"One hundred thousand top-quality spiritual stones?"

Gao Xian laughed. Fan Qingyuan must be crazy because he dares to sell a fifth-level high-grade artifact at this price!
The auction price of Taixuanmeng Taoist Clothes was 50,000 top-quality spiritual stones. No one took any bid at this price, which shows that this price is already extremely exaggerated.

According to his estimate, this Taihuan Meng Taoist Clothes is worth at most 20,000 top-quality spiritual stones.

Huashen Daojun is rich, but he also has many places to spend money. It is generally impossible to invest so many spiritual stones in a robe. Not very cost-effective.

If he hadn't been unable to find a suitable robe for a while, he wouldn't have gone to Wanbao Tower to buy the Taihuan Meng Taoist robe.

Fan Qingyuan saw his urgent need and opened his mouth unceremoniously.

To be honest, Gao Xian was a little surprised that Fan Qingyuan was so short-sighted. After all, he is also the master of Yaoguang Palace and a high-ranking member of Xuanming Sect.

Tai Ning also felt very embarrassed. She was Fan Qingyuan's uncle, and she was the direct descendant of Patriarch Zhenying. She was from the same sect and the same lineage as Fan Qingyuan, so their relationship was actually very close.

As a result, Fan Qingyuan gave her such an outrageous price, and she was embarrassed to face Gao Xian.

"What exactly does Fan Qingyuan mean?"

Gao Xian was not angry that he could sell other people's things for any amount he wanted. After all, he didn't put a knife on his neck to force him to buy.

It's just that what Fan Qingyuan did was unreasonable and made him a little confused.

When it comes to their relationship, they can be considered acquaintances even if they are not friends. After all, he has given Wanbao Tower nearly 20,000 top-quality spiritual stones in the past few decades.

In fact, he knew very well that the accounts given to him were at least two-thirds water, or even more.

However, he could not find anyone else to do this. For the sake of the aura of humanity and the path to immortality, spending more money is nothing. After all, money comes easily and it doesn’t hurt to spend it.

After spending a lot of money to promote his book for a long time, is it possible that Fan Qingyuan regarded him as a fat sheep who was easy to cheat money? Fan Qingyuan is not that stupid.

Tai Ning's exquisite little face was also full of confusion: "I don't quite understand what Fan Qingyuan means, but her attitude is respectful and polite. I'm just a messenger, so I can't say much."

As the direct descendant of Zhenying, Tai Ning really couldn't be too biased towards Gao Xian. Once word gets out, everyone in the department will have opinions about her, and even Patriarch Zhenying will think she is unreliable.

Sect disciples must first face their own sect and their fellow teachers. Favoring outsiders will be regarded as treason by everyone. The consequences are quite serious.

Tai Ning still wants to do something within the sect, but it is impossible for her to do such a thing.

"Forget it, I'm going to see Fan Qingyuan."

Gao Xian didn't insist on buying Taihuan Meng Taoist clothes, but he felt that at this stage, he still had to have some prestige. When he went out to participate in the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, he couldn't lose the prestige of the Xuanming Sect, and he couldn't lose his own prestige.

The most important thing is that the Taiji Xuanguang Taoist Clothes are as ethereal as they are ethereal, and their changes are as ethereal and unpredictable as dreams. They are most suitable for concealing their whereabouts, and they fit very well with his Tai Chi Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Clothes.

When you wear this Taoist robe, you will be less likely to be caught doing bad things.

Gao Xian didn't take this matter to heart, but Tai Ning felt very embarrassed. That night, he was trying to please himself and showed off all the advantages of a pure girl's body, allowing Gao Xian to taste all the tenderness...

The next morning, Gao Xian came to Wanbao Tower.

When Fan Qingyuan heard that Gao Xian had arrived, he was very polite and went to the door to greet him in person. When they met, he complimented Gao Xian very warmly.

"Xingjun, you haven't been here for a long time...

"It's all because Mr. Xing takes care of our business, and everyone in Wanbao Tower has received your favor..."

