Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 673 Shining Light

Chunyang Dao Zun is so advanced, it is not difficult to see the details of a small Nascent Soul. It's just that this kind of observation must be compulsive, pointing directly at the other party's evil spirit.

With Jiuyin Zun's status, naturally he cannot openly spy on Gao Xian, a junior. She only glanced at Gao Xian from a distance, not even taking a second look.

If you observe a wise man from the outside, you can see that his body and mind are perfect, his breath is restrained, and his consciousness is harmonious. It can be seen from this that Gao Xian's physical training is also extremely advanced, so he can balance the body and spirit.

Although Gao Xian's aura is deep, he can still see that the five elements of magic power operating are extremely pure. In addition, the Taoist robe is a fifth-level artifact, and the dharma crown is a fourth-level artifact.

Just by looking at him, Jiuyin Zun was able to tell that Gao Xian had a high level of cultivation. In terms of pure cultivation, Gao Xian is better than Xiao Jinse and others.

There are too many factors that determine the battle, including the cultivator's own state and emotions, the secret techniques and magical powers practiced, the use of various talismans and artifacts, including the surrounding environment, etc.

When both sides are equally powerful, any reason may change the outcome of the battle.

Purely comparing cultivation levels is only meaningful for practitioners of different levels. For example, golden elixir versus foundation building, foundation building versus qi training. High-level cultivators can easily crush low-level cultivators with their cultivation, without any suspense.

At Xiao Jinse's level, their cultivation level is higher, which can only be said to have a slight advantage in combat. As for artifacts and the like, Xiao Jinse's Supreme Wuji Xuannv Wanbing Divine Rui is the most precious treasure of her Huanxi Sect.

This is because Xiao Jinse coincides with Xuannv's destiny, so he can refine this divine urn at the Yuanying level. With just this peerless magic weapon, Xiao Jinse has been able to steadily suppress a peerless genius like Gao Xian.

Although Xuanyang will continue to cycle through life states for three hundred years, this will also affect his emotional state. However, his thousands of years of wisdom and experience will not change.

Even if Xuanyang has never met Xiao Jinse, he should at least know how deep the Daluo Sect is. At least I know that Zhizhen once defeated the Taoist Huashen.

No matter how clever he is, if he can really kill the transformed god, it means that this person already has the strength of the transformed god in some aspects.

Xiao Jinse's Supreme Wuji Xuannv Ten Thousand Weapons Divine Rui is extremely powerful. It is powerful enough to fight against ordinary gods, but it is impossible to kill the gods.

Jiuyinzun thinks that Taichu of Xuanming Cult is very good. This woman has a foundation in her previous life. If she can really get the invisible sword of Taichu, she may be able to compete with Zhizhen.

Xuanyang made it clear that Gao Xian could get the first place in the battle, which made it a bit difficult for Jiuyin Zun to understand.

Several Taoists knew that Xuanyang wanted to fish, so some of them were willing to gamble with Xuanyang. With the cultivation of these Taoists, everyone who came to the Dharma gathering was clearly seen by them. There is no need to pry deliberately. If you click on a small island, nothing can escape Tao Zun's gaze.

Jiuyin Zun is actually also very interested, and the bets Xuanyang puts out are of great value to them.

If you really lose, you will have to work in vain for at least a thousand years.

Jiuyinzun has a good relationship with Xuanyang. Although he is interested in it, he still does not go up to bet. She won and Xuanyang felt uncomfortable. She feels bad when she loses.

For this reason, Jiuyin Zun could not help but look down upon Gao Xian. Xiao Jinse underestimated Gao Xian because she was too smart.

In terms of looking at people, they are not as good as Zhicheng and Rudian. Both of them are very pure, but Zhicheng is naturally pure, while Rudian is honed and refined. From this point of view, Rudian's xinxing is also the best in the world, even better than Xiao Jinse and Zhicheng.

Jiuyin Zun did not tell Xiao Jinse too thoroughly. The gathering of heroes from the Jiuzhou Dharma Association to show off their talents is the best experience for Xiao Jinse.

No matter how clear she was, Xiao Jinse couldn't understand it herself.

After all, the Jiuzhou Dharma Conference is just a party, and it doesn’t matter even if you lose.

However, this Jiuzhou Dharma Conference is indeed full of geniuses. Like Yue Kunlun, Yin Jiuli, and Taichu, there were only one or two people in previous Dharma meetings. In this Dharma conference, everyone is a top genius.

