Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 651 5 Qi Hunyuan Wheel

Chapter 651 Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel

Gao Xian scolded Lu Xuanji in his heart. He didn't know whether the woman did this on purpose or because she had poor vision.

Logically speaking, there was no need for Lu Xuanji to trick him.

This kind of thing cannot be hidden. Sooner or later, he will know that there is a deep pit in the combined soul. Destroying other people's path to immortality is a deadly enmity. A smart person like Lu Xuanji would not do anything that would harm others but not benefit himself.

Gao Xian calmed down and quickly figured out the reason. Besides, it doesn't matter whether Lu Xuanji has bad intentions or not. I will argue with Lu Xuanji about this later.

The top priority is still how to solve this problem.

He asked respectfully: "Tao Zun, is there any way to solve the problem of yin and yang incompatibility?"

Taoist Master Xuanyang smiled and said to himself: "This kid is quite greedy. Even if he says it won't work, he still wants to try. This is good, only greedy people can keep making progress."

He said: "The best way is to ignore the physical body and achieve the Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Shen. It is already the most powerful Yuan Shen, enough to lay the foundation of pure Yang."

"With the Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Shen, the same goes for tempering the physical body. Of course, this can only control the physical body as an artifact, and cannot truly integrate form and spirit.

"The true unity of form and spirit leads directly to the supreme road, and the future achievements are limitless..."

Taoist Master Xuanyang's bright eyes showed a bit of emptiness as he spoke, as if he was remembering something from the past, and the look on his handsome face was a bit complicated.

The words of Taoist Xuanyang made Gao Xian yearn for the combined soul even more, but he did not dare to disturb Taoist Xuanyang and could only wait eagerly.

After a moment of silence, Taoist Master Xuanyang said: "Actually, there is a body refining method in the Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra. It is also the first-class body refining secret technique in the world."

"Huh?" Gao Xian looked surprised. He didn't need to hold it in front of Dao Zun. This news really shocked him.

The Great Five Elements Sect also has a secret method of body refining, but he has never heard of it.

It's pitiful to say that he has no inheritance of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu secret method, but he got some serious inheritance from Zhenjun Xuanhua.

But he knew nothing about the situation of the Great Five Elements Sect. Outsiders such as Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji knew the situation of the Great Five Elements Sect better than he did.

The Xuanyang Taoist in front of me is more than 10,000 years old, and he even knows the original Great Five Elements Taoist. It makes sense that he knows the secrets related to the Great Five Elements Sect.

"There is a Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel in the Five Elements Hunyuan Jing, which uses the five viscera and five Qi refining wheels to control the body. It is a very powerful body refining technique. If Luo Shouyang had refined the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel back then, he would not have Beaten to death by those people..."

Taoist Master Xuanyang looked at Gao Xian and asked, "Do you know about the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel?"

"I've heard of it. It seems to be the Great Five Elements Sect's artifact." Gao Xian replied honestly.

"The Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel is a very powerful artifact. If you want to truly control this artifact, the key is not the Great Five Elements Divine Light, but the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel. No matter how powerful the Great Five Elements Divine Light is, it is still a magic, the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel But it is the Dharma. One is for use and the other is for the purpose, but the priority must be clearly distinguished..."

Taoist Master Xuanyang smiled at Gao Xian when he said this, which made Gao Xian feel a little hairy. Did this old man know about his deal with Lu Xuanji?

Gao Xian thought for a moment and asked: "Taoist Master, I don't know where I can learn the method of the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel?"

Xuanyang Taoist Master smiled and said: "I used to have a good relationship with Luo Shouyang, and I happened to exchange this secret technique with him. If you want to learn it, I can teach you."

Gao Xian did not hesitate to kneel down and worship: "Please Taoist Master teach the Dharma."

The law is not taught lightly. Not to mention that Xuanyang Dao Zun is not his teacher. If others express their intention to teach, he must show a posture of studying the law.

