Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 665: Borrowing Fire to Forge a Sword

Although Wuqi Cave Heaven is an independent cave heaven, it depends on heaven and earth for its existence. Without heaven and earth, there would be no Five Qi Cave. The sky would have endless Five Elements Qi.

The cave sky is like the fruit on the big tree of heaven and earth, which condenses part of the essence of heaven and earth. Without the support of heaven and earth, the cave sky would quickly wither and decay, and be completely destroyed.

Gao Xian's cultivation has reached this point, so he naturally has a deep understanding of the nature of Dongtian.

The fire clouds in the sky condensed, and the area with strong fire aura turned into a huge furnace. Judging from various signs, it should be the calamity of heavenly fire that Yuanying will face when he advances to become a god.

Generally speaking, when the Nascent Soul is ready to advance to become a god, it will take the initiative to enter the Nine Heavens, completely opening up its spiritual consciousness and communicating with the heaven and earth energy, which will naturally trigger the disaster of heavenly fire.

In other words, if the spiritual consciousness is powerful enough to reach a certain level and is released without any scruples, it may cause a catastrophe of heavenly fire. After experiencing the tempering of heavenly fire, the Nascent Soul is transformed into the Yuanshen. With the blessing of this heaven and earth energy, it can naturally control more powerful power.

Taishi's idol was added to the grandmaster's consummation, and Gao Xian was a little carried away in his excitement. On the other hand, he did not expect that the Five Qi Cave Heaven would also cause a catastrophe.

It is not difficult to take advantage of the situation to overcome the tribulation, but it will ruin his cultivation plan.

Gao Xian was mainly worried that changing with Taixuan God would lead to the catastrophe outside. That would be more troublesome.

The catastrophe of heavenly fire is like a fire burning the sky. Its powerful vision can be clearly seen hundreds of millions of miles away. If the Heavenly Fire Tribulation was created within the Xuanming Sect, I don’t know how many powerful gods it would attract.

Wuqi Cave Heaven is self-contained and sealed inside and outside. No matter what he does, it will be fine. As for those evil things and monsters, they are naturally restrained by the heavenly fire. I would never dare to come over and join in the fun.

On the other hand, Gao Xian was also quite curious about the Heavenly Fire Tribulation. When he became the master of Yaoguang Palace, the first thing he did was to read all the secret books of Yaoguang Palace.

When one's cultivation reaches his level, the most important thing is to broaden one's horizons and learn various advanced experiences.

knowledge is power!

A super-large sect like the Xuanming Sect has produced countless powerful masters of divine transformation over the past ten thousand years, and countless Nascent Soul Lords have once impacted the realm of divine transformation.

The sect has many detailed records about the catastrophe of heavenly fire that transformed the gods. It also includes the experiences of many losers.

The Xuanming Sect has a profound foundation, and most of the Nascent Soul True Monarchs who cannot survive the Heavenly Tribulation of Transformation into Gods can survive. We have accumulated a lot of experience in this regard.

The calamity of heavenly fire tempers the Yin gods and souls. This is also an extremely precious training opportunity for True Lord Nascent Soul. You must know that this kind of heavenly fire can only be triggered by the resonance between the Nascent Soul Lord and the qi of heaven and earth.

This kind of heavenly fire contains indescribable mysteries of heaven and earth, which are indescribable inspirations and can be regarded as extremely precious resources for cultivation.

However, the catastrophe of sky fire is too dangerous, and no one dares to say that they can easily overcome it with full confidence. Even if they know the mystery of the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, no one dares to use the Heavenly Fire Tribulation as a cultivation resource.

Gao Xian never thought about this, but he just happened to meet it. He was too scrupulous about attaining enlightenment and becoming a god, so he wanted to take this opportunity to temper himself.

Of course, the risks here are also very high. After all, it is a natural disaster, and it is no joke.

He has a pure Yang treasure in his soul, and a red lotus of karma fire in his hand, which is enough to protect his soul. There are also many artifacts, such as the Blood River Tianzunhua Yuanshu, the Pojun Divine Ruins, etc. Even so, this matter is quite dangerous.

Gao Xian is not an adventurous person, he prefers to move forward step by step according to the plan. This time he wanted to take the risk, mainly because he was stimulated by Xuanyang Taoist Master.

A Nascent Soul that could counter-slash a powerful person who transformed into a god really put him under tremendous pressure.

He had boasted so much in front of Taoist Xuanyang that he came to see him because he couldn't win the first place in the battle. He was confident when he spoke, so he also spoke with confidence.

If you fail to win first place, it will be more than just a shame. Xuanyang Dao Zun may not want his head, but if he offends this Dao Zun, it will be difficult to get along in the Xuan Ming Sect.

