Chapter 652 Vision

"Junior sister, I'm going to visit Wu Qi Cave Heaven. Are you free recently?"

Gao Xian took the initiative to find Tai Ning and asked her to go to Wu Qi Cave with him.

Tai Ning had promised to help open the Five Qi Cave Heaven. Gao Xian now had a close friendship with Tai Ning, so he discussed it with Tai Ning politely.

Tai Ning was very thoughtful and calculated, but he did not hesitate at this moment: "The Five Qi Cave Heaven Restriction is said to be very complicated and exquisite. I will definitely accompany my senior brother and do my best."

"it is good."

Gao Xian admired Tai Ning's straightforwardness that this woman did not cheat on the intimate relationship between the two, and he was very satisfied.

He said: "Get ready, we will leave tomorrow. This matter is important, junior sister, please remember to keep it secret."

When Tai Ning saw Gao Xian wanted to leave, she gently held Gao Xian's hand, "Brother, I have some questions about my practice that I would like to ask for advice..."

"Okay, let's discuss and communicate with each other..." Gao Xian immediately understood what Tai Ning meant, and he followed Tai Ning into the bedroom with a smile.

After an in-depth exchange, it was already dawn outside. Gao Xian hugged Tai Ning and slept until noon, then he gathered his energy and left the Xuanming Sect together.

It was a long way to Tiantai Mountain, so Gao Xian took out a green leaf flying boat. It looked like a flat and sharp leaf, but it had several cabins inside, and it was not a problem to accommodate twenty or thirty people.

The two took turns to control the flying boat, flying all the way east. Although Gao Xian and Tai Ning had high cultivation levels, they did not dare to act recklessly on the road.

Without the protection of the sect's magic circle, you may encounter anything outside. Such as monsters, evil spirits, strange monsters, demon cultivators, natural disasters, etc., it is impossible to guard against them.

Even cultivators like Tai Ning who seldom go out are very vigilant when going out.

Fortunately, the journey was uneventful, and it took them more than 20 days to reach Tiantai Mountain smoothly.

After collecting the Qingye Flying Boat, Gao Xian took Tai Ning to find a cave deep in the huge crack, planted the Qingmu Cloud Sky Flag to cover the four sides, and Gao Xian made a tent to rest temporarily.

Wu Qi Cave Heaven is very dangerous. The two of them traveled a long distance and needed to adjust their condition. On the other hand, this kind of thing cannot be rushed. They need to gradually go deeper into the ground and adapt to the environment step by step.

Especially Tai Ning, although he is a Nascent Soul Lord, he does not have much practical experience. In this complex and dangerous environment, it is even more important to proceed with caution.

Tai Ning was very curious about everything around her. She had never been to such a dangerous place, which also made her feel very excited.

Gao Xian took Tai Ning for a spin around the area and roughly understood the surrounding situation. Wherever there are powerful monsters, where there are miasma poisons, etc.

Familiar with the terrain and environment, Tai Ning will know where to run if something happens.

After walking around like this for a few days, Gao Xian didn't find anything unusual, and he felt much more relaxed. In fact, he is blessed by Sister Lan and has unfathomable magical powers.

All calculation methods have no effect on him, which is also the root of his troubles everywhere.

As for Bai Yujing knowing him quite well, it was because Bai Yujing had seen through part of his cultivation, but it had nothing to do with Sister Lan. Because Bai Yujing obviously didn't know about Sister Lan's existence.

After more than ten days of exploration and investigation, Gao Xian and Tai Ning have penetrated tens of thousands of miles into the crack. This huge underground crack is bottomless.

As it goes deeper and deeper, the underground yin and filthy odors become more and more intense. With Tai Ning's cultivation level, he has to take the fourth-level Nine-turn Jade Clear Pill every day to cleanse his Yuan Ying and his physical body to avoid being infected by foul qi.

Gao Xian relied on the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Formless Divine Clothes and the Five Elements Lotus Crown to easily protect himself from being contaminated by foul odors. Not to mention that he has trained the Dragon Elephant King Vajra to such an extreme level that he can live here naked for a year and a half without any problem.

He didn't find the entrance to Wu Qi Cave Heaven last time, but sensed the powerful forbidden existence of Wu Qi Cave Heaven. Taking Tai Ning with him this time helped him save a lot of energy.

