Five Elements Sword: It is made by tempering the Five Elements Sword with heavenly fire and condensing the Infinite Sword Intent.

Gao Xian opened the Feng Yue Baojian and saw annotations about the Five Elements Swords on the front. Fengyue Baojian did not have an annotated name for the sword in the past, but this time it may have been completely refined by him, so it has an official name.

He liked the name Five Elements Wuji Sword very much, it was much better than the Great Five Elements Killing God Sword.

All living things in the world, tangible and intangible, can be regarded as a manifestation of the five elements. The so-called yin and yang are actually the positive and negative changes in the five elements.

In this way, he can use the five elements to understand the heaven, earth, sentient beings, and understand the complex changes.

Looking at the Great Five Elements Killing God Sword Sutra, it is clearly marked with the perfect state of the master. Obviously, the Great Five Elements Killing God Sword Scripture can only train swords to this level. It cannot be improved any further.

Gao Xian's mind turned, and the Five Elements Wuji Sword appeared out of thin air in his hand.

There is no change in the appearance of this sword. The blade is four feet four inches and one and a half inches wide. It's just that the blade of the sword has become extremely clear and clear, looking as transparent as autumn water.

The five-color spiritual light that originally circulated in the sword body has disappeared without a trace.

It should be that the power of the five elements is fused, no longer distinguishing each other, and the sword is extremely pure, so that it can show this state.

Gao Xian holds the Five Elements Wuji Sword in his hand, and he naturally feels heroic. With the sword in his hand, there is no one in the world who cannot be killed!
The Five Elements Wuji Sword at this moment is at least the fifth level of the best level, and is actually three points stronger. Although the sword has only been upgraded by two levels, its power has been increased by at least three times.

If he had this sword in hand when fighting the six-armed ghost, there would be no need for him to be so troublesome.

Gao Xian is not arrogant, but after killing the six-armed ghost, the Taishi Temple has been able to replicate it. He will compete with this thing when he has nothing to do, and he is already extremely familiar with the six-armed ghost.

It is a pity that the perfect Wuji Tianxiang Sword Sutra has not achieved a breakthrough. Just like that, Taiyuan Shenxiang jumped to the tenth level of Nascent Soul with the upgrade of his natal sword.

This is how sword cultivation is, the sword weapon and the practitioner are closely related. As the swordsman upgrades, the sword weapon will also be upgraded. Vice versa, the same is true.

Through the tempering of heavenly fire, the true fusion of the Five Elements swords has been greatly improved. This also allowed Taiyuan Shenxiang to upgrade to four levels in a row.

This upgrade speed is so fast that it would shock the world.

However, the heavenly fire is a calamity used to temper the soul. Let Yuanying's life level jump to a higher level. Calculated in this way, using heavenly fire to ascend a few levels of cultivation is nothing.

Besides, although the world is big, how many sword cultivators dare to use heavenly fire to temper their swords?

Gao Xian was happy, but also a little regretful. If he could achieve a breakthrough in his swordsmanship, he wouldn't have to take it seriously.

During the process of refining the sword with heavenly fire, he sensed the realm of the god in the sword. If you put your soul into it and completely integrate it with the sword, you will definitely be able to break through the realm of swordsmanship.


Gao Xianzhuan regained his composure. He had already had an opportunity and had a huge breakthrough. Don't be too greedy either.

Although he did not become a sword god, he at least had the supernatural power of becoming a god in the Seven Points Sword. There is not much difference between him and the real sword god.

With such swordsmanship, it is not an exaggeration to say that he looks down upon Yuanying, right? ! Coupled with the newly made Five Elements Wuji Sword, it is not too difficult to kill the transformed god.

This time, the heavenly fire tempered the three Nascent Souls and souls, removing the foul smell accumulated from his hundreds of years of practice. It was also a huge improvement for him.

The soul and the soul have become more powerful and stable, and the consciousness has been refined, becoming more agile and pure. Including the physical body, if it is tempered by the sky fire once, it will temporarily suffer some damage.

After a few days of adjustment, the Five Qi Chakras will be able to quickly repair the damage and increase the strength of the body.

To sum up, this calamity not only tempered the Five Elements Wuji Sword, but also tempered the form and spirit, making him stronger.

If we had to make a quantitative comparison, his actual combat power had increased by at least 30% after being trained by Skyfire. This is not counting the Five Elements Wuji Sword.

Gao Xian played with the Five Elements Wuji Sword for a long time. When he saw that there was no abnormality in the world, he returned to Jingxing Palace with complete confidence.

He was leaving for Central Continent in nine days, and he had to make final preparations. The first important thing is to take good care of your body and mind.

Fortunately, he has various fifth-level divine elixirs and artifacts, which can maximize their effectiveness when injured.

