Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 659 Sky-high Price

Chapter 659 Sky-high Price
Life span: 380/5000 years

Cultivation: Tenth level of Nascent Soul

The Pros and Cons of the Hunyuan Sutra of Five Elements: The Realm of the Grandmaster
Five Qi Chakra: Master Realm...

Gao Xian looked at the data on Fengyue Baojian and was also very emotional. Before he knew it, he was almost four hundred years old!

This lifespan is equivalent to four lifetimes of a long-lived mortal. For him, he has only traveled one-third of his life. Proportionally speaking, he is still a child!

The Five Qi Chakras rose to the master level, which increased his lifespan by a thousand years. This number is quite impressive, and Gao Xian is very satisfied with it.

If he had only reached the threshold of becoming a god before, at this step, he had truly reached the realm of becoming a god with his body refining technique.

Generally speaking, those who are strong in body training follow the path of integrating body and soul, and will be significantly inferior to practitioners of the same level at the level of spiritual consciousness. Therefore, the strength of a body-refining expert lies in the tyranny of the physical body, but he is far inferior in terms of spell changes.

However, he can continuously strengthen his spiritual consciousness through the Taishi Idol, and with Sister Lan presiding in the middle, he can be regarded as the superposition of two powerful gods in spiritual consciousness. In this way, it can make up for the shortcomings in physical training.

It has been more than ten years since it came out. All the Black Lotus seeds have been used, and only one Black Lotus Spirit Crystal is left.

Although the Flower Appreciating Mirror has not been upgraded, its powerful six senses can obtain more information, which in disguise has improved the Flower Appreciating Mirror.

He felt that his cultivation was not enough, or his guidance method was wrong.

This spiritual crystal contains powerful and pure five elements of spiritual energy, and there is also a pure spiritual consciousness in it. Gao Xian tried many times in Taishi Temple, but all kinds of magic were unable to induce the spiritual energy in the spiritual crystal.

These powerful gods have lived for at least three to four thousand years, and their life span is more than ten times that of him. These thousands of years are not just for nothing, but they have accumulated a profound foundation.

Calculating the time, there are only twenty years until the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference. He wants to go back to the sect to make some preparations, but he is not suitable to stay here anymore.

Wuqi Cave Sky is actually very dangerous, but fortunately this area has been cleaned up. It will take at least hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate powerful evil things again.

Gao Xian feels that he is very strong now, terrifyingly strong! Well, at the Nascent Soul level!

Turn on the flower appreciating mirror, and you can have a panoramic view of everything within a radius of four thousand miles with him as the center, no matter how big or small it is. His terrifying perception ability allows him to easily kill cultivators from long distances.

At the same level of power, these Taoist Masters master it more deeply and thoroughly, and their combat strategies are more sophisticated and sophisticated.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Gao Xian glanced at Qingyun City from a distance. It's still so messy, dirty, and disgusting.

The Five Qi Chakra reached the master level, making his six senses extremely sharp.

On the other hand, there are many fifth-level monsters and monsters here. Killing more monsters and evil things to absorb the essence and blood will be of great benefit to the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu.

Gao Xian and Taixuan God exchanged places. He came to the top of Xuandu Mountain, and Taixuan God entered the Five Qi Cave Heaven.

Wuqi Cave Heaven has strict restrictions, and opening the restrictions will cause huge commotion. In order to facilitate entry and exit, Gao Xian decided to let Taixuan Shenxiang temporarily stay in Wuqi Cave Heaven.

Although he now has the power of the God Transformation level, it is not enough to compete with the God Transformation. It won't be too late to study these after he comes back from the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly, gets the Yuanling Earth Embryo Stone, and condenses the second Yuan Shen.

It is said that this place is indeed suitable for practicing Five Elements Kung Fu, but the Five Elements are too energetic, which in turn will continue to assimilate form and spirit. For practitioners, staying too long is not a good thing.

Just like Lian'er, the two Shen Dao Lords can easily be dealt with even if they don't join forces. If it were him, he would have no choice but to fight with Lian'er. This is the real difference between him and Huashen Daojun.

The Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu cultivated by Taixuan Shenxiang is not compatible with the Five Elements Essence. However, through this powerful artifact, he can easily transform the Five Elements Essence for his own use.

