Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 656 Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared

Chapter 656 Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared

Wanshou Daojun had an ugly expression on his old, wrinkled, withered face. From Yuan Tianyi's point of view, the old turtle was even a little angry.

As an intelligent being who has lived for nearly ten thousand years, Taojun Wanshou does everything slowly. This was the first time that Yuan Tianyi saw Taoist Wanshou lose his temper like this.

Yuan Tianyi was a little puzzled. Even if the divination failed, the old turtle didn't have to be like this?

He also had some doubts about Wanshou Daojun's divination. Logically speaking, even if the other party was afraid of the Underworld Black Lotus, there was no need to run out of the Five Qi Cave Heaven.

Just looking at Wanshou's appearance, it was hard to ask any more questions.

Wanshou Daojun is actually not angry, but mainly a little panicked. Hetu and Luoshu are the first-class divination secrets in this world. As a turtle, he has a huge natural advantage in this regard, and he has received guidance from a master. He can use his turtle shell for divination, and he can predict everything.

Of course, divination can only provide an approximate estimate and is never a panacea.

At critical moments, knowing a rough idea is enough to make an accurate judgment and change the situation.

This is true for any divination method. The simpler and rougher the divination problem, the higher the accuracy. On the contrary, the more detailed and clear the calculation, the more likely it is that the result will be wrong.

Wanshou took out the tortoise shell, just to predict whether the person was in Wu Qi Cave Heaven. The divination is done so solemnly, and the problem of divination is so simple, so it stands to reason that there will be no mistakes.

The correct situation is that there are many cracks on the tortoise shell. He interpreted it according to the map of the river corresponding to the cracks.

The tortoise shell was broken into dozens of pieces!

Wanshou Daojun has never encountered such a situation. According to the interpretation of the river diagram, generally speaking, this kind of situation is actually a serious disaster.

Or the level of the person or thing being predicted is too high, far beyond the scope of his prediction, and the tortoise shell cannot bear it and collapses on its own.

Wanshou Daojun was also taken aback and thought he was in big trouble. This person might be a Chunyang Taoist! Maybe even the Mahayana Lord...

But he didn't have any ominous premonitions. As a naturally psychic Turtle Clan, he would have premonitions about his own life and death disasters. If there is a real problem, he will definitely be able to sense it.

When he calmed down, he was convinced that the man had left Wu Qi Cave Heaven and entered the protection range of a certain Chunyang Taoist. His divination touched a higher level powerhouse, so the tortoise shell shattered.

Wanshou Daojun was so angry mainly because he was startled, but there was Yuan Tianyi next to him, which made him a little embarrassed.

Yuan Tianyi was also very wise and did not ask him any more questions. He looked at the huge sea of ​​five-color lotuses and said, "Since that man is gone, how about we destroy the Huangquan Black Lotus?"

"I have a bottle of Nine Heavens Divine Fire that has been refined into Xuanyin and Yang water. This water looks like the ultimate yin but will naturally transform into the ultimate yang divine fire, which is designed to destroy extremely yin and filthy things like the underworld and black lotus..."

Wanshou Daojun has lived long enough and is not burdened by his sect. In his early years, he traveled to the East China Sea and collected many mysterious spiritual objects.

The Huangquan Black Lotus is extremely powerful in its true form, and Wanshou Daojun does not want to fight with this thing. Fortunately, even if this kind of spiritual creature has spirituality, it still has little insight.

By using spiritual objects in a targeted manner, it is easy to restrain Huangquan Black Lotus.

Yuan Tianyi smiled and said: "I also killed the Thick Earth Golden Toad in my early years. This thing converts the two spiritual energies of gold and earth into a naturally poisonous poison, which is designed to kill all vegetation and living things.

"Although the Underworld Black Lotus is strong, the two spiritual creatures will kill most of it..."

Taoist Lord Wanshou couldn't help but smile: "Fellow Taoist, you actually have such a spiritual creature, the underworld and the black lotus will die."

