The black light is extremely domineering, erasing all existence wherever it passes.

Gao Xian, who was a hundred miles away, was also a little surprised. Lian'er's self-destruction was really powerful. No wonder the two Shinto Lords couldn't hold it back.

Fortunately, he was far enough away that even though the black light was overbearing, it couldn't hurt him.

Gao Xian knew that the two Shen Dao Lords were not dead. They ran away after their protection was broken.

Wanshou Daojun left behind a piece of tortoise shell to bear the damage on his own behalf. The body of Taoist Wanshou was transferred to an unknown place through secret methods.

Yuan Tianyi was the same, he used a puppet to stand in for his death, and he disappeared to nowhere.

Gao Xian didn't want to chase these two, although they might have been injured and lost important life-saving magical powers. But he was not sure he could keep the other party.

Besides, there is no need to fight Yuan Tianyi and the others for the time being.

In another three to five hundred years, he will have refined the three souls, and it will be easy to kill them again, so there is no need to rush.

When the black light dissipated, Gao Xian entered the central area and saw a small black lotus pod. He knew that this was what Lian'er left behind.

The lotus pods are very delicate and beautiful like black jade carvings.

Gao Xian looked carefully with a flower-appraising mirror. There were nine black lotus seeds inside the lotus pod, and a black spiritual crystal shaped like a heart in the center.

He is very experienced with this kind of spiritual crystal. Just by looking at the appearance, he can tell that it is a fifth-level divine product.

When he was in Qixing Mountain, he found several fifth-level divine star crystals. This spiritual crystal, which is also at the divine level, is of a higher level than the star crystal he obtained.

As for its use, this needs to be considered and studied.

There are countless spiritual things in the world, but these spiritual things do not have instructions for use. For the identification of spiritual objects, most of them are based on the accumulated experience of previous people, coupled with personal understanding of spiritual objects.

These identifications are not guaranteed to be accurate. We can only say that those common spiritual objects have almost no mistakes due to the countless experiences accumulated by previous people.

The black spiritual crystal in his hand was quite rare throughout the ages. Even the most skilled appraisers may not be able to determine the purpose of this item.

Fortunately, the rules of heaven and earth are magical. No matter how terrifying and evil the evil creature was in life, the spiritual crystal it transforms after death must be extremely pure and free from any evil aura.

Gao Xian briefly inspected the black lotus pod and then put it into the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword.

After the Five Elements Swords are forged, the magical powers of the Five Swords are also preserved. Therefore, he can also turn the Five Elements sword into a robe and wear it on his body.

However, there are still some problems after all. The Five Elements sword is not suitable for protection. When the Five Elements Sword Weapon is activated, the white clothes on his body are just condensed sword energy, and have no protective effect.

Seeing the miserable situation of the two Shinto Lords, Gao Xian also became a little wary. Even though he had the Five Energy Wheels to refine his body, he still couldn't resist the black light that just erupted.

The pure destructive power is enough to annihilate everything, and its power is really terrifying.

If he had been within the black light field just now, he would have had to escape through clone transfer. In addition, his life-saving methods are actually far inferior to those of Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou Daojun.

Gao Xian thought it was better to be careful and prepare a high-level protective robe. If he couldn't find the artifact left behind by the Taoist Master in Wu Qi Cave Heaven, he would go back and buy the Taihuanmeng Taoist Yi.

Xuanyang Dao Zun was quite generous to him and taught him the Five Qi Wheel without any conditions. It can be seen that Dao Zun Xuanyang values ​​​​him very much.

With this big boss protecting him, it would be nothing for him to spend money on Taihuanmeng Taoist clothes.

He still has more than 230,000 top-quality spiritual stones in his hand. It is better to invest in himself than to keep it in his hand!

Gao Xian walked around the ground again, mainly trying to pick up leaks. Facts have proved that he thought too much...

Most of the remaining rhizomes deep underground were destroyed, and most of the remaining rhizomes were rotten, leaving nothing inside.

Returning to the ground, Gao Xian found no trace of the two Shen Tao Lords. It seems that these two people used secret methods to escape from Wuqi Cave Heaven, and they did not dare to come back for a while.

Just as Gao Xian expected, both Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou Daojun left the Five Qi Cave Heaven in an instant by pre-setting the magic circle and magic talismans.

In the Tianpuppet Sect, Yuan Tianyi's face was dark. This defeat was all due to his trust in Taoist Wanshou. This old turtle said that that person was definitely not in Wuqi Cave Heaven.

If he hadn't believed this old bastard's lies, he wouldn't have been so aggressive and adventurous.

This person was also sinister when he did it. Instead of attacking them, he used a secret method to treat Huangquan Black Lotus, causing the thing to self-destruct. Moreover, this person's whereabouts are mysterious.

The distance between the two parties was so close that he didn't even notice anything was wrong. It wasn't until the man gathered his magic power to take action that he sensed the aura of his opponent's magic power.

He had met that Gao Xian many years ago. Although he had practiced the Five Elements magic well, his cultivation was a bit mixed. He is practicing both swordsmanship and body training. It looks extraordinary in all its bells and whistles, but in fact he has gone on an evil path.