Regardless of whether the Taoist Master was joking or really wanted to teach the Dharma, he was still kneeling anyway. The dignified Taoist Master Chunyang couldn't let him kneel down in vain!

Netizens put it well: A man has gold under his knees, it’s time to take it out and exchange it for money!

Xuanyang Taoist Master laughed loudly, this kid can do it, his face is thick and his heart is ruthless, no wonder he makes trouble all the way but he can thrive, he is a character!

"There is probably only one person in the world today who has learned the Great Five Elements Divine Light. Luo Shouyang will probably be very happy if the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel is passed on to you."

Taoist Master Xuanyang stretched out his hand and a golden light fell into Gao Xian's eyebrows.

The divine consciousness contained in the golden light exploded in Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness, and complex and mysterious secret techniques suddenly unfolded. Although Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness is powerful, he will be dizzy and overwhelmed by the complicated information transmitted by the powerful spiritual consciousness.

I don't know how long it took before Gao Xian figured out the secret method of spiritual consciousness transmission. When he opened his eyes, he found that the sun had already half set outside the mountain, and the sky in the west was as red as fire burning the sky. It was already approaching dusk.

He came to see Xuanyang Taoist Master in the morning, and it took him almost four hours to receive this divine consciousness. In this process, he basically lost his sense of the outside world.

The Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel is indeed a complex and superb body-refining secret method, but it will not make him lose his sense of the outside world. The main reason is that Xuanyang Taoist Master's spiritual consciousness is too strong, and the secret method is forcibly imprinted in the depths of his consciousness sea, completely occupying his entire consciousness.

Gao Xian has always been curious about the power of Chunyang level. After this small trial, he also knew how powerful Chunyang was.

If he is now a medium-range missile with direct guidance of thousands of miles, Chunyang Daozun is a nuclear weapon with a range of tens of thousands of miles.

The two sides are not on the same level at all and there is no comparison.

Gao Xian saw Taoist Xuanyang still sitting on the bluestone, and he hurried over to thank him.

"I don't like red tape, and you're not someone who likes to kowtow. Forget it."

Xuanyang Taoist Master looked at the sparkling water and said slowly: "It's a bit late for you to get the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel now. But the secret method you practice is a bit complicated, especially the Dragon Elephant Vajra Ming King Pestle, and your fundamental secret method It doesn’t fit…”

He couldn't help but shake his head as he spoke. This is the biggest problem with casual cultivation. You can only see what you are practicing, but you have no idea what the consequences will be if you practice indiscriminately.

Fortunately, Gao Xian was extremely talented and managed to master the Dragon Elephant Vajra King's Pestle to its ultimate level. It is actually easier to convert to the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel.

Xuanyang Dao Zun thought for a moment and said: "There is another trick to the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel, which can lay the foundation through dual cultivation. However, this method requires a strong Five Elements Qi. Within Mingzhou, only the Five Qi Cave Heaven has the Five Elements Qi product The highest level."

The Taoist Xuanyang reminded again: "There are spirits and evil spirits contained in Wuqi Cave Heaven, and there are a group of people watching outside. It is quite reluctant for you to go to Wuqi Cave Heaven with your current cultivation. You have to think about this... …”

Gao Xian hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Thank you, Taoist Master, for your guidance."

"Okay, you go back first."

Everything that needs to be said has been said, and Taoist Xuanyang doesn't want to say too much to Gao Xian.

Before Gao Xian could speak, the lights and shadows around him were flickering. By the time he came to his senses, the person had already returned to his room.

I don’t know when Xuanyang Taoist activated the spell, but he actually sent him back directly. The key is that this spell-casting process is like a cut scene in a movie. He comes back as soon as the scene changes. There is no intermediate process at all.

After being stunned for a moment, Gao Xian sincerely praised: "Tao Zun is awesome!"

