Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 650: Fusion of Soul

Chapter 650: Fusion of Soul

Lu Xuanji was very familiar with Gao Xian. As soon as he saw Gao Xian's expression, he knew what kind of mess this man was thinking.

She originally wanted to make a sarcastic comment, but she was a strong person who transformed into gods after all, so it was not easy for her to make vulgar jokes with Gao Xian.

She said calmly: "If you want to unite form and spirit, you need a divine object called Emperor's Liquid. This object is made by the Taiyin gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is extremely precious."

"Emperor's liquid?"

Gao Xian asked: "I have read about this object in the classics. It is said that it can enlighten the spirituality of all things. Even grass, trees, mountains and rocks can be spiritually transformed into monsters after receiving the emperor's fluid."

"The emperor's ooze contains the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and can condense the mysterious form and spirit. It is not uncommon to turn vegetation, mountains and rocks into demons."

Lu Xuanji said: "It only takes a decade to generate an Emperor's Liquid, and one hundred and eight thousand pieces of Emperor's Liquid are generated each time."

"That's quite a lot." Gao Xian was a little surprised that such a precious divine item could be transformed into so many at one time!

Lu Xuanji glanced at Gao Xian coldly: "It's easy for you to say that. You have to know how vast the world is, and Jiuzhou is just a corner of the world. There are hundreds of thousands of Emperor's Ooze scattered in all directions, can Jiuzhou be able to receive it? It's hard to tell even one thing. Not to mention that the emperor's liquid will enter when it encounters objects, and all spirituality will be transformed out immediately.

"Only cultivators with extremely good luck can use special spiritual weapons to collect the Emperor's Liquid in mid-air, and this can be preserved for a long time..."

Gao Xian was silent. According to Lu Xuanji, it is very, very difficult to obtain an Imperial Ooze. It all depends on luck. This may be a way for Lu Xuanji to raise the price, but he really wants Emperor Liujian.

The combination of becoming a god and becoming a god is indeed a way of becoming a god that is very suitable for his body. Of course, not everyone can listen to Lu Xuanji. After returning home, I still need to find an opportunity to ask Bai Yujing. How about going directly to Tao Zun for advice?

Lu Xuanji continued: "I worked hard to obtain an imperial liquid. It was originally used to condense the form and spirit and lay the foundation of pure Yang."

She paused for a moment when she said this, her bright eyes full of murderous intent.

She personally went to the Taiming Spiritual Realm to get the Golden Blood Dragon Scale so that it could be used in conjunction with the Emperor's Ooze. As a result, he was ambushed by Yuan Wuwu and his body was damaged.

Although Emperor Liujian was magical, it could not help her repair her physical body. This also cut off her upward path. Lu Xuanji felt itching with hatred every time he thought of this.

Gao Xian saw that Lu Xuanji was not feeling well, so naturally he didn't dare to say anything.

Fortunately, Lu Xuanji quickly regained her composure, and she said: "All sects in the Jiuzhou Dharma Association communicate with each other. If you can get the Daluo Zhou Tianchao Yuan Dan from the Daluo Sect, you can come to me to exchange for the Emperor's Liquid."

She reminded Gao Xian with a deeper meaning: "If I read it correctly, you have practiced Da Luo Hua Nerve. This method originated from Da Luo Sect..."

Gao Xian was speechless. Each of these powerful gods became more sophisticated than the last, and they all saw that he had a clone. He even knew which secret method he practiced.

This was already the case, so he simply asked directly: "Master Dao, what is the use of Yuanling's fetal stone?"

There was something strange in Lu Xuanji's bright eyes, and she said a little funny: "Why, you still want to refine the second soul?!"

Before Gao Xian could speak, Lu Xuanji exclaimed: "He is worthy of being the Pojun Xingjun who has been given the gift of the gods. His courage alone is better than countless mediocre people."

You must know that the transformation of Yuanying into Yuanshen is very difficult and very dangerous. Even if ordinary Yuanying True Lords have the opportunity to attack the gods, they may not have the courage.

Good thing Gao Xian, he is still just a Nascent Soul, but he has already begun to think about condensing a second soul!

"Senior made me laugh. I just asked..." Gao Xian laughed dryly, feeling a little embarrassed that someone had seen through his thoughts.

