Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 661 Thunder Method Kills Demons

Chapter 661 Thunder Method Kills Demons
The essence of the refining artifact is to restrict it at the center of the refining artifact, leaving a mark of divine consciousness, so that you can control it like an arm and use your fingers.

Taixuanhuanmeng Taoist Clothes is a fifth-level high-grade artifact, in which the prohibition laws are strict and exquisite, and there is also a psychic spirituality at the center.

Generally speaking, it will take at least hundreds of years for Yuanying cultivation to truly refine Taihuan Meng Dao Yi.

Gao Xian is different. He has the Taishi Temple and can simulate it at will to find the most suitable and fastest refining method. After thousands of experiments, he found that the Taiji Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Clothes and the Taixuhuan Meng Taoist Clothes were very suitable.

Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes is a secret technique, and its operation method is also extremely sophisticated. After the blessing of Fengyue Baojian, it has reached the fifth level.

It was by relying on this secret method that Gao Xian robbed several sect secret treasuries and became rich.

Through the transformation of Taiji Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Cloth and the secret technique of refining Taihuan Meng Dao Yi, it took him two months to initially refine the central restriction of Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Dao Yi, allowing him to initially control Taihuan Meng Dao Yi.

The Taoist robe of Taixuanhuan Dream is as clear as water and as light as feathers. It is as if it is nothing, and is best at concealing itself. It is a natural fit with the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Formless Divine Clothes. Its illusions and dreams are ever-changing and can change at will according to the mind of the cultivator. They are ethereal and unpredictable.

Gao Xian put on the Taoist robe of Taihuanmeng. As his thoughts turned, the transparent water robe transformed into a snow-white Taoist robe. Although it is only preliminary refining, it is easier to use than the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword.

He made an agreement with Lord Zhenying, but there was no stipulated time. After dragging it on for three to five years, I guess Master Zhenying has nothing to say.

The Grandmaster realm thunder method can smash any fifth-level heavenly ghost to pieces!
Gao Xian invested 3.2 billion humanistic auras, and the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra directly promoted him to the master level. He naturally had a deep understanding of this method, understood the various mysteries and essence of this method, and mastered its most subtle changes...

After resting and adjusting for a few days, Gao Xian fully mastered the Grandmaster-level Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Flying Lightning Sutra, and then Gao Xian set off for Wushe Ze.

The last time I came to Wusheze was to help Tai Ning complete a task and obtain ten Heavenly Ghost Inner Pills. It was also during that operation that he encountered a six-armed heavenly ghost, and was attacked by the opponent's tyrannical consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness. Sister Lan suffered a great loss, and he could only run away in embarrassment.

Decades later, Gao Xian returned to Wusheze and found that Wusheze became more and more rotten and stinky. The huge black mud swamp gave off a stink that spread millions of miles away.

A god transformed by thunder rose in the sea of ​​consciousness. He wore a golden hibiscus crown on his head, with a solemn face, and thunder light shining in his eyes. He wore a black robe with dragon and phoenix patterns, and held a golden whip.

Just this little bit of humane aura is not enough to elevate the Pure Yang Divine Spear to a very high level. Furthermore, although this kind of soul-like secret technique is powerful, it is still wishful thinking to destroy the fifth-level six-armed ghost spirit.

Eight billion human auras are not enough to upgrade the Great Five Elements Divine Light. There are only four secret techniques suitable for upgrading: Taishi Odd God, Nine Heavens God Thunder and Lightning Sutra, Pure Yang Divine Spear, and Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes.

Gao Xian weighed it up and decided to upgrade the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra. The thunder method is powerful, and combined with Shenxiao Tianshu's demon-subduing golden whip, it is enough to kill the fifth-level soul head-on.

Master Zhenying is an open-minded person. He advanced Taihuanmeng Daoyi to him without saying a word. He can't be so careless.

With this dharma image, the power of thunder can be at least doubled.

No living thing can survive within the range of the stench, and even the rocks and soil will turn black and rotten under the stench.

Under normal circumstances, priority must be given to upgrading Taishi Idol. It's just that when facing six-armed ghosts, it doesn't mean that the stronger the consciousness, the better.