This compliment was heard by Taoist Xuanyang. Of course, he didn't mean it. Gao Xian would make him feel something when he mentioned it.

Bai Yujing also heard Gao Xian's praise, and her figure moved and appeared next to Taoist Xuanyang.

Her pure white eyes stared at Xuanyang Taoist Master: "What do you want to do?"

Xuanyang Taoist Master said with some humor: "Gao Xian is a practitioner of our religion. Isn't it natural for me to guide him in his practice?"

"Something's wrong."

Bai Yujing shook his head, "Although you don't have any sectarian ideas, you won't help a junior for no reason."

"With the sudden changes in the world, it is always good for the human race to have more masters." Xuanyang Taoist Master said leisurely: "Besides, Luo Shouyang and I are good friends. Our good friend has an outstanding successor, so of course I have to help."

"You still have a grudge against that person!"

Bai Yujing suddenly understood. She shook her head disapprovingly: "Gao Xian, how can he have the chance to walk in front of that person!"

"How will you know if you don't try."

Xuanyang Taoist Master said coldly: "All immortal kings and Buddhas will decay and perish. Not to mention that we are in this world and are just prisoners of the world. A few old guys want to control all living beings in the world. That is just wishful thinking."

Bai Yujing was silent. She could understand Taoist Xuanyang, but she felt that it was of little significance to do so. Xuanyang Dao Zun just played around with others, but he taught Gao Xian the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel.

With Gao Xian's character, he will definitely go to the Five Qi Cave to commit suicide. If Gao Xian died and Wuqi Dongtian died, it would be a big hindrance to her plan.

The matter has come to this, and it is useless to say more. Besides, she couldn't restrain Taoist Xuanyang.

Bai Yujing disappeared silently. Taoist Master Xuanyang ignored him. He looked at the last ray of sunset in the sky and smiled happily...

In Jingxing Palace, Gao Xian is pondering the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel.

Judging from his experience, this body-refining secret method is subtle and mysterious, and it is incomparably consistent with the Hunyuan Sutra of Positive and Negative Five Elements, both internally and externally.

If he had obtained the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel at the foundation level, he would have achieved very high attainments. It can also complement each other with the Five Elements Gong.

Now it is a bit difficult to modify this secret method of body training.

Opening the Feng Yue Baojian, there is no Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel on the front and back. It can be seen that he has only learned this secret method, but has not yet reached the entry level.

The foundation of the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel is to use the five internal organs to gather the five Qi and transform the five internal organs into the Hunyuan Wheel, from the five internal organs to the limbs and bones, and then to the Nascent Soul.

The level of this secret technique is extremely high, and it is only a small success to master it to the point where body and spirit are integrated into one.

From Gao Xian's point of view, if one can really refine this method to the state of great success, even Chunyang can't do it.

The Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel is extremely consistent with the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra, but his body is integrated into one body by the Dragon Elephant Vajra Mingwang Pestle, so it is a bit awkward to practice this secret method.

After thinking about it for a few days, Gao Xian felt that he had gotten started, but he was very sluggish in practice.

I thought of Tao Zun saying that this secret technique can be practiced by someone else. Of course, this requires the other party to be proficient in the Five Elements Secret Technique and have a body that can match his.

Regardless of Qiniang's strong body and Tai Ning's pure female body, she couldn't cooperate with him in dual cultivation.

Only Sister Lan can cooperate with him. The problem is that Sister Lan has no physical body and can only cooperate with him in dual cultivation in Taishi Temple.

Fortunately, Sister Lan's spiritual consciousness is strong and she can use her magic power. Even though he doesn't have a physical body, his powerful magic power is enough to help him condense the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel.

There is another problem, that is, although the spiritual energy here is abundant, it does not have enough energy for the five elements.

Gao Xian has been to the Five Elements Cave of Liuhe Sect before, where the energy of the Five Elements is all present. It’s just that the level is too low, just at the Golden Core level. The Qi of the Five Elements is messy and is not qualified to be called the Five Elements Qi Qi.