If he wanted to kill a powerful god-former of the same level, Gao Xian felt that he must at least have an overwhelming advantage to do it.

Within two thousand miles, the mana he cast was enough to kill the foundation. Within a thousand miles, there is no pressure to kill ordinary golden elixirs.

At the realm of transformation into gods, he should be able to compete with Lu Xuanji and Yuan Tianyi. However, there is still a huge gap between him and the Avatar in terms of experience.

Gao Xian quietly left Xuandu Mountain and flew tens of thousands of miles before activating the Great Universe Movement Talisman and returning to Xuanming Sect.

In Yaoguang Palace, Gao Xian met Qiniang who was working.

I haven't seen her for more than ten years, but Qiniang's complexion is getting better and better, her body is getting younger and younger, her eyes are calm and calm, and she truly has the power of the high-ranking Nascent Soul Lord.

Managing such a large Yaoguang Palace also made Qiniang more confident. In addition, the foundation of Nascent Soul has been stabilized, and the condition is getting better and better.

Qiniang also felt that Gao Xian had changed a lot, not externally, but more youthful. Although Gao Xian is almost 400 years old, he looks as energetic as a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, but without the childishness and clumsiness of a teenager.

Xiao Xiao is solemn, clear and bright, no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel happy.

"Axian..." Qiniang knew that Gao Xian must have made great progress in cultivation. She was very happy for Gao Xian, and she couldn't help but show a bit of joy in her eyes.

"Qiniang." Gao Xian was very happy to see Qiniang again. He went over and hugged Qiniang and kissed her.

Holding the slender and tall Qiniang, Gao Xian couldn't help but feel a little interested. When Qiniang saw Gao Xian's fiery eyes, she hurriedly said: "Don't be here."

This is Yaoguang Palace, and I don’t know how many people come here every day to do things. This is not a place for messing around.

Gao Xian thought about it, Qiniang was the deacon elder after all, and she was in charge of the Yaoguang Palace on his behalf. If she goes too far, it will greatly affect Qiniang's image and her authority.

"I'll wait for you tonight."

Gao Xian and Qiniang said a few words and then returned to Jingxing Palace alone.

When he was away, Qingqing helped him take charge of Jingxing Palace. Qingqing was very excited to see Gao Xian come back. She pulled Gao Xian's sleeve and begged: "Dad, please take me with you when you go out again. I'm a Nascent Soul, so I can always help..." Qingqing didn't like it. Staying in Yaoguang Palace to handle official duties made her scratch her head. She prefers to draw her sword and fight directly, and does not like these tedious and complicated affairs.

"Is there anyone coming over while I'm out?" Gao Xian ignored Qingqing's coquettishness. The things he was doing now were very dangerous, and bringing Qingqing with him wouldn't help much, but would be a drag.

"Taichu came three times, Taining came twice. The palace master also sent someone to ask once." Qingqing counted with her fingers and suddenly said: "Dad, I think Taichu is better."


Gao Xian didn't know why Qingqing suddenly mentioned this.

Qingqing felt a little guilty when Gao Xian saw her. She lowered her bright eyes and whispered: "Taining, uncle is a bit too shrewd. Taichu has a simple and pure temperament, good swordsmanship, and more beautiful people..."

"Children should not get involved in adult matters."

Gao Xian knocked Qingqing on the forehead. If this kid doesn't practice his sword well, why is he still thinking about palace fighting? He and these women practice dual cultivation, each getting what he needs, and there is no question of who is better with him.

He didn't want to choose a Taoist companion either.

If you choose, you can only have one Taoist companion. If you don’t choose, any of the beauties in the world can be a Taoist companion!
The people of Taichu were simple, but they were sword-mad. Sitting and discussing swords is not bad, but being friends is a bit boring. The only advantage is that they are good-looking, but the longer they get along, the advantage of good looks will gradually disappear.

People's ability to adapt is so strong that even after decades of looking at someone with good looks, you'll get used to it and you won't feel anything special.

It's like people can see the tip of their nose in most cases, but people have long learned to ignore their nose. This is the power of habit.

