Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 663 Unparalleled Talent

Chapter 663 Unparalleled Talent
In the Tianfu Hall, Lord Zhenying sits high on the throne.

As the Taoist Lord of Transformation, he already dominates the world. Lord Zhenying Daojun is also the top powerful among the many gods of Xuanming Sect. He holds great power, so he will sit on the throne with his own majesty.

When Gao Xian entered the hall, he bowed his head and saluted Master Zhenying from a distance, and then nodded to Fan Qingyuan who was standing beside him. The shopkeeper's cultivation is not very good, and his eyesight is a bit shallow, but he can collect money and do things, which is quite important to him.

Gao Xian didn't know that Fan Qingyuan was there, and he had no intention of flirting with the shopkeeper. He rested for more than a month after returning from the Heavenly Ghost Prison. When his mental state recovered, he came to see Lord Zhenying.

Gao Xian still had a very good impression of this generous and generous Taoist Master.

Master Zhenying nodded slightly to Gao Xian as a return gesture. A Nascent Soul True Lord is nothing in her eyes. Gao Xian is different, and he is different from all the Nascent Soul Lords in the sect.

Even the talented Taichu was far behind Gao Xian.

She knew that Gao Xian had gone to see Dao Zun and seemed to have received guidance from Dao Zun. His cultivation had greatly improved in the past few decades. Being able to penetrate the Dharma Eyes of the Taoist Master is extraordinary.

Even for a genius like Taichu, Tao Zun never gave him any personal guidance! Over the past ten thousand years, only a handful of cultivators have received personal guidance from the Taoist Master. Among them, only Gao Xian is an outsider.

It can be seen that Tao Zun attaches great importance to Gao Xian.

Fan Qingyuan on the side had a calm expression on his face, but his heart was surging like a great tide. What Jinying Daojun couldn't do, Gao Xian really did it!
Looking at the Patriarch's attitude, he was obviously more polite to Gao Xian. Obviously, Lord Jinying no longer regards Gao Xian as a junior.

"Master Dao has given you the award, and this junior is just lucky." Gao Xian humbly gave in, with a very humble expression on his face.

Furthermore, it is normal for Gao Xian, a Nascent Soul Lord, not to be able to obtain the Six-Armed Heavenly Ghost Inner Elixir even though she is a powerful Shinto Lord. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Gao Xian took out a jade box from his sleeve and handed it up: "Master Dao, fortunately you have lived up to your fate."

Daojun Zhenying didn't like useless politeness. She said to Fan Qingyuan: "Go and accompany Lord Xing to complete the formalities. Daoyi Taixuan will be charged to my account."

Of course, it is possible that the six-armed ghost cannot condense spiritual crystals. It's also a matter of luck.

She exchanged Taihuanmeng Taoist Clothes for the Six-Armed Heavenly Ghost Inner Elixir. This deal was naturally a huge profit for her. It's too illusory. No matter how good the Meng Tao Yi is, it's useless to her!

The six-armed ghost inner elixir is very important to her. Of course you have to try it if you have such a person. It will be great if it can be done, but there will be no loss if it cannot be done.

Secondly, there must be something special about a virtuous person being able to be valued by Taoists.

Fan Qingyuan was also looking at Gao Xian with wide eyes. She wanted to see what this guy could do!

The six-armed ghosts are extremely powerful, far superior to ordinary fifth-level ghosts. The most powerful thing is that it has a huge body. The spiritual crystal formed by it plays an extremely important role in her body refining technique.

On the surface, Gao Xian looked calm and relaxed, but it was not clear whether he succeeded or failed. This guy is very thick-skinned and won't be ashamed if he can't do it.

She then said to Gao Xian: "If you have any inconvenience in the future, Mr. Xing, you can come to me."

Master Zhenying found Gao Xian to do something. First, he helped Tai Ning obtain ten Heavenly Ghost Inner Pills. That time Gao Xian stayed in the Heavenly Ghost Prison for a long time, which proved that he had the secret method or artifact to resolve the evil spirit.

Yes, the spiritual crystal contains powerful and extremely pure power. This is the result of the natural purification of the original power of evil things by the laws of heaven and earth.

As soon as these words came out, Daojun Zhenying showed a bit of surprise, Gao Xian actually did it. She stretched out her hand and the jade box fell into her hands. When she opened the jade box, she saw the six-sided black spiritual crystal inside.

Master Zhenying gave Fan Qingyuan a square seal and asked her to accompany Gao Xian to complete the procedures.

Whether it's inner elixir or spiritual crystal, it's actually a name for the pure crystal left behind by the ghost after death. There is essentially no difference.

Lord Zhenying was very satisfied with this spiritual crystal. She smiled and said, "As expected of Lord Pojunxing, he has great magical powers."

Daojun Zhenying picked up the six-sided black spiritual crystal and looked at it, mainly using his spiritual consciousness to sense the power in the spiritual crystal.

At this point in her life, ordinary fetishes could no longer meet her needs. Only this extremely special divine object can help her break through the bottleneck.