If the powerful spiritual consciousness is not condensed and pure enough, it is very easy to be infiltrated by the evil energy of the six-armed ghost. For him, his current spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, far beyond his state of cultivation.

Gao Xian had a clear understanding in his heart that this was the Dharma of the True King of Universal Transformation in Shenxiao Yuqing. It was the completion of his Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra. He understood the true meaning of the Thunder Dharma, and thus visualized the Dharma of the True King of Universal Transformation.

The Dharma is sacred and majestic, and has the supreme majesty of controlling yin and yang, thunder, and demons.

The Pure Yang Divine Spear is specially designed to restrain evil spirits, so it is suitable for upgrading.

It can be seen that the promotion work of Wanbaolou is still very effective and worthy of continued investment.

The Taiji Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Clothes are very useful. Facts have proved that as soon as he activates his magic power, traces will inevitably be revealed. This secret method is more suitable for breaking the restrictions of the magic circle and hiding traces. It would be a dream to rely on this secret method to sneak attack on the fifth-level powerhouse.

The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra can also strengthen the body and increase speed in all aspects. Whether it's spellcasting or melee combat, there are huge gains. Last but not least, 3.2 billion human auras are enough to elevate this method to the master level.

After opening the Fengyue Treasure Mirror for more than ten years, I accumulated more than eight billion humanistic auras. It is calculated that more than 600 million human auras will be accumulated in a year, which is a slight increase compared to the previous growth rate.

To kill the six-armed ghost, you must make some preparations in advance.

The area of ​​​​Wu Sheze has obviously expanded, which is also the reason why the foul smell flowing from Tiangui Prison has become stronger.

Gao Xian observed the entrance of the Heavenly Ghost Prison for most of the day, and then entered the Heavenly Ghost Prison with the help of the black and yellow divine light.

The Heavenly Ghost Prison still looks the same, with a gray and filthy atmosphere everywhere. These filthy odors fell on the snow-white Taixuanmeng Taoist clothes, leaving little filthy marks like dust.

He shook his sleeves gently, and the foul smell that fell on Taixuan Mengdao's clothes floated away under the agitation of magic power. It's just that the filthy smell of the Heavenly Ghost Prison is everywhere, and in the blink of an eye, a large swath of filthy dust marks fell on the snow-white Taoist robes.

"The Taoist Clothes of Taixuanhuanmeng can resist the infection of foul air, but it needs to continuously activate the magic power. It consumes a lot of money..."

Gao Xian experimented several times and found that the Taixuanhuang Mengdao Yi could resist foul odors, but it required constant use of mana to activate it. This is a fifth-level high-grade artifact, and its deliberate operation consumes a lot of mana.

On the other hand, Meng Daoyi is too illusory and unable to draw spiritual energy from the filthy air. He spends all the magic power to run the Taoist clothes.

There would be no problem in this situation for two or three days, but as time went on he wouldn't be able to hold it any longer.

This was also within Gao Xian's expectation. If Tao Huanmeng Daoyi could absorb spiritual energy in Tiangui Prison, why would Zhenying Daojun ask him for help.

Although the Six-Armed Heavenly Ghost is strong, he cannot be stronger than a genuine Shinto Lord. Not to mention that Zhenying was from the Xuanming Sect, and his background was profound, far exceeding that of gods like Lu Xuanji and Yue Wanfeng.

The special environment of the Heavenly Ghost Prison allows the powerful gods to stay there only for a short period of time. The six-armed ghost is not an evil thing like Lian'er that is fixed in one place, and its whereabouts are difficult to determine.

Just searching for this six-armed ghost would take an unknown amount of time.

It is impossible for other Taoist Transformation Masters to accompany Taoist Master Zhenying in searching the Heavenly Ghost Prison for a long time. For this reason, Zhenying was destined to be unable to find other Taoist Transformation Masters for help.

Gao Xian stretched out his fingers and let them be soaked by the foul smell. The foul smell was like billions of microscopic insects gnawing at his fingers crazily. The powerful five energy chakras rotated naturally, and his fingers were as smooth as jade and as strong as diamond.

No matter how dirty the smell is, it is not enough to break through the skin.

