Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 657 Helping Others

Deep underground, the Lian'er transformed from the spiritual power of the Black Lotus in the Yellow Spring triggered the realm of law. The huge black lotus covered a thousand miles in radius, trapping the two Taoist Lords who transformed into gods.

Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou Daojun were both calm and were not in a hurry to break through the legal domain. The two of them had venomous eyes, and they both saw that Lian'er's foundation had been severely damaged, which would lead to an explosion of magical power. Although it was powerful, it would not last long.

As long as it can be delayed for a while, this ray of spirituality will not be able to hold on by itself.

The Xuanwu Tiangang practiced by Wanshou Daojun has powerful magic power, long endurance and the longest endurance. Yuan Tianyi practiced the Wancheng Yushen Sutra and was best at using external forces from external objects. The three silver-armored puppets he controls are all at the late stage of Nascent Soul. He can interchange them with the puppets at will, and the changes are endless.

The two Taoist Transformation Lords were rich in combat experience. They launched attacks with secret magic weapons from time to time while wandering around, leaving Lian'er no chance to breathe.

Although Lian'er's method of activating the magic domain is powerful, it consumes far more mana than the two Shen Dao Lords. But she was too far behind at the specific and subtle level. Most of her huge mana was ineffective and wasted, and she posed no threat to the two Shen Tao Lords.

The two sides seemed to be fighting fiercely, but it was actually Lian'er who was consuming mana.

Lian'er didn't have much knowledge but not much wisdom. She quickly discovered this problem. As a spirit born from the Underworld Black Lotus, she has a fatal weakness that she relies on the Underworld Black Lotus for her existence.

With the roots of Huangquan Black Lotus here, she can't leave here too far. Even if she saw the two enemies' plans, she couldn't think of any effective way to deal with them.

Hundreds of miles away, Gao Xian also noticed Lian'er's embarrassment. He was a little disdainful. These monsters and evil creatures were just powerful and had no other abilities.

When you reach the realm of becoming a god, simply being powerful is really useless. In terms of magic power alone, Lian'er's magic power is dozens of times stronger than that of the two Shen Dao Lords.

This is because she was poisoned and her foundation was destroyed. If she were in full strength, I don't know what it would be like.

The problem is that no matter how powerful it is, it's useless if it can't hit anyone. Lian'er's skills at the level of spiritual consciousness are too rough, not even as good as a golden elixir cultivator.

Facing the two Shen Dao Lords, they were unable to lock each other's position, and there was no way to effectively use their magic power. Even if she is not poisoned, she will be consumed to death by Yuan Tianyi and the others sooner or later if she continues to be consumed like this.

Gao Xian didn't sympathize with Lian'er, it was Lian'er who was so incompetent that she was treated like a fool by the two transformed gods. If this continues, Lian'er will only be consumed to death and will not pose any threat to the two Taoist Lords.

He originally wanted to be a fisherman, watching the snipe and clams fight and reap the benefits.

With Lian'er's useless look, it was not his turn to take advantage.

The Five Qi Chakra reached the level of mastery, which greatly increased his cultivation level. The physical strength alone is enough to compete with the powerful gods. But it was just a gesture, and there was still a certain gap between him and the real god.

Gao Xian is very self-aware. He has various magical powers and many means to save his life. If Yuan Tian stood there and asked him to slap him, he might not be able to kill him.

Gao Xian was worried but had no good solution, and Lian'er would not let him control her. He only hoped that this thing had some special magical power and could give the two divine Taoists a surprise.

The two sides fought for nearly an hour, and Lian'er's legal domain that shrouded the void finally couldn't hold on any longer. The huge black lotus dissipated one after another.

Lian'er screamed and her magic power turned into substance and spread like sound waves in all directions.

Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou Daojun each used secret techniques to retreat, easily avoiding the violent sound waves. Sound waves swept in all directions, exploding a huge hole in the already messy ground.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the two Taoist Masters to evade, Lian'er turned around and fell deep into the ground. She knew she couldn't defeat him, so she thought about escaping deep underground with her body.

The two Taoist Masters did not stop him. It was a good thing for the spirituality to return to the original body, so that they could easily find the position of the original body.

Gao Xian, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, wanted to sigh, what a pig-headed person!

However, at this point, Lian'er was at the end of her rope and couldn't do any tricks. The two Shen Tao Lords were extremely sophisticated and did not give Lian'er any chance.

Yuan Tian's eyes sparkled with golden light, and he locked onto Lian'er's figure through secret techniques. The appearance Lian'er takes doesn't matter, but the unique aura presented by her consciousness cannot be hidden.

In the blink of an eye, Lian'er had escaped thousands of miles underground and entered a huge black round root.

Such huge black foundations are spread all over the ground, and it is difficult to tell which one is the true body of the Underworld Black Lotus just from the appearance.

Until Lian'er returned, Yuan Tianyi found the body of Huangquan Black Lotus.

