Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 668 Thank you, fellow Taoist

Gao Xian originally thought that Zhicheng was pretty good-looking, and that he didn't see many Nascent Soul Lords with a natural, innocent and charming appearance.

Generally speaking, someone who can be brought out to pick up guests must be smart and smart. Unexpectedly, the little girl really has something to say and is so incapable of chatting. He immediately changed his mind and decided not to associate with such idiots.

It should be that Daluo Sect is very proud of itself, so it will not deliberately interfere with the reception. Naturally, it is impossible for several Taoists to be as knowledgeable as a little girl.

Besides, even though this kid was stupid, he wouldn't go so far as to goad Tao Zun into saying something to get him beaten.

Zhicheng didn't feel that she had said anything wrong. In her heart, Zhizhen was the most powerful, even better than Transformation God. Gao Xian and the others are all Nascent Souls, so it makes sense that they are not as good as Zhi Zhen.

In other words, there is no need to compare at all.

She also felt that chatting with Gao Xian was quite a hit with her. She said to Gao Xian: "Fellow Taoist come out to see me when you have time, and I happened to have an appointment with fellow Taoist Rudian from Longxiang Palace. I will take you two to visit Daluo City..."

"Dragon Elephant Palace is like lightning?"

Gao Xian felt a little strange when he heard this Dharma name, but he immediately realized that it was a Dharma number taken from two words in the verse "Ru dew is like lightning."

Wisdom is quiet and morality is clear. It's like the sea of ​​nature, the silence is ordinary. This is the order of the Dharma names of the Dragon Elephant Palace. If the word generation is right behind the word zhen, it is not low in terms of seniority.

Gao Xian is still very interested in Longxiang Palace, because he also has a powerful Tianlong that he snatched from Xiaoleiyin Temple.

He had been thinking about this thing for a long time, and even with the help of the Taishi Temple, he still couldn't figure out its use.

You may be able to get some useful information by communicating more with experts from Dragon Elephant Palace. I wonder if the traitor from Cheolwon is here?
With Tieyuan's qualifications, even if he was delayed for decades, he should still be in the late Nascent Soul stage. Even though the Dragon Elephant Palace was big, there wouldn't be many geniuses like him.

This time the nine Taoist monks gathered in the Dharma conference. Gao Xian did not dare to play tricks in front of the eyes of all the Taoist monks. He just had to be careful about Tie Yuan so that this traitor wouldn't see anything out of him.

Furthermore, this time he wanted to help Yue Wanfeng and Lu Xuanji in exchange for two top-level elixirs. You still need to have a good relationship with Zhicheng.

A girl who is several hundred years old is very straightforward and can say whatever she wants. This is good and very cute!
Gao Xian immediately changed his mind when he thought of this. Seeing how Zhicheng liked it, he said, "That's great. I'll come see fellow Taoist later."

Hefeng and Zhicheng sent several members of the Xuanming Cult to the island and returned to Shuiyue Lake again.

Hefeng said to Zhicheng: "Why did you start chatting with Gao Xian?"


Zhicheng stared with big eyes and a look of confusion on his face: "What's wrong with Gao Xian?"

"Gao Xian specializes in painting romantic paintings and sells the secret method of dual cultivation everywhere. Moreover, everyone says that this person is greedy for money and lustful. You should be careful." He Feng said.

"Uncle Master, didn't you say that you have dual cultivation and are the yin and yang of the Tao? How can this become a bad character..." Zhicheng is very disapproving of this. Gao Xian doesn't seem to be a bad person!
Although she rarely interacts with outsiders, she is quite confident in her vision of others.

Hefeng was speechless when asked. Indeed, even if Gao Xian's character was not good, he would not dare to do anything to Zhicheng. He had received guidance from Taoist Xuanyang, and it would not be good to speak ill of Taoist Xuanyang's disciples behind his back.

He sighed softly: "You are an honest person, and people's hearts are unpredictable. You should be more careful."

