be for this reason that Xuandu Peak fell into a state of peace.

Gao Xian was also filled with emotion and stood melancholy on the top of the mountain for a long time.

It wasn't until the dawn moon rose in the east that Gao Xian sighed and took out a green wood sky flag. This is actually an artifact used to set up formations.

The Qingmu Cloud Sky Array is engraved on it. If you activate this flag, you can set up the array. The Qingmu Cloud Sky Array changes exquisitely and contains many restrictions. It can cover a hundred feet of space and has an excellent protective effect.

In a short period of time, it is enough to resist powerful fifth-level spells.

Gao Xian didn't know who he got this item from. It was more convenient to use this artifact when he was away from home. It's just that it consumes more spiritual stones to use. A top-quality spiritual stone can probably be used for more than a month.

If it were an ordinary Nascent Soul Lord, he would be reluctant to use this artifact even if he had it. The Qingmu Yuntian flag was planted, and suddenly it turned into smoke and flowed away, covering a space of a hundred feet in radius. Gao Xian checked that there was no problem with the restriction, and then he urged the Blood River Tianzun to transform into Yuan Shu.

Yuan Zhen, the old monk in yellow, and Quan Huili had long been absorbed by Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu into blood light, but Gao Xian had not moved the magic weapon and storage bag left by the three.

I finally had some free time and checked them one by one. There is nothing good about the three of them. The best thing is the monk's robe worn by the old monk in yellow, which is a fourth-level mid-grade artifact.

It can be seen that the practitioners of Xiaoleiyin Temple are a bit poor.

The old monk in yellow and Yuan Zhen both had some jade slips for practicing secret techniques. Gao Xian looked at them and found that they were not of a high level, and the best ones were large vajra pestles.

Fortunately, these secret techniques are all passed down from the Longxiang Palace, and the secret techniques are somewhat related to each other. From these secrets, we can also get a glimpse of the many secrets and magical powers of the Dragon Elephant Palace.

After dealing with these, the wise men took out the black dragon statue.

Qingyun Sect now belongs to Donghuang, but there are no masters here to take charge. He came to Qingyun Sect not only for nostalgia, but also because he felt that this place was relatively safer.

If something goes wrong with the black dragon statue, he can just roll up and run away. The ontology will not be involved.

Gao Xian urged the Blood River Tianzun to transform the Yuan Shu into numerous bloody flames, wrapping the black dragon in it and constantly tempering it. The scales on the black dragon shone with little golden light, blocking out the bloody flames.

He was not in a hurry, after all, this was a dead object, and refining it was just a matter of time.

No idea what the black dragon statue is, or what's in it. He knew that the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu could erode the magic power of this object, and it would only take time to refine this object.

By that time, no matter what the black dragon is, it will all belong to him!

However, Gao Xian soon sensed that there was a mana in the black dragon's huge body that was constantly vibrating, as if it was resonating with something in the distance. He guessed that the dragon seal might be urging the secret method to search for the black dragon...

The distance between Mingzhou and Yuanzhou is too far, even if Longyin has the ability to reach the sky, he can't find him. To put it bluntly, it would be useless even if Long Yin came for him. No one could stop him from leaving.

Billions of miles away in the Little Leiyin Temple, the black dragon pattern on Longyin's eyebrows twisted and shone, as if he was about to fly out from the depths of his eyebrows.

Long Yin's expression was unusually solemn. He could sense the presence of the powerful Tianlong, just to the east. However, the mighty Tianlong was too far away from him.

He has worked hard to establish resonance.

Longyin's heart almost bleeds. Half of the reason why he betrayed Longxiang Palace was for this mighty dragon. After searching for this for three thousand years, he finally found the powerful Tianlong in a secret cave.

This divine object is the basis for his promotion to Chunyang. After he succeeded, he studied for thousands of years, finally obtained a ray of divine will, and refined it into the mighty Tianlong Seal. Unexpectedly, someone actually snatched Dawei Tianlong away!

The world is so vast, and trying to find the powerful Tianlong is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Longyin was unwilling to lose the divine object like this, so he decided to find it back.

The resonance induction is very vague, and it takes him half a month to rest at a time. Long Yin just vaguely felt that it was in the east, but he was not sure where it was.

The scope of southeast, northeast, and east is too large.

The dragon seal could only slowly move eastwards. After walking like this for several months, one day he once again activated the mighty dragon seal between his eyebrows, but he suddenly found that he had lost the resonance!

At this moment, Longyin has arrived in Mingzhou. He looked towards the distant east, his golden eyes filled with deep hatred...

(End of this chapter)

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