Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 669 Fighting Spirit

"The Dragon Elephant Palace is like lightning. I have seen Taoist friends."

She was of medium height and slim figure. She was barefoot without socks and wore a pair of multi-ear hemp shoes, and her delicate toes could be faintly seen.

Rudian's skin color is like ivory, white but not so white. It has a warm and natural luster, making the whole person look very sunny. Especially her pair of crooked eyes, which always seem to have a bit of a smile, which is very cute.

When Gao Xian saw the bright eyes, he couldn't help but think of Zhou Yuling. When Yuling smiled, her eyes were as crescent-shaped as the crescent moon. The difference is that Yu Ling's eyes always have a bit of coquettishness, like electricity but purer.

In fact, Zhicheng is also girlish, but she is a little naive. Although Rudian is lively, it is the kind of purity that washes away the world of mortals. This seems to be the same as sincerity that is ignorant of worldly affairs, but it is fundamentally different.

The most important point is that the electric body training is very strong. Her seemingly delicate and frail body contained terrifying power.

Gao Xian had seen many masters along the way, but this was the first time he saw such a superb body-refining technique. Not worse than him, even stronger.

This surprised him a little. His Five Qi Chakra was blessed by Fengyue Baojian, and it was incomparably consistent with his own positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra.

In this realm, he originally thought that he could crush all the body-refining cultivators at the Yuanying level. As a result, when I arrived at Daluo Sect, I met such a strong body refiner.

When the body refining technique reaches this level, it becomes more and more difficult to practice. This young girl looks like an electrician and looks like she must be no more than three hundred years old. I don’t know how she practices it!

Gao Xian politely bowed his head and returned the greeting: "Xuanming taught Gao Xian, and I also ask fellow Taoist to give you more advice in the future."

Rudian smiled brightly: "Senior brother is too humble. I am not good at cultivation and I need more guidance from senior brother."

Zhicheng stared at the side and asked in confusion: "Are these two fellow Taoists always so humble and polite?"

"It's always better to be polite." Gao Xian explained with a smile.

Zhicheng shook her head. She actually didn't like such useless politeness. With Gao Xian and Rudian's magnanimity, there is no need to be so vulgar.

She said: "The two fellow Taoists are here for the first time. Let's go to Daluo City together. I'll treat the two fellow Taoists to a drink."

Zhicheng became obviously excited when he talked about drinking. On the one hand, she likes drinking. On the other hand, she prefers drinking with her friends.

Especially for this kind of friends she made for the first time, she felt that it was very satisfying to sit together and drink and chat.

Rudian nodded: "It all depends on the arrangements of fellow Taoists."

She comes out to see things, whether it's drinking or something, she does everything. Of course, this is also her sincerity.

This somewhat naive Nascent Soul Lord has a very charming charm that makes people believe.

Gao Xian naturally did as he pleased. On the first day he came to Daluo Sect, he didn't think about what he was going to accomplish. Even if Zhicheng is a fool, he is not something he can easily manipulate.

Zhicheng obtained the consent of the two, and she was very happy. He immediately took out the teleportation talisman and teleported Gao Xian and Rudian together.

The huge teleportation aura shone unusually brightly in the night, attracting many spiritual observations.

Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful now, and coupled with the Five Energy Wheel, he is extremely sensitive to all kinds of spiritual consciousness. As soon as the opponent's consciousness falls, he can immediately generate a reaction and capture the opponent's position.

There were a few consciousnesses that looked at him directly with obvious malice, or in other words, unceremoniously. A blue light flashed deep in Gao Xian's eyes, and he could clearly see several spiritual consciousness masters.

Judging from the appearance and demeanor of the other party, they are all Nascent Soul Lords from the nine major sects. They should all be opponents who will participate in this law conference.

We are strangers, but we are destined competitors. It's only natural to have some malice. It's rare to see someone as naive as Zhicheng.

Rudian's mind is as pure as washing, and even if he starts a fight, there may not be any ill will. This is a very high level of spiritual cultivation.

Gao Xian has seen so many Buddhist masters, that is to say, Rudian is really like a high monk in cultivation. What made him appreciate even more was that the other party didn't pretend to be sophisticated.

Cultivation is in every word and deed, in eating and sleeping.

The teleportation aura dissipated, and the three Gao Xians appeared in the center of a huge teleportation circle.

Zhicheng gestured to an elderly cultivator outside the circle: "I'm bringing two friends over to play. Senior brother will help me register."

The wrinkled Nascent Soul Lord smiled wryly and nodded in agreement.

Gao Xian nodded to the old man. This man looked to be at least two thousand years old. It was hard work to guard the teleportation circle at this age.

He turned his eyes and saw Daluo City in front of him, and he no longer had the intention to pay attention to an old man.

Daluo City occupies an extremely large area, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and is divided into dozens of huge areas. In the night, the stars in Daluo City spread out into a sea of ​​light, giving off a prosperous and prosperous atmosphere.