Gao Xian smiled and said a few words of modesty, saying that the businessman was only interested in profit. Fan Qingyuan has been the manager of Wanbao Tower for so many years, making money has become her instinct.

In the words of the previous life, Fan Qingyuan has been alienated by capital and has forgotten that he is a cultivator.

The two of them arrived at a quiet room on the seventh floor. After all the other people had left, Gao Xiancai asked: "Does Shopkeeper Fan Taihuang Meng Taoist Yi sell?"

Fan Qingyuan wanted to say something funny, but when Gao Xian's bright, star-like eyes glanced at her, her heart sank for some reason.

We haven’t seen each other for twenty years, and the power of this Pojun Xingjun is getting stronger and stronger. She didn't even use her spiritual power, but just one look made her feel tremendous pressure. It can be seen that this person's cultivation is becoming more and more advanced and powerful!

Fan Qingyuan did not dare to joke anymore. She lowered her eyes and said apologetically: "Xingjun, I can't help myself in this matter."

"How dare I embarrass you? It's too illusory. Meng Dao Yi is a valuable treasure of Wanbao Tower and cannot be sold easily. It was taken out at the last auction and was not just for display to everyone. It was not really going to be auctioned..."

"Does the price of 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones make me give up?" Gao Xian asked slowly.

"Xingjun, please don't be offended." Fan Qingyuan bowed his head again and handed over his hand.

"If I spend 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones, can I buy it?" Gao Xian asked.

Fan Qingyuan was shocked. She couldn't help but raise her head and glance at Gao Xian. This person actually had 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones? Are you still willing to spend money to buy the Taoist robe of Too Illusive Dream?
She couldn't believe it. Even if Gao Xian had such a spiritual stone, there was no need to spend such unjust money. There is so much you can buy for this price.

Gao Xian laughed: "I was just kidding."

Fan Qingyuan laughed dryly. She didn't think it was a joke, it was more like Gao Xian was demonstrating. She thought for a moment and said: "Xingjun, I really can't make the decision on this matter. I can only ask Xingjun to find some Zhenying Patriarchs to discuss..."

"That's fine, I haven't met Daojun Zhenying yet. I'll take this opportunity to visit Daojun."

Gao Xian felt that Fan Qingyuan's real purpose was to let him see Zhenying, but he didn't know what Zhenying wanted to do with him.

Fan Qingyuan really didn't want to offend Gao Xian, so he came out of Wanbao Tower and personally led Gao Xian to Tianfu Hall.

Daojun Zhenying is the master of Tianfu Hall and is in charge of one-third of the financial power of Xuanming Sect. It can be said that his position is very important. At least it's not comparable to someone like Zhenye.

Tianfu Hall is built with splendor and magnificence. Standing above the sky, you can see the golden roof of the hall shining with dazzling golden light in the sun from a distance.

"The dome of Tianfu Hall is paved with gold tiles made of pure gold, which consumes millions of kilograms of gold. There are thirty-six palaces and seventy-two courtyards in this hall..."

Fan Qingyuan carefully introduced the situation of Tianfu Hall to Gao Xian, and his words were full of pride.

Gao Xian also has to admit that in terms of beauty and splendor, Tianfu Palace ranks first among the Xuanming Sect. Tianbao Hall is more solemn and solemn, not so grandiose.

In the main hall of Tianfu Hall, Gao Xian saw this Zhenying Daojun.

This Taoist prince has thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, is tall, wears a dark black Taoist robe, and has an unusually majestic appearance. Standing in the center of the magnificent hall, it's like a mountain peak standing there, majestic and majestic. If he hadn't known this person's true identity, Gao Xian wouldn't have been able to tell that she was a female cultivator.

Lord Zhenying is supposed to be proficient in the art of body refining, so he has a tall and powerful figure. At her level, she no longer cares about beauty and ugliness in the ordinary sense. For her, great power is beauty.