Gao Xian could see that Tao Zun Xuanming still valued this number one in fighting skills. Otherwise, teaching him the Five Qi Hunyuan Wheel would not have been in vain.

It is not difficult to leave Xuanming Sect. The problem is that with his level of cultivation, it is not easy to join other sects. If you don't join the sect, will you live like a savage?

Not to mention that he is not alone. He has a brother, a lover, an apprentice, an adopted daughter, and leads a group of people to live in the wilderness? Just preparing the resources for cultivation is enough to give him a headache!

If it weren't for the sudden changes in the world, it wouldn't be impossible to find a place to establish a sect. Now this road is a dead end.

Maybe you can go overseas, but that is your last option.

Jiuzhou is protected by a huge legal domain, and no monsters or monsters above level six can enter. When you go overseas, if you are unlucky enough to encounter a sixth-level evil creature, you will be wiped out.

The most important thing is that Gao Xian is not convinced. He held the Feng Yue Bao Jian and swept all the way. Those who were not convinced were either killed by him or killed by him...

I don’t believe it, even if it’s true or false, it can be more awesome than me!
Gao Xian thought of this and made up his mind, I am the son of destiny, destined to be a peerless strong man who will be revered in heaven! I'm still afraid of your little fire disaster!
Facing the sea of ​​fire and clouds, he harnessed the escaping light and rushed in directly.

The extremely intense flames immediately engulfed Gao Xian, and his powerful consciousness was quickly engulfed by the layers of heavenly fire. Looking around, there were red flames in all directions.

Gao Xian felt severe burning pain all over his body, as if his skin was scorched by the flames in an instant.

He also knew that this was an illusion caused by the incineration of his consciousness by heavenly fire, which made him think that his body was scorched. In fact, the outermost layer has the Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes, then the Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Taoist Clothes, and the Five Elements Lotus Crown, plus the Five Qi Wheels tempering the powerful physical body.

No matter how fierce the sky fire is, it cannot harm him in just an instant.

Gao Xian lasted for ten breaths with the Tai Chi Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes. The Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes were burned by the heavenly fire and the precious light flowed, and he actually resisted for a long time.

However, tempering in this way would also cause damage to Taixuanmengdaoyi, so Gao Xian immediately accepted Taixuanmengdaoyi. At the same time, he also put away the Five Elements Lotus Crown.

This fourth-level artifact can easily be completely destroyed in the sky fire, so there is no need to embarrass it.

All the artifacts and magic weapons all over his body were put away, and Gao Xian's close-fitting middle coat instantly turned into fly ash, revealing his slender and toned body.

Tempered by the Five Energy Wheel, his body is strong but not exaggerated, maintaining a delicate beauty that is in line with proportions. By uniting the inner and outer parts of the five energy chakras, he completely sealed his form and spirit and blocked out the heavenly fire.

In less than a moment, Gao Xian felt that his internal organs were on fire and even his blood was burning. The heavenly fire will turn into a subtle fire-like aura, penetrating into his limbs and bones, and even going deep into his sea of ​​consciousness. In this moment, his sea of ​​consciousness turned red.

Gao Xian could see his red internal organs through the flower appreciating mirror, and every pore was emitting flames. Including Sister Lan in the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, the Taishi Temple was covered in sky fire. At this moment, he really felt like he was going to be refined...

Fortunately, Sister Lan is extremely special, half of whom come from outside the world. Although the sky fire was strong, it could not truly destroy Sister Lan. Instead, his soul was about to melt in the blazing heavenly fire.

Gao Xian always felt that his soul was as clear as jade and as strong as diamond, but after being tempered by the sky fire, he realized that his soul was just a piece of glass.

Fortunately, with the protection of pure Yang Baoguang, the soul can still hold on for the time being. The Nascent Soul is better able to bear it. With the Pros and Cons of the Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra, it can temporarily withstand the scorching fire from the sky.

Including the Five Energy Wheels, they are not advanced enough at the level and cannot truly achieve the perfect unity of inside and outside. Only then will the body and soul be penetrated by the heavenly fire.

Under the scorching heat of the Zhiyang Heavenly Fire, all the weaknesses in the body, Nascent Soul, and Soul were clearly revealed. Including some invisible filthy energy accumulated by the body and soul, it was all tempered and cleansed by the sky fire.

The five elements of spiritual energy exhaled by Gao Xian Yuanying under the tempering of the sky fire are extremely pure, and the soul and Yuanying faintly begin to naturally gather together.

He knew that he would have to form a soul next, which was not possible.

Gao Xian's thoughts turned and triggered the Taixuan Divine Form. The Taixuan Divine Form with the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu was very restrained by the sky fire.

In the blink of an eye, Taixuan Shenxiang Yuanying began to burn. This god's cultivation level has advanced too fast, and he has been advancing through the absorption of divine objects. Basically it's a bit worse.

