Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 647 Reunion of old friends

Chapter 647 Reunion of old friends

On Xuandu Mountain, Gao Xian looked at the several-inch-long mini black dragon in his hand. After it became smaller, it looked like a very delicate figure. It looked very delicate and had endless changes in charm.

It took him several months to finally refine the black dragon statue by borrowing the power of the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, thereby controlling the central restriction of this object.

At this point, the black dragon can change at will according to his wishes.

Gao Xian could sense that the aura of the dragon seal was approaching, but he didn't take it seriously. As long as he has a clone left outside, not even Chunyang Taoist Master can catch him. Not to mention a Taoist Transformation Lord.

He also admired Long Yin's tenacity, not giving up even though he was so far away, and going all the way to catch up.

For the Huashen Dao Lord, he is already qualified to dominate the world. However, crossing hundreds of millions of miles is never easy.

No powerful sect would welcome a powerful foreign god-turned-god. It is even more impossible to let outsiders use the teleportation circle. This is a big no-no.

Giving the teleportation circle to outsiders is equivalent to giving the key to your home to outsiders. What kind of intimate relationship does it take to achieve this?

Even in Yuanzhou, no sect would give its teleportation circle to an externalized Shinto Lord.

Long Yin ran all the way and had to hide his whereabouts to avoid others discovering his identity. Otherwise, who knows what kind of violent reaction the local sect will make?

Coupled with the long distance between the two sides, Longyin was unable to accurately locate his location. We can only keep trying and moving forward. So Longyin has been struggling for several months, and he is still far, far away.

As soon as he refined the Black Dragon Seal and Black Dragon Sense, they were wiped out. From now on, this black dragon has nothing to do with the dragon seal.

Gao Xian also sympathized with Long Yin. This black dragon had been in Long Yin's hands for who knows how many years, but Long Yin had not been able to truly refine it.

This is not because the dragon seal is incompetent. It should be that this black dragon is extremely special and has powerful psychic power to protect it from being controlled by external forces.

He is far inferior to Dragon Seal in terms of cultivation, but he has the Book of Transformation of Blood River Tianzun. This powerful artifact passed down from the Blood River Ancestor can corrode all kinds of mana and spirituality.

Although the black dragon statue is wonderful, after all, it is just an artifact with some instinctive spirituality. Under the erosion of Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu, Gao Xian could only resist passively, but Gao Xian could constantly adjust and change. After a few months, he finally refined the black dragon's central restraint and could easily turn the black dragon into a handheld piece. .

Dragon Seal just couldn't do this, so it could only place this powerful artifact in the Tianlong Palace. If he could carry it with him, why would he put such an important thing there openly?

After refining this black dragon, Gao Xian knew that this special artifact contained a divine sense of heavenly dragon.

Tianlong is the real divine dragon in the sky. In ancient times, humans, immortals, demons, and Buddhas lived in the same realm. At that time, natural beasts such as dragons and phoenixes were still very common.

When the six realms were divided and the human world was cut off from the heavens, mythical beasts such as dragons and phoenixes became legends. Occasionally, the human world can also see the bloodline passed down by these mythical beasts.

For example, the nine-headed demon dragon who wants to overthrow the Nine Continents is said to have half of the blood of the Heavenly Dragon. It is this half of the Tianlong bloodline that is enough to make it the most powerful demon king in the world.

This black dragon statue contains the powerful spiritual consciousness left by Tianlong.

According to his feeling, this Heavenly Dragon Divine Consciousness is like a crystal jade stone, extremely solid and tough. He could clearly feel the existence of this Heavenly Dragon Spirit.

Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu only refined the central restraint of this black dragon, and this piece of Tianlong Divine Consciousness was not truly refined.

Gao Xian has also checked some relevant classics on the Dragon Elephant Palace over the years. After all, the other party is a sect that has been inherited for thousands of years and is the master of Haizhou.

And with communication channels like the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly, the Xuanming Sect still knows a thing or two about the Dragon Elephant Palace.

According to the records in these classics, when the Dragon Elephant King Vajra has been practiced to the fifth level, further steps will be divided into two cultivation paths.

One is the mighty dragon, and the other is the divine elephant that suppresses the prison.

The mighty dragon is tyrannical and ever-changing, while the divine elephant holding down the prison has endless power. There is no distinction between the two cultivation paths, it just depends on which path is more suitable for the practitioner.

The two peerless secrets of the powerful Tianlong and the divine elephant suppressing the prison are also the origin of the name of the Dragon Elephant Palace sect.

The black dragon does not have the secret method of the powerful Tianlong, but only has a powerful divine consciousness of the Tianlong. Gao Xian guessed that the dragon seal should use the black dragon to visualize the heavenly dragon and enhance the power of the powerful heavenly dragon secret method.

Such a powerful heavenly dragon is said to be a powerful heavenly dragon in Buddhism who founded the secret method. Visualizing the real heavenly dragon will definitely be of great help in cultivating the mighty heavenly dragon.