Gao Xian was also secretly happy. Fortunately, Wuqi Lun emphasized the unity of form and spirit, and was not as exaggerated as Zhenying. I wonder if Qiniang will become like this when she reaches this state? "Junior Gao Xian pays homage to Lord Dao." Gao Xian bowed his head respectfully.

There were only Gao Xian and Zhenying in the main hall, which seemed very empty. Gao Xian's greeting voice was clear and solemn, not frivolous because of the empty hall.

The divine light in Zhenying's eyes shone as she looked Gao Xian up and down. She nodded and said, "She is pure and clear inside and out, as clear and as solid as a diamond. It is really extraordinary to have such cultivation at the Nascent Soul level. No wonder he has such a great reputation. "

Master Zhenying's voice was deep and powerful, causing the hall to buzz and resonate with an astonishing momentum.

"Master Dao is so complimentary that I am ashamed of myself." Gao Xian had reached this point in his cultivation. Of course he would not be intimidated by the power of Master Zhenying. He still maintained a polite and humble attitude.

Zhenying Daojun ignored Gao Xian's modesty and said directly: "I am a straight-tempered person and don't like beating around the bush.

"If you want a dreamy Taoist garment that's too illusory, that's fine. There are two ways."

Gao Xian's heart moved and he knew that he was getting to the point. He said seriously: "Please make it clear, Lord Dao."

"First, you and Tai Ning officially become Taoist couples."

Taojun Zhenying said calmly: "If you agree, Taixuanmeng Taoist clothes will be regarded as Taining's dowry."

Gao Xian was a little surprised. Master Zhenying wanted to recruit him as his wife? This is too heroic, too illusory! Meng Tao Yi is in the dowry!
The majestic Master of Tianfu Palace, the Taoist Transformation Lord, Zhenying could not possibly joke with him on such a matter.

To be honest, Gao Xian was a little flattered. Although he has been valued by many people along the way, it is rare for people to think so highly of him as soon as they meet him.

Tai Ning was so beautiful and had a pure body, so she was completely devoted to him. Although there are some small calculations, it is not harmful.

Being a Taoist couple with Tai Ning is not a grievance. He can be regarded as officially joining the Zhenying family and has a real backer within the sect.

For him, it's really all benefit and no harm.

However, he and Tai Ning became Taoist couples, what should he do with so many girlfriends? What should Qiniang do? What to do with all the beauties in the world?
The most important thing is that he doesn't want to be tied to Zhenying's boat.

It won't take him a few hundred years to become a god. Why should he hold someone else's thigh? Now that he is hugging his thigh, he will be lower than others when he becomes a god. Not interesting.

Besides, there is Taoist Xuanyang above him. If you want to hug him, you have to hug him, and it’s not Zhenying’s turn.

Meng Daoyi just wants to bribe him, but that's impossible!

Gao Xian sincerely bowed his head and saluted: "Thank you, Mr. Dao, for your attention. It's just that I, Xianyun Yehe, have a loose temper and cannot be restrained. Please forgive me, Mr. Dao."

Lord Zhenying raised his thick eyebrows, and she smiled instead of getting angry: "You have the backbone, and you are worthy of being Lord Pojunxing."

She was not being sarcastic. Gao Xian Xiao Yuanying Zhenjun actually dared to reject her advances in person. This really required courage.

Based on this alone, Gao Xian is ten times and a hundred times stronger than these Nascent Souls from the Xuanming Sect.

Gao Xian bowed his head again and saluted, expressing his apology.

Daojun Zhenying said: "There is a second way. There is a six-armed ghost in the Heavenly Ghost Prison. If you can get the six-armed ghost and leave the spiritual crystal, I will exchange it with you for Taihuanmeng Taoist Clothes."

"Junior, choose the second path."

When Gao Xian heard about the Six-Armed Heavenly Ghost, he immediately knew that what Zhenying was talking about was the evil ghost he had seen in Heavenly Ghost Prison. He also went to Bai Yujing for advice, but Bai Yujing said he was a heretic evil spirit with a very disdainful tone.

He was almost beaten to death by the six-armed ghost at first, but the situation is different now.

