Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 664 Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 664 Heavenly Tribulation
To be honest, Gao Xian felt that old man Xuanyang was a bit of a scam. Leaving such important news until the end is too nonsense!

A Nascent Soul that can reverse-slash and transform into a god, he or she sounds much better than him.

Although Gao Xian was confident, he did not dare to say that he was capable of killing a powerful person who transformed into a god. He has killed a lot of evil creatures who transformed into gods, but that is two different things from being a powerful person who transformed into gods.

If the old man had told him earlier, he would have kept the humane aura to upgrade the Five Energy Wheel. The Five Qi Chakras that have reached the master level are absolutely worthy of being compared to the gods.

It was too late to tell him this. In order to slay the six-armed ghosts, he first upgraded the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Lightning Sutra. It is of course a good thing to practice this thunder technique to the transformation state.

But for the upcoming Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, it would be a bit unwise to do so.

Of course Gao Xian didn't dare to complain to Taoist Xuanyang. The old man probably didn't expect that he had the ability to quickly upgrade the secret technique temporarily.

The three girls Taichu, Taining, and Qingle also looked shocked. The golden elixir reversed and killed the Nascent Soul. Although this was rare, there were some examples.

In their view, the gap between top-level golden elixirs and ordinary Yuanying is not that big. For example, Gao Xian had such a glorious deed.

However, the distance between Nascent Soul and Transformation God is too great. The Nascent Soul reversely slashed and transformed into a god, which made several top Nascent Souls find it incredible.

It is really an exaggeration for Yuanying to reversely kill the powerful person who transformed into a god. Gao Xian simulated it carefully. He knew so many transformed gods that he could make gestures in a real fight. It's basically impossible to win.

Everything just seemed like a dream. However, Gao Xian knew that it was not a dream but that Tao Zun used his peerless magic power to take several people to Zhongyang Mountain and then sent them back.

The three women looked at Gao Xian together. They all knew that Gao Xian had praised Dao Zun so much. What would he do this time?
Gao Xian calmed down now. He smiled gracefully at the three women, calm and calm. He assured Daojun again: "Daojun, please look at the disciple's performance!"

Fortunately, Dao Zun Xuanyang was pretty good to him, and for the time being, he didn't need to think about how to deal with enemies at Dao Zun's level.

Gao Xian sighed inwardly before he touched the threshold of the Transformation God. When he looked up, he saw Taoist Xuanyang standing on it. This feeling was not very good.

Everything is under the control of Tao Zun's magic power, and their spiritual consciousness and magic power are suppressed, so they will not be able to figure out what is true and what is false, and there is a kind of misty illusion like falling into a dream.

Ten days is enough for him to die once!

Taoist Master Xuanyang laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, this time the Taoist will point at you to help me show my face!"

I have to say that Dao Zun does have incredible power at this level. Move a few of their Nascent Souls around at will, leaving them defenseless.

If you really want to take action, killing them will definitely be easier than crushing ants.

When something true suddenly pops up, you need to carefully consider the response strategy.

Just as Gao Xian was about to ask for it, the jade chime sounded, the light and shadow changed, and he had returned to his quiet room.

With the master-level Five Qi Chakra, Gao Xian has reached an extremely high level of control over his body. In addition, Sister Lan hides deep in the sea of ​​consciousness and helps him control the center. He can distinguish some changes just now

After all, he is an incarnation of a god. A ray of soul is trying desperately to escape, and there are various ways to save his life. It is really difficult to completely kill the opponent.

Of course, Lu Xuanji, Yue Wanfeng, Yuan Tianyi and other transformed gods are all powerful figures in the realm of transformed gods. There will definitely be some relatively unsophisticated gods.

Gao Xian didn't know if Taoist Xuanyang was teasing him, but he was still really happy. No matter what, you must take the opportunity to gain some benefits, and it is best to give him the Tianchan Nine Death Pill first.

With his current strength, it should still be possible to defeat the weakest Avatar. However, it is too difficult to kill the opponent.

If you want to kill the Avatar, you really need to be in a very special closed place so that the opponent has no way to escape. Or it could be overwhelming with strength, leaving the other party with no chance to escape. There is no way a Nascent Soul can crush the Transformation God!

Gao Xian thought about it for a while, but was still a little unsure about how strong this Zhizhen was.

He opened the Fengyue Treasure Book and accumulated 1.4 billion humanistic auras in more than 20 years. This number was already exaggerated.