"The Yuanling Earth Fetus Stone is very rare. This kind of divine object can entrust the divine soul. It can not only be used to refine clones, but also serve as the center of artifacts, etc."

Lu Xuanji said: "It is even rarer than the Emperor's Liquid. You want to obtain such a divine object, but you don't know how much energy you have to expend."

She reminded her seriously: "In my opinion, you are still condensing your soul. It won't be too late to consider these things when you become a god..."

"That's it. Thank you, senior."

Gao Xian said sternly: "I am going to the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly and I will do my best to help seniors get Daluo Zhou Tianchao Yuan Dan." He also said the same thing to Yue Wanfeng. He didn't lie either. These two elixirs were of no use to him, but they could be exchanged for two crucial divine items.

In addition, Gao Xian also truly realized the importance of the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly. This is not only a battle of skills, but more importantly, it allows the nine major sects to communicate with each other.

The two gods, Lu Xuanji and Yue Wanfeng, could not participate, so they could only exchange for the elixir.

Xuanyang Dao Zun put him on the list, he really valued him!

Gao Xian returned to Jingxing Palace and began to think about how to meet Bai Yujing. The last time I exchanged it for a Fengyun sword gallbladder, I had already lost a lot of money.

Even though he still had a few fifth-level divine items in his hand, they couldn't withstand such a torment. Moreover, he has to go to the Jiuzhou Dharma Festival in exchange for two top-quality magical elixirs, and these magical items will still be kept as trading chips.

After careful consideration, Gao Xian decided to go to Taoist Xuanyang. Last time, Taoist Master gave him three golden talismans and allowed him to enter Zhongyang Mountain to seek advice.

This time I still used a magic talisman, and I had to ask questions related to the transformation of gods clearly.

Gao Xian made up his mind and chose a good weather day to activate the golden talisman. When the light flashed, he had arrived at the winding river.

Just like last time, Taoist Master Xuanyang was wearing a black and yellow Taoist robe and was sitting on a blue boulder fishing.

It’s been more than ten years since I saw this Taoist Master look obviously mature. This made Gao Xian a little puzzled. The life span of Chunyang Taoist Master was calculated as ten thousand years. How could the appearance of Xuanyang Taoist Master change in just ten years?

Even with his level of cultivation, it would take decades to leave any mark on him.

Although Gao Xian was extremely curious, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He just bowed his head respectfully and saluted.

Taoist Xuanyang turned his head and glanced at Gao Xian: "Coming?"

Gao Xian apologized and said, "I am a dull boy and have many questions about the transformation of gods. Please give me some advice from the Taoist Master."

"If you don't understand anything, just tell me."

Taoist Xuanyang smiled slightly: "I have high hopes for you!"

Gao Xian stopped hiding it: "Tao Zun, I want to take the path of becoming a god through integration, do you think it's suitable?"

"With your attainments in body refining, it's quite suitable."

Xuanyang Dao Zun patiently pointed out: "Although it is good to combine the spirit, there are always some disadvantages. You have practiced the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra very well. Condensing the spirit has a chance to reach the state of five qi Chaoyuan. If you bring it with you Physically, this is a bit difficult..."

From his point of view, the upper limit of condensing the five qi Chaoyuan's top soul is higher than that of the combined god. Of course, whether he can reach the Five Qi Dynasty depends on Gao Xian's background, and there is also some luck involved.

"What if there is an emperor flowing liquid?" Gao Xian asked.

"The Emperor's fluid can condense the form and spirit into one, which is indeed useful. It's just that the physical body is yang, and the soul is yin. At your level, it is not easy to achieve the perfect intersection of yin and yang."

Taoist Xuanyang shook his head slightly. It is easy to fuse the physical body and the soul, but it is too difficult to perfectly integrate them. Among those who refine their bodies and become gods, no one can achieve Pure Yang, basically because of this reason.

Dao Hong of the Dragon Elephant Palace also chose the path of pure soul when he was transforming into a god, and only then did he realize Tao Chunyang.

"Your biggest problem is that the Dragon-Elephant Vajra and the Positive and Negative Five Elements don't fit together, and you can't make the form and spirit completely match..."

Gao Xian felt chilled, it turned out to be so difficult to unite the soul. Is this woman Lu Xuanji trying to trick him on purpose? !

(End of this chapter)

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