It is difficult for the Five Qi Wheel to kill Huashen Dao Lord, but it has a great advantage in dealing with such evil spirits. Besides, he just gave it a try. alright, that's fine.

The most troublesome thing about the Heavenly Ghost Prison is that the stench is so strong that even the gods and Taoists cannot stay there for a long time. This determines that it will be difficult for Master Zhenying to find the six-armed ghost.

It would be even more dangerous to let go of a fight in the Heavenly Ghost Prison, and even a Shinto Lord who was not good at transforming into one would be killed.

A secret method practiced by Master Zhenying requires powerful Heavenly Ghost inner elixir. Ordinary heavenly ghosts cannot do it, only six-armed heavenly ghosts who condense the inner elixir can do it. She encountered it once, but she lost all traces of the six-armed ghost after taking a look at it from a distance.

She heard Tai Ning say that Gao Xian didn't know if he had any magical power that could dissolve the stench of the Heavenly Ghost Prison and allow him to stay in the Heavenly Ghost Prison for a long time.

To Lord Zhenying's surprise, Gao Xian agreed immediately, without any hesitation. She didn't know if Gao Xian was confident or arrogant.

It was a fifth-order, six-armed heavenly ghost, and she found it difficult.

Daojun Zhenying knew that Daoist Xuanyang valued Gao Xian very much, and she didn't want Gao Xian to die inexplicably because of her own affairs.

She had to remind: "The six-armed ghost is extremely vicious, even weaker than the transformed god. You have to think about it."

"Don't worry, Mr. Dao, I will try my best and I will never show off."

After everything was said clearly, Gao Xian wanted to take the initiative to leave. Master Zhenying had many things to do, so there was no need for him to grind his teeth here. Then I thought about it, Daojun Zhenying was so brave and heroic, he was definitely not a stingy guy like Yue Wanfeng.

Gao Xian smiled bared his teeth at Taoist Master Zhenying: "Master Taoist, the Heavenly Ghost Prison is dangerous, can you lend me the Taihuang Meng Taoist Clothes first?"

Zhenying Daojun had never encountered such a thing before, and she was obviously startled. But she immediately smiled and said, "I can lend you this courage."

Zhenying admired his shamelessness and courage for daring to borrow something from her.

The dream clothes are too illusory and wonderful, and there are restrictions in Wanbao Tower inside. Even if Gao Xian died in Heavenly Ghost Prison, there would be no problem in taking back his Taoist robes.

On the other hand, Tai Huan Meng Taoist robes were all borrowed. If Gao Xian died inside, she wouldn't be blamed.

Master Zhenying called Fan Qingyuan over, wrote down the loan book on the spot, signed and stamped it, and asked Fan Qingyuan to take Gao Xian to pick up Taixuan Meng Taoist clothes.

Even if she is the master of Tianfu Palace and is in charge of Wanbao Tower, she must follow the formal procedures if she wants to get things.

Gao Xian followed Fan Qingyuan to the Wanbao Tower. After verification by the two second shopkeepers, he opened the treasure house and took out the Taoist Taihuan Meng Taoist Clothes.

In its normal state, this Taoist robe is very transparent and light, like a gauze blouse.

It was so easy to obtain the fifth-level high-grade artifact, and Gao Xian was in a good mood. He exchanged a few polite words with Fan Qingyuan and returned to Jingxing Palace with the Taoist Taihuan Meng Dao Yi.

After rejecting Daojun Zhenying's proposal, Gao Xian was a bit confused about how to talk to Taining. It would be better not to meet each other this time to avoid embarrassment for everyone.

Taixuhuan Meng Dao Yi is not an artifact of the Xuanming Sect. According to the records of Wanbao Tower, it was also excavated from a cave. Later, it was re-refined by the Grand Master of Artifact Refining, some of the restrictions were changed, and the Taoist Yi was upgraded to the level of a fifth-level high-grade artifact.

Gao Xian spent a few days testing in the Taishi Temple and quickly found a way to refine Taoist robes... (End of this chapter)

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