Gao Xian can get things done, so Lord Zhenying also has a high regard for Gao Xian. She feels that this person is indeed extraordinary and worthy of dating.

Of course Gao Xian understood that Jinying Daojun was trying to show his kindness, and he sincerely expressed his gratitude.

After coming out of Tianfu Hall, Gao Xian followed Fan Qingyuan to Wanbao Tower to complete the formalities. This time Fan Qingyuan showed great enthusiasm and did not use Gao Xian throughout the whole process.

After all, this matter is a transaction between Zhenying Daojun and Gao Xian, and the matter of Wanbao Tower has nothing to do with Gao Xian. It's just that there are still restrictions left by Wanbao Tower on Taihuanmeng Taoist clothes, which need to be completed before they can be lifted.

It took less than an hour for Fan Qingyuan to complete all the procedures, and she finally gave Gao Xian a token. The prohibition in this token corresponds to the Taoist robe of Taihuanmeng, which is a means of protection to prevent the Taoist robe from being lost.

With this token, Gao Xian can more easily refine Taihuan Meng Dao Yi.

Fan Qingyuan took the initiative to talk to Gao Xian about the promotion of "Heaven and Earth Yin Yang Couple and Great Joy". She said that she would conduct a top-to-bottom inspection to prevent someone from always falsely reporting the quantity to earn spiritual stone subsidies.

Fan Qingyuan also realized that Gao Xian had a bright future, and he still had to try his best to make friends with such a person. Since Gao Xian valued "Ode to the Joy of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang" so much, she took it seriously.

Taking this opportunity, we can also clean up a group of borers. These people have been greedy for decades and hundreds of years, and they are all quite wealthy. This reorganization is also an opportunity to make a fortune.

He can also please Gao Xian, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Gao Xian knew Fan Qingyuan's calculations, but he still wanted to accept this favor with a few polite words. If Fan Qingyuan is willing to rectify things, it can also improve the work efficiency of the people below, which is a great benefit to him.

Mingzhou is too big, and the cities and towns are not connected to each other. After decades of promotion, there must still be many places where "Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, Rejoice in Joy" do not exist. There is still a lot of potential that can be tapped.

Returning to Jingxing Palace, Gao Xian was ready to concentrate on refining Taihuan Mengdao Yi first. This fifth-level high-grade artifact is very suitable for the Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes. The combination of the two will definitely bring out stronger power.

Taixuan Mengdao Yi's hidden changes are also very suitable for his fighting style. He actually doesn't like to fight hard. Bullying the weak is okay, but facing an opponent of the same level, it is very unwise to attack head-on.

What he likes most is to understand the enemy's weakness and strike secretly to kill him.

In the world of cultivators, you will always meet stronger ones. Therefore, concealing your whereabouts is more important than improving your combat effectiveness. Gao Xian was preparing to retreat when Tai Ning came running in the evening.

Tai Ning also knew that the founder had talked to Gao Xian about forming a Taoist couple. She was prepared for Gao Xian's rejection, but Gao Xian's clear rejection still made her feel uncomfortable.

She secretly vowed never to see Gao Xian again or mess with Gao Xian again.

Patriarch Zhenying called her over today and briefly talked about Gao Xian getting the Six-Armed Heavenly Ghost Inner Pill. He also praised Gao Xian for his good character and said nothing else.

However, Tai Ning understood what Patriarch Zhenying meant. Gao Xian had great magical powers and a bright future. Even if she and Gao Xian can't become a Taoist couple, they still have to make it as good as possible. After all, the two are very close.

It is said that Gao Xian has a good character, is loyal to his friends, and takes care of women as much as possible. If you don't look at that Zhu Qiniang, she is just a low-level casual cultivator. Just because she followed Gao Xian, he helped her all the way to the Nascent Soul realm.

After some ideological struggle, Tai Ning decided to try his best to keep Gao Xian in his hands. She also knew in her heart that Gao Xian usually looked gentle and casual, but this person was not easy to manipulate.

She either wanted to manipulate Gao Xian, or she wanted to have a good relationship with Gao Xian first.

This time Tai Ning took the initiative to visit. Gao Xian originally wanted to talk to Tai Ning about the Taoist couple. Unexpectedly, Tai Ning did not mention this topic at all and directly knocked him down enthusiastically.

Gao Xian must admit that Tai Ning's plain female body is too fragrant. Just because of this, he couldn't let go of Tai Ning.

The jade body of a plain girl is not only fun, it is also very beneficial for dual cultivation.

He worked hard in Wuqi Cave Heaven, but the speed of practice was a little too fast. Now his cultivation has reached the peak of the tenth level of Nascent Soul, but he is a little less mature.

Through dual cultivation with Tai Ning, the yin and yang complement each other, and the rough areas in the practice can be finely polished, making them more perfect and harmonious.

Gaoxian's essence is full and strong, and this dual cultivation is also very beneficial to Taining. Tai Ning put down her obsession and let go.

He comes to see Gao Xian Shuangxiu every once in a while, and he no longer avoids the gaze of others when he comes in and out.