Qingqing was scolded, and her face was full of grievances. She was doing it for her father's benefit, but she didn't expect that her father wouldn't appreciate it.

"Let me see how your swordsmanship is going. You still have time to figure it out every day..."

Gao Xian led Qingqing Yuanying's spiritual consciousness into the Taishi Palace, and had a few moves with Qingqing himself.

With his current strength and swordsmanship, he can kill Qing Qing instantly. After all, he raised his own child, and he couldn't bear to teach Qingqing such a lesson. Furthermore, swordsmanship is the most important thing, and excessive setbacks will also affect Qingqing's state of mind.

After practicing more than a dozen moves, Gao Xian found that Qing Qing had made a lot of progress, and she was already a bit elegant when using her sword skills. His cultivation also became more and more refined.

But the gap between him and me is getting bigger and bigger.

The Five Qi Wheel has reached the master level, and he has truly reached the level of god transformation in terms of mana control. From his perspective, Qingqing's swordsmanship had too many flaws.

It wasn't that there was something wrong with Qing Qing's training, the root cause was that his strength was too weak.

Gao Xian patiently pointed out some problems in Qingqing's swordsmanship. Qingqing was a strong-tempered person, and he was ashamed and sad to find out that he had so many problems with his swordsmanship.

He had no intention of talking to Gao Xian anymore and went to seclusion to practice swordsmanship with tears in his eyes.

At night, Qiniang quietly came to Jingxing Palace. Gao Xian had not been with a woman for more than ten years, and Qiniang was a body-trainer. A battle was inevitable, and the king-like Qiniang was killed until her bones and muscles were numb and turned into a puddle...

Gao Xian Jingxing Palace rested for more than a month, and his body and mind were completely relaxed, and the fatigue and tension accumulated over more than ten years were wiped away.

After adjusting his condition, Gao Xian went to Yumei Peak under the clear moonlight.

Under the moonlight, Yumei Peak is full of trees with white plum blossoms like snow, and the fragrance is quiet. Several small buildings are half-hidden and half-revealed in the plum forest. A small stream passes through the forest, carrying the moonlight, white plums, and small buildings gurgling downwards.

Gao Xian walked slowly in the forest and felt that everything here was elegant and leisurely, like a fairyland. In comparison, the filthy Qingyun City was like hell.

Tai Ning's cultivation was pure, and Gao Xian did not deliberately restrain his aura. When he arrived in front of the small building, Tai Ning was already waiting at the door barefoot.

Under the moonlight, Gao Xian's clear and clear temperament is better than the bright moon in the sky. His white clothes are as clear as the snowy plum blossoms. There is a chic smile between his eyebrows and his romantic charm is better than the breeze in the mountains and the flowing water in the forest.

Tai Ning couldn't help but feel a little emotional, and she called softly: "Senior brother."

"Junior sister, we haven't seen each other for ten years, and we are becoming more and more beautiful..."

Gao Xian went over to hold Tai Ning's hand and led Tai Ning into the bedroom very skillfully.

We are all old friends, we are very familiar with each other in every aspect, and everything is so in tune. The clouds turn into rain, the rain turns into clouds, the joy of dual cultivation is like a fairy...

It wasn't until noon the next day that the two of them got up lazily.

Gao Xian put his arms around Tai Ning's shoulders and said, "Junior sister, is Tai Huan Meng Daoyi still in Wanbao Tower?"

Tai Ning was a little surprised and glanced sideways at Gao Xian: "Senior brother, do you want to buy this artifact?"

"Yes, I just need one less protective robe now. In twenty years' time there will be the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference. I boasted to the Taoist Master that I will win the title of Dou Sheng Zhenjun in Haikou, so I have to make some preparations."

"You really need to make more preparations. Geniuses in Jiuzhou are emerging one after another. Senior brother must not be careless..."

Tai Ning agreed very much with this, even though Gao Xian was very popular in the Xuanming Sect. Looking at Jiuzhou, this is actually nothing.

She said: "I don't know about Wanbao Tower. I'll ask Fan Qingyuan."

Tai Ning went to find Fan Qingyuan that day. When she came back in the evening, she found Gao Xian. She said with a complicated expression: "Fan Qingyuan said he wanted 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones..."

(End of this chapter)

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