If he was not in a hurry, he could actually nurse himself back to health slowly, which would be more beneficial to his cultivation.

After seven days of recuperation, the Taiyuan Shenxiang, the body Yuanying, and the physical body were all restored to their peak condition. Only Taixuan Shenxiang did not need to participate in the battle, so Gao Xian asked Taixuan Shenxiang to slowly recuperate, and he is still in a very weak state. Gao Xian even went to the Taishi Temple to try out the sword. Sure enough, although the Six-Armed Heavenly Ghost was strong, he couldn't resist the Five Elements Wuji Sword.

He had been entangled with the six-armed ghost for so long before, but he just didn't have the right means to kill the opponent's spirit. In the end, you can only use thunder to shock the opponent's soul, and then use the five elements of divine light to kill.

If the sword can cut through the opponent's body and soul, the battle will become very simple. Within ten swords, he can kill the six-armed ghost with his sword.

Being able to do this was not only because of his powerful swordsmanship, but also partly because of his progress in swordsmanship.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with the test results. According to his own estimation, he should be able to fight Lu Xuanji and Yue Wanfeng now. Not to mention winning in battle, at least it won't be too embarrassing.

Open the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, and there are four billion humanistic auras on it.

Expect the enemy to be lenient. Although Gao Xian is confident that he will win, he does not dare to be careless at this time. Since someone has human aura, of course it must be used.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light cannot be upgraded. The Pure Yang Divine Spear can be upgraded by two levels. This secret method is not bad. It is specially used to attack divine souls and defeat evil spirits.

After weighing it, Gao Xian decided to upgrade the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Wuxiang Divine Clothes.

The protective effect of this secret technique is extremely good, and the key is that it fits perfectly with the Taoist Clothes of Taihuan Meng. Improving this method can strengthen his control over the Taihuan Meng Dao Yi.

Four billion humanistic auras were invested, just enough to elevate the Tai Chi Xuanguang Phaseless Divine Clothes to the expert level. Nothing is wasted.

The aura shines, and the secret technique rises to the level of an expert.

The essence of various secret methods emerged in Gao Xian's mind, and he had a deeper understanding of this method.

At the same time, Taixuan Mengdaoyi also shone with spiritual light, faintly showing resonance. The Taihuan Meng Taoist Clothes constantly change colors, making them as colorful as a dream.

After changing like this for a while, it finally turned into a pure white and flawless Taoist robe.

Under the urging of Gao Xian's thoughts, the person turned invisible and merged into the void without leaving a trace. This is the change of Taixuanhuanmeng Daoyi itself. He can now master six or seven points of central restriction.

Not only can you control it as you please, but you can at least use it like an arm.

Taixuhuanmeng Taoist Clothes and Taiji Xuanguang Wuxiang Divine Clothes, one weapon and one method, complement each other wonderfully. It greatly improved his ability to conceal changes.

Gao Xian had taken a fancy to this point when he originally chose Taihuanmeng Daoyi.

Through adding points and tempering with heavenly fire, Gao Xian's strength increased significantly in just ten days. He was also very satisfied with this. This was all carefully planned by him, and there was no luck.

Well, only the Sky Fire Tempering is an unexpected gain...

On the tenth day, Gao Xian and Tai Ning arrived at Tianyuan Hall together. Qingle and Taichu also arrived.

Qing Le is still wearing a moon-white Taoist robe, looking clear and free. Seeing Gao Xian Taining together, she looked quite calm and smiled at Gao Xian Taining.

Taichu, who was wearing a black robe, didn't like to talk. He just touched Gao Xian with his eyes and said hello to him.

Several people waited for a long time before they saw the arrival of the two Taoist masters Zhenye and Chang Ning.

Not long after the two Taoists arrived, Taoist Xuanyang arrived.

Taoist Master Xuanyang glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Gao Xian and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a few days. My cultivation has improved greatly. Not bad."

Gao Xian knew that the changes in his body could not be hidden from Taoist Xuanyang, so he bowed his head and saluted: "Taoist Qi, if you want to get first place, you must try your best."

Everyone looked at Gao Xian with a bit of scrutiny in their eyes. But with their eyesight, they couldn't see any specific changes in Gao Xian.

They were a little surprised when they heard Gao Xian say this. In just a few days, does Gao Xian have any secret techniques that can improve his cultivation?

Xuanyang Taoist Master was very satisfied with Gao Xian's attitude. He laughed: "Very good, this is the consciousness of fighting for the first place..."

He glanced at Chang Ning and others: "Everything is ready, let's set off now."

Taoist Xuanyang casually pointed the teleportation array, and the golden light of the array turned into a pillar of light that reached the sky. The group of people instantly disappeared without a trace in the pillar of light... (End of this chapter)

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