Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 672: Heroes from 9 Continents

Along the way, Gao Xian saw countless beautiful women.

In his opinion, after reaching a certain level of beauty, it is no longer difficult to distinguish between high and low. Today, his view was changed by this woman in plain white robe.

Although there are many beauties in the world, this woman is undoubtedly the number one beauty!

It is useless to say that there is anything particularly outstanding about Xiao Jinse's appearance. It's just that her eyebrows, eyes, ears and nose are all beautiful, even a few hairs hanging down by her ears are so beautiful.

Xiao Jinse has a medium figure, neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin. As the saying goes, if one point is more, she will be plump, if one point is less, she will be thin, if she is more, she will be longer, if she is less, she will be shorter, and if she is pinker, she will be too white. Zhu Ze is too red.

Especially a pair of eyes, pulses like spring water. The shifting gaze in his eyes makes people feel as if they are falling into it, making it difficult to extricate themselves.

This made the well-informed Gao Xian shocked by the beauty of the other party.

Gao Xian immediately realized something was wrong. Any beauty is only external after all. No matter how beautiful it is, it cannot reach the depths of the soul.

Deep between his brows, Sister Lan also emerged. The red light flowing around Sister Lan's body was like a dragon, completely shocking his emotions.

"It should be some kind of secret magic power that refines beauty into a peerless edge. Anyone who sees it is unknowingly hurt by the beauty..."

Gao Xian thought of what Zhicheng had said, and Xiao Jinse was so beautiful that she didn't dare to remember it. There is no doubt that this beauty must be Xiao Jinse.

Nishang Tower is a business of the Huanxi Sect, so it is natural for Xiao Jinse to appear here. But this guy came here to seduce him?

Then he really couldn't refuse!

Xiao Jinse was also looking at Gao Xian. She noticed a flash of surprise in Gao Xian's star-like eyes. However, the other person's eyes immediately returned to bright and bright, without any turbidity at all, and her reflection could no longer be seen in his eyes.

She was also a little surprised that Zhicheng and her were in conflict with each other, and could barely resist the Supreme Wuji Xuannv's Ten Thousand Weapons Divine Treasure. Rudian was a female cultivator, and she also followed the path of the divine elephant to suppress the prison, which could frighten the mind and not be moved by external forces.

Gao Xian practices the secret method of the Great Five Elements Sect, which covers the myriad changes in the five elements. There is only one problem: all the methods are proficient, but none of them are precise.

The Great Five Elements Gong covers the five elements, which have changed so much that it is difficult to achieve success in all aspects. A cultivator like Gao Xian is most easily intimidated by her Supreme Wuji Xuannv Ten Thousand Weapons Divine Lu.

You must know that her destiny is in line with the fate of Jiutian Xuannv, so she was able to receive the blessing of this peerless divine instrument very early. As her cultivation level got higher, she also incorporated the changes of the Ten Thousand Weapons Divine Ruins into herself.

Turn your own beauty into the sharp edge of thousands of soldiers, hurting people's hearts and minds invisibly. Even Tao Zun praised her for her unique approach and promising future.

Even if the god Yue Zongyue Kunlun holds the Kunlun Magic Sword in his hand, he is still hurt by her beauty, and he has become deeply in love without knowing it.

Most of these changes are in line with the harmony of yin and yang. It is the law of heaven for men to like women. All changes come naturally, so they are invisible, invisible, and traceless.

Xiao Jinse thought that at this Dharma gathering, he could easily take advantage of the talented and powerful people from various sects. Perhaps only the True One can resist her charm.

She didn't expect that Master Feng Yue, a high sage from the Xuan Ming Sect and famous for his Feng Yue paintings, could resist her beauty, which really shocked her.

Xiao Jinse's face was calm and elegant. She bowed her head and saluted according to Xuanmen rules: "Xiao Jinse from Huanxi Sect has met three Taoist friends."

She smiled slightly, revealing her neat snow-white teeth: "Three fellow Taoists are here. As a half-master, it would be rude of me not to welcome them from afar..."