The sky fire was especially restrained by the evil magic of the demon sect, and the Taixuan Divine Body immediately burned, and the Nascent Soul began to emit pieces of black smoke.

Gao Xian was shocked. Was Taixuan Shen Xiangfa directly incinerated? Fortunately, the Taixuan Divine Appearance has the pure Yang Baoguang and is protected by the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu.

Although the Taixuan Divine Appearance has shrunk in size and is covered in red flames, it can still maintain a stable state.

After a while, Taixuan Shenxiang could also naturally absorb the pure vitality and enter the stage of condensing the soul. Gao Xian let Taixuan Shenxiang return to his clone, and he summoned Taiyuan Shenxiang from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Taiyuan Shenxiang has the lowest cultivation level, and has only reached the sixth level of Nascent Soul in the past few decades. However, Taiyuan Shenxiang is far more pure than Taixuan Shenxiang.

With the Five Elements Sword in his hand and the Grandmaster's Perfect Infinite Celestial Sword, he could deal with the heavenly fire more calmly than his own body.

Gao Xian was surprised and delighted by this, and spent a long time practicing the most pure form of Taiyuan Shenxiang in his cultivation.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that this was very reasonable. The positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Jing also borrowed a lot of external forces, including the Five Qi Wheel and so on, which were directly added.

Only the swordsmanship was refined step by step by himself from beginning to end. His swordsmanship has even been practiced to the level of a master. It is far superior to other secret methods in terms of level.

Facts have proved that with pure Yang Baoguang, it is indeed very easy to resist the sky fire. His soul even gathered three Pure Yang Jade Flowers, which were much more powerful than ordinary cultivators.

At this point, he really wanted to thank Yue Shenxiu.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Heavenly Tribulation, Gao Xian originally intended to temper all three Nascent Souls. When he arrived at Taiyuan Shenxiang, Gao Xian originally thought that the fire would be over.

During the process of tempering the sky fire, he also roughly figured out the origin of the changes in the sky fire. Its foundation also lies in the induction of his soul's aura.

As long as he leaves the Five Qi Cave Heaven through his clone, the Heavenly Fire will not be able to sense the aura of his soul and will naturally dissipate.

However, during the process of tempering Taiyuan Shenxiang, Gao Xian found that Taiyuan Shenxiang was very durable. Skyfire is a good thing. Since it can hold up, it must be held up for a while longer.

To Gao Xian's surprise, Taiyuan Shenxiang held on, but the Five Elements sword began to show signs of melting while being tempered by the sky fire.

To be precise, it is not melting, but the restraints of the Five Elements swords are naturally fused after being tempered by the sky fire.

The Five Elements Swordsmanship has only been initially smelted together, but the internal restrictions of the Five Elements Swordsmanship are still distinct, clearly divided into five different restrictions.

Tempered by the sky fire, these restrictions can no longer remain intact. The five restrictions are already in harmony. This will cause the barrier to be melted by the sky fire, and the restrictions of the five swords will naturally converge and merge.

Gao Xian immediately realized that this was a precious opportunity, and he hurriedly ran the Great Five Elements Killing God Sword Manual, which was specially used to temper swords.

Through this sword scripture, the heavenly fire is guided in an orderly manner, and the five elements of swords are integrated more naturally and harmoniously.

After a long time like this, the five-color spiritual light on the Five Elements Swordsman shone in sequence and then converged into a clear and clear sword light like water...

Gao Xian was overjoyed. This was the true refining and fusion of the Five Elements swords, and they were no longer distinguishable from each other.

After the Five Elements Sword was completed, it naturally turned into sword light and fell on the Taiyuan Divine Form. As the natal sword of Taiyuan Shenxiang, the improvement of the sword will naturally lead to the improvement of Taiyuan Shenxiang.

At this moment, Gao Xian's soul felt the powerful attraction of Taiyuan Divine Appearance.

The sword seemed to transform into an omnipotent god. Through the Five Elements Sword, he sensed all kinds of mysterious changes in the world. The so-called celestial phase is just a manifestation of the changes in the five elements.

The sun, moon, stars, wind, frost, rain and snow are all in the five elements!

Gao Xian's heart moved, this is the god born in the sword! As long as he puts his soul into it, he will become a sword god!
He still suppressed this impulse forcibly. Becoming a sword god was indeed tempting, but it would ruin his plan. Both the body and the Taixuan Divine Appearance will be greatly affected.

Gao Xian's thoughts locked on the clone of Taixuan Shenxiang, and the next moment he left the Five Qi Cave Heaven and came to Taixuan Shenxiang's side.

He looked up at the sky. The sky was clear and blue. It was a refreshing autumn afternoon...

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