The two Taoist Transformation Lords are very knowledgeable. They took a look at the true form of Huangquan Black Lotus from a distance and knew the weakness of this thing. The two Taoist masters casually threw the prepared spiritual objects onto a five-color lotus.

They could see clearly that these five-color lotus flowers were part of the Black Lotus of the Underworld. It's useless to get rid of these five-color lotus flowers, even if we can't break the roots hidden deep in the soil. However, two top-quality spiritual objects can follow the root system into the center of Huangquan Black Lotus, exert their spirituality step by step, and fundamentally break the spirituality of Huangquan Black Lotus.

After only a few days of this, the five-color lotus began to wither and wither, and its leaves, stems, and roots became as dry and hard as dead wood, without any vitality.

The two Taoist Transformation Lords felt that the heat was almost over, so they each used secret techniques to sneak into the ground.

Thousands of miles deep underground, the two Taoists saw a huge black lotus wrapped in many petals. This will cause most of the outer black lotus petals to wither and turn yellow, dry and as dry as earth. There is a very strong spirituality in the center wrapped in many petals, which is running mana to resist the erosion of the two spiritual objects.

Wanshou and Yuan Tianyi both sneered. No matter how spiritual the mere spirits of plants and trees are, they cannot compare with cultivators.

The Xuanyin-turned-Yang Water is certainly poisonous, but even more powerful is the poison of the Golden Toad of Thick Earth. It can transform the spirituality of vegetation into the nature of earth and wood. In addition, Xuanyin transforms Yang water from Zhiyin into Nine Heavens Divine Fire. The two spiritual objects complement each other and increase their toxicity tenfold.

By the time Huangquan Heilian noticed something was wrong, it was already too late.

Yuan Tianyi flicked his sleeves and summoned nine huge sky puppets. The nine sky puppets wearing silver armor combined together and turned into a giant cannon.

The huge silver magic circle formed by the sky puppet also spread out on the ground.

Yuan Tianyi proudly said to Taoist Lord Wanshou: "This cannon is called the Tongtian Cannon. It is not good at anything else, but it is best at attacking forts."

The Tongtian Cannon is both a divine weapon and a magic circle. It is a divine weapon inherited from the Tianpuppet Sect and has powerful power. One blow is enough to kill a powerful person who transforms into a god.

However, the Heavenly Cannon transformed by the Heavenly Puppet is a dead object after all, and it would be too difficult to hit the Divine Transformation Dao Lord. It's best used against these immobile enemies.

The silver light continued to gather, and a huge silver light bullet suddenly shot out from the huge cannon, hitting the black lotus. The huge mana impact shattered most of the black lotus.

Lian'er, who was hiding deep in the lotus flower, flew out with a gloomy face, "It turns out it's you two who are responsible for this, damn it!"

Lian'er shouted sharply, and a huge black lotus appeared out of thin air, covering Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou Daojun.

Gao Xian, thousands of miles away, was watching the excitement from a distance on a mountain peak. After the two Shinto Lords sneaked underground, he couldn't see anything.

Just as Gao Xian was thinking about getting closer, he saw huge waves suddenly rising from the lake, as if the entire lake was about to be overturned...


Thousands of miles away, Gao Xian could feel the tyrannical power of the mana. He saw a powerful black stench in it.

There is no doubt that it was Lian'er who took action.

Gao Xian was a little suspicious that the two Taoist Masters were acting to trick him into coming over. It was obviously impossible for Lian'er to cooperate with the show. This is really a fight!

You have to get closer to see this kind of excitement, and maybe you can get some benefits.

Gao Xian despises Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou very much. The dignified Shinto Lord rebelled and even attacked them secretly. Their character was too bad. If given the chance, he would be willing to help Lu Xuanji deal with the two old guys...

He was already prepared for this.

(End of this chapter)

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