Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 649 The Secret of Transformation into God

Chapter 649 The Secret of Transformation into God

After coming out of Tianquan Palace, Gao Xian went to find Yue Shenxiu again.

The two cultivated together sweetly for two days. After the procedures for Qiniang's withdrawal from the sect were completed, Gao Xian took Qiniang back to Xuanming Sect through the teleportation circle.

As the master of the Yaoguang Palace, Gao Xian doesn't have to pay for using the sect's teleportation array. It's no problem to bring an outsider in, and the cultivators who manage the array don't dare to ask any questions.

Gao Xian felt quite good about this. It was quite troublesome to use the teleportation circle in the past, as he had to register and sign. It's different when you have a higher status.

Back at Yaoguang Palace, Gao Xian called Qingqing, Shui Mingxia, Yongzhen and Yonghe over.

Qingqing and Qiniang are very familiar with each other, and they are also very close to this aunt. Seeing Qiniang coming, Qingqing was overjoyed, holding Qiniang's arm and chattering non-stop.

Shui Mingxia and the others had never met Qiniang, and they all felt a little reserved when they saw this tall, slender woman with heroic features and a cold and hard face.

"This is my best friend Zhu Qiniang. You can just call me uncle. If I am not here, Qiniang will fully represent me..."

As soon as Gao Xian said these words, Shui Mingxia and others were shocked in their hearts.

They all know that Qingqing is Xingjun's daughter. That's it. Gao Xian never said that Qingqing can represent him. This uncle who suddenly appeared out of nowhere has such a close relationship with Xingjun.

Shui Mingxia realized the important status of this uncle, she immediately bowed her head deeply and saluted, her attitude was extremely respectful.

Yonghe and Yongzhen did not dare to neglect, and both greeted them with courtesy.

Zhu Qiniang just doesn't like to talk, it's not that she can't talk. Chatting with a few girls soon put them at ease.

With so many people gathered today, Gao Xian was in a good mood, so he asked someone to prepare a feast, which was a welcome relief for Qiniang.

The next day, Gao Xian called all the deacons and elders in Yaoguang Palace for a meeting and appointed Qiniang as the deacon and elder on the spot.

As the palace master, he has the right to directly appoint three deacons and elders. For other deacon and elder quotas, you need to apply to Chang Ning.

It is precisely because of this convenience that Gao Xian brought Qiniang. Otherwise, it would be difficult to get a sect identity.

Qiniang is in an important stage of cultivation. Because of this, there is no need to practice in seclusion all day long. At this time, you need to relax and adjust your state, and do not exert force deliberately.

Proper work is a good adjustment for Qiniang. It's just that she still doesn't have enough golden elixir cultivation to gain the respect of many deacons and elders.

Gao Xian must personally stand up for Qiniang and express his full support for Qiniang, so that Qiniang can quickly gain a foothold in Yaoguang Palace.

After handling these trivial matters, Gao Xian returned to Jingxing Palace as the hands-off shopkeeper.

It's already December, the end of the year, and everyone has a lot to deal with. Even Taichu, who likes to discuss swordsmanship with him, has never been here. Taining and Qingle were even missing.

In the middle of winter, although Gao Xian's bed was warm, it lacked a bit of allure and fragrance. Gao Xian slept on his own for a few days, but finally couldn't help himself and secretly went to Qiniang.

During the Chinese New Year, the Arctic Palace held a grand ceremony as usual to honor the Arctic Emperor Ziwei. The master of the palace, Chang Ning, personally presided over the ceremony, which was quite grand in scale.

Even though Chang Ning doesn't care about anything on weekdays, he still comes out to host the sacrifices and celebrations every year. At this point, this Taoist Transformation Lord is much more diligent than Yun Zaitian.

Gao Xian also attended with Qiniang, and went to Chang Ning alone to say hello, and introduced Qiniang to Huashen Daojun.

Although Chang Ning didn't care about anything, he knew that Gao Xian had brought back a woman. He heard that Gao Xian had an extremely close relationship with this woman.