Decades ago, Gao Xian did the same test, and his fingers turned black in the blink of an eye. With the master-level Five Qi Chakra, the foul energy is temporarily powerless against him.

This kind of magical power can be called the secret method of body refining at the fifth level.

A strong person who transforms into a god rarely takes the path of body refining. A strong person who transforms into a god has a strong Yuan Shen. However, the Yuan Shen can also be easily contaminated by filth. Special caves like the Heavenly Ghost Prison are exactly the places that the powerful deity-formers hate the most.

Gao Xian relied on the Five Qi Chakra to temporarily resist the infection of foul air. According to him, it would be no problem to last for a month or two. The key is that the Heavenly Ghost Prison is so filthy that the Five Qi Chakras cannot draw spiritual energy from it.

Over time, it becomes difficult for the Five Energy Chakra to maintain its operation without spiritual energy. It didn't work after all. Gao Xian's mind turned and activated the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, and his body was shining with blood and he changed into a blood-colored robe. Last time, he used this artifact to conquer the Ghost Prison.

The Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu can forcibly extract the spiritual energy from the dirty air, and filter and purify the dirty air, so that it will not be contaminated by the dirty air. This is also the most powerful thing about Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu, which is that it can transform any form of spiritual energy, including dirty energy, yin energy, etc...

When cultivators enter the Heavenly Ghost Prison, they must rely on their own magic power to support them. In addition, there are other methods such as taking pills and absorbing spiritual energy from spiritual crystals.

This is equivalent to a diver entering the bottom of the sea. How long he can move depends on the size of the oxygen tank he carries with him.

With the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, Gao Xian has the foundation for long-term survival in the Heavenly Ghost Prison, which is equivalent to having gills on a human being and allowing him to move freely underwater.

Gao Xian wears the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, which allows him to draw an endless stream of spiritual energy, which is enough to satisfy his normal consumption.

This also greatly increased his confidence, and he immediately activated the black and yellow divine light to move forward.

According to his previous experience, the Six-Armed Heavenly Ghost was deep in the Heavenly Ghost Prison. This six-armed ghost is more aggressive. As long as it enters the range of spiritual consciousness, the six-armed ghost will definitely act differently.

Gao Xian flew forward for more than 100,000 miles and encountered the first wave of ghosts blocking his way.

Groups of black smoke twisted and transformed, constantly changing their shapes. Ghosts have no fixed appearance these days, but their core spirits are powerful, evil and foul.

Thousands of miles away, Gao Xian had already sensed the presence of this wave of ghosts.

In fact, the most labor-saving way to control the Blood River Tianzun's transformation of Yuanshu is to activate the nine methods of Blood River. It can borrow the power of Blood River Tianzun's transformation of Yuanshu and reduce consumption.

In order to test the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra, Gao Xian chose to activate the Thunder of the Sky.

When he was dozens of miles away, the blue and white lightning in Gao Xian's eyes suddenly blazed, and his tyrannical consciousness prompted the thunder from the sky to fall directly on the ghost dozens of miles away.

The divine light of thunder exploded, blasting dozens of black sky ghosts into streaks of blue smoke. Only one fifth-level gray-white sky ghost struggled and twisted in the thunder.

Although such violent thunder was not enough to destroy the spirit of the fifth-level heavenly ghost, it also caused great interference to the fifth-level heavenly ghost.

Dozens of miles away, Gao Xian activated the black and yellow divine light. The dark golden light wheel spun sharply and pushed the servant to rush to the front of the ghost. In his hand, he swiped the golden whip of Shenxiao Tianshu for subduing demons, and the gray white ghost that was still struggling immediately exploded. Thousands of green smoke...

With the master-level Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra and the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip, Gao Xian only used five points of mana to easily kill this fifth-level heavenly ghost.

As luck would have it, the fifth-level Heavenly Ghost that exploded into blue smoke left behind a Heavenly Ghost inner elixir.

Gao Xian was also quite excited. Facts have proved that Lei Fa is very capable of restraining the ghosts. The golden whip in his hand is enough to sweep away the ghosts.

A fierce battle at this level does not consume much of his mana. Through the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu will recover soon.