The maid who was following Xiao Jinse obediently came forward and placed a simple and elegant bronze wine pot on the table, as well as some spiritual fruit desserts and so on.

"This is Qiongxiao wine exclusively brewed by our sect. It is thousands of years old. It is mellow, mild and slightly sweet."

As Xiao Jinse spoke, he stepped forward and poured wine for Gao Xian and the others with a flask in hand, "Three of them are from famous families, and it is an honor to have three of them taste this wine..."

Zhicheng was already a bit drunk at this moment. She had suffered from Xiao Jinse again, but she didn't dare to look at Xiao Jinse. She kept her head down and hummed, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say.

Rudian didn't have any scruples, so she clasped her hands and thanked him: "Longxiang Palace Rudian, thank you fellow Taoist for your kindness."

Gao Xian stood up and held his hands in his hands: "It turns out to be fellow Taoist Xiao Jinse. I've heard of his name for a long time. I'm glad to meet you."

It's not that he can't speak, it's just that it's hard to describe Xiao Jinse's beauty in any words. On the other hand, emphasizing Xiao Jinse's beauty when they met was also a bit rude and rude.

He then said politely: "I feel ashamed to receive such warm hospitality from my fellow Taoist..."

"Fellow Taoist, you are so polite. The nine sects are connected by the same spirit, and we are getting together again at the once-in-a-millennium Dharma gathering. This is a great opportunity. Since we have the opportunity to be half the host, we have to entertain several people."

As Xiao Jinse spoke, her bright eyes flashed with excitement, and she asked softly with some curiosity: "How come these fellow Taoists are so interested in coming here?"

It would be normal if Gao Xian came to have fun, but it would be weird for Gao Xian to bring Rudian and Zhicheng to play.

The practice of sincerity is the Tai Ming Zhicheng Sutra, and this path is not suitable for dual cultivation.

The god of electricity, like the prison, also pays attention to the essence and purity.

Gao Xian only knew these two for a day, so he took them to visit the romantic market. This ability was really unbelievable!

"I heard that Nishang Tower is the number one holy land of love and moon in Jiuzhou, so naturally I want to come and see it..."

Gao Xian was very loyal, and he took over the whole matter to avoid any embarrassment. The blushing Zhicheng's mouth moved, but he didn't say anything in the end. In fact, coming here to play is nothing, but just bringing a man over to play would not be nice.

She doesn't lie herself, but she won't force others not to lie either. Since Gao Xian came forward, there was no need for her to say anything more.

Rudian was very relaxed. She smiled and said: "I have been a monk since I was a child and have no experience. I heard that the singing and dancing here are wonderful, so I came to broaden my horizons. It made fellow Taoist Xiao laugh."

Xiao Jinse chuckled sweetly: "What's the matter? Even the immortals in the sky can't escape the joy of sex, let alone us mortals."

"We cultivators, in the end, all want to see the true nature of the mind. If we haven't even seen it, how can we dare to say that it is the true nature of the mind..."

The Huanxi Sect's own cultivation method is directly related to the immortals. If the realm level is said to be the highest level in Jiuzhou, it is the true direct descendant of Xuanmen.

The so-called joy also refers to the ultimate joy, not the simple joy of a man and a woman being happy.

It's just that this sect has many dual cultivation methods and likes to teach them everywhere. After tens of thousands of years, this became the leader of the Nine Continents.

As a direct descendant of the Huanxi Sect, Xiao Jinse is naturally proficient in all his wonderful theories. If you can say this, you will feel more magnanimous and natural.

Although Zhicheng was wary of Xiao Jinse, he nodded repeatedly at this moment, which was indeed a good opinion.

Rudian also nodded, with a thoughtful look in his bright eyes.

Gao Xian was so proficient in this argument that he didn't care about it. Of course, he must be enthusiastic and complimentary on the surface, which is the basic respect for the stunning beauty.