Chang Ning was a little surprised to see Zhu Qiniang with her own eyes. This woman had profound features, was too heroic, and had a somewhat cold temperament. He is also a golden elixir cultivator.

Gao Xian's lovers include two beauties, Tai Ning and Qing Le. Taichu, known as the most beautiful woman in the sect, is also quite close to Gao Xian.

As a result, the person closest to Gao Xian turned out to be such a woman.

Although Chang Ning is a powerful person who transforms into gods, he is inevitably a little curious about these things. Mainly because I am curious about Gao Xian. This man had only been in the sect for a few decades, yet he dared to go directly to Taoist Xuanyang to ask for help. He was also extremely tough in dealing with the outside world. Whether he was trustworthy or Taichu, he would not take a step back.

For such a tough Gao Xian, his external attitude always makes people feel gentle and elegant. This shows the scheming methods of this person.

It can also be seen from Gao Xian's choice of female companions that Gao Xian does not care what Taining and Qingle think. This is indeed a very interesting man...

After the sacrifice ceremony in the North Pole Hall, everyone knew that there was a woman, Zhu Qiniang, around Gao Xian. There was naturally a lot of discussion about this from top to bottom.

When Taining heard the news, he couldn't help but ran to Gao Xian and asked, "Who are you, Zhu Qiniang?"

"Best friend." Gao Xian replied lightly.

"Who is more important, me or her?"

Tai Ning knew that it was unreasonable to ask such a question, but she was the direct descendant of the sect, Yuanying Zhenjun, and she followed Gao Xian in dual cultivation without knowing it. Everyone knew that she was Gao Xian's lover, but Gao Xian got a woman to let her go. Being around her was unacceptable to her.

"It's hard to compare, they are both important."

In Gao Xian's heart, Qiniang is naturally more important, but his emotional intelligence is not that low.

Tai Ning was not satisfied: "You must explain clearly!"

"伱 is better!" Gao Xian silently added the word "play" in his heart. Of course, there is no need to say all this, as it would be too emotionally damaging.

Gao Xian didn't give Tai Ning a chance to speak and hugged her directly. Tai Ning was still a little unhappy, but couldn't resist Gao Xian. He was forced to practice double cultivation with Gao Xian.

The dual cultivation of the plain female jade body is the resonance and harmony of body and spirit. After practicing double cultivation several times, Tai Ning felt a little closer to Gao Xian, so he stopped pursuing this topic.

She actually knew in her heart that it was okay to act coquettishly. If we really want to find out clearly, Gao Xian still has so many women, she would kill herself by being jealous every day.

In fact, only Tai Ning, the whole sect, was very concerned about this, and Qing Le didn't even show up. Taichu, who often came to discuss swords, had no opinion of Zhu Qiniang.

Taichu was really a pure person, with only swords in his eyes and swords in his heart. To her, Gao Xian was a swordsman prodigy who knew how to use swordsmanship. As for who Gao Xian slept with, that was Gao Xian's private matter and had nothing to do with her.

Gao Xian straightened out the relationship between the women, and Tai Ning and Qiniang kept their peace. The following days became very peaceful.

More than ten springs and autumns passed in such a hurry. On this day, Qiniang was chatting with Gao Xian, and suddenly she felt something in her heart. The golden elixir between her brows and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth established a mysterious resonance.

Gao Xian sensed the changes in Qi, and he was also very happy that Qiniang had finally reached this point.

He has made full preparations for this, and Qiniang's cultivation is extremely pure after years of hard work. The step-by-step process of breaking the elixir and transforming it into a baby, although it attracted inner demons, was easily destroyed by her.

A few days later, Qiniang successfully condensed the top-grade Yin Shen. Gao Xian was also very pleased with this. After so many years of hard work, it was finally done.

It is indeed a surprise that Qiniang can condense a high-grade Yin Shen. After all, she is less qualified. It should be that her accumulation is deep enough, her practice of the Hunyuan Divine Power Sutra is in line with her nature, and she is blessed by the pure Yang Baoguang! The initial achievement of a top-grade Yin Shen has powerful spiritual consciousness and cultivation that are equivalent to those of an ordinary Nascent Soul in the later stages. Qiniang was already physically strong, but with the blessing of a high-grade Yin God, her combat power increased dramatically.