There are actually no outsiders in Jingxing Palace, only Qingqing is the permanent resident. In fact, Qingqing didn't like Tai Ning very much. Seeing the fierce fight between her father and Tai Ning, she couldn't say anything.

As time went by, people from Yaoguang Palace always saw Tai Ning entering and leaving Jingxing Palace. Everyone in Yaoguang Palace said that Lord Xing and Lord Taining lived together, and the news gradually spread throughout the sect.

Originally, everyone only said secretly that the two of them had an affair, but now it is considered public. Everyone thought that Gao Xian and Tai Ning were Taoist couples, but they just didn't hold a ceremony.

Gao Xian also refuted this statement, which was meaningless. Forming a Taoist couple is not a trivial matter, and it is not something that everyone just says.

While there was still time, Gao Xian went to see Xiao Hongye and Yan Feiyin again.

Xiao Hongye has formed a Nascent Soul, and Gao Xian has lived with her for more than a year, practicing swordsmanship with Xiao Hongye every day. Although the Wan Jian Return Order is good, it is not suitable for Xiao Hongye.

She is taking the path of being pure and refined, and has not yet reached the level of inclusiveness. There are too many swordsmanship skills she will learn, which will make her swordsmanship mixed.

The Qingye Sword Scripture is actually very clever, and its essence of life and death, and death, is superb. Although Gao Xian's swordsmanship is strong, he cannot really get started with this swordsmanship. He was also very impressed by the skill of Qingye Jianjing.

Xiao Hongye is not as pure as Taichu, nor is he as spiritually advanced. But she and Aoba Kensuke fit in so well. She has a good nature, neither arrogant nor arrogant, nor biased. Gao Xian feels that Xiao Hongye will have a good chance of attaining enlightenment and becoming a god in the future.

It's just that Xiao Hongye's sect is too small and doesn't have enough resources to support it. He had many fourth-level divine objects in his hands and left a few for Xiao Hongye. It can also make up for some gaps in practice resources.

Yan Feiyin's character is actually quite different. She likes to take tricks too much. Fortunately, his talent was very good, and he was only one step away from the Nascent Soul level. He was overjoyed to see Gao Xian coming. Gao Xian stayed at Yan Feiyin's place and helped her sort out her magic power every day.

It took less than a year to help Yan Feiyin successfully transform into a baby, and then Gao Xian left.

There are less than twenty years until the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, and he must seize the time. Through the clone of Taixuan God, Gao Xian entered the Five Qi Cave Heaven many times to practice.

The Five Elements here are full of energy, which is really suitable for him to practice. Unfortunately, no divine object suitable for cultivation like Lian'er was found, nor was the secret treasure left by the Great Five Elements Taoist Master.

Twenty years have passed in a hurry, and Gao Xian has not made any breakthrough in his cultivation, but he has become more refined and harmonious. There is really only a piece of paper between his body and his spiritual transformation.

If he wants to become a god, all he has to do is survive the tribulation of heavenly fire, and he will be able to become a soul with five qi and a primordial spirit. He is also the top soul in the world.

However, he is still far away from the unified soul that combines form and spirit.

The cultivation of the Five Qi Wheels is not enough, and a divine object like Emperor Liujian is needed to fuse the form and spirit. Moreover, he also needs to figure out the purpose of Yuan Ling's fetal stone and prepare to refine the second Yuan Shen.

Another point is that the Jiuzhou Dharma Association's battle will not let the gods end.

Gao Xian was practicing in Jingxing Palace that day when a long and clear jade chime sounded in his ears, causing him to quit practicing involuntarily.

Then two jade chimes rang out again, and Gao Xian's eyes flashed with light, and he came to a small river. Beside him are the three daughters Taichu, Taining and Qingle.

The three of them also looked confused, wondering how they got here. But they soon saw Taoist Xuanyang in front of them, and the three women hurriedly bowed their heads deeply and saluted.

Gao Xian followed suit and followed Jishou's lead in saluting. I haven't seen Taoist Xuanyang for more than 20 years. From the profile, this Taoist seems to be a little more mature, and his brows no longer have the youthful spirit of before.

Xuanyang Taoist Master held the fishing rod in his hand and said to himself: "We will go to Zhongzhou Daluo Sect in ten days. You should be prepared."

Tai Ning, Gao Xian and others had already prepared for this, and the calculation time was almost up. The four of them responded in unison.

Taoist Xuanyang suddenly smiled and said to Gao Xian: "Gao Xian, this Dharma conference depends on you. Remember what you said, don't embarrass me..."

Gao Xian immediately said seriously: "Don't worry, Dao Zun, I will definitely win the title of True Lord Dou Sheng and will never embarrass Dao Zun."


Xuanyang Taoist Master was very happy, and he reminded again: "I heard that there is a genius in Daluo Sect who uses his Nascent Soul cultivation to defeat the Heavenly Demon Sect and transform into a god. In addition, the other seven sects also have their own geniuses, so you can't be careless... …”

Gao Xian was a little speechless. What's going on? The Yuan Ying reversed and transformed into a god, and Zun Du was fake? ! Also, brother, you should tell me such important news early!
(End of this chapter)

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