Tai Ning's Ten Directions True King Tianyin Jian is quite mysterious. Through the vibration of the invisible Tianyin, it can sense the precise location of the restriction.

After more than ten days of repeated exploration, Tai Ning finally determined the location of the entrance to Wuqi Cave, which was deep inside an unremarkable rock wall.

The strata at this depth are thick rock layers with numerous mottled cracks crisscrossing them. If Tai Ning didn't have the Ten Directions True King Tianyinjian, Gao Xian wouldn't have known how long it would have taken him to find this entrance.

"Senior brother, let me help you open the restriction."

Tai Ning's bright eyes sparkled, and her delicate face was full of eagerness to try.

Gao Xian looked at the restriction for a while, and with the flower appreciating mirror, he could only faintly see the faint flow of magic power deep in the rock. From his point of view, Tai Ning has no ability to open the restriction.

"Try it, be careful."

The Heavenly Sound Mirror of the True King of Ten Directions in Tai Ning's hand buzzed and vibrated, and the dragon-shaped runes on the copper ruler shone brightly with golden light, emitting a subtle and low Heavenly Sound.

The rock layer in front exploded into a cloud of smoke and dust under the agitation of the sky's sound. The restrictions hidden deep inside were inspired, and the five-color auras of white, green, black, red, and yellow intertwined and shone like fan blades.

The concussive Shifang True King Tianyinjian let out a sharp roar, and the light of mana around Taining suddenly exploded. She was blasted dozens of feet away by the concussive mana.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gao Xian activated the anti-Five Elements Extermination Divine Sword. The clear sword light shone and fell, cutting off the tyrannical magic power stirred up by the rapidly rotating five-color aura.

Tai Ning had this opportunity to suppress the shaking Nascent Soul and the True King of Ten Directions Tianyinjian in her hand. She retreated several thousand feet back and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The sudden change just now made Tai Ning look pale, with a hint of panic in his beautiful bright eyes.

Tai Ning, who had never experienced anything before, was frightened by the power of the forbidden counterattack. It's not that she is timid, if Gao Xian hadn't taken action in time to cut off her resonance with the ban, she might have been shattered by the Tianyinjian of the True King of Ten Directions in her hand.

Life and death are in an instant. Tai Ning, who was unprepared for this, had such a brush with death that he was so frightened that his heart almost exploded.

Gao Xian came to Tai Ning and couldn't help sighing when he saw Tai Ning's pale face. After all, he was too delicate. He held Tai Ningsu's hand and comforted her softly: "It's okay, I'm here."

Tai Ningsu's hands were cold, and they were trembling slightly uncontrollably. The surging mana had not yet been fully digested, causing her to tremble uncontrollably.

Seeing Gao Xian beside her, Tai Ning's mood quickly calmed down. She felt a little ashamed and said, "It's me who is too incompetent and made my senior brother laugh."

"The restriction is too strong, how can you blame you?"

Gao Xian saw that Tai Ning's eyes were slightly red and looked like she was about to cry, and thought that the little fairy who was over 300 years old was really frightened. It's a bit funny but also a bit pitiful for Tai Ning.

He took Tai Ning back to the camp and practiced two games with Tai Ning, which allowed Tai Ning to truly recover.

Tai Ning hugged Gao Xian's arm and said, "Senior brother, I still want to try!"

Gao Xian smiled: "Don't try it, it's too dangerous. The power of this restriction is too strong and there is no way to use tricks. Listen to me, you go back to the sect first and wait for me."

Tai Ning was a little confused: "You won't go back?"

"I'll try it with the Great Five Elements Divine Light."

Gao Xian said: "The ban will spontaneously fight back. It's too dangerous. I can't let go even if you are by my side."

Tai Ning pursed her lips and was a little unhappy. She couldn't help but couldn't even watch the fun? Besides, she is helping Gao Xian to protect the Dharma, and can help with anything.

But she also knew that Gao Xian had many secrets. Since Gao Xian didn't want her to see them, it wouldn't be good for her to stay.

She obeyed and said: "I listen to senior brother. Senior brother, you must be careful..."

After watching Tai Ning activate the Great Universe Movement Talisman and return to the sect, Gao Xian packed up his things and returned to the entrance of Wuqi Cave.