Along the way, Gao Xian did not conceal his whereabouts and encountered waves of ghosts.

These ghosts are all born from a little bit of spirituality and filthy energy. As long as the prison of ghosts is not broken, these ghosts will kill them like weeds.

Ninety percent of the Nine Heavenly Ghosts have no spiritual intelligence. Only those who have reached the fifth level have condensed their souls and gained some wisdom. But he didn't have the opportunity to learn knowledge, and he lived in a hazy state in the Heavenly Ghost Prison. Although his strength was strong, there was no change.

Gao Xian held the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip and fought all the way, killing tens of thousands of heavenly ghosts, including hundreds of fifth-level heavenly ghosts, and obtained more than ten heavenly ghost inner elixirs.

This level of spiritual object is quite valuable because of its special nature. There is absolutely no problem in selling a top-quality spiritual stone for one or two hundred.

The last time I was able to exchange for the Tianyinjian of the True King of Ten Directions, it was a task specially assigned by a strong person in the sect. Without special demand, it would be difficult to sell this kind of spiritual object at a high price.

Gao Xian had been in the Heavenly Ghost Prison for more than a month. On this day, he suddenly felt the familiar and powerful filthy consciousness.

The difference from last time was that his spiritual consciousness was now powerful and his six senses were sharp. Before the filthy and powerful spiritual consciousness fell, he had already seen the huge six-armed ghost thousands of miles away.

It was a hundred feet tall and its body was as black as iron and as thick as a mountain. It had dozens of gray-white eyes on its three heads that were either open or closed, making it look extremely strange.

The six-armed ghost seemed to sense Gao Xian's gaze, and dozens of gray-white eyes on its three heads opened at the same time to look at Gao Xian.

Thousands of miles away, Gao Xian felt a chill all over his body, as if his body and mind were penetrated by dozens of extremely evil forces.

On Gao Xian's eyebrows, the God of Pojun appeared, and the nine-pointed star shone with deep starlight.

Decades ago, the Army-Breaking God Rui was broken by the opponent with a single blow, but now it is different. The completely refined Army-Breaking God Rui is so powerful that it is enough to activate the Army-Breaking Star Power above the Nine Heavens even in the depths of the Heavenly Ghost Prison.

The powerful shining stars completely blocked dozens of evil gazes.

This kind of interaction between spirits is an invisible confrontation between the powers of both sides.

Dozens of eyes on the head of the six-armed ghost emitted strange white light at the same time, squaring off with the Pojun God from afar.

The five energy chakras in Gao Xian's body are rotating, and the five elements of magic power around him are surging like the sea. He held the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip in his hand and rushed towards the six-armed demons.

At his current speed, it only takes thirty breaths to cover a thousand miles. This is also the result of the Five Energy Wheel. With his powerful body and the blessing of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra, the black and yellow divine light flies at an extremely terrifying speed.

As Gao Xian continued to accelerate, he became faster and faster.

A white figure is reflected in the dozens of gray-white eyes of the six-armed ghost. However, the viewing angle of each eye is different, and the state of the white figure seen is also different.

Seeing the tiny white shadow getting closer and closer, the six arms of the Six-Armed Heavenly Ghost were raised high to face the incoming stream of light and they were suddenly smashed down.

The six swung arms shook the void, and the space seemed to be compressed and collapsed. Gao Xian felt his whole body sink, and the black and yellow divine light was almost crushed by the fierce and incompetent power!
This huge six-armed heavenly ghost moves swiftly and swiftly. The force of the fists that was triggered fell in a series, locking the surrounding void with the force of the fists.

Such a change is no different from a truly powerful person who has transformed into a god.

Gao Xian did not give in, he wanted to test how strong the six-armed ghost was. It's not that he is arrogant, but that he has five energy chakras, but his body is only one thousandth of the six-armed ghost.

The power mobilized by the two is different, but there is no difference in level. In other words, unless the opponent is a thousand times more powerful than him, he will suffer in a head-on confrontation.

Faced with the opponent's huge fists that came down like a mountain, Gao Xian raised the Shenxiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip and directed the thunder towards it...

(End of this chapter)

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