To be honest, she was looking forward to this Gao Xian and Ru Dian. I wonder what kind of grace these fourth-level Nascent Soul Lords can display.

With the changes in the world, she really hopes that there will be that kind of peerless talent among the human cultivators, who can shine with a light that astonishes even her!
Gao Xian returned to the monastery and did his routine homework, and the accumulated drunkenness in his body was wiped away.

He sat on a chair and looked at the moonlight outside the window, and Xiao Jinse's appearance naturally appeared in his mind. This woman is truly unforgettable!

Gao Xian also understood why Zhicheng wanted to erase the memory of Xiao Jinse, and he didn't know what secret method this woman practiced, which unknowingly left a mark deep in his consciousness.

This mark does no harm, but it will affect his perception of Xiao Jinse, and thus his attitude towards Xiao Jinse.

As time goes by, it is not impossible for him to become Xiao Jinse's die-hard licker.

The key is that this deep mark does not come directly from the secret method, but is left naturally through the beauty and temperament, and its changes originate from the yin and yang of life instinct. It can be described as superb.

Gao Xian tasted the changes in this mark and found it very interesting. He is different from Zhicheng, who wants to be pure and untainted, so he will erase it when he finds something is wrong.

But his mind is as strong as a diamond and perfect, able to accept all external changes, and ultimately transform these changes into his own experience and knowledge, creating an upward ladder.

Gao Xian's consciousness entered the Taishi Temple, and after practicing both the positive and negative Five Elements Hunyuan Sutra with Sister Lan, he copied Xiao Jinse in the Taishi Temple.

The Taishi Temple can copy the image, but it cannot copy the charm and soul of Xiao Jinse. Unless he kills Xiao Jinse, he can transform her into a true copy in Taishi Temple.

He didn't want to do anything to Xiao Jinse, he just observed Xiao Jinse's external image and studied why she was so beautiful.

Everything about Xiao Jinse is so exquisite and every bit beautiful. It's just that without Xiao Jinse's temperament and charm, this clone doesn't have that soul-stirring charm.

Gao Xian then copied Rudian, Zhicheng, Yue Kunlun, and Yu Wuji. They were lined up in a row, all as motionless as puppets.

No matter what their natural appearance is, these highly cultivated Nascent Soul Lords have their personal appearance and temperament that they have cultivated for hundreds of years.

Gao Xian walked up to Yue Kunlun, nodded Yue Kunlun's forehead and said, "He's quite big and has too many ambitions to become a great person."

Yue Kunlun was tall and tall, and Gao Xian was tall enough. He was more than half a foot taller than Gao Xian, and he had broad shoulders and thick back. Although it is just a frozen image, it still exudes a sense of tyrannical power.

Although this person is very skilled in physical training, Gao Xian looks down on him a little. This is because this person has a fierce and unparalleled way of training, but his mind is a bit deep, and he is unable to fully display his secret skills. Gao Xian came to Yu Wuji and patted his face, "Boy, you are just a dish, you know that!"

Yu Wuji still had the same unruly attitude, but his face had a red mark from the photo, which looked a bit ridiculous.

When he arrived in front of Xiao Jinse, Gao Xian looked a little complicated and said: "You are so good-looking. Please don't throw yourself into my arms. I can't refuse..."

Gao Xian really didn't want to provoke Xiao Jinse. This person seemed to be the key training target of the Huanxi Sect. If he hooked up with him, he might annoy the Nine Vagina Master.

Arriving in front of Zhicheng, Gao Xian patted his shoulder and said, "Girl, you still need time to grow up."

Finally, it was Ridian. Gao Xian pinched Ridian's triceps out of curiosity. In fact, he felt nothing. After all, it was just a simple simulation of the image and could not truly simulate the powerful body of Ridian.

He said seriously to Rudian: "I hope I can meet you at the Dharma gathering and experience the incredible power of the divine elephant to suppress prisons..."

Gao Xian turned to look at Sister Lan. He smiled and asked, "Am I a little naive?"

Sister Lan just looked at Gao Xian with a smile, her bright eyes filled with joy and love, nothing else.

Gao Xian held Sister Lan's hand and said seriously: "Although the world is big, there are some things that are in my heart that I can only tell you.

"I have practiced for more than three hundred years and am about to reach the highest level of Jiuzhou. If I win, it will be a legend. I failed to get the first place, and the ending is hard to say. Because of this, I feel Extremely exciting and exciting!”

The next day, Master Xuanyang called everyone to a meeting.