What Pojun Xingjun, what a great name! There will never be too high achievements in the future! This person has extremely pure five-element magic power, precise vision, and a sinister mind. He is definitely a Taoist master who transforms into gods!
Yuan Tianyi thought hard, but he really couldn't think of such a divine Taoist Lord in Mingzhou.

After more than a month, Taoist Lord Wanshou returned to the Tianpuppet Sect. The escape circle he reserved cannot be set up in the Tianpuppet Sect, and he doesn't trust Yuan Tianyi that much.

When the two Shen Dao Lords met again, they were both relatively speechless. Wanshou Daojun was actually a little ashamed. If he hadn't made a mistake in his calculations, the two of them wouldn't be in such a mess.

It's just that he has lived for thousands of years, and his face has been tempered to be extremely thick. Facing his colleague Yuan Tianyi, it was impossible for him to apologize and admit his mistake. There is no need for this.

Of course, he still has to keep his attitude low.

Lord Wanshou said excitedly: "The man who made the move is so sinister and mysterious that I can't even divine his traces. This man is a formidable enemy!"

Yuan Tianyi was silent for a moment and nodded in agreement: "It's a strong enemy."

"Let's cultivate for a period of time first. This war has consumed a lot of energy. In a few years, how about we go to the Five Qi Cave Heaven?" Wanshou Daojun suggested.

This time I suffered a big loss. Although my soul was not hurt, I lost important life-saving magical powers. In a short period of time, Lord Wanshou doesn't want to take any more risks.

Even though the artifacts left behind by the Great Five Elements Taoist Master are good, they are not worth risking their lives for.

Yuan Tianyi sighed softly: "That's all it can do."

He also cherished his life and feared death. He had been cultivating his life-saving magic power for hundreds of years, but it was all gone in one go, but he didn’t get anything back. Moreover, he didn’t even see who the enemy was.

The treasures left behind by Huangquan Heilian after his self-destruction were all advantageous to the other party.

Losing this battle can be described as extremely frustrating.

Even so, Yuan Tianyi could bear this tone. At his age and cultivation level, there is no need to fight for one breath.

In the Five Qi Cave Heaven, Gao Xian found no trace of the two divine Taoist Lords, and he didn't pay much attention. Anyway, I can leave immediately if something happens, and I don't have to worry about the two Taoist Masters seeking revenge.

Since the other party didn't come, he continued to look for a treasure land rich in the five elements to practice.

The Five Elements' essences are abundant in the Five Qi Cave Heaven. However, the cave is so vast that the five elements' essences gathered there are also pure and mixed. Wherever the Five Elements are more pure, powerful monsters and evil things will always gather.

Killing these monsters yields very little, but the risk is considerable. Although Gao Xian is not afraid, he is not willing to take risks easily. The two Shinto Lords are a lesson learned from the past.

After going around like this for more than half a year, Gao Xian finally found a good place. Occupying the treasure land is a giant tree, which also has high spirituality. It should be regarded as a tree demon.

Any large monster that enters the range of the tree demon will have its flesh and blood sucked away. This big tree also emits a rich aroma that attracts various monsters.

Monsters transformed from vegetation have strong vitality and are difficult to kill completely. However, Gao Xian took a fancy to the fact that this tree was not very intelligent, so he used Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu to restrain it.

Through the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu, he released the blood light and continuously corroded the tree demon. In just over a month, the tree demon was sucked alive.

Gao Xian also occupied this precious place in the valley and began his practice.

The extremely pure Five Elements Qi Qi is not only useful for the Five Qi Chakras, but also has an extraordinary effect on the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra.

Gao Xian occupied the spiritual place and practiced for more than a year, and his cultivation has made significant progress. This is clearly visible through Fengyue Baojian.

Through this period of research, he also figured out the general purpose of those black lotus seeds. In fact, it is a simulated trial through Taishi Temple. After all, it is only a fifth-level divine object, and it can be simulated by Taishi Temple.

Black lotus seeds contain the essence of the Five Energy, which can be taken directly and transformed into the body through the Five Energy wheel, which can strengthen all aspects of the body.

After taking the three black lotus seeds, Gao Xian spent three years digesting them, pushing the Five Energy Wheel to the expert level and saving him four billion humane auras.

The Positive and Negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra also rose to the tenth level, and his cultivation also reached the tenth level of Nascent Soul.

Gao Xian was also surprised that the black lotus seeds were so magical.

He guessed that it might be because the lotus seeds contained the essence of the Five Elements and matched the Five Elements Secret Technique, so they had immediate results!

It can only be said that the two Shentao Lords have done great things. Without Yuan Tianyi and Wanshou's desperate efforts, he might not be able to solve Lian'er alone. After all, he didn't have the magical power to restrain Lian'er.

Gao Xian took the remaining six black lotus seeds one after another and spent five years refining the spiritual energy inside them, which allowed him to reach the master realm in one fell swoop.

The positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra has also been promoted to the master level, and his cultivation has reached the peak state of the tenth level of Nascent Soul.

At this level, there is only one step away from the realm of becoming a god...

(It’s the last few days of this month. Please vote for support~) (End of this chapter)

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