The restriction that sealed the entrance was so powerful that Tai Ning almost died just by trying it. If it were the Lord Huashen Dao, he would not be able to forcibly open the restriction if he had no choice but to do so.

This kind of five-element prohibition happens to be restrained by the great five-element divine light. Having reached this point, Gao Xian would try no matter what.

His current spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of the late stage of divine transformation, and Sister Lan is in charge of the operation of mana, which is equivalent to the cooperation of two powerful people in the late stage of divine transformation, which is a bit stronger than the ordinary late stage of divine transformation.

Gao Xian silently used his magic power. In order to prevent accidents, he even put on the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu. This top-level fifth-level artifact is enough to withstand all kinds of dangers, even if it is not compatible with his magic power, he still doesn't care about it.

Gao Xian stretched out his hand and pointed, and the five-color divine light of black, white, green, red, and yellow was like a long rainbow that directly hit the forbidden area of ​​​​the Five-Qi Cave.

Being bombarded by the Great Five Elements Divine Light, the Five Color Restrictions emerged again, and the two powerful Five Elements mana collided and made an earth-shattering roar.

The mana is continuously transmitted outward through the thick rock layers, causing the rock layers within thousands of miles to twist, fracture and collapse.

With such huge power, the Five Elements Restriction only stagnated slightly, but was not destroyed.

Gao Xian also became fierce, and without hesitation, he activated two large five-element divine lights in succession.

The five-color light rainbow suddenly fell with a mighty power that swept across everything and wiped out all things. The five-element restriction was also slightly distorted by the rapid explosion, and a fine crack was opened.

Through this crack, Gao Xian sensed the pure five elements energy in the Five Energy Cave Heaven. He knew that the opportunity was rare, so he turned into a streak of blood and instantly passed through the crack...

The cracks in the Five Elements Restriction disappeared in a flash, but the burst of Five Elements mana was still sending shocks outwards. The drastic change in mana caused drastic changes in the geomagnetic energy, and an ever-changing geomagnetic divine light appeared above the huge crack in the ground.

Such a powerful vision can be clearly seen thousands of miles away.

Yuan Tianyi of Tianpuppet Sect was talking to Wanshou Taoist Lord. The two Taoist Lords looked at the sky with induction at the same time, and saw that the shining geomagnetic divine light covered most of the sky, completely blocking out the bright moon and stars in the sky.

"This is Tianmen Mountain..."

Yuan Tianyi's mind immediately thought of the rumor about the Five Qi Cave Heaven. He also searched several times, but the underground cracks were too big and the odor was extremely strong, so he couldn't find anything.

The sudden change was obviously caused by the geomagnetic energy being interfered with by severe magic power.

Wanshou Taoist Lord rolled his little eyes and asked casually: "Fellow Taoist, I think that direction seems to be the direction of Tianmen Mountain?"

Yuan Tian changed his mind and decided not to offend Wanshou after all. He made a sneak attack on Lu Xuanji but failed, and instead caused a lot of trouble. Although Dao Zun Xuanyang didn't say anything, he had to be on guard. Having Wanshou here can help him share a lot of pressure.

Besides, Wuqi Cave Heaven is not a kind place. It’s not a bad thing to have Wanshou by your side.

He nodded and said: "It's Tianmen Mountain. Someone should have opened the Five Qi Cave..."

Wanshou Taoist's little eyes lit up: "Wuqi Cave, it is said that Five Elements Taoist has hidden artifacts, secrets and other treasures in it. If we have this opportunity, we can't miss it!"

"That's what I mean. Let's go and see it together."

Yuan Tianyi said: "The treasures left by Taoist Master Chunyang must be extraordinary. If we can get one or two pieces, the benefits will be great."

Taoist Master Wanshou said excitedly: "Tianmen Mountain is originally under the jurisdiction of fellow Taoists. Wuqi Cave Heaven is naturally owned by fellow Taoists. Anyone who dares to come to Wuqi Cave Heaven to steal treasures should be damned!"

"Haha, what fellow Taoist said is absolutely true..." Yuan Tianyi laughed. With Wanshou as his helper, no one can take away the treasures of Wuqi Cave Heaven!

(End of this chapter)

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