Gao Xian and Long Yin worked together and were deeply impressed by the Tianlong mark that the old man urged. Dawei Tianlong is indeed very powerful.

It's a pity that Black Dragon does not have the secret method inheritance of Dawei Tianlong. Otherwise, he can start practicing directly without any threshold.

We can only wait for him to refine the Heavenly Dragon Spirit and see what is hidden in the Heavenly Dragon Spirit left over from ancient times. There might be some surprises.

The divine consciousness of the Heavenly Dragon is extremely powerful and cannot be refined in a short period of time.

This black dragon cannot be used to attack, nor can it resist external spells. For the time being, it was of no use to him.

Fortunately, the Black Dragon has a lot of storage space inside and is very stable and sturdy.

Longyin regarded the black dragon as a secret storehouse, and put a lot of spiritual stone pills and other things in it.

A powerful person who transforms into gods must have huge storage artifacts, but as the leader of the sect, Longyin must separate the public and private accounts, and it is impossible to mix the two together.

Although the sect belongs to him, he must maintain the normal operation of the sect and he must abide by the rules. There must be a special public account for all expenses incurred by the sect.

The black dragon statue has space to hold items, so it should be regarded as the sect's secret warehouse. There are more than 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones in it, and the other various spiritual stones add up to almost 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones.

20,000 top-grade spiritual stones. All his expenses over the years add up to more than 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones. Longyin reimbursed all his expenses and gave him a large bonus.

Gao Xian can only praise this: being meticulous.

In addition, there are many spiritual weapons, but there are no divine weapons. I think the precious artifact was still held by Long Yin himself and was not placed in the secret vault.

There are also thousands of fourth-order nine-turn dragon elephant pills inside. The number is really quite a lot, but considering that it has been accumulated by Xiaoleiyin Temple for thousands of years, the number is too small. There may be other places to store elixirs.

Dragon Elephant King Vajra has reached the master perfection, and the fourth level Nine Turns Dragon Elephant Pill has no effect on him. This thing is not easy to get rid of. After all, it is the unique elixir of Dragon Elephant Palace.

Even if other body refining cultivators can use it, there is no need to buy Dragon Elephant Pill.

It's just for Qiniang, she can still use it even after she's promoted to Nascent Soul. The fourth-level Nine-turn Dragon Elephant Pill actually corresponds to the Nascent Soul level cultivation level. The nine-turn elixir has completely extracted its medicinal properties and has almost no erysipelas. So it can be taken regularly. Dragon Elephant is a training method. As a body-refining elixir, it mainly improves the ability of flesh, blood, muscles, bones and viscera. With these more than a thousand fourth-order nine-turn dragon elephant pills, it is enough for Qiniang to use it until the late Nascent Soul stage.

Gao Xian thought that this would be of great use to Qiniang, and he felt very good.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen Qiniang for decades. He could often contact Yue Shenxiu through the Qiankun Yin-Yang Creation Cauldron and knew that Qiniang was in good condition and had reached the tenth level of the Golden elixir. It won't take more than a few decades to advance to Nascent Soul.

Qiniang's qualifications are only average, but she has a strong will. Taking a few lapis lazuli fruits in my early years completely changed the foundation of my body. In addition, he gave a lot of resources and also took Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower.

It is not difficult for Qiniang to advance to Nascent Soul. It's just that her qualifications are somewhat inferior and it takes time to polish her skills. In terms of the speed of practice, it cannot be compared with these geniuses.

Geniuses such as Yue Shenxiu, Taining, and Qingle can advance to Nascent Soul at the age of two hundred. In the beginning, it was even more unbelievable. He turned into a baby when he was more than a hundred years old.

Gao Xian couldn't help but think of Yun Qingxuan. With her talents and qualifications, she should have been transformed into an infant long ago...

A gust of cold wind whistled, bringing snowflakes all over the sky. The delicate peach blossoms on the trees were trembling and swaying with the wind and snow. Occasionally, petals fell with the wind and snow.

He sighed softly under the tree. Without enough spiritual energy to maintain them, these exotic peach blossoms have become more and more delicate, and they can no longer withstand the cold pain of wind and snow.

If this continues for a few hundred years, the exotic peach blossoms will turn into ordinary peach blossoms, and they will no longer be able to bloom against the seasons. Just like Qingyun Sect, Qingshan is still there, but it is already a chaotic dance of demons, and it is no longer the grand scene where millions of cultivators gathered together.

The Black Dragon matter has come to an end. Gao Xian thought of his old friend and decided to take the opportunity to visit Qiniang.

Taixuan Shenxiang will stay temporarily in Qingyun City to pay attention to the movements of the Yuanmo Sect in the Eastern Wastelands. Gao Xian's body is connected to Yue Shenxiu through the Yin and Yang creation tripod of Qian Kun.

