Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 670 Picking up the leaks

Mingtian Sect, the overlord of Youzhou.

The leader of the clan, Tao Zun Beiming, is said to have a gloomy personality, both good and evil. He is the more difficult one to offend among the nine Chunyang Taoist Masters.

Gao Xian was naturally not worried about Taoist Beiming. No matter how extreme this person was, he would not attack his little Nascent Soul in front of many Taoists.

Even if Dao Zun Bei Ming looked at him, it would be considered Dao Zun Bei Ming's defeat.

This Yu Wuji suddenly appeared to provoke him. He might have some plan and wanted to test his cultivation in advance, or he was simply arrogant and felt that what they said did not sit well with him.

The reason is not important, what is important is that the other party came over to provoke you, and even made a big face.

Gao Xian was not angry. In fact, he was very surprised to know Yu Wuji's identity.

The Zhongtian Arctic Pill that Yue Wanfeng wanted was the fifth-level divine pill of the Mingtian Sect. The value of fifth-level divine elixirs also varies. The Zhongtian Arctic Pill is the most precious among the fifth-level divine pills.

Even the Mingtian Sect doesn't have many Zhongtian Jidan.

Yu Wuji, who suddenly appeared, seemed to Gao Xian to be the courier boy who automatically delivered goods to his door. Even in his arrogance, he is so cute.

Of course Gao Xian had to seize such a precious opportunity. With one sentence, Yu Wuji immediately broke his guard.

Obviously, this arrogant Nascent Soul Lord has never experienced this level of ridicule. So he was really angry, even wrathful.

Gao Xian became even more happy when he saw Yu Wuji's cold and forbidding eyes. The genius of the great sect, Yuan Ying Zhenjun, was obviously also a fool, and he got on top of him with just a few words.

He added: "Fellow Taoist, please leave quickly. We are all Taoist friends from the Nine Sects. I will not embarrass you."

Yu Wuji's charming phoenix eyes were filled with murderous intent. If he were to change places, he would really hit the guy opposite him to death. This is Daluo Sect after all. No matter how arrogant he is, he will not dare to mess around here.

Zhicheng was a little confused at the moment. She didn't expect Gao Xian, who was humorous, elegant and calm, to speak so viciously. Although he didn't curse anyone, his words touched people's hearts.

Although she hated Yu Wuji who suddenly barged in, she couldn't help but sympathize with him at this moment. If it were her, she would probably cry in anger at this moment.

Rudian also looked at Gao Xian curiously. This fellow Taoist had a very vicious mouth, but it was quite interesting! As for Yu Wuji's reaction, she didn't care much.

The reputation of the Mingtian Sect has never been very good. As the direct descendant of the sect, Yu Wuji behaves arrogantly and domineeringly. This is his true face, and he is definitely not pretending.

It's just that the other party happened to come here, which is indeed a bit strange. Maybe someone is causing trouble behind the scenes. I want to test Gao Xian.

But this little trick is actually of no use. The gap between the two sides is very small, and tactics and techniques can be used to take advantage. From her point of view, there was a big difference between Yu Wuji and Gao Xian.

Although what Gao Xian said was unpleasant, it was actually the truth.

Of course, Yu Wuji didn't have this awareness. He was already thinking about how to kill Gao Xian for letting out such a bad breath.

There is definitely no way to fight in this meeting, and Gao Xian cannot beat Gao Xian in a quarrel. You can only take a step back first.

When Yu Wuji left, he pointed at Gao Xian again. The meaning was simple, just wait!

Gao Xian smiled and waved: "Walk slowly."

When Yu Wuji left, Zhicheng pressed the magic seal with one finger, and the runes on the walls of the box shone brightly, and the protective circle really started to operate.

Zhicheng often came here to have a drink, and she never thought about avoiding anyone. Besides, with two new friends, Gao Xian and Rudian, there is no need to be so mysterious.

As a result, Yu Wuji suddenly appeared, completely ruining the atmosphere. She said apologetically: "I didn't expect outsiders to come and cause such a thing."

She thought for a moment and said, "This person may be going to the ghost market to buy things and transiting here."