The two highly poisonous poisons have also greatly affected the body. The surface of the outer rhizome has become deserted, and the whole body looks like dead wood. It has lost its vitality from the outside.

"The monster still wants to run away!"

Yuan Tianyi was already prepared for this. He took out a fifth-level magic talisman from his sleeve. With his level of cultivation, he needs to chant mantras and hold seals in order to activate the fifth-level finger-to-ground steel talisman.

Turning the ground into steel is a third-level spell. It is not too difficult, but it is very useful. The talisman in Yuan Tianyi's hand was as high as five levels. It contains magical changes that are enough to turn a mountain into steel in an instant.

It's just that this transformation cannot last long, and the talisman will soon become ineffective.

All the magic power of the original talisman was concentrated on the pill-shaped rhizome. Lian'er merged with her main body and was about to escape deep underground when a bit of white light fell from above, making her whole body sink.

The huge pill-shaped rhizome instantly turned into a thick mass of steel. This fundamental change in the nature of the magic power even made Lian'er's body become steel and solidified.

Wanshou Taoist saw an opportunity, and he fired a Nine-Yang Divine Fire Pill with a flick of his finger. It was a pill condensed from the divine fire from the nine heavens. The power of the divine fire was fierce and domineering, and had a miraculous effect on evil spirits and filth.

Jiuyang Shenhuo Pills are consumables and will dissipate completely after use. Wanshou Daojun is reluctant to use it at any time. Just like when he was besieging Lu Xuanji, he was not willing to take it out.

This time it's different, the Underworld Black Lotus is right in front of you. If you don't take action, this thing will probably run away.

The rhizome that turned into a huge iron ball shone with red light, and the red flame burned rapidly. The Nine-Yang Divine Fire Pill turns into flames that are enough to boil molten mountains into the sea.

Not to mention the iron ball transformed by magic, even a real mountain of iron can be melted into juice.

In the blink of an eye, the huge iron ball turned red, and the outer layer began to melt rapidly into large amounts of juice and green smoke...

Gao Xian, who was watching from a hundred miles away, also sighed in admiration. The two Shen Tao Lords were extremely skilled in magic, and they both pointed at the woman's fatal weakness.

If this continues, that woman will really be burned to ashes...

Gao Xian knew this, but there was nothing he could do. The two Shinto Lords were using no strength at all, and it was useless for him to run over to help.

Besides, an evil creature like Lian'er can't tell the difference between friend and foe. He ran over to help, but Lian'er wouldn't appreciate it. Now he just hopes that this powerful monster has some special powers.

At the very least, it would be okay to self-destruct and teach the two Shinto Masters a lesson. The flames of the burning black and red giant ball hundreds of miles away suddenly solidified. As the black and red giant ball collapsed inward and condensed, the mana that was condensing deep in its core became extremely manic...

Gao Xian was overjoyed, "Good guy, you really listen to my advice!" Explode! Explode!
He could tell that the evil creature Lian'er probably realized that there was no way to survive, so it simply concentrated all its magic power inward and prepared to self-destruct.

Evil creatures, monsters, etc. all like to play this trick. Including cultivators above Foundation Establishment, they can detonate their own mana centers and die together.

The two Shen Dao Lords also looked solemn. They were also prepared for this, but such a huge evil thing exploded. If one of them was not good, it could really destroy them both physically and mentally.

Yuan Tianyi used his spiritual consciousness to say to Wanshou Daojun: "I use the Wancheng Demon Sealing Order to temporarily seal its spiritual consciousness and imprison the changes in its magic power. How about using the Jiuyin Divine Forbidden Technique to obliterate the spirit of this thing's soul?"

"Just follow the Taoist friend." Wanshou knew that this was a bit risky. If the seal failed, both of them would be unlucky if the thing self-destructed.

But he is very confident in this. The evil thing has strong magic power but little wisdom. He and Yuan Tianyi joined forces to seal this evil thing away.

Yuan Tianyi reached out and took out a silver token from his sleeve. He chanted a mantra and held the seal to activate the token, which turned into silver light and landed on the huge ball.

Most of the rhizome was melted, and it was still a hundred feet in diameter. When the Ten Thousand-Cheng Demon-Sealing Order falls on the ball, it breaks down into billions of silver light, just like layers of silver giant nets wrapping the ball layer by layer.

The silver light network actually consists of countless silver runes forming a magic circle, and these silver light runes are still seeping inwards. Lian'er, who was frantically activating mana and preparing to self-destruct, was blocked by countless silver runes. For a moment, her consciousness was imprisoned, and she was unable to activate her mana.

Wanshou Daojun seized the opportunity to hold the seal and chant the mantra to activate the Jiuyin Forbidden God Technique. This method is complex and mysterious, specifically capable of sealing the consciousness of the soul, and is an authentic method of Taoism.

However, this method requires a long time to prepare and generally cannot be used directly in combat.