Daluo City can be called the most powerful city in Jiuzhou, and Gao Xian is quite looking forward to this city. When I saw Daluo City with my own eyes, I didn’t see anything special about it. It can only be said that Daluo City is big enough and prosperous enough.

From his point of view, such a huge city could accommodate at least tens of millions of cultivators. In his previous life, a large city with a population of tens of millions required various supporting facilities to meet various living and working needs.

This era is actually more technologically advanced and smarter, and the energy used is purer and more environmentally friendly. At present, it seems to be inexhaustible.

That's it. To maintain the normal operation of such a huge city requires strong infrastructure and stable order.

Gao Xian looked at the bustling Daluo City below and naturally felt a sense of joy. The human race can be so prosperous, and people of the same species will instinctively feel happy about it.

There is no other reason, it is that this worldly fireworks embodies the light of human civilization.

It was also the first time for Rudian to see such a huge and prosperous city. She looked at it blankly like Gao Xian, with complicated eyes in her bright eyes.

Zhicheng proudly pointed to Daluo City in front and said: "This city is divided into seventy-two squares, with a total of more than 70 million monks. It is the largest city in Jiuzhou..."

She then pointed to the teleportation circle at her feet and said: "This is the Thirty-Six Tiangang Floating Islands. At that time, Tianzun moved a Feitian Mountain back from overseas with his peerless magic power, cut it into thirty-six floating islands, and surrounded Daluo City. Among them. Such a convergence of the power of heaven's magnetism and earth's magnetism, triggering the gathering of endless spiritual energy, can support such a large number of cultivators..."

"This city has survived seven catastrophes of heaven and earth and has a history of more than 70,000 years. It is not only the largest city of the human race, but also the first ancient city of the human race,"

Gao Xian turned his eyes and had a clear view of the surrounding floating islands.

The floating islands are flat at the top and sharp at the bottom, like an inverted mountain peak. The space on the floating island is hundreds of miles in radius, and there are various buildings there. The entire island is filled with fine runes.

The floating island is connected to the sky magnet and the earth magnet below, and they are connected to each other, forming a huge and exquisite array system with Daluo City.

Gao Xian had no accomplishments in the magic circle, but he could tell that this magic circle was extraordinary and really looked like a fairyland on earth.

In recent years, Donghuang has continued to expand, and everyone in Mingzhou has become very negative. Seeing such a grand and prosperous city of cultivators really inspired Gao Xian.

After seven calamities without falling or being damaged, Daluo City is so awesome? !

Gao Xian has read so many classics, but has never seen any records in this area. He thought about it again and felt that there was no need for Zhicheng to lie. Daluo Sect was known as the best in Jiuzhou, and it was natural for him to have such a background. He also suddenly understood why Xuanyang Taoist Master was so convinced of Daluo Sect. There was indeed a huge gap between the two sects.

That's why he declared that he wanted to be the first in fighting skills, so Taoist Xuanyang would be so supportive!
Daluo City looks really good. If the Xuanming Sect is destroyed, it is not impossible to go and settle in Daluo City. Gao Xian's mind was not on the martial arts competition at the moment. There was nothing to think about. Everyone relied on their abilities.

He couldn't win despite all the preparations, so there's nothing to say.

On the contrary, it is more important to retreat in the future!

Zhicheng didn't know what Gao Xian was thinking, so she greeted her warmly: "The Red Phoenix wine in Tianlan Tower on this island is the best. I'll treat two fellow Taoists to have a drink..."

Each of Tiangang's thirty-six floating islands has one square, and together with the seventy-two squares in Daluo City, there are one hundred and eight squares, which is the number of Tiangang and Earthly Evils.

There are more than 100,000 cultivators on this island, which is quite lively.

Along the way, Gao Xian has found that the worst cultivators here are at the foundation-building level, and golden elixirs are even more common. Only those shop assistants and so on are at the level of Qi training.

Tianlan Tower is located on the edge of Fang City. If you open the window, you can see Daluo City below, floating islands in the distance, distant mountains and stars in the sky. The view is excellent.

Zhicheng was obviously very familiar with this place. She asked the waiter to serve a few bottles of wine and directly paid the bill with a handful of high-grade spiritual stones.

Gao Xian was a little surprised. It was rare for the wine sold in a restaurant to be so expensive.

"Red Phoenix wine is brewed from Luofengshan Liquan. It is said that a Red Phoenix often drank from this spring in ancient times..."

Zhicheng's little mouth is very eloquent, and she casually introduces various customs and customs in Daluo City, which is very interesting.

Rudian and Gao Xian are also very good at chatting and very knowledgeable. They chatted casually, but they were quite congenial. Especially Zhicheng, whose face was flushed after a few glasses of wine, and his eyes were filled with a hint of drunkenness.

Rudian's expression did not change at all, and it was obvious that this small amount of wine had no effect on her.