"Uncle Master, I know."

Zhicheng said seriously: "My Dharma name is Zhicheng, and I am also sincere as a person. My mind is as smooth as a mirror. No one else can try to lie to me."

Just as He Feng was about to speak, he saw the teleportation circle's spiritual light shining, and a group of female cultivators appeared out of thin air.

The water around the leading woman is flowing, and people are looming in it. One moment it seems to be very clear, and the other moment it is blurry and difficult to distinguish. The flow of breath changes erratically, making it difficult to predict.

He Feng knew that this was the Jiuyin Zun of the Huanxi Sect, and he did not dare to look at it and hurriedly saluted.

His sincere eyes fell on the woman in white behind Jiuyin Zun. The woman wears no makeup, her eyebrows are like distant mountains, and her eyes are like spring waves. The shifting gaze makes people's minds wander involuntarily.

Zhicheng just took one look and was attracted by the other person's eyes. For a moment, it was like falling into a pool of spring water. He felt that his whole body was cool and moist, and he felt indescribably comfortable and comfortable.

But she suddenly realized that something was wrong. She practiced the Daluo Taiming Sutra and followed the path of sincerity. The heart is like a child, the spirit is like bright light, the clear spirit is pure, reflecting all living things in the world.

Although he is in the world of mortals, he is spotless.

She felt something in her heart just now and knew something was wrong, so she naturally calmed down. The woman's eyes that looked forward to the spring wave were wiped from her heart.

Jiuyin Zun glanced at Zhicheng, who was looking down attentively. She smiled and praised: "As expected of a disciple of Daluo Sect, his mind is clear and unobstructed, and he can see the true nature of his heart."

He Feng apologized and said, "My nephew is so frivolous that I make Taoist Master laugh."

He stretched out his hand and signaled: "Tao Zun, follow me. The monastery has been cleaned..."

After sending Jiuyin Zun and his party to the monastery on the island, Zefeng also breathed a sigh of relief. He said to Zhicheng: "Xiao Jinse should be born with magical powers and can confuse people's minds. It is exactly the opposite of your Taiming Zhicheng way. Your cultivation is not as good as her. Be careful to keep a distance from this woman."

It is difficult to explain clearly in words this kind of life and death in cultivation.

Hefeng was very knowledgeable, and when he saw Zhicheng's situation, he knew that she had suffered a little loss just now, and was almost confused by Xiao Jinse's eyes. This was not Xiao Jinse's deliberate casting, but her approach was exactly the opposite of Zhicheng's. So as soon as the two met, it was natural for them to be involved. Fortunately, it was not a real action, and Zhicheng did not really suffer.

It is also a good thing for Zhicheng to receive a little lesson.

Zhicheng nodded and said: "Uncle Master is right. This woman is a monster and is not compatible with me!"

She turned around and asked curiously: "Is Xiao Jinse beautiful?"

The exchange of glances just now almost led to a loss. Zhicheng erased the mark of consciousness left by the other party. Now she can't even remember what the other party looks like.

"Nature is extremely beautiful."

Hefeng is the Taoist Lord of Transformation, so he will not be easily confused by Xiao Jinse. From his point of view, Xiao Jinse's beauty is all-round, beautiful from top to bottom, beautiful inside and outside, it can be said that everything is beautiful.

Judging from the eyes of Hua Shendao Lord, this woman is astonishingly beautiful. Even if his cultivation level is not as good as his, he is still harmonious and clever, with a unique artistic conception.

At the end of the day, all the geniuses read it. Indeed, they are all talented in their own way.

As far as he is concerned, Xiao Jinse is undoubtedly the most special among the geniuses. For example, Gao Xian, Ru Dian, Yue Kunlun, etc., in comparison, lack the mystery of Xiao Jinse.

The Huanxi Sect actually cultivated such a person, who looked like a pure Yang seed. If in the previous Jiuzhou Dharma Conference, Xiao Jinse would have a good chance of getting the first place in Dharma discussion.