After making an agreement with Yue Shenxiu, Gao Xiancai used the Great Universe Teleportation Talisman to reach Wanfeng Sect through the teleportation circle.

Yue Shenxiu was already waiting outside the teleportation circle in advance. Without her greeting, Gao Xian, an outsider, would not be able to use the teleportation circle.

After decades of separation, Yueshenxiu is still as charming as ever. She built her foundation in her teens and formed her core in her twenties, so her body has always remained that of a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old girl.

Even though Yue Shenxiu was three hundred years old, she still looked like a simple girl, but her eyes were a little more profound.

As the Nascent Soul Lord, Yue Shenxiu has also begun to hold important positions in the sect in recent years, handling various affairs every day. Even if the Taoist heart is pure, some changes will inevitably occur in people.

Yue Shenxiu was also looking at Gao Xian. For decades, Gao Xian was still as white as snow and as elegant as clouds, with a graceful and free look on his face, just like a heavenly being.

Especially those pair of star-like eyes, full of charm.

The only thing that made her feel a little awkward was the dark blue nine-pointed star pattern between Gao Xian's eyebrows, which made Gao Xian look extraordinary and made her feel a little strange.

Gao Xian noticed Yue Shenxiu's gaze, he smiled and said, "Junior sister, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Yue Shenxiu returned the gift with his hand raised: "Senior brother, your demeanor is even better than before, and your cultivation has improved greatly."

She turned around and asked with some curiosity: "The mark between the eyebrows is the divine weapon that breaks the army given by heaven?"

"Ha ha……"

Gao Xian reached out and touched the mark between his eyebrows. Under the urging of his spiritual consciousness, the mark of the nine-pointed star pattern disappeared instantly. After completely refining the Pojun Sacred Treasure, he was able to fully control it.

He was used to having a mark between his eyebrows, and he never thought about putting it away. It wasn't until Yue Shenxiu talked about it that he realized that this nine-pointed star pattern was still a bit high-profile.

The title of Pojun Xingjun taught by Dao Zun himself spread throughout Mingzhou. He had better keep a low profile when he came to Wanfeng Sect. Lest others think he is deliberately showing off and appearing petty.

He also stayed in Wanfeng Sect for a long time, and it seems that he lived quite comfortably. The sect leader Yue Wanfeng was also kind to him, and coupled with Yue Shenxiu, Gao Xian still had some feelings for the Wanfeng Sect.

Yue Shenxiu smiled and said: "Why put it away? It looks very majestic!"

Gao Xian ignored the remark and asked, "Is the sect master here? Since I'm here, of course I have to visit the sect master first."

"Senior brother is becoming more mature in his work." Yue Shenxiu sighed with emotion. When Gao Xian was in Wanfeng County, he used his anger to kill Zhenjun Hongyang in front of the founder, but now he has lost his original sharpness.

"There are many powerful people in the Xuanming Sect, so I can only be cautious..."

Gao Xian understood what Yue Shenxiu said, and he laughed at himself: "I have grown a lot in the past few decades!"

Yue Shenxiu felt a little sorry for Gao Xian. She took the initiative to hold Gao Xian's hand and said, "Senior brother, if you feel uncomfortable staying there, come back."

"That's not the case." Gao Xian said seriously: "I am in the Xuanming Sect, and we can also have a way out..."

Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu came to Tianquan Hall, paid homage to Yue Wanfeng, and gave them some special spiritual objects as gifts. These spiritual objects are mainly relatively rare and of high value. It can be used as a gift to the God of Transformation.

Yue Wanfeng still looked serious, but his attitude towards Gao Xian was much more polite. Gao Xian originally wanted to take the opportunity to ask about Wuqi Dongtian, but then he thought about it and decided not to ask so many questions to avoid causing trouble.

After coming out of Tianquan Palace, Gao Xian wanted to go to Qingyun Xiaozhu, but Yue Shenxiu took him to her Yaoguang Palace.

Mingyang Sword Lord went to learn the swordsmanship and Yueshenxiu now officially became the master of Yaoguang Hall. Gao Xian understood this completely, and the two immediately rolled into a ball when they entered the bedroom.

According to their age, they are both teenagers and girls, and they are in the most vigorous stage of life. We haven’t seen each other for decades, so of course we need to have a good intimacy.

Gao Xian stayed in Yaoguang Palace for seven days. Until Yue Shenxiu was satisfied, Gao Xian went to Qingyun Xiaozhu.

Qingyun Xiaozhu is not small, but only Qiniang lives in it. The main reason is that she practices every day and doesn't want anyone to wait on her.

Qiniang came out when she heard the commotion and saw Gao Xian standing in the middle of the snow-covered yard. His white clothes were brighter than the snow, and his eyes were brighter than the stars in the sky.

For Yueshenxiu, the lapse of decades is no different than a few months. For Qiniang of Jindan, it was a long time.

Qiniang's eyes felt a little sore for some reason. She can control her expression, but she can't control her turbulent emotions...

(End of this chapter)

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