Zhichengzhuan said enthusiastically: "The ghost market is on this island. There are three long streets, gathering merchants from all over Jiuzhou, as well as many overseas traveling merchants, and there are all kinds of rare and exotic objects. But there are also many scammers here. It depends on one’s discernment…”

A ghost market means that people cannot see the light of day. In fact, it can be found in every major city, so it’s not unusual.

The ghost market in Daluo City is obviously larger in scale, and the goods sold are definitely of higher quality. Gao Xian, however, has no interest in this. Real high-level divine objects cannot be hidden. There are high-level cultivators everywhere in Daluo City. It is too difficult to find faults here.

On the contrary, his bright eyes shone like electricity, obviously he was very interested in this.

She said to Gao Xian: "Fellow Taoist, you are all here. How about we go and see the excitement together?"

Come here, this is so typical. Gao Xian couldn't refuse.

Gao Xian didn't have any agenda, but he just found Rudian very attractive. She also had a good temper, the kind of purity that washes away the worldly world, and a kind of wisdom. This is different from Zhicheng, who is naturally naive.

The three of them came out of the restaurant and walked not far along the long street to the ghost market.

Various stalls are arranged in an orderly manner along both sides of the long street, keeping a certain distance from each other. There is a red light hanging on the stalls, and the dim red light is very dim.

The people running the stalls were dressed in thick black robes, hoods, or hats, with their faces covered. These costumes can block out spiritual detection and are enough to conceal one's identity.

Zhicheng had been to the ghost market many times and was very familiar with it. She enthusiastically led Gao Xian and Rudian inside while introducing the situation of the ghost market.

"There are all low-level items outside, so it's not worth wasting time. There are some good things inside, but the price is not cheap, and there may be some problems with their origin...

"Be careful that you can see but not touch. Once you get started, you can only pay for it."

After turning around two long streets, Zhicheng led him to the depths of the ghost market.

Gao Xian browsed casually in front of the stall, mainly focusing on magical artifacts and various spiritual objects, including some ancient books, jade slips, etc., and almost no elixirs.

Pills are something that must be eaten. Almost no one would go to the ghost market to buy pills. As for spiritual things, it all depends on your own eyesight.

After walking around for a while, Gao Xian looked at it casually, but with his powerful consciousness and keen six senses, all the items on the stall could not escape his gaze.

Rudian seemed to have never been to a ghost market like this before, and he seemed quite curious about everything. From time to time he would stop and look carefully. Zhicheng was discussing enthusiastically next to him, and asked the stall owner something from time to time.

Gao Xian walked around for a while and found it eye-opening. The jade slips and magical artifacts left over from ancient times, the rare treasures in the sea, and all kinds of weird spiritual objects are all extremely rare.

Of course, the value is not too high. Really valuable artifacts will definitely enter big stores or auctions. No matter how high it is on the ghost market, it can't be sold at a high price.

"Fellow Taoist, look at this spiritual object..."

Zhicheng waved to Gao Xian, and Gao Xian followed the direction she pointed and saw a bronze disc the size of a palm.

The disc was covered with green and red rust, covering most of the runes on it. Only a ring-shaped emblem can be faintly seen in the center of the disk.

Gao Xian took a look and saw that this broken magic weapon had an unknown age and had an ancient aura to it. Because the runes cannot function, it is no longer possible to condense mana.

It's more of an antique than a magical instrument.

He was a little confused. What was so good about this thing?

Zhicheng noticed Gao Xian's doubts, and she used her spiritual consciousness to transmit a message to Gao Xian: "This is the emblem of the Great Five Elements Sect. I remember that my fellow Taoist specializes in the secret method of this sect..."

"Uh..." Gao Xian was a little embarrassed. He had practiced the secret method of the Great Five Elements Sect and could also harness the Divine Light of the Five Elements. However, he knew nothing about the Great Five Elements Sect. I don’t know the emblem of the Great Five Elements Sect either.

Gao Xian carefully looked at the broken magic weapon, but couldn't see anything. He casually asked: "How can I sell this thing?"

The boss glanced at Gao Xian and replied in a very low voice: "One hundred high-grade spiritual stones. No bargaining."

Before Gao Xian could speak, Yu Wuji appeared from the side and said loudly: "I want two hundred high-grade spiritual stones."

(It’s March, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~) (End of this chapter)

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