Even if placed in the Xuanming Sect, which has many experts, Qiniang's current combat effectiveness is enough to rank in the middle.

Qiniang, who had succeeded in condensing the Nascent Soul, couldn't help but burst into tears and hugged Gao Xian tightly and refused to let go. When she was in Pegasus, she never dared to dream that one day she would be able to realize the Nascent Soul.

All this is because of Gao Xian. Without Gao Xian's support and the huge resources he provided, she would not even be able to achieve the Golden Elixir.

Gao Xian also had complicated emotions. Like Qiniang, he also thought of the past, Yu Ling, and old friends.

That night, Gao Xian and Qiniang got very drunk.

The emergence of a Nascent Soul True Lord was an earth-shattering event for a small sect like Qingyun Sect. Arriving at Wanfeng County is also a very important event.

For the Xuanming Sect, it would be nothing if there was a True Lord of Nascent Soul. There was only some discussion among the people in Yaoguang Palace.

Gao Xian originally wanted to celebrate and hold a Nascent Soul celebration or something, but Qiniang refused. She and Gao Xian are both outsiders, so there is no need to be high-profile. A Nascent Soul True Lord is nothing in the Xuanming Sect.

Gao Xian, who was rich, gave up the idea of ​​taking advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

Now that Qiniang has become the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, her original Tianji Golden Dragon armor is no longer suitable. In a place like Xuanmingjiao, you would be embarrassed to say hello to people without a divine weapon.

Gao Xian selected several suitable fifth-level artifacts in his inventory, such as Geng Gold Essence, golden sycamore tree heart, etc., and took these artifacts to Purple Air Peak to find Tai Ming.

He has done several transactions with this great master of weapon refining. This person's fees are very expensive and his skills are really good.

He spent a thousand top-quality spiritual stones and asked Tai Ming to refining the Tianji Golden Dragon Armor. A few months later, this spiritual weapon was upgraded to a fourth-level high-grade divine weapon.

Qiniang's combat power would at least triple with this artifact. In such a large Xuanming sect, Qiniang is enough to reach the upper level of Nascent Soul True Monarch.

Gao Xian is also very satisfied with this. He actually likes watching Qiniang strengthen little by little. It feels very good to watch his good friend grow step by step.

On the other hand, Qiniang finally has the qualifications to take charge of her own business. He can then completely become the hands-off shopkeeper.

Qiniang lived up to his expectations. By competing in the Tianwu Platform, she defeated the three deacons and elders of Yaoguang Palace. She gained the respect of everyone in Yaoguang Palace and officially became Gao Xian's agent.

Gao Xian also breathed a sigh of relief, finally having time to do his own things.

There were only more than twenty years until the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, and he had to make some preparations in advance. On this day, Gao Xian quietly left the Xuanming Sect and came to the Changsheng Sect.

He has the decree given by Lu Xuanji and can freely enter and exit the teleportation circle of the Immortality Sect.

In the Hall of Eternal Life, Gao Xian saw Lu Xuanji again. This Taoist Transformation Lord has bright eyes and white teeth, and her apricot-yellow Taoist robe makes her skin as radiant as snow.

After not seeing him for decades, Lu Xuanji's condition was obviously much better. He looked full of energy, with a fresh breath of life all over his body, and even a rich, bright, enchanting and charming aura.

Gao Xian couldn't help but take a second look. Lu Xuanji looked like he was in his early twenties, with the bright vitality of a girl and the softness and beauty of a young woman. This gave him some thoughts.

Lu Xuanji was also in a good mood. She smiled and asked, "Why do fellow Taoists come to see me when you have time?"

Gao Xian looked serious and bowed his head, saying, "I'm here to ask Tao Lord for advice."