"Fellow Taoist's extraordinary insights made me enlightened. As cultivators, we practice in the sect and in the world of mortals. The skills are in our hands, the Dharma is in our bodies, and the Tao is in our hearts. Only in these three thousand worlds of turbid and chaotic world can we better see our true nature. Heart."

"The so-called: Only a true hero can show his true nature, it is a true monk who comes from the wind..."

Xiao Jinse also had to admit that Gao Xian was good at talking and chatting. The key is to express your extraordinary knowledge with wisdom and awareness. Even casual flattery and politeness were very helpful to her.

Moreover, there is something really free and easy about this person, and getting along with him is like a spring breeze. No wonder Zhicheng and Rudian are willing to make friends with Gao Xian.

The talkative Zhicheng doesn't dare to speak, but he likes to listen to Gao Xian and Xiao Jinse chatting. Although there are not many phone calls, they are very insightful.

The four of them drank and chatted, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

Seeing that it was getting late, Gao Xian took the initiative to say goodbye, and Xiao Jinse politely sent the three of them out of the door.

After watching several people drive away in the light, Xiao Jinse turned gracefully to the seventh floor of Nishang Building.

Jiuyin Zun was sitting by the window, looking at the bright moon in the sky in a daze. This Chunyang Taoist Master was as happy as a sad young woman.

Xiao Jinse did not dare to disturb the Patriarch, so she stood quietly and waited silently.

After a while, Master Jiuyin said softly: "The moonlight tonight is clear and beautiful."

Xiao Jinse actually didn't feel anything about this. She didn't think there was anything special about today's moonlight, but she still echoed: "Yes, the moonlight today is very good."

"The day after tomorrow is the Dharma Discussion Conference, how are you preparing for it?" Jiuyin Zun asked lazily.

"Disciple is ready."

Xiao Jinse said seriously: "This Dharma gathering is full of outstanding people, Patriarch, I will try my best to get the top three."

Jiuyin Zun smiled, and she suddenly asked: "Who do you think can take first place?"

"Nature is the most true. I heard that this person's character is pure, true and clear, he is proficient in thousands of methods, and his changes are endless. Such a character can restrain my secret method. He can also reverse the attack and transform into a god, which shows his ability."

Xiao Jinse added: "Others such as Yue Kunlun, Ru Dian, Zhicheng, and Yin Jiuli are all extremely talented. Although Yu Wuji is eccentric, he should not be underestimated."


Jiuyinzun nodded: "Your vision has been refined through experience. What do you think of the wise man?"

"This man is charming, but his character, wisdom, and consciousness are all first-class in the world. It's just that he didn't get the true inheritance of the Xuanming Sect after all. Instead, he practiced the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, and he was a casual cultivator with a poor foundation. Even though his character is extraordinary, this time It’s also difficult to perform well at the Dharma gathering…”

Speaking of Gao Xian, Xiao Jinse admired him very much, but couldn't help but feel a little regretful. This person has a poor background, but he has been marching forward bravely for three hundred years to get to this point. He is afraid that his basic potential has been exhausted.

At least from her point of view, Gao Xian was not an opponent.

"Ha..." Master Jiuyin suddenly laughed, which made Xiao Jinse confused. He didn't know why the Taoist Master was laughing. Did she say something wrong?
Lord Jiuyin said slowly: "Xuanyang has said that the wise man will win the first place in this battle! For this reason, he made a heavy bet with us..."

Xiao Jinse couldn't help but be astonished. Xuanyang Taoist Master was so confident. Could it be that this great sage really had supernatural powers that could sweep through the nine continents and dominate the Dharma Assembly? !

Jiuyin Zun glanced at Xiao Jinse and said calmly: "Gao Xian's method of cultivating the Five Elements both internally and externally is quite superb. It is perfect both internally and externally. Even the fifth-level army-breaking magic weapon can be restrained very well. In addition, the fifth-level magic weapon Taoist robe can block the breath, you It’s normal not to be able to see through his cultivation.”

The Taoist Master turned around and snorted softly, "Xuan Yang wants to fish with a straight hook, which makes me really curious about what other abilities this kid has..." (End of Chapter)

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