"Tomorrow is the fighting tournament. According to the rules, four Nascent Soul Lords from each sect will compete. However, the specific rules of each fighting tournament are different. It may be a ring battle, but it is more likely to enter a cave-heaven showdown..."

Xuanyang Dao Zun said calmly: "The best in fighting skills will be awarded the title of True King of Fighting. Dao Hong Dao Zun will preside over the ceremony and ask the Great Heavenly King of Yuanshi to bless the title, which is equivalent to a sixth-level divine urn.

"In addition, the first place will receive a divine item from the nine sects. There will also be a sixth-level divine item among them..."

Tai Ning and Qing Le both showed excitement when they heard that the first place had such a generous reward. They knew that their chances of winning first place were slim, but they all felt that Gao Xian had a good chance of winning first place. The two women couldn't help but look at Gao Xian.

Gao Xian was also shocked by the generous reward, but his face was as calm as water.

The eyes of Chang Ning and Zhenye, the two divine masters, flashed. The high standard of the fighting competition far exceeded their expectations.

The only one who really doesn't care about these is Taichu. She only has swords in her heart, no matter how good these external objects are, they are useless to her. She won't think too much about it.

Xuanyang Taoist Master's eyes fell on Gao Xian: "Are you ready? I will point at you to win glory..."

He smiled and said: "For this reason, I have staked most of my fortune. If you lose, I will have to drink the northwest wind from now on!"

Gao Xian was shocked. Dao Zun Xuanyang seemed to be joking, but in fact he was reminding him that this matter was of great importance. He bowed his head and saluted seriously: "This disciple must do his best to live up to the Taoist entrustment."

"Good good."

Xuanyang Taoist Master smiled and said: "I still have full confidence in you. Just don't be soft on the female cultivators."

Gao Xian laughed dryly, this old man said anything. If the old man hadn't been a Taoist, he would have really wanted to reply: "I don't have a woman in my heart, and I can kill gods with my sword!"

Both Taining and Qingle found it a bit funny, but they didn't dare to laugh in front of Tao Zun.

Chang Ning and Zhen Ye both smiled. The two Taoists knew very well that Taojun was able to joke with Gao Xian because he valued Gao Xian.

If Gao Xian can win the first place in fighting skills, no one can shake his status in the sect!
Turning around, the nine sects gathered in Mingyue Hall.

The wooden structure of the main hall has a simple and grand style. The dome of the main hall is a hundred feet high, with a length and breadth of a thousand feet. The thrones of nine Taoists are lined up on the high platform. Many cultivators from the nine sects are arranged in an orderly manner according to their sects below.

Among them, Daluo Sect has the largest number of people, with thousands of people. In comparison, there are only a dozen people from other sects, and together they are less than a fraction of the number of Daluo sects.

Nine Taoists were sitting on it, and the worst one who could stand here was a golden elixir cultivator. There was really no sound of breathing in the huge hall.

It was also the first time for Gao Xian to see the other eight Taoists. Dao Hong, the middle one, wore a golden fishtail crown and a gorgeous purple and gold Taoist robe. He has white hair and a white beard, and has clear facial features, and he has a pure Taoism. Although the clothes on his body are gorgeous, they look simple and solemn.

As for the other Taoist Masters, they all have different personalities and noble demeanor.

Although Gao Xian was very courageous, he only glanced at it and did not dare to look further. He has no such scruples about talented cultivators from other sects.

Everyone lowered their eyes and lowered their heads in front of Tao Zun, not daring to look away.

Gao Xian tilted his head slightly, taking a clear view of both sides.

Of course, he was most curious about Da Luo Zong Zhi Zhen. He had been hearing about this name since he came to Da Luo Zong. Today he could see the real person.

Zhizhen's facial features are extremely beautiful, her complexion is crystal white, and her figure is slender. Wearing a wide, bright yellow Taoist robe, he had a bun on his head and an ebony hairpin. Apart from that, he actually didn't wear any miter.

Zhizhen's whole person is like glass, with a kind of clarity and warmth both inside and outside.

Gao Xian was a little confused because he couldn't tell whether Zhizhen was a boy or a girl? This person is obviously extremely pure and has nothing to hide, but on the contrary, it makes it impossible to see anything clearly, and he can't even tell his true gender.

He couldn't help but think of what Taoist Xuanyang said yesterday, don't be soft on women, is it really a woman...

(I’m asking for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month~ Please give me more support~ Bow~) (End of this chapter)

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