But she was unlucky and met Zhizhen!

Hefeng has seen many geniuses and is more confident in Zhizhen. This nephew is capable of surpassing all geniuses in all aspects!
After meeting so many Taoist priests, he also wanted to go back and interact with Taoist priests Daohong. He said to Zhicheng: "You have been busy all day, go back and rest."

Zhicheng looked at the crescent moon rising in the east. She thought for a moment and said, "I have made an appointment with someone to wait for the two fellow Taoists here for a while. If they can come out, I will invite them to drink in Daluo City."

After all, Hefeng is not a sincere teacher, and it’s hard to say too much. He could only tell her to be careful, then turned around and drove away with the light.

Zhicheng stayed by the lake, quietly gazing at the cold crescent moon printed on the lake, her mind wandering as she seemed to be thinking.

This ethereal state swept away her fatigue and all the marks left in her heart, allowing her to quickly regain her energy.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm not too late."

Gao Xian actually arrived a while ago, and when he saw Zhicheng entering concentration, he waited for a while. Seeing Zhicheng's eyes turning and his aura condensing, he knew that this person was already awake.

Zhicheng smiled at Gao Xian: "I feel dizzy after a busy day, so I started to practice my energy and adjust my breathing."

Without waiting for Gao Xian to speak, she turned around and said attentively: "I saw a peerless beauty today, Xiao Jinse from the Huanxi Sect. She is so beautiful! I dare not remember her because she is so beautiful..."

This was a bit strange to say, but Gao Xian understood it. He also had some curiosity, which made Zhicheng want to erase the other party's mark, which shows that this woman is really powerful.

Of course, Zhicheng's cultivation method is also special, and it is probably because he was restrained by Xiao Jinse that he became so exaggerated.

"This woman is too dangerous, otherwise she would be a good match for you." Zhicheng said casually, purely from his heart, without thinking too much.

Gao Xian smiled and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for thinking so highly of me."

Zhicheng said seriously: "You are very powerful, there is no need to be too modest."

She added: "Except for Senior Brother Zhizhen and Xiao Jinse, it will be difficult for anyone else to beat you."

Gao Xian was underestimated by this new friend, but he was already used to the way he talked. He nodded and said, "It's not bad to be ranked third in the Dharma Conference."

Zhicheng suddenly raised her head and glanced at Gao Xian. She could sense that Gao Xian was careless and seemed to really not care about ranking third. However, the Tai Ming Zhicheng Mirror deep between her eyebrows could not reflect Gao Xian's true emotions.

She was a little surprised. Tai Ming and Cheng Jing couldn't even see through Gao Xian. He was really deep-minded. However, this man is not a bad person.

"I heard that there will be exchanges of goods and services at the Dharma gathering, but I don't know when it will be held?" Gao Xian felt that sincerity had the advantage of not lying, so he could ask with confidence.

Of course, Zhicheng just doesn't lie. She doesn't have to say anything she doesn't want to say. Fortunately, it is the tradition of the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly to exchange information, so there is no problem in asking.

"After the fight and discussion, each sect has three days to communicate with each other..." Zhicheng is Hefeng Daojun's assistant. She is very clear about the process of the Dharma meeting, and she introduced it to Gao Xian in detail.

Gao Xian asked: "Can your sect's Da Luo Zhou Tian Chao Yuan Dan be exchanged for it at the trade fair?"

"Daluo Zhou Tianchao Yuan Dan is a magical elixir used to reshape the body. It is very precious. It cannot be exchanged. However, this elixir will be used as a prize in the fighting competition. Only the best in fighting skills can get it..."

Zhicheng looked at Gao Xian with a little regret. She meant very clearly that Gao Xian could not get this magic pill.

Gao Xian smiled at Zhicheng and said, "That's it, thank you fellow Taoist!"

(It’s the last day, brothers, please start charging for your monthly tickets~) (End of this chapter)

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