"Daoyou's ability to drink..." Zhicheng admired Rudian's ability to drink. She was almost drunk, but Rudian didn't react at all.

"I follow the body-refining path, which is different from fellow Taoist." Rudian smiled and said, "Today's wine is very delicious, and I would like to thank fellow Taoist for the treat."

"We hit it off right away, no need to be polite." Zhicheng waved her hands in a sly manner. She was very satisfied with today's party. It was just the atmosphere she wanted.

Rudian asked Gao Xian out of curiosity: "Is your fellow Taoist also proficient in body refining?"

Gao Xian praised: "Dragon Elephant Palace's body refining skills are the best in all nine continents, and everyone knows that. I dare not say that I am proficient in front of fellow Taoists, I can only say that I have a rough knowledge of it."

"Fellow Taoist is too humble."

Rudian looked at Gao Xian with a serious look in her bright eyes: "My fellow Taoist is perfect both internally and externally, and his cultivation is even higher than mine."

"Don't dare."

Gao Xian said a few words modestly, and then asked: "Dao Dao, my dear friend, I practice the divine elephant to suppress prisons. I have heard about the reputation of this method for a long time, but I have never seen it before."

"I'm just born with some brute strength, it's nothing."

Rudian shook her head slightly. When she was condensing the Nascent Soul, she realized various things in her previous life and understood the six magical powers of her sect. Among them, her mind power can sense other people's various emotions and thoughts, and perceive the other person's level of cultivation.

Sitting face to face with Gao Xian, she could not sense Gao Xian's emotions, and it was difficult for her to understand Gao Xian's true cultivation level. She knew that Gao Xian's cultivation level was extremely high.

From her point of view, Gao Xian definitely has the ability to compete for the first place in fighting skills. Of course, she may not lose. In battles, it's not just whoever has the highest level of cultivation will win.

Zhicheng was a little drunk, so he spoke more casually. Seeing that the two of them were being polite and modest, she said casually: "These two fellow Taoists are very powerful. I think they both have a chance to compete for second place."

Gao Xian laughed, and Rudian also pursed her lips and smiled, and she said: "I heard that my Taoist friend Zhizhen killed the god and demon king in reverse, and his magical power is unparalleled. I can't compare with it."

She was very careful with her words. She only said that she couldn't compare, but she didn't bring Gao Xian with her. Of course, she was just being polite. No matter how strong you are, you still have to fight to determine the winner!

"Hey, it's so funny that you guys are bragging..."

Someone outside the room said loudly: "The fight hasn't started yet, the first and second places have been arranged for you! I've heard for a long time that Daluo Sect is arrogant and arrogant. Today I have seen it."

"And you, a man and a woman, take yourselves too seriously."

The voice of the person speaking was high and sharp, and it was impossible to tell the difference between male and female.

Zhicheng's little face wrinkled up, and a few people drank behind closed doors, saying whatever they wanted to say. The man outside the door not only eavesdropped, but also made provocations, which made her a little unhappy.

The door curtain was raised, and a man came in, wearing a red robe as red as fire, with charming facial features, gorgeous red lips, and a red petal mark on his eyebrows.

This person looked very beautiful and charming, but he was obviously a man. This can be easily judged from his bone appearance and soul aura.

Zhicheng had seen this person during the day, Yu Wuji of the Mingtian Sect. This person looked both male and female, and she couldn't help showing surprise at that time. He was even taught a lesson by Ze Feng afterwards.

She stood up and frowned slightly and said, "Fellow Taoist Yu Wuji, we didn't invite you. It's a bit rude to barge in like this."

Yu Wuji snorted: "I can't bear to hear people bragging. Why, you've been exposed in front of me and you can't keep it on your face?"

As he spoke, he pointed a finger with red nails at Gao Xian: "Are you the guy who drew the romantic picture book?"

Gao Xian didn't want to pay attention to this person at first, but he wouldn't be polite if they pointed at his head.

He smiled slightly and said, "My Taoist friends also like my book. I'm honored."

"You are a low-level person who cannot stand on the stage..." Yu Wuji shook his head, "A person like you can participate in the Dharma assembly, and there is no one left in the Xuanming Sect!"

Gao Xian was not angry either. He said, "In my whole life, I don't even know whether my Taoist friend is a boy or a girl. Why should you be so malicious?"

Yu Wuji smiled instead: "It's a bit brave to ridicule him in person."

He pointed at Gao Xian with his big finger: "I'm waiting for you at the fighting competition, but I want to see what you, a low-level person, are capable of!"

This man suddenly appeared to provoke him, and Gao Xian didn't know what his intention was. However, this is not important.

Gao Xian said softly to Yu Wuji: "With all due respect, my fellow Taoist is not worthy of being my opponent..."

Yu Wuji looked at Gao Xian coldly, this kid is so arrogant, he is really a little angry! (End of chapter)

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