After shutting the door and struggling for more than half a month, I still couldn't get in. Gao Xian concluded that the fundamental reason lies in the insufficient energy of the five elements.

He ruthlessly took out five Five Elements Spirit Crystals, all of which were upper-middle-level fifth-level spirit crystals. They were originally reserved for breaking through cultivation bottlenecks.

In order to refine the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel, I don't have to worry about so much.

There is a small spirit gathering circle in the quiet room, which can gather and purify spiritual energy. The five spiritual crystals were quickly transformed into five pure spiritual energies under the stimulation of his spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian took the opportunity to run the Five Qi Hunyuan Chakra. Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, his Nascent Soul also cultivated simultaneously with Sister Lan, absorbing the pure five elements spiritual energy together.

After a long time like this, the five-color spiritual light emitted by the spiritual crystal had completely dissipated, but Gao Xian still failed to condense it into a wheel.

"This is troublesome..."

Gao Xian opened his eyes and fell into deep thought. He still had more than ten Five Elements Spirit Crystals in his hand, enough to try twice more.

However, after practicing just now, he found that if he wanted to turn the five internal organs into the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel, it would take a long time to slowly condense it, and he couldn't do it overnight with the rich spiritual energy.

It seems that Tao Zun really didn't lie to him. This method can only be practiced in a place like Wu Qi Cave Heaven where the five Qi gather.

The Five Qi Cave Heaven is very dangerous, and with his current magic power, it would be difficult for him to open the cave prohibition.

Gao Xian weighed it up and was still unwilling to give up.

With the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel, the positive and negative Hunyuan Sutra of Five Elements is a complete secret method. Now that all the conditions were in place, he couldn't give up.

Opening the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, he accumulated a total of 8 billion humane auras. A small half of it was left over from the past, and the rest was mostly accumulated over the past ten years.

The promotion of Wanbaolou is still going on, and "Ode to the Harmony of Yin and Yang in Heaven and Earth" has penetrated deeply into the bottom cultivators everywhere and has become their treasure book for dual cultivation. Every year, more and more humane auras are accumulated.

Although the original wise decision cost nearly 20,000 top-quality spiritual stones, it also yielded huge rewards.

In order to open the restriction of the Five Qi Cave Heaven, one must upgrade the Great Five Elements Divine Light.

Gao Xian added one billion human spiritual lights to the five divine lights respectively, raising the five divine lights to a proficient level.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light will naturally advance to the proficiency level.

Although he only improved a small level, Gao Xian felt that he had made huge progress. After practicing in Taishi Temple, I could only use one shot of the Great Five Elements Divine Light, but now I can fire three rounds in a row. The power of the Great Five Elements Divine Light has at least doubled.

The improvement of the Great Five Elements Divine Light also gave him a deeper understanding of the changes in the Five Elements. Controlling the magic power of the Five Elements is also becoming more and more sophisticated.

All secret techniques and techniques related to the five elements have been greatly improved.

Five billion humane auras are invested, and the effect is immediate. Gao Xian is also quite satisfied with this.

The Five Qi Cave Heaven is too dangerous. There are still 3 billion human spiritual lights left, which is not enough to upgrade the Great Five Elements Divine Light, but it can be used to upgrade other secret techniques.

Divine consciousness is the foundation for running everything. Gao Xian thought for a moment and added all the remaining human aura to Taishi Idol.

Taishi Idol, who was proficient in levels, was directly promoted to the master level.

After rising two levels in a row, the power of Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness increased dramatically, and the sensing radius of his spiritual consciousness increased from 2,200 miles to 4,000 miles.

Such powerful spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of a powerful person in the late stage of divine transformation!

Gao Xian felt that he was stronger than ever and was full of confidence in this trip. The little Five Qi Cave Heaven is not at his mercy!

(Please give me a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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