The problem is that upgrading the Five Energy Wheel requires 16 billion humane auras. If you can't break through to the master level, throwing these 14 billion will not have much effect. There is no way to make his cultivation improve by leaps and bounds. Adding it to the Great Five Elements Divine Light is enough to increase the level of mastery.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light is not suitable for fighting, but improving the Great Five Elements Divine Light can enhance the power of the Five Elements spells in a disguised form, and improve his cultivation of the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra.

In particular, the Anti-Five Elements Extermination Divine Sword should be able to receive a huge improvement. The Anti-Five Elements Extermination Divine Sword is powerful, triggers rapid movements, and is a threat to the powerful gods.

Another way is to upgrade Taishi Idol. Only 10 billion human auras are enough to elevate this secret art to the state of master perfection.

At that point, strong spiritual consciousness is enough to establish an advantage.

Gao Xian weighed for a long time and decided to upgrade Taishi Idol. After all, spiritual consciousness controls the foundation of all mana, and body refining also requires strong spiritual consciousness.

Any secret skill that reaches master perfection will bring about great changes in nature. The power of the Great Five Elements Divine Light will not increase much if it is upgraded by one level.

Instead of doing this, it is better to take the path of specialization and improve your spiritual consciousness first.

Gao Xian didn't want to advance in the Xuanming Sect, mainly because he was afraid that Taoist Xuanyang and Bai Yujing would see the problem. He quietly left the Xuanming Sect and found a secret place to set up the Aoki Cloud Sky Banner. He and Taixuan Shen exchanged positions with each other.

Wu Qi Cave Heaven was extremely vast and huge. From his point of view, it was no smaller than Mingzhou. The space restriction in such a huge cave is also extremely powerful.

Even if Xuanyang Dao Zun and Bai Yujing have the power to reach heaven, there is no way they would know what they are doing even though they are separated from the Five Qi Cave Heaven.

After Lian'er was wiped out, no other living beings came to this water area. Mainly because Taixuan Shenxiang often cleans up and keeps the place quiet.

A fifth-level magic circle is also arranged here, which is enough to resist various fifth-level evil objects.

After Gao Xian confirmed that it was safe, he took out the Fengyue Treasure Mirror and put the 9.6 billion human auras into it. The Taishi Idol directly rose to the level of Grandmaster Consummation.

Sister Lan emerged from the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and the golden light around her shone like a god.

At this moment, Gao Xian's consciousness was closely connected with Sister Lan's, and his consciousness improved together with Sister Lan's. The powerful spiritual consciousness is continuously released outwards, penetrating the restrictions of the magic circle and expanding outwards.

The powerful spiritual consciousness expanded to five thousand miles away before it completely stabilized.

In an instant, he could sense everything within a radius of five thousand miles with Gao Xian as the center.

In such a huge scope, there are countless auras, creatures, and substances. This huge amount of information pours into Gao Xian's consciousness like a tide, but he can rely on instinct to effectively sort out this information according to the aura levels.

There is absolutely no need to pay attention to any creature or substance whose aura is below a certain level. This filters out 99% of the complicated and useless information.

The remaining information was layered one by one, from high-level to low-level. Gao Xian took the initiative to make analysis calls and completed the preliminary processing of all the information in a short period of time.

Even a powerful Shinto Lord would not waste his energy processing such useless information.

Gao Xian was able to achieve this step because he relied on Sister Lan to take charge of the game. Ascending to the realm of Grandmaster Consummation, Sister Lan's spiritual consciousness is powerful and extremely condensed, and her information processing speed has increased countless times.

At this moment, Gao Xian felt like an omnipotent and omniscient god, completely in control of everything within the scope of his divine consciousness.

He also knew that this was just an illusion. With his current level of spiritual consciousness, the magic power has no power when projected five thousand miles away. At most, it can kill Qi practitioners.

Strictly speaking, his cultivation level has not improved. However, his extremely powerful spiritual consciousness allows him to control power more precisely. The same spell can even increase its destructive power ten times under subtle and effective control.

At this moment, red clouds gathered in the sky, and the dark red clouds were like a burning sea of ​​fire. The fierce fire aura is even more intense, and the lake water is boiling and vaporizing, filling the sky with white air.

Gao Xian was also shocked. He looked at the fire clouds that were getting lower and lower in the sky and felt a little uneasy: "Did this cause the catastrophe of heavenly fire?!"

(End of this chapter)

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