Only if Yuan Tianyi imprisoned the Black Lotus of Huangquan first, Taoist Wanshou could calmly chant the spell and cast the spell. After a hundred breaths of preparation, Wanshou Daojun finally activated the Nine Yins Forbidden God Technique.

He pressed his palm downwards, and the Nine Yin Qi turned into a huge palm and slowly landed on the ball. The huge palm quickly penetrated inward and landed directly on Lian'er.

The Wancheng Demon Sealing Order only temporarily imprisoned Lian'er, but failed to erase her consciousness. The Nine Yin Qi fell, but Lian'er was severely stimulated.

Although Lian'er was not very intelligent, she felt the danger of complete destruction at this moment. She desperately released her magic power and wanted to self-destruct.

Wanshou Daojun holds the Beiming Ling in one hand. This is an ancient artifact he obtained in the sea. Although it is a bit rough, it can mobilize huge mana for him to use.

At this time, Wanshou Daojun's spiritual consciousness and Lian'er's spiritual consciousness were directly fighting, and he couldn't help but have some difficulty. Only with the help of the power of the artifact can Lian'er be suppressed.

The magic power around Lian'er's body continued to surge, and the huge black energy palm holding her continued to ripple and fade, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

Wanshou Daojun didn't dare to be lazy in paddling anymore. His small mung bean-like eyes were bulging high and his neck was stretched out. He was really using up all his magic power.

Yuan Tianyi was not as embarrassed as Taoist Wanshou. His face was red now and veins popped up on his forehead. The soul uses all its power to operate its magic power, but it also needs to be transformed by the physical body, so the physical body also bears tremendous pressure.

Under the suppression of the two Shen-Tao Lords, Lian'er, who continued to explode wildly, was suppressed after a moment of stalemate.

The huge black palm formed by Jiuyin Forbidden God held Lian'er firmly in the palm, and the black palm print also penetrated into Lian'er's body.

These black palm prints are actually countless fine runes, which are going deep into Lian'er's soul to block her layer by layer.

Lian'er's expression was abnormally twisted and ferocious, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't resist the two Shinto-Tao Lords working together to display their magical powers.

As time dragged on, Lian'er's body gradually solidified and turned black, and layers of fine runes had truly sealed her inside.

Wanshou Daojun and Yuan Tianyi also breathed a sigh of relief. They can use various techniques when fighting. If you want to imprison Huangquan Black Lotus, you can only fight directly.

Although the two people's spiritual consciousness is strong, together they are far inferior to Lian'er. Fortunately, the secret technique was superb and he was able to hit the opponent hard first, so he could barely suppress it.

Yuan Tianyi said: "Once her soul is sealed, it will be completely erased. This thing is too dangerous..."

Wanshou Daojun felt it was a pity, as a soul of this level was actually very valuable. It's just that this thing is evil and powerful. An omission will pose a huge threat to yourself.

He nodded and said, "Okay!"

The two Shentao Lords felt that the situation was certain and they were sure to win, and they felt much more relaxed.

At this moment, the two god-incarnated Taoists sensed at the same time that there was a strong spiritual fluctuation a hundred miles away.

"Someone is watching!"

Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou Daojun reacted extremely quickly and activated their secret techniques to protect themselves at the same time.

A ray of azure light swept across from a distance, but the target of this blue light was a huge spherical rhizome.

As soon as Yuan Tian sensed the strong, powerful and vitality in the green light, he immediately understood the other party's intention, but this person had grasped the timing of his attack very well.

Both he and Wanshou were trying their best to seal the Yellow Spring Black Lotus, and they instinctively protected themselves when they sensed changes in mana. Unexpectedly, the secret technique this person activated was not to attack them, but to cast some kind of Aoki-type secret technique to heal injuries.

In fact, this blue light is extremely bright and clear, and has the effect of eliminating impurities. For Huangquan Heilian, it actually has a huge negative effect.

Gao Xian didn't want to save Lian'er, he just wanted to give her a strong stimulus.

After refining the Five Qi Wheel and adding the proficient level of the Five Elements Divine Light, the power of the Qinghua Divine Light he activated has also reached the fifth level, and its changes are even more mysterious and exquisite.

Green light penetrated the huge rhizome and shone on Lian'er, who was banned by the Nine Yin Forbidden God Law. The endless vitality in the green light made Lian'er's banned vitality burst out. The purifying power of the green light to remove dirt gave Lian'er an extremely huge stimulus.

Lian'er's body suddenly swelled, the black giant palm holding her collapsed, and the silver light restriction outside also broke.

"It's broken!" Both Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou Daojun realized that something was wrong, but their secret method was entangled with Lian'er, which didn't mean they could just let go.

Lian'er broke free from the restraint, and without hesitation triggered the self-destruction, and her whole body turned into a ball of intense black light.

The black light turned into thousands of light arrows, shooting in all directions with unparalleled ferocity.

Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou Daojun were the first to bear the brunt, and their secret protective techniques were instantly destroyed under the black light arrows. As the black light flourished, everything was annihilated... (End of this chapter)

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