The smile on Lu Xuanji's face became even brighter. This Gao Xian was so interesting. He would not hesitate to call her Taoist Friend when he had nothing to do. When he asked her for help, he would immediately address her as Taojun.

"I'm still waiting for you to become a god and take revenge."

She said slowly: "If you have any questions, fellow Taoist, just ask and I will do my best."

"Actually, it's nothing else. I mainly want to ask some questions about transforming into gods." Gao Xian laughed dryly. His biggest problem now is that he has no teacher.

There are many top secret techniques in hand, but the secret techniques will not explain everything clearly in detail. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to becoming a god, some problems with transforming into a god also caused some trouble for him.

Although Taojun Chang Ning has a good relationship with him, it is not suitable to ask him for advice. Yue Wanfeng's calculations are too precise, so he will definitely owe you a favor if he asks for advice.

After much deliberation, Gao Xian decided that Lu Xuanji was the most suitable. After all, Lu Xuanji most hopes that he will become a god and become a god. The more powerful the better. At this time, I will never cheat him.

"Golden elixirs have grades, and Yuanying also has grades. Dao Lord, how do gods divide the grades?" Gao Xian saw some records in the book, but there were various theories, and it was not very reliable at first glance. Spectrum.

If he wants to become a god, he must try his best to achieve the highest level and the most powerful soul.

"The transformation of the spirit is the transformation of the Yin spirit into the Yuan Shen. The Yuan Ying and the divine soul merge. From then on, the Yuan Shen becomes a whole."

Lu Xuanji said: "Each school has different secret methods of cultivation, and the achievement of Yuan Shen is also different. The measure of Yuan Shen lies in whether it is pure or not.

"It's as bright as water, and it's pure and flawless. This is the highest grade Yuan Shen. The next level is the Yuan Shen made of white, green, black, red, yellow and other five colors. The purer the color, the higher the grade..."

"Don't these five colors correspond to the five elements of heaven and earth?" Gao Xian asked.

"Yes, no matter how secretive you practice, you must gather the energy of the five elements when condensing the soul. This is the foundation of the soul. It's just that after the soul is formed, it will transform into different states. But its origin must have five-color aura."

Lu Xuanji explained softly: "The origin of the soul will only be revealed when it is first formed. Once the soul is formed, the origin is hidden deep. Outsiders cannot see it."

She thought for a moment and then said: "Of course it's not always like this. As big as the world is, there are always exceptions. For example, at the level of body refining, a powerful person who transforms into a spirit, the spirit and the body are integrated, and the form and spirit are perfect. Such spirits are also It is called the combined soul. These souls integrate the physical body, so the light of the soul will appear golden."

Lu Xuanji glanced at Gao Xian. The golden light in her eyes shone and she used some kind of secret technique to get a glimpse of Gao Xian's true state. This made her immediately realize that something was wrong. Gao Xian's physical body was too powerful, far beyond the fourth level.

This was because Gao Xian didn't hide anything, so Lu Xuanji could see the true state of his body.

"Fellow Taoist, has your body refining technique reached the fifth level?" she asked in surprise.

"It's a lucky chance." Gao Xian said, "I got a body-refining divine item by chance..."

Lu Xuanji was silent for a moment and said: "Fellow Taoist body refining skills are so powerful that it is very suitable for the path of fusion. The foundation of fusion is deep, and the soul is extremely powerful, but it is much stronger than ordinary gods. Of course, fusion also has some flaws. It is the form and spirit. By uniting, the soul has become stronger, but it is also bound by the physical body, and it is a little less spiritual than the real soul."

She said seriously: "This problem can also be solved, that is, to find a top-quality divine object to refine the body to a pure and flawless state..."

Gao Xian hurriedly raised his hand and said, "What kind of divine object it is? Please tell me clearly, Lord Dao."

Lu Xuanji smiled sweetly: "I can help with this matter, but this matter is far beyond the scope of our contract. How can you thank me, fellow Taoist?"

"Fellow Taoist, just give your orders..." Gao Xian looked determined, even if Lu Xuanji asked him to sleep with him, he would not hesitate at all!

(End of this chapter)

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